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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FI > FILLS (56)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 112:
112. The Hand of the Teacher reveals the power of the rays. Comprehend their salutary light. M. fills your being with the power of calmness. And when the stillness of harmony embraces you the force of your arrows will increase.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 157:
157. Mist blinds the worldly eye, but the one who can observe the realities of life also beholds the flow of events. Our Gates, once conquered, lead toward untold wealth. Each golden beam of sunlight is a shield against the lunar light reflected onto Earth. Between the paths of sun and moon must one choose. The sun fills the day with miracles. The moon begets fleeting phantoms. Walk in the sunlight, open-eyed, and your day will become a wondrous fairy tale.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 260:
To the wings that have touched the sun, To the courser before sunrise, To the song that fills the midnight, The way is not a terrible or cruel one. And the star is close to those who have found the Teraph. Send a smile to the stars!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 269:
Understanding of the Beginning and of the Eternal fills each heart. But be ready, and grant it entrance.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 295:
295. Creator, let my spirit be revived when the storm abates. Thunder fills the silence of the night, and lightning crosses my window. Can it be that even during such a night the Messenger will come? But I know my question is perhaps inappropriate. The Messenger is coming. Master, my mind is dull with sleep and my eyes penetrate not the darkness. I will place a hammer at my door. Let the Messenger shatter the bolt. Wherefore shall I need a lock after the coming of the Messenger?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.6.14:
The pending sword fills the spirit with pain.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.16:
1.9.16. It is easy to dig a ditch, but difficult to erect a house. Hostile scoffing fills the corners with dust. But with a feather of the wing you will wipe away the dust. Therefore, guard the wing.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.5:
The manifestation of a nodal wave rises instantaneously, but before each wave the boat hesitates. The more sensitive boat will shudder the stronger, because the dust of the explosion already fills the atmosphere.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.16:
Tell pupils and friends that they must learn. Let them learn in tension of the spirit; learn through opened eyes; learn absolutely endlessly, for there is no end. This simple affirmation fills many with terror.

New Era Community (1926) - 23:
23. There is no soulless justice, but only shining goal-fitness. Indeed, the glorious goal-fitness cannot tyrannize, but reveals the gates of beauty. And the call of goal-fitness fills the space with the rapture of victory. Events and creations constituting goal-fitness are not small outworn fragments but are the precious parts of the Cosmos.

