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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FU > FUNDAMENTAL (124)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 345:
345. In ancient cults there always remained vestiges of ageless spiritual teachings. Even the old choral ring dance retained fundamental spirituality. In the center of the ring was placed the chosen one - most often a woman. Around her, in the ritual, circled the figures of the chorus. The chosen one in the center remained as if inert. And all the movements and invocations were directed toward her. And she took unto herself the true meaning of the circle's striving. Just so is it in the teaching of the Spirit. The disciple acquires the illumination of joy, and takes on the endless spiritual quests. He resigns himself to the ice of solitude. And then he must undergo the burden of being the center of the circle. As if alone, as if mute, As if without any help, He bears upon himself the burden of all. And thus in quietude, in the icy solitude, He awaits and readily accepts the onslaught of all appeals. Like the foundation of a building, he silently submits to being burdened. He multiplies his hands by ten; He magnifies his heart; His spiritual growth must be such that he can respond to all those turning to him; Yet he is not afraid. He knows that his time draws near. The knocking ones, the menacing and the oppressive ones, They must come; and he must meet them. And for a time he is surrounded by them, his exit barred. But the ordeal is not without end. For nearby is the possibility of the closest path. Such is the burden of being at the center. And good it is if friendly hands stretch out to one, If the chorus is imbued with good will.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.18:
It is very important to distinguish these two kinds of people. Often by an external sign one can form an opinion about the fundamental category.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.11:
As the center of a magnet attracts toward itself, so the fundamental quality of resoluteness is invincible. Indeed, the invincibility of determination is convincing, and it is an immutable condition of the true mysteries. A true mystery must be regarded as a guiding action of life. Thus, Our determination is connected with the leading concept. Put determination into practice.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.1:
A man who is depressed by resentment is attracted to a single point. Becoming immobile, the man inevitably becomes dull. Dullness, like rust, corrodes a portion of the fundamental substance.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.2:
I see a young scientist who has collected covenants from all the Teachings of the East and who says to himself, "From all sides I shall select the precepts of life; I shall discard all hymns and ritualistic worship; I shall disregard the difference in time and the errors of slanderers and translators, as the very simplest appears to be the most fundamental. From these fragments I shall compose here a single life - this is the life of the East. Notwithstanding its fragmentariness, this life will be wise and full of evolutionary actions."

New Era Community (1926) - 31:
31. The Teacher values the desire to wash the dust from the great Images. The Teacher values the desire to affirm the simple expression of great words. The Teacher values the desire to eliminate verbosity. In order to isolate the essence, it is necessary to approach from the fundamental.

New Era Community (1926) - 155:
When I advise you to develop intenseness and vigilance, I do not speak for the purpose of burdening you. My counsels foresee exultation as a final result. Those who fear intense labor are afraid of the forms and laws of energy. Let them proceed formlessly toward the decomposing moons. Let them supplement with their own dissolution that which is subject to fundamental re-formation.

New Era Community (1926) - 181:
In the community exactitude of dates is established as a fundamental.

New Era Community (1926) - 221:
221. When We speak about the formation of psychic energy into a conscious weapon, it may be asked, "With what to begin?" One must begin with realization of its presence. For this realization it is necessary to begin with one of the most fundamental concepts. Sometimes this unfittingly has been called faith, but it is better to call it trust. Faith corresponds to self-hypnosis. Trust conforms to self-analysis. Faith is indefinite in its essence. Trust confirms infallibility. We proceed by the path of infallibility. It is no superstition to cognize the power of the human apparatus. It is enough to ponder upon the processes of thinking or of a reflex, or even of digestion. One could easily note the action of nerve centers, yet something unifies their activity unconsciously, without entering the boundaries of the reason. This organ has been called the spirit, but again this definition is not clear, as in it there is no striving.

New Era Community (1926) - 227:
People speak about the necessity of feeding the mind with books - this will be an external manifestation. But without aspiration the feeding of the mind will be a formal and fruitless process. Striving must come from within, without external causes. The obstacles of life cannot influence the quality of aspiration. The fundamental impulse, which has brought the human species out of the mineral cell, must not subside when the stone cell has gotten up on stilts. Then must follow a surfeit of everything that was, and irrepressible striving takes its place. Losing aspiration, man ceases to be a conscious being.

