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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FU > FUNCTIONS (65)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 408:
408. Precious is the flame of the heart. Ebb and flow guide the orbit of Earth. The same drop functions in both phenomena. Worst of all is stagnant water, Because it fosters decomposition and hinders the manifestation of energy.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.6:
1.8.6. Occultly, the circle appears as an impersonation of the human organism broadened by possibilities. The central figures carry the honorary functions of the heart. The growth of the organism and its injuries are reflected upon the heart. The waving of the arms calls forth fatigue and, furthermore, the non-realization of strivings. You already know the parable about the ring-dance and about the shields. You already know that the best number for the circle is seven. Five represents the extremities of the body. Supplements can carry only special functions or else the acquittal of a karmic condition.

New Era Community (1926) - 62:
62. One may rejoice when suggested thoughts coalesce with one's own thinking; because in recognizing cooperation there are no boundary lines of separation of labor - there are only effects. It is impossible to dismember the functions of the Cosmos when actions are flowing like a river.

New Era Community (1926) - 148:
148. People do not eat corpses, yet slaughtered animals are eaten. One must ask, "Wherein is the difference - is not a slaughtered animal a corpse?" We advise not to use meat for reasons of simple goal-fitness. Indeed, anyone understands that to make use of decomposing cells is harmful. But when does this decomposition begin? At the moment of cessation of the functions of life the body looses its protective radiation and decomposition sets in immediately. Therefore, worldly wisdom about not eating corpses is hypocritical. We recommend farinaceous food, dairy products and vegetables, where there is less decomposition.

New Era Community (1926) - 174:
We have just spoken about the power of rays and about their new application; it is impossible to neglect the possibilities of the human organism. How can we study the far-off worlds if we pay no attention to our own functions? With difficulty do you discover rays, but do you study their action upon the brain and other centers?

New Era Community (1926) - 229:
The new structure must stand apart from dwelling houses, so that everyday functions do not touch the building where the future of humanity is being forged. We agree that the community members do not set great store on life; thus they confirm the continuity of existence. But the quality of consciousness must be intensified by the solicitude of the community members. One is obliged to reiterate about consciousness, for people have not been accustomed to sense it.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 47:
47. People are not averse to dreaming of desired changes in the basic functions of the human organism. The conception of the embryo, the decomposition of matter, the weightlessness of bodies, and deliberately produced materialization, are discussed even in ecclesiastical writings. It would seem that the horizon of possibilities should expand from early childhood and should be strengthened in the laboratories of the exact sciences. But it is precisely there that the imperfection of the race raises an obstacle. The bold seeker devoted to exact science quickly reverts to a common state and begins to imitate the customs of his grandfather.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 401:
401. Soulless repetition destroys the Teaching. Also, the quality of rhythm must be understood. Of course, every crystal functions according to the principles of attraction and pulsation. But pulsation - or rhythm - is characteristic of the living principle. However, any given rhythm may be more or less alive or dead. Living rhythms, spiritualized by the power of consciousness, will produce varying combinations of subtle energies. But the rhythm of the lips' soulless repetitions results only in a dead beat that violates the wisdom of silence and brings only harm. Beware of repetitions devoid of spirit! Truly, they dissolve the most precious gems of the spirit. If one's action is based only on fear or greed, then even a skeleton or a military drummer could rap out a more useful rhythm. Can one expect a manifestation of fire from the raps of the tail of a dog awaiting a bone? Remember this when you are dealing with the finest energies, when you intend to approach and awaken the manifestation of Fire.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 471:
471. It is the quality of the psychic energy that is most important. Truly, psychic energy exists in full potential even in its lower manifestations. In the lower organisms, it is expressed in instinct, but not consciousness. The lower quality of psychic energy corresponds to the lower layers of the atmosphere and circulates in them. And in humans, it functions in the lower centers of the organism.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 28:
28. The Mind of Cosmos is omnipresent. In all Space its rule is manifest. Incalculable are all its effects and new combinations. From the chemism of the luminaries to the functions of life's manifestations, it rules the principle of Being. This question has troubled many consciousnesses. It is difficult to deny the almighty Mind of Cosmos, which suffuses all strata of the firmament with its Breath. But people usually turn away from the truth consciously. When the spirit attracted to delusive Maya strives for momentary rest, it dissipates the best light rays of Cosmos. Illumination can frighten him who does not desire enlightenment.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 42:
42. The assimilation of the higher energies, upon the evidence of tension, can give form to new energies. Matter and spirit grow through mutual help. When the tensed current of will flows with accelerated speed, matter is absorbed by the spirit and the functions of a spiritual creator are performed. Then the refining of forms takes place. The power of the fire of spirit is like the power of the fire that melts metals. Only through the process of melting may one form new combinations. That spirit who yearns to bring his energy into incandescence becomes the melter of matter. What forms and dimensions the spirit can melt, from all the spatial matter and from our lives!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 82:
82. The Cosmic Fire and its energies, which permeate all that exists, manifest affinities in everything, but these affinities are not limited to the elements and their combinations. Indeed, the affinity of predestined lives is great, and Be-ness and Infinity are the causes behind the functions of each element, as well as the vital functions of each combination. The drive of cosmic energy in each element is there to insure its entrance into the eternal creative process. The affinity of elements can open the conception of limitless possibilities.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 82:
Knowledge of the functioning of affinity, and knowledge of the functions of elements of the Universe in relation to the organism of man, will make of us cosmic co-workers. The existence of cosmic affinity is the most beautiful page of life. The study of the properties of the elements as they apply to humanity will bring the science of harmonization. The higher worlds know this higher science.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 83:
83. Through affinity, the spirit retracts within itself all joy and reflects a whole rainbow. Cosmic affinity predestines a merging for every atom. But the higher law, the sacred law, is not for many. On the far-off worlds, in the process of higher functions of refined organisms, this Sacrament is affirmed by the law of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 174:
Each center absorbs its own fire, and these fires can act at a distance. The functions of the centers are psycho-creative, and each center can dissolve and integrate as a creator. We have actual records left by Agni Yogis. And it can be asserted that the White Tara has created much. There are numerous records of transfiguration. We shall so name the transmuting power of Agni Yoga. Thus is the Tara manifested amidst life. The step of crossing into the higher sphere is radiant!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 200:
Man bears within himself all manifestations of cosmos. Significant are the evidences in man of the functions of Cosmos. When he reflects in himself all cosmic functions, he measures through himself the possibilities evidenced in Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 217:
Nature also points out that direct correlation which prescribes its limits. Only the subtle can be assimilated by the subtle. Only the finest aspires to the finest, and here also the principle of the Magnet functions. As the principle of the subtle energies is inherent only in the highest Agni Yogi, so also the physical receptivity attracts the corresponding manifestation. All that is coercive, all that is crudely displayed, all that is physically manifested yields to the subtle principle. Therefore, the beginning of the new race is based upon the affirmed principle of Fire upon Earth.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 250:
250. Universal striving is directed toward assertion of ceaselessly evinced transmutation. The world of effects draws man into a current which carries him toward his destination. The chain of spacial bodies is drawn to the core of action; therefore, all unfulfilled inceptions can join the chain of higher tension. These inceptions require complete intensification and an expression of complete attunement. True, the world of effects may be so hideous that the evidence of these manifestations seems out of accord. Therefore, let us take up the frightful chain of human impulses. Wherever the force of life impulse holds, there is striving toward the Cosmic Magnet. Wherever a force functions which does not conform to the Cosmic Magnet, there may be discerned a striving toward the opposite base. Weighing these strivings, it is easy to define the world of effects.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 394:
394. When the centers of the lungs are so flamingly kindled, the manifestations of various ramifications takes place. The vision of the flames of the candles united in a circle is a symbol of the work of all centers. Thus, the centers of the lungs are designated as reverberating strings which carry the fiery sparks into all the centers. The lungs, of course, do their work in inhaling, transmuting, and exhaling. These functions indeed suffuse the centers of the lungs with Prana. The triple creativeness is so powerful that it relates to all functions.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 135:
135. The sensitiveness of an Agni Yogi purifies in the same way the layers of accumulations with his fires. The fiery concept can bring out all the higher functions of an Agni Yogi. Only the fire purifies and creates. All the manifestations are intensified by Fire; furthermore, the date approaches when Fire will be raging. Only a new step, defining the turning point of humanity toward the new manifestation, can be given for this decisive and affirmed epoch. Hence, since the decisive battle before the advent of the Epoch of Maitreya has been sanctioned, a fiery experiment is being placed before humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 205:
205. Humanity ponders little upon the source of creativeness. All outer manifestations are accepted by humanity as ordinary. The Spatial Fire outlines definite functions. But behind the departing energies stands the source of the inexhaustible cosmic energy. About this invisible and all-pervading source humanity should ponder. Each creative thought must be directed to this source. The chain of causes and effects must be discerned in all cosmic labor. This chain is boundless in all dimensions.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 494:
494. All laws which lead to confirmation of the shifting are based upon the Common Good. Each new energy is projected into space for the acquiring of a creative quality. Energies are thus propelled from chaos, and each cosmic current can bestow creativeness. The shifting is confirmed only by the principle of the Cosmic Magnet. There where the power of the Cosmic Magnet functions, goal-fitness is at work. Hence, it may be affirmed that when the old is being replaced by the new the cosmic goal-fitness applies vital laws.