New Era Community (1926) - 199:
199. It may be asked "How is it that in Your Community there is a place set aside for ancient structures and books? Why does not this antiquity have an influence on striving into the future?" There are two reasons first, the propelled consciousness does not look back; second, structures were created and objects gathered together only for the advancement into the future. The stratification of striving into the future fills the whole existence of the Community. The entire attraction of objects is drowned in the current of aspiration. Pillars of basalt do not evoke past events, but by their stability they affirm their fitness for the future. The books do not carry thought back into the past but bear testimony just for the future. Transference of the whole consciousness into the future can affirm the existence of the Community. I shall not tire of repeating that community must be accepted by the consciousness. No external assurances serve to convince Us. Indispensable is that quality of the consciousness which sleeping or waking speaks the same; for any other solution is inadmissible even in the form of a jest.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 8:
8. One can point out why the Teachers of Knowledge experienced such suffering on departing Earth. Of course, this suffering was conscious and voluntarily chosen. Just as the host fills the guest's cup to the brim, so does the Teacher desire to impress this last sign of His Teaching.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 80:
80. If one can confirm the presence of thought even in a stone, then what a clear rainbow of thought fills space! One must become used to the fact that thought permeates all that exists. Certainly this reality, ponderable and not abstract, remains defined as energy but preserves the potentiality of conscious evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 169:
169. Just as Fire is the all-embracing principle, so does Agni Yoga permeate the whole of life. One can notice how one's consciousness is gradually sharpened, how the real values of one's surroundings become clear, how one's understanding of the immutability of the cooperation of worlds grows. Thus life fills with the signs of highest understanding. Truth as reality enters one's daily life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 260:
He who gives is indestructible as flame! He who fills himself with light is striving toward light!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 438:
The dove was considered the symbol of purity, the serpent the symbol of wisdom, and the lion the symbol of the fire of fearlessness. The Fire of Space fills man with manifest courage, free of attachment to any passing condition. The element of fire is the most impelling one. When it is realized, one finds no joy in reliving the past. One who has realized the all-penetrating Fire will easily see that We commune through fire.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 570:
570. It is one thing to hear, another to remember, yet another to apply. The Teaching will help one to reach this third step. The Teaching will also help one to leave behind the limitations of one's earthly phantoms; it will help one to perceive the seemingly usual as unusual. When this simple truth becomes evident, one will then not be far from attainment and the next step of ascent into the supermundane spheres. Those who seek attainment will be told, "The most important is to give yourself completely to this task." The predestined hour will approach only through attainment. When the joy of attainment fills the Chalice, success will come. Of course, this joy is not that of the calf whose gamboling crushes the flowers. The joy of attainment knows all labors and all perils; it crosses the bridge only once and dazzles the enemy with its radiance.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 642:
642. One of the most difficult requirements of the Teaching is learning to speak appropriately - to speak so as to properly direct the thinking of the listener, but without intruding upon his karma. To tell all is to enchain. But to awaken striving and indicate a direction is the true task of the Teaching. Protective care will invisibly watch over the growth of consciousness. As a hand leads in the dark along winding streets, so does the Teacher place His Hand upon the shoulder of the disciple. Not vacuum but vigilance is proper for guidance. The Indication fills space, but does not hit the student on the head. Not for any one person, but for the general evolution is the Teaching given. It is as a ray of the sun. Blessed is the one who acts as a hunter of light!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 18:
You did not realize the achievement of the difficult task; and you do not ascribe human obscurity to the prototype of your actions. There is no ground for blaming devastations upon the cosmic whirls; in this is not evil but necessity. Each manifestation of Cosmos has its application in Eternity. And, as is the devastation, so is the accumulation subject to the rhythm which is inseparable from the affirmed course of your earthly events. The difference is that Zeus, in creating a cosmic storm, fills space with ozone; whereas your earthly Zeus, creator of wrath, fills the sphere with suffocating smoke. In this, the lowest and the highest do not meet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 19:
19. Why do people accept the images of Maya to such a great extent? Life is filled with these phantoms and deceptive manifestations. This satiety fills existence with unnecessary images. The spirit cognizant of Eternity is impelled to the great Origin, and in him is contained the seed of the understanding of Cosmos. That spirit which is receptive only to the customary is directed to the petty reality of Maya. He is attracted only by the manifestations of the ordinary life. The absence of containment does not aid him in opening the book of life.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 79a:
79a. The attainment of the inner Fire, the degree reached by the Mother of Agni Yoga, is the rarest achievement. This degree of Fire is called the degree of attained Arhat. This living Fire was known in antiquity. The alchemist knew about it. The attainment of this higher degree of powerful flame may be manifested only by that spirit who lives the psycho-life of the whole heart. The mightiest lever of Cosmos, and the most sacred, is the heart. Its consciousness fills Space; its light illumines Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 151a:
Along with the planetary life there proceeds the construction for the higher spheres. The sweep of the constructiveness of the spirit completing its planetary life is so complex that one may truly call it a "dual constructiveness," and the spirit is the guide in life. On the last step the spirit cannot affirm itself in the existing forms; a striving toward new forms to a very great extent fills the consciousness and the spirit.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 240:
240. The implanting of the Magnet for cosmic principles proceeds as a most lawful action. Human activity is governed by similar conditions. The action preceding each manifestation is the magnet which draws on that which follows. Therefore, the creativeness preceding the manifestation of the Magnet is that Primordial Source which fills Space.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 106:
106. Verily, the space rings with joy when the foundations of Be-ness are being proclaimed. Cosmic Right is asserted in the realization of the affirmation of cosmic law, and the joy of Be-ness fills the space. Thus, the Law of the Lords creates the current of a new life. Hence, I will say that cosmic Right is garbed in the radiance of cosmic manifestation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 364:
364. Cosmic sensitiveness fills the space. Only when an attraction acts upon a sensitive receptivity can a formula be affirmed. Therefore, when a cosmic combination is impelled to fusion, it is a power of sensitiveness that creates. Thus limitlessly does the Cosmos create sensitive organisms.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 441:
441. The cosmic shifting attracts all spatial fires, and the human spirit forms its own tensions. Only when humanity is attracted to new construction is it keeping pace with the Cosmic Magnet. Therefore, only the search for the ways of the Cosmic Magnet will bring to humanity the cognizance of higher energies. Thus, when humanity fills the space with its quests space responds by sending the higher energies. The attracted energy can take form in a vital application. Each thought induces concordance; upon this is life constructed. Therefore, only a conscious striving will take shape, and each possibility is affirmed by the attraction of thought. Thus, limitless are the ways of thought.