New Era Community (1926) - 233:
233. Many times have we conversed about the broadening of consciousness and about the acquirement of may useful qualities. How then does this growth take place? If it is difficult to perceive the growth of one hair, it is much more difficult to detect the growth of consciousness. It is a mistake to think it possible to keep track of the growth of consciousness. As it happens the observing apparatus undergoes the same tension. Certainly, its antennae always search ahead. It is impossible to lose one's attainment if the dynamical factors have not been paralyzed. Thus, it is possible only on rare crossroads to inspect one's fundamental changes - this is a gift of evolution. One should not let dynamics pass into painful self-control. In actions and in results is cognized the right direction. Therefore We prefer even a mistaken action to inaction.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 142:
All have heard about the coming of the New Era. Can the new arrive in inaction? It is better to welcome a new blind puppy than an aged parrot that repeats old things. Examine the stream of the Teachings of life that have been given to humanity. Each, without affecting the preceding, opens new gates to knowledge. The enduring realities of life are fundamental to each given Teaching. Therefore they should be studied not for learning, but for application to life. Only in this way can you create the current of energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 166:
166. Everyone has within himself some kind of Yoga, even if only in a rudimentary stage or in a distorted form. People can be classified not only according to the elements, but also according to Yogas. Often in a hypocrite you find a perversion of Bhakti Yoga; in an overbearing athlete, Hatha Yoga; in a zealot, Raja Yoga; and in a bigot, Jnana Yoga. But what can match the heights of the true Yoga, which links the earthly consciousness with the cosmic pulse? Can one imagine anything that could replace the fundamental striving of the incarnate spirit; something that could imbue one with astral understanding; something that would make clear the purpose of mankind's existence? It is the study of Agni Yoga that brings one closer to the far-off worlds.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 240:
240. One should examine all ideas about death. Setting aside those who think of suicide, if a life is dedicated to labor, is there any advantage to having a lengthy life in one body? No, it is more useful to divide the time into several experiences. Economy of energy is a fundamental principle of the universe. To enter a new house filled with fresh air is to open the opportunity for new accumulations of experience.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 348:
348. It should be understood that meat is not desirable for the organism, because of the harm of ingesting dead tissue. One may permit some smoked meats, but only while traveling. But in general, I would advise abstaining from meat. It is useful to have apples on the table. The fundamental quality of this fruit is beneficial for one's breathing, as long as the fruit has not yet spoiled.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 351:
You may speak to those who approach you about how the densification of the astral will affect life, and also about experiments in making changes to the physical nature of one's locality and of nearby objects. You can point out that an experiment based on natural laws cannot be called supernatural. But of course a consciousness covered with age-old dust cannot quickly grasp the reality of things. For example, when I speak of patience it is necessary to understand it as a fundamental part of daily life. Who would turn a tarrying guest out into the rain? Such attacks of the elements are not lengthy, and it is necessary only to use the time as wisely as possible. It is necessary to understand that now spatial thought is tensed in the direction of the unification of the spheres, and human thought is advancing laboriously along the path of broadening of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 361:
The pure fundamental essence, which might be compared to oxygen, emerges with the help of Materia Lucida from unmanifest space and, encountering the refuse of life, produces a series of creative explosions. Of course it is necessary to understand that without the Fire of Space these explosions would have no rhythm, for Fire is the regulator of the pulse of Cosmos.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 441:
You could have observed already that Our Indications relate to the very heart of events. I often speak of trust, not because I doubt it, but because what is obvious hinders one from seeing the inner currents. Everyone can recall having mistaken the incidental for the fundamental, and thus having forged mistaken notions about physical nature. But this also can be said of ideas about the element of fire. Someone may narrow-mindedly muse, "Our ancestors lived without fire, yet journeyed to the grave as honored citizens. What have I to do with fire? Let it be the concern of my cook!" But the wise one thinks, "Whence come the unexplainable epidemics, withering the lungs, the throat, and the heart? Beyond all the apparent causes there is something undetected by the physicians. It is not the circumstances of life, but other conditions that wipe out so many lives." This way of unprejudiced observation leads to right conclusions.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 546:
546. Fundamental and irreplaceable is the element of fire. Similarly without substitute is psychic energy. The most self-sufficient, the most refined, the most upthrusting energy is the true Daughter of Fire! Not without reason do We call you to the Fiery Conqueress. Every manifestation of enthusiasm precipitates a particle of the treasure. Each exaltation before nature and Beauty gathers the seeds of light and creates a ray of victory. Long ago I said, "Through Beauty thou hast Light." Is it possible that We say this only to give pleasure? Each Indication has undeniable and urgent importance. Thus, enthusiasm will be the shortest way to the accumulation of psychic energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 553:
The teachings of the religions have always pointed to life in the hereafter, but those testimonies have lost their relevance. Formerly, miracles had importance, but now the consciousness is attracted to reality. The chain of incarnations is attested to by the ancient as well as by the latest teachings. In modern literature mention of the words incarnation and karma has become common. However, these truths have entered but little into human consciousness; otherwise it would have transformed the whole of life. The human mind prefers to burden itself with strange concerns, happily occupying itself with superfluous things. The human imagination has not been trained for fundamental ideas. However, just one hour of thoughtful talk can change the life of a child forever.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 594:
594. The fundamental mystery of Hermes was contained in the approach of the astral world to our Earth. One can see these sparks in the Hermetic Teachings, although they are carefully veiled. But now We will from time to time recall them.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 67:
Why should one imagine that the forms of the far-off worlds have a fundamental peculiarity, and that all their manifestations are unadaptable to Earth? The affirmation of cosmic power will be molded through the progress of most subtle concepts, and the spheres of the Infinite will become not mere carriers of cosmic dust but a realm of aspiration for the human mind. Thus cognize, and create the conception of the far-off worlds. Like a remote, reflected ray, like a response of the heart, seek in the Infinite the expression unattainable on Earth but accessible to the spirit which manifests understanding and soars to the higher spheres.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 204:
204. Humanity cannot direct itself to any goal without a predetermined decision. This decision will be determined by those strivings which have guided man. The power of the decision is directly proportionate to the striving and to that force which guarantees a decision that moves life. Thus is the fundamental cause of human action established. Thought and striving toward a decision give the direction to the entire stream of human activities.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 242:
Similarly, energies are needed to propel life. We call them movers of the essence. One should observe especially how the energy of psycho-spirituality acts. This driving energy is a growing force, and the principle of striving underlies it as a fundamental power.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 242:
On this planet energies are given to humanity which can bring life to spatial bodies, but only in accordance with the striving. Thus, these predestined bodies must project themselves out into space. The formula of the ever-growing power is like that of the fundamental pull of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the space is filled with formless processes and boundless strivings.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 83:
83. The pledge of the Teacher should be understood as an extremely scientific factor. Only upon evidence of a corresponding consciousness in a disciple can the pledge be given. The disciple can either consolidate that pledge or sever it. The strengthening of the pledge can create a powerful bond which is inseverable when the disciple's consciousness is in conformity with it. The correlation of the consciousness to the task is the fundamental condition for a mission; therefore, it is important that the disciple should manifest correlation of consciousness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 258:
258. The self-sacrifice of an Agni Yogi lies in the creative impulse and in the offering of his strivings toward the manifestation of the higher energies. Therefore, when the spirit of an Agni Yogi strives toward transmutation, We say "Since basically transmutation is directed toward purification of the space, the spirit verily is evincing a most fundamental quality."

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 335:
335. The predetermination of the future is greatly intensified when there is affirmed a consequence of striving to the Cosmic Magnet. When this consequence comes into force, each of its steps achieves its own form. The chain of epochs is molded by the way of predestination. Thus, knowing the present, one can predetermine the future. One may determine every magnetic vibration that produces the striving of a nation. The study of causes will produce definite results. Thus, let each nation trace the fundamental quality of its aspirations and yearnings. The best indicator will be spiritual progress. Thus, through limitless striving there is established an intensive advancement into evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 433:
433. Forces acting in direct opposition to each other are mutually annihilative. Forces acting in parallel and in the same direction are effective in their sum total and forces acting in opposition are decreased in proportion to the angle of divergence. Why cannot people acknowledge that this fundamental law of physics is also a fundamental law of cooperation!

Hierarchy (1931) - 108:
Verily, it was rightly said about the significance of the fundamental principle of Our Work. Beauty has been proclaimed, therefore let us safeguard its foundation. Pearls must be guarded!

Hierarchy (1931) - 233:
233. It is necessary to become as accustomed to battle as to daily labor. One should understand a battle not only as a test of excelling in strength but also as a source for the accumulation of energy. We cannot think of mastering the elements without a battle. And how ready must we be at a call, for otherwise we may waste the action of the Higher Forces. Hierarchy does not mean the steadfastness of repose, but steadfastness in the midst of battle. Can something else be substituted for battle, when Our Magnet is tense and each victory is the joy of the entire Hierarchy? If it is difficult for some to accept Hierarchy through love, let them accept it as a fundamental necessity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 280:
280. Let us turn back to the concept of love. In each book a considerable place must be allotted to that fundamental concept, especially because under the concept of love much of the opposite is understood. It is correctly pointed out that love is a guiding and creative principle. This means that love must be conscious, striving and self-denying. Creativeness requires these conditions. And if love is marked by self-enfeeblement, disintegration, and service to self, it will not be the highest concept of humanity, which extols the concept of achievement. The heart filled to the brim with love will be active, valiant, and will expand to its capacity. Such a heart can pray without words and can bathe in bliss. How greatly in need is humanity of the realization of the fire of love! A purple star of the highest tension will correspond to this fire.

Hierarchy (1931) - 281:
281. It is necessary to realize very exactly the fundamental concepts of Be-ness. The love of achievement is not austere for those aflame in heart, but it frightens those who love their weaknesses and who waver while embracing their own illusionary "I." Love that can move worlds does not resemble the love upon the marshes, where the bones of outworn remains are decaying. Above the marshes are the will-o'-the-wisps of decay, but the eternal creative fire of the heart does not wander, it impetuously ascends by the steps of Hierarchy to the Highest Light. Love is the leading creative principle.

