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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FI > FILTH (18)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.8:
I urge you to view with horror the filth of cities as if for the first time.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 138:
138. You rebel justly against any sowing of filth in life. Indeed, animals act more cleanly, because their imagination is unstained. Without fear one must eradicate the base habit of implanting filth in the eyes of youth.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 575:
575. When people find themselves in the state of Preta-loka, they begin to regret that they did not discard their outworn rags earlier. The Fire of Space must consume painfully that which should have been dissolved by the light of Agni. One can get rid of unnecessary burdens long before the transition. One's own vital Agni can purify one of harmful filth. The ability to turn in time to Agni is a goal-fitting action prompted by the experience of the heart. The manifestation of the oneness of life may elicit the inquiry, "If life were to be endlessly prolonged, how could the cognizance of its many sides be arrived at?" Indeed, if the body prevented penetration into the many strata of space, one would have to have recourse to the most artificial measures, which by their nature are contrary to free will. Only by direct fiery aspiration of the heart to Hierarchy, can one truly unite oneself with the higher spheres. One should not even divide Hierarchy according to personal criteria, but one should strive along the fiery thread to where the human word dissolves and is engulfed by radiance.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 72:
72. Verily, courage is created through the indissoluble link with the Hierarchy. Courage can be contained in the seed and never reveal itself as armor of Light. But when our consciousness is completely transported into the domain where there is no fear and depression, then we are invulnerable to any filth. One should understand where lies one's strength, and should hasten thither without any evasiveness. Thus can courage be made firm.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 153:
Imagine a man coming out of a dark and stifling room into a beautiful garden. If such a sharp change does not renew his thinking, he shows himself to be highly insensitive. Such personalities are to be found among soulless people. But how incongruous are they amid beautiful uplifting surroundings, just like a filthy blot! But even earthly filth is not easy to remove; therefore We are anxious to project the consciousness through the Subtle World into the Fiery. Often such striving is not in accord with one's forces, yet even at worst it advances one in the spheres of the Subtle World. However, shopkeepers overcharge a great deal so that they may receive at least something. Not a great consolation! In order to advance somewhat in the Subtle World, let the consciousness be drawn into a most Beautiful Garden. This is Our Command - without small measures.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 237:
237. Deprivation of blessing was an act of the most ancient patriarchate. It is far removed from the latter anathemas. Anathema is a product of ignorance, whereas the very ancient act foresaw rupture of the bond with Hierarchy. The bond with Hierarchy is an actual blessing with all its consequences. The ignorant will say, "We have many times defamed the Highest, and nevertheless we still exist; no fire has seared us, and nothing threatens us." Then let us lead them to the public square, where blind beggars are crawling in filth, and say to them, "There also are you." Let us lead them into prisons, into mines, to fires, to executions, and say, "Can it be that you do not recognize yourselves? You have just severed the thread with the Highest, and you have hurled yourselves into the abyss." It is not necessary to terrify with threats, life is full of examples of such horrors. Remember that the pressure of fire is invisible, yet nothing can escape its consequences. Thus, it can be seen that even the ancients understood the justice of the law, and knew that offense against the Primary Principles is so great and terrible that the result cannot be immediately seen.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 275:
275. One may be astonished at the extent to which people attract only malice even from inoffensive philosophies. The lowness of the consciousness which can only imbibe filth is amazing. Have people forgotten that every philosophy first of all forbids malice?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 14:
14. It is asked why We do not put a stop to the false sources. Why do We not expose those who distort the Sendings? If one were to stop by force the current in whose wake humanity is proceeding, fanaticism would turn into brutality. Thus, the evil free will flows like lava, engulfing also those who rise against the Good, as history reveals. Surely, violent manifestations of force cannot carve a righteous path for humanity. Hence, all the subtle energies can be accepted only by a fiery consciousness. Thus, tolerance is truly the lot of the fiery consciousness. Of course, one should purify wherever there are accumulations of filth, and the lot of the fiery consciousness is to purify the records of space. Among the accumulated pages of human writings there will have to be noted those pernicious records which have clouded the brains of even well-meaning people. Thus on the path to the Fiery World one should understand the great significance of receptivity of higher energies and of subtle sendings.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 499:
499. Spirituality is both an earned and natural quality. On the middle steps it can be cultivated, but it is necessary to begin such transformation from birth. One must provide a pure atmosphere, not darken the imagination with base views. Learn to rejoice at the truly highest and beautiful, eschew luxury and any form of filth. The spiritual man will not be a hypocrite, nor will he be liar nor coward. He will cognize labor as an indispensable means of perfectionment, but his heart prayer will be flamingly beautiful.

AUM (1936) - 218:
218. The foundation of life must be a clean one. True, certain bipeds pass their whole lives in mire; they somehow vegetate, but anyone who is accustomed to cleanliness stifles in filth.

AUM (1936) - 293:
293. If the precipitates of space upon cities were to be investigated, something similar to imperil would be found among the poisonous substances. Carefully observing this poison, one comes to the conviction that it is imperil exhaled by the breath of evil. Undoubtedly, breathing permeated with evil is a carrier of injurious effects. If poison can be deposited in the organism, due to irritation, if the saliva can be made poisonous, then the breath can also be made a poison-carrier. It is necessary to judge how much evil is being exhaled and how multiform are the aspects of evil compressed into the new combinations of poisons present in enormous crowds of people. This is increased by the varied effluvia of decomposing foods and all manner of refuse which litter the streets even in metropolises. It is time to look after the cleanliness of backyards. Cleanliness is necessary out of doors and in the human breathing. The imperil exhaled by irritated people is identical with filth, or shameful refuse. It is imperative to impress people's consciousness with the fact that each bit of filth infects those around. The filth of moral dissolution is worse than any excretions.

AUM (1936) - 319:
Do not permit the gray dragon to triumph. It is not really strong, and its repulsiveness is only in the ugliness of habit. Where filth and ugliness have been eliminated, the gray dragon cannot exist. Thus the conquest of daily routine is reverence of the Higher World.

Brotherhood (1937) - 241:
241. In brotherhoods it is advised that mutual ridicule and defamation be avoided. Even in complex circumstances it is possible to find positive factors, and by such stones it is less dangerous to cross the stream. Abuse, like a thistle, grows rapidly, and with it there is no advance. Frequently, words are employed which call forth emanations not at all good. Each word impresses a glyph upon the aura. Man must take the responsibility for his own engenderments. Filth is unfitting in any brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 450:
Whoever thinks about harmony knows that a house is not new where old rubbish has settled. And yet one can see how beautiful attainments wither because they cannot grow in filth. Not only is such a fate of useful attainments deplorable to see but it is sad that their dissolution litters the already discovered paths for so long a time. This is why I speak about equilibrium.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 186:
"It is foolish to assume that the gods have sent diseases as punishment, and it is wrong to think that the High Forces would afflict the innocent as well as the guilty with suffering. People themselves have generated infectious diseases through their intemperance and filth."


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