Hierarchy (1931) - 11:
11. To the Brothers of Humanity is assigned the construction of the life of the planet; and they maintain the Command of the great Mother of the World. The music of the spheres resounds when the current of joy is in motion. The music of the spheres fills space when the heart is stirred to tremor by the cosmic force. The Heart of Our Brotherhood safeguards for humanity the path to the General Good.

Hierarchy (1931) - 182:
182. Gratitude is one of the main qualities of justice. Without justice one cannot reach the path of Great Service. Therefore, in pointing out the necessity for the realization of gratitude, We only assist the Great Service. How beautiful is gratitude! It so easily kindles the fire of the heart, and, as if in the presence of the Image of the Lord, it fills the spirit with nobility. The ingrate is, first of all ignoble. We term nobility the benevolent accumulations from former lives, while upon Earth nobility is considered only according to one's birth. One should especially develop gratitude, because gratitude is the sister of loyalty. It is necessary to realize how difficult it is sometimes for the Teacher to combine the best possibilities. One must know how to assist by the fire of one's own heart.

Heart (1932) - 51:
51. Sometimes people say, "I was so moved by my dream that my heart is even in anguish." The heart-anguish comes from not evil dreams but from straining for luminous desires. Heart-anguish primarily fills our being with the substance of power. Naturally, the sculpture of Akasha is not always connected with heart pangs, but a feeling of anguish reveals, in any case, tension and cooperation with the Primary Thought-Frame. Thus, one need not fear anguish as an evil sign.

Heart (1932) - 133:
133. Spread Good by all means. It is a pity to see how sometimes a speck of dust stops an entire wheel. A great heart contains much, but a small heart fills itself above all with small things. Evil must not be permitted to spread unimpeded. The example of a garden and weeds is sufficient. Invite the dulcet singers to walk among the weeds and they will lose all their mellifluent phrases. But the enthusiasm of the warriors of Good will not cool while following the path! Thus let the heart judge where Good begins!

Heart (1932) - 182:
182. The red-golden light that fills the inner substance indicates the armor of the heart. As the outer rims of the aura from purple become ruby, so the silvery Lotus of the heart flashes with an outburst of red-gold when the spirit clothes itself in the ultimate armor. Thus is attained the inner condition that permits participation in the hardest battles without harm or danger of severe wounding of the subtle body. The consequence of such an armor of the heart was already evident when the warrioress confronted the dark forces and despite their preponderant numbers made them tremble, and they were left with their threats. Yet an impotent threat of the enemy is already a victory. But, of course, the red-golden light is not reached easily and demands a lengthy achievement.

Heart (1932) - 226:
226. Tumult fills the spheres. Help each one to maintain the balance. The dark ones use all means in order that their front may pierce our lines. We shall not tire of drawing your attention to the extent to which vigilance is needed in small details. Absorb the manner in which one must listen and scrutinize. One can be aware not only of the cunning of the dark ones but also of all the bells and other cosmic signs. They indicate the tension of the atmosphere and Our closeness, and remind one of Hierarchy. One must not be confused if the bells and strings reverberate softly; there are many reasons for this. Also, they might be heard by those who as yet should not hear these battle cries. Therefore, now especially I call your attention to details. It is very useful to study these minute breaths of nature. Besides being relevant to the Great Battle, these observations are needed for the next advance.