Hierarchy (1931) - 296:
296. Thus, humanity is an accumulator and transmuter of the high energy which We have agreed to call psychic energy. The significance of humanity consists in its transmutation of this energy through consciousness and propelling it by way of Hierarchy into the higher spheres. The loss of the understanding of one's own predestination has thrown people back from the understanding of responsibility. Therefore, We remind again of the foundation of Existence. One must prepare oneself for the next evolution. Once again, one must draw closer to the great current and realize the principles of the renewal of life. You notice how greatly opposed We are to spiritism, but We often speak about the subtle bodies. We smile at contemporary hypnotism, but speak about rays and magnets. We advise re-examination of your pharmacopoeia, but offer a few fundamental medicines.

Hierarchy (1931) - 377:
Thus, during the Epoch of Fire, when Light battles with darkness, the manifestation of the Banner of Peace is that fundamental sign which will give a new step to humanity. Thus Beauty, Knowledge, Art, and all nations will unite under this sign. Thus, only the highest measures can be applied to the Banner. Verily!

Hierarchy (1931) - 378:
378. Resistance to evil is one of the fundamental qualities of those who are in search of Hierarchy. Physical qualities will not give tenacity against evil, but the spirit and the fire of the heart will create an armor against the cunning of evil. But how to understand evil? Certainly, first of all, it is destruction. But replacing an old house with a new and better one will not be destruction. By destruction is meant dissolution leading to an amorphous state. One must know how to oppose such destruction. One should find the strength of spirit to overcome the cowardice inherent in non-resistance. Thus let there be readiness to oppose evil.

Hierarchy (1931) - 450:
450. The realization of the immutability of the plan directs each trend of thought to Truth. Creativeness of the spirit demands a saturated onward striving; therefore each wavering carries away a constructive approach. The fundamental quality of creativeness is the direct following of the Hierarchy. Only thus can it be affirmed that the path will lead to the highest attainments. How else can humanity contact the Spatial Fire if not through the approach to Hierarchy? Thus, the leading principle of Hierarchy fierily impels humanity to a new advance. Without this mighty progress darkness will engulf the planet.

Heart (1932) - 2:
2. Many legends tell of the fulfillment of wishes, but they do not speak of the fundamental condition of issuelessness, which whets the desires to the point of immutability. Each tiny deviating path already dulls the arrow of immutability. But as one who is unaccustomed to the water can swim when in danger of being drawn to the bottom, so the solution of the fulfillment of a wish is found when all paths are cut off. People say a miracle has happened! But often it was only the intensification of the psychic energy. The heart, the sun of the organism, is the focus of psychic energy. Thus, in speaking of the heart we must have in mind the law of psychic energy. It is beautiful to sense the heart as the Sun of Suns of the universe. We must understand the Sun of the Highest Hierarch as our Banner. Beautiful is this Banner, like an invincible power if our eyes have assimilated its radiance, reflected in our heart.

Heart (1932) - 79:
79. If the heart is an accumulator and transmuter of energies, there must also be better conditions for arousing and attracting these energies. The most fundamental condition is labor, labor in thought as well as physical labor. By this act are gathered the energies from space. But one must understand labor as the natural saturation of life. Thus, each labor is a bliss, but the sophistry of inaction is the most harmful in the cosmic sense. To love the endlessness of labor is already an initiation of considerable order; it prepares one for the conquest of time. The state of conquest of time guarantees a step in the Subtle World, where labor is an absolute condition, just as it is in the body. A complaint against labor can only come from slaves of the body.

Heart (1932) - 184:
184. Previous human crusades are as nothing in comparison with the Procession of Maitreya. I affirm that the Great Battle is the renovation of Earth. The future must be understood not as a battle, but as an achievement. One can expect battles not only in their customary significance, but as a reconstruction of life. There may be various periods, but one can sense in them the strengthening of the tempo of life. You already sense this acceleration of rhythm. Each one can sense its impact according to his own nervous condition. But he will inevitably sense a new cosmic condensation. One can feel a direct, acute augmentation of the rays; one can feel alarm or striving into the distance. All these details will indicate the same new accelerated rhythm. One can understand how the intensification of energies builds a new step for the planet. It is not astonishing that Chaos breaks through, because vast is the Battlefield. Let us not forget to notice even the smallest manifestations. There is so much variety in the clashes of the fundamental forces of the world!

Heart (1932) - 246:
246. Many errors have occurred because of a false understanding of the evolution of laws. When humanity approached the fundamental laws based upon ancient findings, it usually forgot to take into consideration all the stratifications of the ages, which are so important. Thus, if you describe a circle in the air with a stick, it will return to its primary position already altered and full of new sediments. The philosopher who maintains that the planet is regenerated with each rotation is correct. In any case, it alters with each rotation; so, too, does the law, which, remaining impregnable at the core, is constantly encircled with the spirals of evolution. These coats are very significant, hence it would be erroneous to adopt the law of millenniums ago in its complete scope. Hence, we insist upon constant study. One cannot be satisfied with a law that governed the planet during the glacial epoch. Similarly, one cannot compare the spiritual balance of a millennium ago with the present hour. Even chemically the strata around Earth have altered. Unapplied energies have been evoked, and thus chaos obtains new approaches.

Heart (1932) - 316:
316. Even a giant can be arrested by a small thought if it acts as a dissonance. So many people start to turn around, shudder, change their direction, and in every way give attention to passing thoughts without even noticing their source. The law of attraction and repulsion by thought will be accepted most readily by musicians, who understand consonance and the significance of dissonance, with one established key for the whole composition. Whoever understands what it means to conduct an entire multivoiced symphony in one given key, will more readily understand the manifestations of the basic thought, even considering the multiformity of the task. Such a thought of construction does not impede the manifestation of many ramifications if in the very same key. And an alien dissonant intrusion will not penetrate deeply if the fundamental task is solid.