Hierarchy (1931) - 407:
407. A hurricane may bring heaps of gold ashore; human turmoil can likewise yield treasures. One must remember that turmoil intensifies energies. The Teacher is on vigil. The Teacher observes the imperceptible functions. He knows who will discriminate and who will be able to receive the gifts.

Heart (1932) - 3:
3. Whether the heart be called the abode of the Elohim or the synthesis of syntheses, it still remains the focal point. Even those who recognize in the heart only its lower physiological functions, even they have an attitude of care for the heart. How much more deeply, then, must he who knows about the magnet and silvery thread harken to the heart. Therefore the Teacher draws one away from everything narrowly physical, in order to remind about the spiritual world through each organ. It is a festival for Us each time a pure direction of thought is projected into the sphere of invisible existence. One must lead into the abode of the Elohim with complete perseverance, as though danger pursued the entering one. One can recognize the path of the chosen ones when the Invisible World has become real and accessible to them; then one can notice the growth of consciousness, and the very organs of the body become transformed, imbued by the link with Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 233:
233. Through will power one can alter one's pulse. One can virtually stop the heart. One can perform many psycho-physiological acts. But if you ask how to act now, I will say, Let your heart ascend. Imagine your heart as if it were within a chalice with an ascending flame. Thus, above physiological functions, let us set the upward striving of the heart to Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 354:
354. From Our point of view each vivisection performed upon the heart is inadmissible, just as it is inadmissible to seek the Ringse in a living organism, yet one can observe many psycho-physiological manifestations during the development of the heart. Thus, the fiery heart produces a light spot upon the upper tissue which, during the increase of fire, becomes almost white. The ancients called this manifestation the "sacred ashes." This has nothing in common with the enlargement of the heart, but rather with its refinement. One can also understand why it is impossible to make a comparable experiment with an animal heart and that of man. If the human heart is the throne of consciousness, the animal heart must, of course, differ from it in certain functions. Moreover, a violation of the action of the heart after the ejection of one's subtle body would be a real crime. Each artificial pulsation of the heart will attract the subtle body and perpetrate an unpardonable act of decomposition and suffering.