Heart (1932) - 507:
507. An experienced ruler often lays his hand upon the shoulder or hand of him with whom he converses. Some do this consciously, but the majority do it unconsciously. But even those who do this consciously are not always aware of how to utilize this method. They regard the hand as being sufficient, that the palm of the hand already communicates the power of the thought; but very seldom do people realize that the tips of the fingers have stronger emanations. Hence, if a thought is being suggested, the fingers must be tightened, but if one desires to receive the reaction of one's companion, the tips of the fingers should be separated. Thus, considerable stirring of an entire group of centers is effected. So many possibilities are concealed in each act! It is only necessary to apply them consciously. Consciousness and unconsciousness may be compared to swimming with or without experience. Of course, someone may swim immediately, but this occurs very rarely. Thus, in everything it is necessary to observe Hierarchy, which pervades our consciousness visibly and invisibly. It would be sad if the consciousness represented something abstract and almost supernatural. Each heart beat fills us with a realization of existence, and with a true understanding of Be-ness. Mental fog results only from lack of respect for consciousness. These words should be inscribed in each school. Children may ask, "How is it possible to guard against deadening habits?" Then someone can point out the inscription concerning respect.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 47:
47. The approach of the Subtle World to the earthly one is one of the great fiery tasks. Imperceptibly, much is being done toward this end. But, in addition, it is necessary to strengthen a consciousness of this in the minds of people. One should affirm its reality and remove it from the category of a fairy tale. It is not sufficient that somewhere results have already been achieved, for the slightest improvement demands a conscious acceptance. If this is apparent even with everyday discoveries, then how much more is it felt when it concerns man himself! It is difficult for man to yield even in the smallest! Rare are the heroes who shed their blood for the good of their fellow man, yet this inner impulse fills the organism with new forces. One should understand the transmutation of the physical body also as a form of heroism. It must serve as an encouragement to realize that the experience of such an approach has already produced excellent and tangible results. People must become accustomed to the fact that the perfecting of conditions of existence must be accelerated, but this must not resemble convulsions. On the contrary, people should not be satisfied with outworn customs; they should learn to rejoice at the new. Joy about the new is already wings to the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 367:
367. One should remember about harmful objects. People are sometimes willing to acknowledge a certain significance in teraphim fashioned for the purpose of influencing people. But, after all, many objects carry upon them accumulations of influences. Not rare are the objects made in an hour of hatred, fatigue, terror, or despair; they will carry these sendings with them into the world. And if they fall into the hands of an owner who is under the same astrochemical conditions, they will act in accordance with the message with which they have been suffused. Sociologists are trying to improve working conditions. This is right, but in addition the spiritual level of the workers should be raised. It does not matter whether they create great things or small, the poisonous saliva can saturate them equally. For natural magnetism there is no need of special black magic. Black fire fills every evil heart, therefore let us be very observant in regard to objects. One may recall that Apollonius of Tyana never touched objects that were unfamiliar to him. First he looked at them carefully, especially when they were ancient. When one of his disciples wanted to put a ring on his finger, the Teacher warned him against touching poison. A deadly poison was discovered concealed in the ring. And Apollonius added, "Such poison is less deadly than the poison of the heart." One should not regard the sayings of the sages as remote symbols. Often they have a literal meaning, which must be remembered and applied. We do not go to a shop to purchase clothing infected with smallpox; yet this infection will be only a one-thousandth part of the contagion present. How often have I stated that the accumulations of thought are far more virulent than poisons! Just as fire deposits a patina upon a vessel, so is the fire of thought irremovable when it saturates the surface of an object. Among purifiers eucalyptus is useful, for it contains much fire. All living fire is also useful. Much infection has been destroyed around bonfires.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 606:
606. Indeed, one must free oneself from egoism in order to transmute and affirm the radiant Ego. One may carry the transformed Ego to the altar of Light without fear of being burned. What, then, is subject to scorching if not egoism with all its appendages? Egoism, like a cancerous swelling is engendered by lack of Agni. Let us not forget that egoism attracts and fills itself with carnal lusts and begets evil. Around the bait of egoism flock the influences of family, clan, and nation. The very sediments of the physical and of the Subtle World seek to wind themselves about egoism; such a bristly ball is unsuitable for the Fiery World. But the tempered and conscious fiery Ego enters the Fiery World as a welcome guest. Thus, let us distinguish all that befits the Higher World as an achievement. Let it be only a luminous duty. It is not fitting to consider the predestined assignment as a unique achievement. People should accustom themselves to the transmutation of the heart as a manifest path, known long ago.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 192:
192. The Alexandrian philosophers used to say - Do not criticize the World, for it was created by great thought. The creation is not at fault, but our conception of it is. We can channel our thoughts either for good or for evil. We could transform the best animal into an evil creature. Cruelty on one side and fear on the other fills our consciousness by means of thought. We can send evil in our glance. We could turn a beneficial plant into a most poisonous and pernicious one. The thoughts of the ancient philosophers penetrated into religions. Clement of Alexandria knew how people themselves debase the great Creation. Even now people may observe how evil can transform the most harmless beings. Indeed, every animal tamer can tell how often precisely the element of good assists him in his work. But he also knows that besides good there must be measures for self-protection, varying according to the character of the animal. Such a science may be called goal-fitting. We cannot criticize the World without wondering why malice was allowed to enter. So too, protective measures will emanate not from evil but from good. Each leader may be advised not to forget the covenants of the ancient philosophers.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 251:
251. The expulsion of magic does not mean interruption of the manifestations of the Subtle World. On the contrary, the bond with the Higher World can be but strengthened through the abolition of all violence. Precisely, ignorant compulsion can violate the harmony of combinations. Nature, both in the small and the great, is opposed to any violence. To study and to cognize the marvelous approaches to the Subtle World and to the Fiery World will not be magic. Prayer of the heart is not magic. Aspiration of the spirit towards Light is not magic. One must guard against all forms of ignorance, for it is a source of falsehood, and falsehood is the entrance-way to darkness. Be able to find in your heart the truth of turning to the one Light. Terror fills the world, Do not follow the pathway of terror. One may be fortified by examples of former times. The saints themselves were in contact with the Fiery World through the heart; the same heart which has been given to everyone. Ability to hear the voice of the heart already leads to truth.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 400:
400. Eternal Fire fills all bodies, and through them is unified with the higher fiery energy. In such a manner is the Universal sap worked over and over. This mysterious, ever self-regenerating substance cannot be named otherwise. Thus everything manifested serves for the renewing of the Eternal Substance. The circle serves as the best representation of the cooperation of energies.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 426:
426. We repeat about the Fiery World. Should one contend with it or grow to love it? Can one struggle with that which fills all that exists? Will not such a conflict be a most senseless action? Will not love for the Fiery World provide a most powerful magnet? If in the earthly existence love is the most creative principle, the stronger it is in the Higher Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 225:
225. If only it were possible to see with the naked eye the processes which, during various transmutations and functions of the centers, take place upon the aura surrounding a man! Each vibration of inner fires saturates the space roundabout with fire. Each vibration fills the space either with purifying discharges or with discharges of creative sparks. Unmanifested energies are attracted to these discharges. Fiery radiations of the centers saturate and intensify all contiguous spheres. During sendings of fiery energy the spirit transmutes also the whole space in its path. Let us give our attention to the great laboratory of the spirit which creates subtle energies. Only subtle attainment can penetrate into the Subtle World. All achievements within these subtle boundaries will result in attainment of the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 315:
315. The consciousness which has been illumined with an understanding of the immutability of achievement can welcome the New World. Such a consciousness will adopt a striving toward the conflict against darkness, and will know how to oppose all the progeny of hell. Many worldly pronouncements may be said to be hell-born. For the sphere which surrounds humanity is saturated with the products of the actions of mankind's Karma. The concept of achievement within one's heart will reveal all paths to it. The fiery battle fills all spheres. A manifestation of creativeness speedily intensifies new energies. On the path to the Fiery World let us imbue the spirit with consciousness of achievement.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 434:
Some the New World fills with terror. Some the New World appals with work. In some the heart palpitates at mention of the New World - seek the latter.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 465:
465. He can have visions who will admit them and whose heart can endure them. Fiery visions can be withstood only very rarely. Even the subtle bodies inspire terror. People should not complain at the absence of subtle visions. Even the beginning of their approach already fills one with terror. But none of the good beings will frighten one. On the contrary, they will guard against evil entities. Thus, the dense world is not accustomed to fiery perception.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 476:
476. Often the right concepts are uttered, but without true realization. The flaming glance very rightly calls to mind fiery energy, which is sent in the glance. The strong, warm handclasp is told about; again rightly, because it recalls the very same energy which fills all emanations. But people do not attribute the power of the glance to Fire; they think about the flash of the eyes or the muscles of the hand. Thus are forgotten the definitions which were taught at one time. Forgotten are many true concepts and many have been distorted. People simply reiterate, not attaching significance to very necessary denominations.