Heart (1932) - 392:
392. I consider that one may permit present daily life to advance along the channel of the heart, but with knowledge of fundamental laws. Thus I affirm the substance of a firm and beautiful construction.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 5:
5. When we speak of the non-scorching fire, we must also not forget the consuming Fire. When the nun moans, "I burn, I burn!" no physician knows how to alleviate it. The physician may even apply cold water, forgetting that oil cannot be submerged in water. Fire can be allayed only by fire - in other words, by the energy of the heart, which flows during so-called magnetism. We treat inflammation with a current; such inflammations may flare up in various centers. But, actually, the chief danger lies close to the heart, the solar plexus and the larynx. These centers, being the most synthetic, may be exposed to the most unexpected attacks. Whoever has even once experienced the inner fire understands the danger of the conflagration of the centers. He knows what agony is experienced when the fire breaks through. In most cases man is not responsible for this, except perhaps because of irritation. Often the fire bursts out due to extraneous influences, and in the case of a refined state of the organism, from cosmic causes. Fatigue of the heart actually opens the gates to the enemy. Thus the creative Fire can be transformed into a destructive flame. This should be remembered, for the outbursts develop from small beginnings. It should also be remembered that the use of fiery energy requires care. Great is the evil of needlessly spending the fiery energy of another. An Arhat can never be a vampire - this is a fundamental law of life. Therefore, wise is the law of eternal giving. It may seem that there is nothing in common between sacrifice and Fire; however, flaming sacrifice is mentioned in all Covenants.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 83:
83. The dark forces have brought the planet into such a condition that no earthly solution can restore its conventional prosperity. None can regard the earthly standards of yesterday as suitable for tomorrow. Hence, humanity must understand anew the meaning of its transitory sojourn in an earthly state. Only through a fundamental defining of one's existence in the carnate form and through an understanding of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds can one strengthen one's own existence. One should not think that the delusion of trading can even temporarily insure a secure existence. Life has been turned into trade, but who of the Teachers of Life has ever been a shopkeeper? You know the great symbol of driving the money-changers out of the Temple; but is not Earth itself a Temple? Is not Maha Meru the foot of the Summit of Spirit? Thus one can indicate the predestined Summits to the inhabitants of Earth.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 215:
215. The misfortune of people lies precisely in that they like to grasp at the second thing, neglecting the first. But the approach to the higher energies obliges them to understand that which is fundamental.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 224:
224. Benignity is one of the fiery qualities. But what have people made of this quality? Not flabbiness but full justice is included in benignity. The fiery heart distinctly understands the inadmissibility of malice. It knows about the creativeness which excludes malice as a worthless expedient. Benignity also senses goal-fitness, that is to say, the higher measure of justice. About the sense of justice We have spoken much, but it is so fundamental that one should affirm it in each statement. Otherwise what will balance personal feeling when one has to gaze at the Light from behind a screen of blood? Not without cause do people say of an unfair judge that he has blood in his eye. Thus, amidst discourses about fiery reactions we must continually regulate the fiery currents of our nerve centers. Each mention of Fire already evokes a certain tension of it. Therefore, whoever wishes to think fierily must also know about fiery responsibility. Such responsibility is most weighty, for it includes the most contrasting inceptions. Yet between the subterranean fires and the higher Light there is a broad domain!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 236:
236. One can imagine an instant without the elements of earth or water or even of air, but it is impossible even to conceive of an instant without fire. Extraordinary is the structure when that which is most fundamental remains invisible but ready to be manifested everywhere in the simplest way. Scholars do not wish to accept the element of fire in full, yet each division of it merely burdens the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 254:
254. To speak according to the level of consciousness of your listener means to be already on a lofty step. Various dogmas are especially harmful in that they propound a rigid formula regardless of the level of consciousness. How many negations, how much anger and confusion arise merely from disparity in the degree of consciousness! And not only the degree but the mood of consciousness is so often the deciding factor. Enough has been said about the harm of irritation, which beclouds the consciousness; but in addition to this principal enemy one must remember about all small distractions of thought. One must become accustomed to carry the fundamental thought of existence unobscured. Thus, when schoolteachers learn how to deal with pupils according to their consciousness, true evolution will begin. It is impossible to divide humanity merely according to age or class. We continually see how certain children are in need of adult speech, and elderly people, sometimes in government positions, can understand only childish expressions. Not for the latter children is the Kingdom of Heaven! The new consciousness does not come from mechanical formulas. Thus, one must learn to speak according to the consciousness of the listener. This is not easy, but it constitutes and excellent exercise in sagacity. Furthermore, this also applies to fiery occupations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 383:
383. It is difficult to dissociate within oneself the three fundamental principles. Of course, the fiery fragments can be disconnected. Should this be so? Only submergence into the darkness of chaos pushes aside the entire Fiery Image. Thought about the three principles can enrich one's conception of the three vehicles, but it is one thing to begin to think and quite another to continue and to develop one's thinking. The cosmic aspect of Being would seem a simple thought, yet what assiduous and consecutive effort must be applied to give it beauty. In connection with guidance you can notice one and the same condition in every case. It is not sufficient to direct the pupil, one must lead him to an attainment. Even within a household can one be certain that an errand will be executed thoroughly? How often a man goes to make a purchase and returns with his pockets unexpectedly empty! You already have seen many who, after starting out judiciously, turn away from the path and set fire to all their acquisitions. The harm of such burnings is great, not only for oneself but for those linked to one by karma. One can imagine how dreadful it is to renounce an already assimilated grain of Truth! Such a destructive rending results usually from chaotic thinking. Such co-workers are useless even for market errands - setting out to buy a turban they surprisingly can buy a single slipper. Therefore, only right and unwavering thinking can overpower the darkness of chaos.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 399:
399. Evolution is independent and voluntary, this is a fundamental law. It is not only the basic elements of karma but also the Fiery World which constitute a manifestation of conscious evolution. It is impossible to force people to evolve spiritually. A sleeping heart cannot be forced toward good. One can point out, one can set milestones, but to break the consciousness means to kill the root of the future tree. Millions of years may seem long, but neither years nor centuries exist. People have divided existence into seconds and have drowned themselves in zeros. Therefore the psychology of the Subtle World is so important, since here hours are not needed and only results are important. People are often indignant at the ordainments of the Teaching, exclaiming, "Why does not the book give the final formulas?" But such a demand proves an ignorance of the foundations. The Teaching gives the precise direction and kindles the fires along the entire path of labor. One can proceed by these beacons. One may find solutions already cosmically ripe. One may hear exact things, but the spirit must by its own will combine them into a mosaic. To affirm the path is the Ordainment of the Great Architect. As in legends, we must put our ears to the ground lest we miss a single step or whisper. Though people read much they apply but little. Yet the dates are so close!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 415:
415. Truly it is difficult to understand why persons serving the same goal disparage each other. Straight-knowledge, even in a small degree, should be developed. But mutual disparagement is one of the most shameful sins. I know of no better definition of it than sin, so destructive is the work of mutual annihilation. This can be explained as a certain aspect of obsession, but shame to those who, after having approached the knowledge of the fundamental principles, stoop to such a base state. Let the belittling and the destroying ones ponder upon their own consciousness. They are far from the fires of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 601:
601. Furthermore, let us not forget that the fiery body not only does not fear blows but they even intensify the fundamental power. The statement that blows only strengthen energy does not belittle the Fiery World. By means of simple experiments in physics one is able to demonstrate this principle. Thus, let us learn to show reverence for the Fiery World, from the simplest to the Highest.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 626:
626. Giving is a fundamental principle of the fiery divinity of the spirit. The analogy with fire is striking in all stages of development. From the crudest forms of life up to the highest, giving is manifest. One should not protest if a savage, not cognizant of the value of spiritual gifts, offers his deity his household treasures. By such circuitous paths, humanity attains the highest giving. Being of lofty degree understand giving as a joyful duty. One should strive for this degree of fieriness, for then we enter into balance with the Fiery Principle, and giving becomes receiving. Then, already devoid of selfhood, one's being accepts the highest gifts. And in such accelerated exchange an inflow of energy takes place. This constant regeneration renews the consciousness and spares one the breaks in consciousness during the transition into the Subtle World. Thus one can remember the exchange of substances in both the lowest and the highest. The unceasing interchange erases the boundaries between the lowest and highest, in other words, it raises the general level. Such work will benefit one's near ones, because it draws them into the orbit of striving of consciousness. Reveal understanding of the interchange of substances.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 629:
629. In primitive beliefs the worship of the deity was based on fear. But fear evokes terror and inevitable indignation. Human nature inherently preserves the consciousness that the great Origin of Origins has nothing in common with terror. He who feels love for God can utter his Name in his own language. Only with such an all-pervading concept can one express worthy veneration. Nothing on Earth can so kindle the fire of the heart as does love. No existing glory is comparable to love. People are not ashamed to reveal anger and irritation in their basest forms, but the sacred concept of love is accompanied by confusion and even derision. A man who dares to display loving devotion is already regarded as somewhat dubious; from this confusion of fundamental concepts issues the world chaos. The human heart cannot flourish without striving toward the Origin of Origins - inexpressible in words, but cognized through the fire of the heart. Thus, amidst violated world foundations, let us kindle the fires of the heart and of love for the Supreme. Let us realize that even science, by its relativity, keeps open the path to Infinity. Amidst the grandeur of the worlds, can one dwell in malice, in murder, in treason? Only darkness can harbor all insidious crimes! No law justifies ill will. Ill will is terrible, for it leads into darkness. But by what earthly means alone can one prevail against darkness? Verily, the fire of love.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 414:
414. An infected man does not sense his infection for a long time. Since this is true of physical disease, the more readily understandable is such a process of incubation in diseases of the spirit. One may be amazed at the fact that physicians do not attempt to observe the origin of a malady of the spirit; hence, it is more difficult for them to observe all the fiery processes. But if physicians deny such fundamental conditions, then whither may people be directed in order to learn the causes of their unprecedented sensation? Likewise, scholars and schoolteachers are of no assistance - thus people are left without advice about the most important inceptions of disturbances of body and spirit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 192:
192. Truly, mankind is unable to get out of the charmed circle of effects. How, then, can humanity overcome all the malignant energies which saturate life? Only fundamental manifestations can give the true direction; but the charmed circle, which is affirmed by humanity, will be cloven only when the sword of the spirit pierces the web woven by darkness. Struggling with effects does not lead to the designated manifestation which must bring near the great future. Rightly has it been stated that the Leader knows the cause of cosmic manifestations. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World let us follow the Hierarch of Light who knows those causes and effects. Thus let us remember when the great Epoch of Fire draws near.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 333:
333. How, then, is it possible to expect successful results, when the seeds, laid into the foundation, bear within themselves a potential of dissolution? The process of planting the seeds is, indeed, that fundamental on which is molded the main foundation. The stones of which the foundation is composed must be used with the most exact perspective of the entire structure; a breach in them can wreck the entire building. The process of planting the seed must be looked upon as the potential of all the following consequences. Thus the husbandman is solicitous about seeds. But woe to the plougher who is ashamed of his field! The seeds which are planted too deeply may come up too late for the harvest. Deep planting of the seeds exposes the earth to suffocating brambles. The process of planting seeds is a most important one. Creativeness of the potential works by invisible effects for him who is stupid and blind, but the essential nature of the field reveals a frightful aspect of consequences for him who does not harken to the Voice of Justice. Woe to the plougher who did not estimate correctly the planted seeds. Only the great is suitable for the great. Only from the luminous germinates the luminous. On the path to the Fiery World one must remember the great significance of the process of planting the seeds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 387:
387. The most frightful bane of humanity is self-destruction for the sake of obvious selfhood. A man who affirms that in serving his own ideal he must destroy all others not coinciding with his path, is a destroyer of the fundamentals of evolution. The Cosmos requires expression of all that exists, and on the spiritual plane equalization cannot take place. All the higher Teachings have in their foundation the same Source, and will not destroy that which serves as spiritual food. Verily, he who demands the equalizing of all fundamentals, of all Teachings, reduces each great fundamental to dust. The scales do not waver much between atheism and hypocrisy. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us remember who tears down the foundations of construction.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 394:
394. To feel the tension of the World is a proclivity of the fiery consciousness. The hidden ulcers of the World can be sensed by the fiery heart. Those vibrations which saturate space remain unnoticed by the consciousnesses which have fallen into the rut of world movements. Only the heart which consciously takes upon itself these ulcers can truly be called a co-worker of the Cosmic Magnet. The consciousness which is isolated from the Cosmic Battle does not draw near to the Fiery World, for this fundamental discernment is indispensable, when the World quivers in the conflict of the Forces of Light with darkness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 396:
396. I affirm how needful it is to manifest the fiery quality of recognition of merits, for without it the new structure cannot be affirmed. This must be very steadfastly remembered; throughout the entire line of Hierarchy it must be followed. An action of Karma heavily atones for each expression of ingratitude, and even the Forces of Light abandon a spirit to its own resources when these fundamentals are scorned. And up to the highest steps the law is one and the same, for this quality must be attained by inner fire, and the spirit itself must develop this property. We do not intrude into the consciousness when We see the absence of this fiery fundamental.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 597:
597. It can be observed everywhere how people dismember one concept in their own many ways. Psychic energy is subtle, fiery, divine, Aum. Thus variously is the same fundamental called, and with each variation it is assumed that a better definition is introduced. Doubling our attention, we see that such dismemberments are not useful. It is again time to begin to synthesize. One should strongly affirm the meaning of earthly existence. It is needful to simplify it. Above all cares one should remember that the path is long, and that it will be necessary to be supplied with patience and with the thought about everything useful on the path. But this necessity should be found full of joy for oneself. Without this quality the heart will still be confused and thus weakness brought in. Likewise, one should realize that courage is inseparable from joy. Even the most difficult achievement cannot be low-spirited. A slave can toil in depression, but the fiery spirit transforms everything by very luminous joy. And warmth flows out from joy. But call to mind that joy, warmth, and fire live in the heart. Be not adverse to reminding about such dwellers in of the heart. After all, people do remember about the heart, and each one loves warmth, calling it cordiality. Therefore, know how to speak to everyone about the most joyous, in the simplest words and in the expressions most fitting for all. Thus knock at the fiery door of the human soul.