Heart (1932) - 454:
454. In all races and at all times there existed the cult of the heart. Even the savage, on devouring a living heart, regarded it as the supreme power, and thus in his own manner paid reverence to the heart. But our era has completely forgotten and rejected the Teaching of the Heart. The heart demands new understanding. One must be prepared to find that purely scientific facts about the heart will arouse a special accusation of superstition. The dogmatic professional people will try with special effort to defend their mediocre existence. Thus, one must realize that the battle for understanding the heart will be especially severe. Thus will the dark forces defend the brain, setting it counter to the heart. This, of course, will create only distortion. The leg has important functions, but it is not necessary to carry food into the mouth with one's foot. Hence, goal-fitness comes first.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 3:
3. It should be pointed out that the tension of Fire reflects upon all functions of the body. One must not forget that, while the Fire of Space may heal wounds, on the other hand, it can strain the tissues. Thus, let us be cautious.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 73:
73. Sound and color are among the principal fiery manifestations. Thus the music of the spheres and the radiance of the fires of space are the highest manifestations of Fire. Hence, it is impossible constantly to hear the sounds of the spheres or to see the scintillating fires. Such frequency of emotions would separate the earthly body from the fiery one to too great an extent. Thus the equilibrium so needed for Eternity would not be created. It is true that in consciousness we should separate our four bodies in order that their functions may be divided. The disturbance of equilibrium leads to premature destruction of the lower body.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 293:
293. Healing through suggestion has been called fiery striving. True, this method of healing is now being developed more extensively. Therefore one should avert possible harm from ignorant application of the fiery energy. Suggestion can arrest pain, but if those who employ suggestion do not know the origin of the illness, these suggestions can be likened to harmful narcotics. It is another matter when suggestion is applied by an experienced physician; he not only alleviates the reflex of pain but also traces the flow of the illness and can suggest to the corresponding organs that they resume their normal functions. A wise physician will also not neglect astrology. One may laugh all one wishes, but a scientifically cast horoscope will aid in diagnosing sickness itself and determining contributing circumstances. One should pay full attention to astrochemistry and understand the power of suggestion. If suggestion utilizes fiery energy, how deep and powerful an influence is exerted by Fire! One must do away with the custom of narrow command and forbiddance now used by hypnotists. Only a knowledge of the organism and of all circumstances permits the physician to apply his command to all the affected parts. The weakened organs can be considerably restored by guiding and coordinating them with the fire of the heart. Every physician must develop within himself the power of suggestion.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 29:
29. Verily one may operate upon the spleen. Physically the organism can exist for some time even without it, but this will be a purely physical solution. Up to the present people have not cared about the consequences for the subtle body. Whereas, the organ which is connected with the subtle body must be greatly protected but not destroyed. The same takes place in the removal of the appendix; man not only lives but even gains weight, yet one of the main functions of the psychic energy is disorganized. The appendix absorbs the psychic elements of food. Someone may live even without such elements, but why deprive the organism of such helpers? Of course all physical operations upon the heart show how far physicians are from the psychic problem. Therefore it is very needful to avoid all physical operations, if the conditions needed for the subtle body are not observed. Unavoidable operations should be accompanied by corresponding suggestion, in order that the parts of the subtle body may assume the required position. One should mentally contact the subtle body. If the thought affirms through suggestion the fiery self-protection then a multitude of ill consequences will be avoided. Such self-protection is especially necessary against all infections. If during an operation one could suggest the necessary processes, the help of the subtle body would considerably contribute to the desired result. Such suggestion can regulate all the functions of the organism, but without this assistance it is sad to see how the subtle bodies are mutilated.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 459:
459. You have seen dark spatial spots. Likewise you know the turbid formations resulting, as it seems, from spatial combustion. Also, you know the radiant spatial formations. Everything becomes alive and is flamingly transformed, likewise do one's senses vibrate. The experienced observer knows that his eyesight sometimes grows dim and then again clears up. The same thing happens with the hearing, the sense of smell, touch and taste. Thus can be observed complete mobility of all our functions. In fact such fiery nerve-responsiveness to the Macrocosm represents a refined condition, but only a few take into consideration such a conformity with the external world. Imperfection of consciousness obstructs all observations.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 72:
72. Verily, the human spirit is a conductor of all the higher energies. As a strong current, the spirit performs various functions for the affirmation of manifestations of the Higher Will. How else could all the manifestations on different planes be connected? Only the affirmation of the spirit can function as the link. Therefore the heart and hand of the guiding Teacher discern all the factors which are necessary for ascent. Amid fiery concepts the greatness of the link which connects the worlds must be especially sensed. From the hands of the guiding Teacher the disciple receives instruction for his association with the power of Fire. From the heart of the guiding Teacher the co-worker obtains the fiery consciousness. Only the spirit of man can truly bind together the worlds. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us manifest a fiery reverence for the earthly Teacher who implants the seed of the Highest.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 93:
93. A construction of new fundamentals will be contained in the establishment of equilibrium and of coordination between science, art and life. For an equilibrium is needed based on a survey of all affirmations. Thus, the World is in need of a great manifestation of equilibrium. Coordination is to be affirmed upon a new understanding of all the subtle principles of Hierarchy. One may even foresee how a transmutation of all affirmations will take place; how in science there will be no great division between spirit and matter. Indeed, it will be possible to build on new principles when the spiritual and the physical are united. It will be possible to secure knowledge of the body by means of the coordination of the centers, their functions and qualities. Such a unity of all functions leads to knowledge of life as it actually is. For example, one could study the various precipitations of the kidneys and the functions of the eyes. It is possible to coordinate the functions of all organs which have double branchings. It is possible to compare the organs which act by one channel. It is possible to be convinced of many unities of functions, which are highly indicative. Thus, new structures have their great principles, and a great ascent in the world of knowledge is indicated. Thus the Fiery Bearers of the synthesis bring good and happiness to the World. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the great affirmation of equilibrium and coordination.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 115:
115. However diverse the Worlds are in their spiritual properties and functions, nevertheless it is necessary to become accustomed to think about the bridge to the Fiery World. Everything has its connecting energies. Why then not strive to understand the bridge to the Fiery World. As man reflects all the qualities of earthly life, to the same extent must he be concerned as to how to lay a bridge between the Worlds. Just as the abyss of mankind is visible from the supermundane spheres, so should the Higher World be accepted into human consciousness. The bridge between the two Worlds is maintained in the aspiration of thought. Rightly has it been said about the beauty of thought which reveals all Worlds. Indeed, the bridge between the two Worlds can be made real if the actions are filled with beauty. Truly, not words but actions bring all saturations. The bridge between Worlds will be based upon harmonization of the currents of heart and spirit. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the bridge between Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 219:
219. The center of the solar plexus is a focus of fire radiation. It must be imagined how fire acts. As all the higher functions of the Cosmos act from within, so too, the fire of the solar plexus is intensified in its own seed. The center of the solar plexus gives equilibrium to all the bodies, and its radiations saturate also the ethereal body which feeds the astral body. The interweaving of all the centers and all the bodies is comparable to the rings of a spiral, centered, as it were, in the solar plexus. Each planet, each fiery center, has its solar plexus and Divine Fire of life. If the consciousness is broadened in the understanding of these manifested conformities, then the bond of Macrocosm with microcosm becomes a Fiery Truth. The waves of currents are infinite in their diversity. Over these waves the fiery spirit is in communication with space and with the other Worlds. Just as in antiquity the sun was depicted with its rays, so too, is it possible to represent the solar plexus, which has its own particular radiations issuing out of the seed and extending throughout the entire protective network. These powerful currents bring to the heart all the reflections of space.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 223:
223. Rotation of the solar plexus can have many other causes besides all the cosmic ones. It is necessary to examine the functions of the center of the solar plexus in connection with the sendings of energy at great distances. Rotation of the center of the solar plexus occurs under compression of psychic energy. The radiations of the solar plexus pass through all the centers, and by this rotation these rays penetrate all the centers, bringing to them nourishment and unification through fiery energy. Rotation of the center of the solar plexus can also coordinate different energies by compressing, as it were, any one center which is in special need of saturation or of strengthening. The radiations of the solar plexus then reach, as it were, the outer circumference of the protective net. During the sendings of energy into a determined place, all radiations are gathered into a seeming conical spiral, and all the projectiles go into space spirally. Thus the functions of the solar plexus are as numerous as are its radiations, since it is also a powerful regulator of the energies emanating from all the centers. Absorbing cosmic fiery energies, the center of the solar plexus distributes the latter according to the respective tensions which are inherent in the centers.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 225:
225. If only it were possible to see with the naked eye the processes which, during various transmutations and functions of the centers, take place upon the aura surrounding a man! Each vibration of inner fires saturates the space roundabout with fire. Each vibration fills the space either with purifying discharges or with discharges of creative sparks. Unmanifested energies are attracted to these discharges. Fiery radiations of the centers saturate and intensify all contiguous spheres. During sendings of fiery energy the spirit transmutes also the whole space in its path. Let us give our attention to the great laboratory of the spirit which creates subtle energies. Only subtle attainment can penetrate into the Subtle World. All achievements within these subtle boundaries will result in attainment of the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 228:
228. The Divine Fire manifests its sparks in all Existence. Concealed are the potentials of these sparks, and, even though they are invisible, yet they must be accepted as the basis of all manifestations. One must accept this spark as a link in each center of the organism. Taking this Truth as a basis, one can imagine how the centers are unified by functions. Each divine spark inhales and exhales fire, which serves as a unifying agent. All forces of the spirit's potential are intensified in this continuous exchange. The potential of each center is a link to immortality, therefore great is the error which stresses physical exercises. Certainly not from without but from within is the spark of Divine Fire set aflame. Under the guidance of the Teacher's Ray the spark can surely take Fire, but also the spirit must be prepared by independent search. The Teaching of Zoroaster about Divine Fire, Love and Beauty, brought to the World the affirmation of Higher Law.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 297:
297. The bond between the physical and astral centers is saturated by intensified transmutation during life. Functions on both planes manifest unity, the distinction being merely in that independent activity which is manifested by the centers on each plane. The transmuted centers intensify the centers of the subtle body. But at the same time, while the centers are laboring in fiery tension on the earthly plane, the astral centers have an opportunity to propel the subtle body into the Fiery World. A sensation of pains is manifested on the astral plane and on the mental, but only at the beginning of the ascent. After that, each center, while preserving its connection with the physical body, can function by being intensified in other spheres. There follows a separation of the bodies, freeing the subtle body from pains. The physical pains then correspond to the creative tension of the astral centers. Thus do the Worlds act in mutual intensification. On the path to the Fiery World let us be affirmed in fiery transmutation.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 300:
300. This exchange of energies extends into all the functions of the organism. This regulator saturates the organism and distributes the cosmic energies. Sensations during earthquakes are not merely echoes of Cosmic Fire but are precisely an exchange of energies. The creativeness of the fiery centers affirms a most powerful cooperation. Therefore, tension, anguish, and also absence, indicate an exchange of creative energies. Space is filled just now with various processes of constructiveness. It is difficult even to imagine how the fiery thought of the Agni Yogi penetrates into the spatial strata. Verily, the fiery heart builds by the most fiery means. Thus, the saturated heart gives rise to fiery construction.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 304:
304. When we speak about Spirit and Matter, we should have in mind the higher meaning of Matter. But speaking about the liberation of Spirit, we refer to those manifestations which can be called material life units. It must be known that in speaking about these unifications under various forms a downfall of the spirit is understood. For the spirit, being made manifest in matter, must aspire to the higher functions together with matter. Matter is impelled to creativeness which gives rise to forms of life. And the spirit must know specifically how sacred is the sojourn in matter. The cosmic concept of the Feminine Principle as Matter is so lofty - the Truth is so far above the worldly understanding! Only a pure and elevated consciousness can appreciate this comparison. It is difficult to dissociate Spirit from Matter.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 309:
309. Much has already been said about psychism, nevertheless this scourge of humanity is insufficiently understood. Psychism blunts each aspiration, and higher attainment remains inaccessible. The sphere of activity of a man engulfed by psychism is limited within a charmed circle in which all the energies which retard growth of the spirit find their fitting place. Psychism embraces the manifestation of the lowest energies, and the fires of the centers are extinguished by these precipitations. With psychism there is inevitably to be found disorder of the nervous system. In addition, the breaking away from vital functions closes the path to self-perfectionment. Creativeness is blunted, and there is established a passive state which makes a man an instrument for the influx of all kinds of forces. By reason of relaxation of the will, control is weakened, and by this the attraction of various lower entities is increased. He who wishes to approach the Fiery World must battle with these forces of evil.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 398:
398. So, too, the fire which menaced the Mother of Agni Yoga on the heights was a synthetic discharge of spatial fire. Besides fiery transmutation, this fire, as it were, transmuted all the surrounding atmosphere. This occult and physical fire, verily, expiated all the manifestations which had been accumulated in that space. The subtle organism has many functions. The functions of the fiery spirit are so diverse. The Agni Yogi unburdens space and absorbs all emanations. He is a mighty warrior, battling with darkness, and he is that power which the dark pack is endeavoring to destroy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 400:
400. The store of psychic energy is inexhaustible, and during spiritual strivings its strength is multiplied. At the time of spiritual aspiration this energy becomes a constructive impulse for new supplies. The properties of this fiery energy are thus multiform, and its potential surpasses every other energy, because the life contained in it can transmute all other energies. Psychic energy in its activity can overcome each opposition if it be consciously directed. The manifest source becomes exhausted only when it is not supported by conscious striving. Through attainment of the spirit, through fiery saturation, this sacred fiery source of life intensifies all vital functions.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 403:
403. During the kindling of the centers it is possible to observe different saturations by psychic energy. Fiery transmutation engulfs, as it were, and condenses the crystals of psychic energy. Labor of the centers engulfs all energies, and after a working over the crystals are condensed by new ingredients which contribute their saturations. These saturations are manifested in various functions of the centers. Psychic energy is distinguished also by its quality, and its refinement can permeate the higher manifestations of vital functions which are intensified on various steps by different qualities. And similarly, as creative Fire spreads out over the Universe, so does psychic energy pass through its many stages in being refined. Thus, the source of creative power depends upon affirmation of the force of psychic energy in all its potentiality. The development of the forces of the spirit is actually the potential of psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 296:
296. Many primitive methods for recalling events to mind may be observed. One may read how one ruler inclined his head as far as his knees, that the change in the blood circulation might help to awaken his sleeping memory. It is known that anchorites beat their breasts in order to stimulate a reaction in the Chalice. The evidence of many examples demonstrates that blood circulation is connected with psychic functions. The more necessary it is to respect the science that examines the physical side of life, but at the same time reveals a new spiritual bond inherent in all Existence.

Brotherhood (1937) - 153:
153. People in whom the primary energy has ceased its movement have been called walking corpses. One can recall not a few people who continue to display the physical functions but whose energy has already become moribund. From such people one may receive the same impression as from corpses - for in essence they are indeed corpses. They no longer belong to Earth. They still move about and sleep and utter sounds. But the astral body, the husk, also moves and may be visible! Highly developed people can sense such corpses, forgotten on Earth. The faculty of such observation usually belongs to those who have been many times in the different worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 48:
It would seem that the muscles have been sufficiently studied, but their functions depend upon one's character. Each part of the body acts individually. The gait depends on the psychic condition, which causes the muscles to work in a particular correlation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 115:
In Our Abode it is customary to send messages while standing with one arm raised, but some sendings require a relaxed seated position with the arms folded on the chest or the hands placed on the knees, in order to stem the outflow of magnetic currents. These different positions of the physical body illustrate how psychic energy is connected with other bodily functions. Today these reminders are especially timely, because people are beginning to study thought-transmission without sufficient knowledge of the essential peripheral conditions. In the East the physical body is studied, but serious attention is also given to the many additional surrounding conditions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 303:
Just as there are three worlds, there are also three levels of thought. Man can think simultaneously on all three levels. For instance, he can be absorbed in mundane thinking, which includes empirical reasoning. Behind this functions his subtle thought, and in the depths of his consciousness a fiery spark may radiate. At times these three layers can merge harmoniously into one, and there results a powerful projection of thought. But, as a rule, people exhibit only discord in their consciousness. Sometimes their earthly reasoning produces seemingly attractive ideas, but their subtle thinking will reject these ideas, knowing their true origin. For them, the fiery sparks may not ignite at all.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 317:
One should understand that there are many subtle functions connected to each physical action, and that each action is produced not only through the will, but also through the influence of external energies. Thus the understanding of earthly manifestations can be infinitely expanded. When people accept the idea of such infinite collaboration, they will acquire a broader view of all of existence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435:
The symptoms of such illnesses can be quite varied. Some organs will experience pain directly, but since the inflammation of the membranes affects the entire nervous system, pain can also be experienced in other areas of the body. This is why a thorough examination of the whole organism is necessary. Generally speaking, mucous membranes are involved in the most varied functions of the organism, and they are the first to react to the saturation of the surrounding atmosphere. In this way, even if no harmful process is taking place, it is necessary to be very attentive and careful.


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