AUM (1936) :
Entering upon labor, let us beware of weakening in action. Through ignorance it is possible to be filled with thoughts which enfeeble and impede the broadening of consciousness. But let us remind ourselves about the Fundamental Force. Let us reiterate the principles of the Source of advancement and tirelessness.

AUM (1936) :
The All-bestowing Principle is often forgotten, therefore let us summon all our attentiveness in order to become permeated with the Fundamental AUM.

AUM (1936) - 33:
33. Correctly has it been observed that certain mantrams have lost their meaning and retain only their sound. Thus, we see how important is vibration. For this reason much was not written down, but was transmitted orally. Mere letters without sound produce no results. Moreover, the very quality of the voice has a special significance. A deep chest tone can give greater resonance than a high, flat, or nasal one. Thus, not only melody itself but quality of voice is important. I consider that at present the quality of voice is too little valued. Not volume, nor eloquence, but inner magnetism is important - the same is a fundamental requisite in singing. Many voices have been deprived of their natural qualities by methods of vocal training.

AUM (1936) - 95:
Truly, the law of Cosmos is immutable, but it is illumined by thought and therefore goal-fitting. Understanding of co-measurement only teaches comprehension of the fundamental law.

AUM (1936) - 112:
112. It is rightly understood that so-called sacred animals were not deities, but were a natural consequence arising from local conditions. Even now people often speak about some sacred obligation meaning thereby, not a religious rite, but a useful moral action. The conditions of antiquity often required a special attention to certain animals, or trees and plants. Sacredness signified inviolability. Thus was preserved something rare and necessary. The very same protection contemporary people call "preserves." Thus, one should refer very carefully to concepts that are not clear. So much has been added to the province of religion that, because of its antiquity, superficial observers are completely unable to distinguish the fundamental from the stratifications around it. The temple even now is a gathering place where, along with ceremony, barter and sale take place, and local matters are discussed. The same piling up of confusion is still taking place. Therefore let us not be excessively harsh toward the term sacred animals and other long-forgotten archaic symbols.

AUM (1936) - 142:
We already have pointed out the significance of thoughts many times, and again We shall return to the same subject. It is necessary to repeat a dose of medicine to an ailing man, so We weary not of affirming the first fundamental - Aum!

AUM (1936) - 161:
161. For each true discernment there is needed full confidence and spontaneity. One should strongly affirm these concepts as the basis of progress. It is possible to demonstrate how mistrust and artificiality will be the worst enemies. They swallow up vital energy. They are as sharp obstacles. How much force must be applied to continue the path with fatal leaps! Therefore, the sacred sounding can turn thought back to the fundamental and to the Light. Thus let us conquer all obstacles and grow to love them. We shall not speak at length about that which one must love, because the heart knows.

AUM (1936) - 226:
226. In no medical school is psychology taught. Such a subject does not exist altogether.* The word psychology is connected with pedagogy, but not with cognition of the qualities of psychic energy. It is unthinkable that medical instruction should neglect such a fundamental subject. The cognition of psychic energy permits due attention to be given to remedies. Much less medicine is required when physicians are able to apply psychic treatment. The introduction of assistance by psychic energy will renew all the manifestations of life. Let us not separate the higher concept of life from medical assistance. So many ancient sources point out that priests were also physicians. Thus it was emphasized that the physician must have authority, otherwise he would trail behind the diseases without the possibility of warding them off.

AUM (1936) - 401:
It is time to understand the unity of the basic energy. Each experiment shows multiformity, but within the unity of the fundamental energy.

AUM (1936) - 446:
446. There are many touchstones. It is possible to test the consciousness of people by the most fundamental concepts. Tell them - evolution and development, advancement and achievement; and without any apparatus you will perceive how such a call is received. It must be accepted joyously, courageously, and with inspiration; but most often you will note faltering, doubt, and self-pity.

AUM (1936) - 468:
468. Let us firmly remember the qualities of psychic energy. When beginning observations upon psychic energy, people frequently forget its basic properties. They complicate even the simplest investigations by their own habits. Instantaneousness is a fundamental quality of psychic energy, but people have been accustomed to suppose that lengthy thought is the strongest. In such a way they lose sight of the fact that time is not needed for thought.

AUM (1936) - 478:
478. Since inspiration is connected with psychic energy, then beauty also lies at the same source. Therefore I say that psychic energy is "beauty." Thus one can enumerate all the qualities of the great energy, but as it is combined with all the manifestations of life, then it is correct to call it omnipresent and fundamental. Therefore, let us so call it.

AUM (1936) - 508:
508. Knowledge leads to simplicity. People who know each other well are in no need of lengthy and complicated discussions; they prefer to exchange words only as to the essence of things. Beautiful is knowledge that leads to meaning; only a pseudo-science will choke itself with heaped-up things and thus obscure its destination. It is instructive to observe the great number of commentaries which have complicated the simplest fundamental passages in many works. It is possible to base an entire investigation on the study of the involved paths of commentaries. The psychology of commentators, in assimilating local accumulations, often completely loses the fundamental problem. All human relationships have the same fate, when in their hustle and bustle people lose the concept of their own destination.

AUM (1936) - 513:
It is impossible to rescue humanity from such scourges if it does not turn its attention to the condition of psychic energy - it is growing in pressure. Similar to firedamp, it presents the danger of an explosion. It remains for us to direct it into the powerful ordained channel, otherwise it will terminate evolution. But such influences upon the fundamental energy cannot be casual. Throughout the planet scholars and cultural groups must arise, who, linked in cooperation, will occupy themselves with the cultivation of psychic energy. Such a network can produce the bases of scientific discipline.

AUM (1936) - 520:
520. Between radio waves it is sometimes possible to distinguish intruding voices. Of course, those are the voices of some people accidentally caught by the apparatus. So, too, among voices from the Subtle World are heard more and more often the voices of the living. Hostile ignoramuses wish to take advantage of this circumstance in order to deny communications from the Subtle World. But they forget that psychic energy is one and the same everywhere. It cannot be either dead or living, because it is fundamental. Thought is invincible, and it vibrates in space.

AUM (1936) - 533:
533. Each conventional subdivision inflicts damage upon the principle of unity. Realization of the fundamental force helps to liberate one from unnecessary accumulations. Most conventional terms have arisen from the egoism of individuals, each desiring to name an object in his own way. True, the mixture of languages also has produced extraordinary definitions. One should concern oneself with the crystallization of clear unifying definitions.

AUM (1936) - 534:
Let us compare earthly life with the superearthly sojourn. With few exceptions existence in the Subtle World is incomparably longer. This means that we must be prepared, not for brief respites, but we must especially value that which is necessary for a lengthy sojourn. The fundamental energy, thought, consciousness, imagination, and inspiration constitute our imponderable possession.

AUM (1936) - 538:
For many people discussions about psychic energy will seemingly be a state of delirium; they cannot generally understand what this is all about. They will rage in anger at any one present who attempts a conversation beyond them. It should be understood that the first glimpse of the energy is the most difficult. It is necessary only to consider calmly an ignorant lack of understanding. Thus many cannot at all imagine a state following the cessation of earthly existence. Among such people there may be atheists and churchmen, but they will be equally remote from the recognition of fundamental energy.

AUM (1936) - 540:
540. Now you can the better understand why Hatha Yoga has not been indicated by Us. Less than the others does it direct man to the fundamental energy. True, through the perfecting of muscular control and will power, it slowly advances a man, but the most basic factor with which one ought to begin remains neglected.

AUM (1936) - 545:
545. One needs to be attentive to all manifestations which take place during cosmictension. Much is noted, but still more remains neglected. People have so withdrawn themselves from realization of the fundamental energy that they are unable to find words for the obvious manifestations and events. Indeed, it is impossible to separate events from psychic manifestations.

AUM (1936) - 564:
564. In different religions there can be noticed a special harmonization of sacred hymns. If one compares the oldest of them, one may observe a striking similarity of tonal structures. Moreover, one can find remarkable common rhythms; all of which indicates that the composers of these psalms had the same understanding of the significance of harmonization. It is impossible to attribute such a basic similarity to simple succession. It may be understood that they have been influenced by One Source. It cannot be doubted that the one fundamental energy of Existence will produce similar rhythms for one form of inspiration. Verily, the keen of sight can discover confirmation of the great Unity in a broad way.

AUM (1936) - 570:
If people are asked how they picture something of extreme importance, they propound the most ingenious hypotheses, and not one of them touches upon the essence of what is taking place. Such wanderings around the essential nature of things, merely show neglect of the fundamental energy, which can direct the imagination along the right path.

AUM (1936) - 586:
It is sad if a man despairs at his first failure. This merely shows that his own psychic energy is in full dissoluteness. Then the investigator must soberly reflect how to cultivate his psychic energy. Apart from experiments, man is not right in keeping the fundamental energy in a chaotic condition. Let each neophyte-investigator test himself in various circumstances. Only diverse testings can show precisely what properties predominate in the given psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 598:
Humanity already recognizes the subtle energy. People do not know how to study it and apply it to life, yet the concept itself is unquestionably manifested in different fields of science. A multitude of proofs are coming in from all sides. Already quite a few skeptics do not dare to object and ridicule. Not far distant is the time when the unity of the fundamental energy will be acknowledged. The individuality of the energy will be no obstacle to its study but will delight searching minds. Epidemics of obsession will be arrested by physicians. From fragmentary observations deductions will be drawn and life will receive many conscious ameliorations. Open to those who knock; give help to the sick; set aright the one in error; but be careful with the scratching ones. Especially when you are striving for unity, leave behind every trouble-making thing, for it is not suitable to higher communions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 137:
137. People talk much about culture, but this fundamental too must not be made complicated. It is necessary to understand more simply the betterment of life and the raising of morality. Each one who is aware of a better life will regard with care everything beautiful. It is necessary to be more good.

Brotherhood (1937) - 430:
430. Someone says, "I know all this," but he is wrong. He does not know about the meaning of Brotherhood. He has not gauged the significance of the planet in calculating the centuries. He has not thought about the flow of the horizon. Thus, let him conscientiously acknowledge how little the most fundamental concepts have entered into life and thinking. Such realization will be the first pathway to Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 473:
473. Anemia is usually considered to be a blood deficiency, but this factor is not of fundamental importance. It is but a result of an outflow of psychic energy. Thoughtless physicians assume that it is possible to restore strength by drinking blood, but they forget that the inflow of strength will be one of appearance only. It is the same as trying to illumine a large house with a single match. Taking in blood produces much harm; this substance requires study and adaptation. That is why We do not in general advise such mixing of blood. Essentially, it is unnecessary. Increase in psychic energy is attained by the simple expedients of which We have already spoken. But in this let us see to it that there be not found in the vicinity someone who absorbs the energy. Indeed, it can be absorbed consciously and unconsciously. Each irritation, each despondency will definitely absorb the precious energy. When the fundamentals of Brotherhood are being taught, first to be eliminated are all those elements which are adverse to psychic energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 506:
506. Wise joy will be manifested also at ordained encounters. Not often do people sense when their encounters have deep roots. Vivid recollections sparkle like instantaneous flashes. At times they produce an unpleasant confusion, as if they were not to be admitted into the ways of everyday life. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze one's impressions cautiously. Besides the veracity of one's first impression there may be various recollections. Sometimes, even good people may not appear in their higher aspect. I mention this so that you may avoid too hasty a judgment. You have already been convinced of how often friends could mistake the casual aspects for the fundamental ones.

Brotherhood (1937) - 510:
510. In ancient epochs the meaning of life was understood more profoundly than at present. All the remarkable contemporary discoveries not only have not focused attention upon the fundamental meaning of life but they have often led away the thought even into the realm of mechanics. Efforts must be exerted to direct thought to the very basis of existence. The level of thinking of ancient philosophers should be compared with the trend of the reasonings of contemporary scientists. Aside from knowledge of many scientific discoveries, the philosophers of antiquity often knew how to present very profound formulas of life. It is essential that the art of thinking again rise above the external conditions, which are subordinate factors of existence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) :
Friend, how can we discuss the Supermundane if energy is not yet realized as the foundation of Existence? Many will not understand at all what is meant by this, while others may think that they understand the significance of fundamental energy, but cannot think about it with clarity. It is necessary to train one's thought upon the idea of energy until the feeling of it becomes as real as the feeling about any solid object. We speak about feeling, because knowledge alone cannot provide an understanding of energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) :
Even if man accepts the truth that fundamentally there is only one energy, this alone will not be enough for progress - one must also learn to picture to oneself its innumerable qualities. Man's customary narrowness of thought limits his perception of the properties of this energy, and thus limits his understanding. Lofty thinking helps one avoid harmful limitation, but it is not easy to establish an appropriate level of beautiful and lofty thought amidst life's misfortunes, and very few are prepared to understand that it is life's difficulties themselves that can assist lofty thinking. Goal-fitness will help one's thinking when the properties of the fundamental energy appear to be contradictory. A blind man may be unable to perceive an event visible to others, but everyone can realize the Supermundane by learning to understand the many properties of the fundamental energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 20:
Our Towers are many-storied, and research is constantly taking place. Who then will be so light-minded as to dare to obscure the accumulated energies? The rebounding blow may be terrible, and no one can avert it once the fundamental energies are set into action. Therefore, We solicitously warn against provoking unpleasant shocks.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 58:
Feelings can solve the most complicated problems of a country, but the inviolability of the individual and his dignity must be protected. Let us not be consoled by the so-called impartiality of the courts, where dignity is trampled by crude arbitrariness. It is easy to talk about sadism, but it is terrible to see that this inconceivable madness is not stopped. Yes, one must expect that the fundamental quality about which We are speaking will not be understood. There are so many small but nonetheless terrible tormentors all over the world! The deliberate torment of one's neighbor is no different from that carried out during the most barbarous eras. You may recall the crowds of the Roman circuses; can today's crowds boast of worthier conduct? Did the change in their attire change their consciousness? One must remember such conditions in order to know what Our Abode must fight.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 68:
68. Urusvati senses even remote earthquakes and changes in atmospheric pressure. Ignorant ones will ask why such painful reactions must be endured, since the earthquakes cannot be prevented. Such questions are like those reactionary doubts expressed about new scientific discoveries. How can anyone say that one who can experience the vibrations of the planet is not of use for the gaining of knowledge? Unfortunately, such refined organisms are not studied, and because of this the possibility of their use for scientific observation is lost. A hundred years from now people will express regret about these lost opportunities, but today, even when faced with them directly, they are full of doubt. The subtle sensibility is linked both to the broadening of consciousness and the science of vibrations. Both subjects are deeply significant and are fundamental to the transformation of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 85:
Contact with the Subtle World helps greatly. The three fundamental worlds are often likened to the three kinds of ocean currents. An experienced seaman pays no attention to the drift of surface foam, nor does he fear the middle turbulence, but he forecasts storms according to the deepest currents. Thus, let us not fear the foam of the physical, but let us pay attention to the subtle manifestations. We should understand the essence according to the fiery signs. The Primal Energy is the fiery substance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 93:
93. Urusvati knew long ago the identity of the Founder of the Brotherhood. It is possible to trace the long chain of incarnations and the periods in the Subtle World, yet in all this diversity the fundamental, unchanging goal of existence should be discerned. Similarly, one can see how, though earthly temples and strongholds have perished, the ideas that brought them into being have not died. Not only do they nourish entire generations, but, as centuries go by they continue to flourish beautifully with a new understanding. We pay no attention to superficial fluctuations, knowing that the essence is unchangeable.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 130:
I speak of this to emphasize that heroism is the fundamental stronghold of Our Inner Life. Examples of heroism can be seen in the past lives of Our Brothers. Will not Our Life serve you as an inspiring example of beautiful, though weighty, armor?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 147:
History knows little about the Mother of the Great Pilgrim, who was as exceptional as Her Son. The Mother came from a great family and was the embodiment of refinement and nobility of spirit. She was the One who laid the foundation for His first high ideals, and sang a lullaby to Him in which She foretold His miraculous future. She took great care to safeguard Her Child, and was a source of strength for His great achievements. She knew several languages, and thus made the path easier for Him. Nor did She object to His long pilgrimages, and gathered all that was necessary to make the travels easier. She rightly valued the common people and knew that they would guard the treasures of His Teaching. She recognized the grandeur of the Culmination and thus could give heart to those of diverse character who were weakened by doubt and rejection. She was prepared to experience the same achievement as Her Son, and He entrusted to Her His decision, which was confirmed by the Teachers. It was the Mother who understood the mystery of His wanderings. For the fundamental truth about the Mother's life to be clear, one must understand the local conditions of those times. However, She was led by Her insight into the future and was able to rise above the customs of Her country.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 148:
148. Urusvati will not forget to write about the music of the spheres, which she heard today. In it were expressed the fundamental details of coming events, their grandeur and their sadness. Great is the creation of these events, and profound is the sadness that success should be achieved at so great a price.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 166:
Let us now turn to the great philosopher, Anaxagoras. The foundations of his Teachings seemed new for many centuries. Even today, his theory of the indestructibility of matter as the fundamental substance can be considered new, and his idea of the Highest Intelligence could easily have been conceived by modern scientists. He absorbed the refinement of Greek thought, loved art, and frequently helped Pericles with his sound advice. He was therefore an inner director of many decisions. He possessed great dignity, defended his friends, and preferred exile to dishonor.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 183:
Be assured that only a few contemplate the far-off worlds, or think about the continuity of life, and the very ideas that would help to improve life are neglected. It is not the acceleration of technical discoveries that leads to concentration of the mind, but the desire of people themselves to learn something new. Yet, how can they learn if the most fundamental truths have not found a place in their consciousness? One must do more than listen politely to these truths; one must apply them as reality.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 213:
It should be recognized that the energy of thought is one of the highest manifestations of Primal Energy. It is impossible to isolate thought from the fundamental energy of Cosmos. Precisely, it is thought that eternally moves the fundamental energy. Thought generates certain currents that serve as the awakeners, or, so to speak, the rejuvenators of the Universe. Thus, when I say that thinking beings participate in world-creation, it can be understood literally, not allegorically. It follows then, that man has a great responsibility for the quality of his thought. Each kind and strong thought produces beautiful vibrations, but an evil one strews Earth with deadly dross.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 251:
251. Urusvati knows about the diversity of cosmic events. The subtle quality of manifestations of the fundamental energies should be especially emphasized. People expect only the grossest phenomena, and will accept nothing less than complete darkness at midday, or the entire earth in flames. But sudden, spectacular events such as these do not occur, because the harmony of Cosmic Law does not permit such shocks.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 264:
The time has come when the fundamental principles of life must be renewed. Urusvati correctly feels that humanity needs simple words. It is absurd to learn to recognize the higher energies without knowing their purpose!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 279:
Nevertheless, one should become accustomed to cosmic diversity. Our planet, with its subtle spheres, can be influenced in the most unexpected ways by the far-off worlds. It is wrong to think that our solar system is entirely isolated. On the contrary, all the worlds are subtly interrelated. The fundamental law is immutable, but each planet creates and projects its individual characteristics.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 287:
287. Urusvati knows that the fundamental fiery energy can make objects not only luminous but transparent. During powerful phenomena the transparency is almost enough to contradict the usual notion of a solid body. But such manifestations can seldom be observed by the naked eye. One cannot expect the fiery element to be manifested in a routine way, since such fiery tension can become as destructive as a strong electrical explosion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 289:
289. Urusvati knows that the understanding of the fundamental principles and agreement about them among co-workers is the main guarantee of success. What can be worse than a mob of people who understand the rhythmic power of words and numbers, but cannot agree about life's fundamental principles? We put particular stress upon the understanding of these foundations, for without it knowledge itself is not only useless, but even harmful.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 289:
We are alarmed when We hear someone intoning a well-memorized ritual, for if one repeats the words continuously, an unexpectedly powerful rhythm may be established that could actually destroy him! We condemn such irresponsibility. Imagine what would happen if a group of guards were to start firing their weapons indiscriminately in all directions. They could kill each other! The same thing could happen if a group of people were to repeat a memorized ritual without a harmonious understanding of the fundamental truth that underlies it.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 289:
We have spoken before about unification, which means first of all the harmonious, mutual understanding of the fundamental truth. People may raise their hands together in solemn oath, but that does not mean that they are all in agreement. Actions taken simultaneously do not necessarily signify unity, and without inner harmony such actions will only cause disturbances of the atmosphere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 303:
303. Urusvati knows that the foundations of life should be expressed in every human action. It is not enough just to read and discuss fundamental truths; they must permeate one's life so that they need not be mentioned at all. For this one must learn to distinguish the different levels of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 303:
We watch the process of human thinking and rejoice when the three strata are united in harmony. You must realize that these three layers of consciousness are only crude distinctions, and that in reality there are many more subdivisions. But let us now consider only the fundamental three, so as not to complicate the observations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 327:
Always remember the potential madness of free will. In this malady, one imagines that his will is unrestricted and begins to violate the fundamental laws. Such madness has been known since ancient times and can lead to great destruction. But the will is of value only when it is strictly in harmony with the laws of life. Most people do not understand this, for to them the will is equivalent to wilfulness, but a wise man knows that will and freedom are united in the Law of Be-ness. Unless we understand this harmony of will and freedom we shall distort facts and hear a joyous pealing of bells in the sound of a fire brigade!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 341:
341. Urusvati knows that harmony in life refines human feelings. Indeed, harmony is the only thing necessary; with it all will be subtler and loftier. Harmony is a great concept! Yet people seek it in external conditions and overlook it in the essence of things. For example, a primitive man may live in natural beauty, yet be far from harmony. The city dweller may be oppressed by the bustle of his surroundings, and be unable to think about a harmonious life. Even a refined philosopher can be crushed by the cares of supporting himself. Thus the fundamental law of harmony is forgotten.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 349:
People are either skeptical or they indulge in artificial methods and ignore all natural ways of broadening the consciousness. Yet such ways are the true treasures for ascent in the Subtle World, for those who dwell there have no artificial methods, and act only according to the fundamental laws of Nature.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 350:
350. Urusvati knows that all the advice We give is based on scientific truth. When We stress the benefits of an ethical life, Our chief concern is to preserve the fundamental laws of the Universe. When We say, "Purify your thoughts," We have harmony in mind.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 381:
381. Urusvati knows that tolerance is a fundamental necessity for evolution. Every sign of tolerance must be valued. We, Ourselves, could not help people without the highest degree of tolerance. All one's inner fire of enthusiasm must be used for the Common Good, for dull indifference is most deadly. Truly, fierce opposition is often more justified than unfeeling indifference.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 432:
It is a great joy for Us when We see the power of observation that has been developed naturally. The Science of Life demands first of all an understanding of the fundamental laws.


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