AUM (1936) - 32:
32. Often you find a misunderstanding as to what consonance means. Some imagine it as a loud sound, whereas the sound may be inaudible like the heart's tension. For it is the heart that sings; it resounds and fills the entire organism with a special energy. The prayer itself, Aum, may also be in the heart, but it engenders the same radiations as an unuttered sound. One should become accustomed to the heart's expression.

Brotherhood (1937) - 49:
49. Among one's human incarnations there is invariably found an incarnation devoted to rhythmic labor. Whether this be some sort of craftsmanship or music, singing or farm work, every man infallibly will cultivate in himself the rhythm which fills all of life. Upon learning of certain incarnations, people frequently are astonished as to why they should have been so insignificant. But in them there was being worked out the rhythm of labor. One of the greatest of qualities, this must be acquired through conflict and patience.

Brotherhood (1937) - 405:
405. The manifestation of wise Covenants enables one not to lose sight of the goal. An experienced archer sends the arrow firmly, but the hand of the faint-hearted trembles. The goal cannot be attained through errancy and staggering. Each belittlement of the Sublime fills the spirit with unsteadiness. The beautiful Sublimity is a shield against all errancy. Man goes straight to the Beautiful. He will not turn his back upon the Beautiful, nor will he utter disparagement of the Beautiful.

Brotherhood (1937) - 549:
549. I affirm the concept of brotherhood; it reminds us of that Brotherhood which will always be the dream of humanity. So many lofty deeds are affirmed by a reminder about the Great Brotherhood. The thought alone about the existence of such a Brotherhood fills a man with courage. One must muster all one's courage in order to resist the onslaught of darkness. But what, then, will strengthen such superhuman courage? Precisely Brotherhood can bestow invincible strength.

Brotherhood (1937) - 593:
593. The peoples of Asia have preserved the memory of the Brotherhood; each in its own way, in its own tongue, with its own possibilities has preserved in the depths of its heart a dream about an actual Refuge. The heart will not relinquish its dream about the Community of salvation, but will remember amidst sorrows that somewhere beyond the mountain peaks dwell the Protectors of the peoples. The very thought about them purifies the thinking and fills one with vigor. Thus, let us honor those who do not relinquish their best treasure.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 94:
The currents of will come into rapid collision, and undisciplined thinking fills space with destructive explosions. Probably the ignorant will again declare that We threaten and frighten them, but they should turn to the pages of history in which they can trace the calamities of humanity. These calamities are not sent by heaven, but are caused by human society. People persecute their own Saviors, acting like a mad musician who tears out the strings of his instrument before the concert!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 197:
"No one should think that the space around us is empty. On the contrary, we can feel with our hearts the presence of various beings. Some call to us, others embrace us with a slight breath, still others fill us with joy or sadness, or whisper advice to us. A fool will say he alone is responsible for all these feelings. Ignorance fills man with self-importance. It would be wiser for him to say that he applies all his effort, yet is grateful for invisible help.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 356:
One may further ask, if cosmic currents influence all living beings, why must only exceptional people undergo severe suffering? Again the answer is simple. These currents certainly influence the entire planet, but the degree of reaction to them varies, and when someone fills his Chalice and refines his consciousness, he places himself in the first rank of those affected. It is impossible then to avoid such suffering by altering his consciousness, for it has already attained a natural degree of development.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396:
396. Urusvati correctly observes that space sometimes falls silent and seems to be utterly without sound. One might mistakenly think that his hearing has been lost, but the true reason is that these are the instances when We have sent a special barrier to protect the sensitive ear from the howling and groaning that fills space. Why should the heart be burdened with such unbearable sounds of suffering when the accumulation of energy is needed? We know how difficult it is to bear the groans of space.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 449:
People often lose their equilibrium when they hear about danger, and fearing one danger, they evoke ten others. But with experience people will learn that danger, first of all, must be faced with equilibrium. When travelers are warned about danger, only a few accept the warning intelligently. The timid traveler will enumerate all the possible dangers and conjure up insurmountable difficulties, while the true warrior will collect his strength to overcome the obstacles. He knows that danger can appear from below, from above, and from every side, but this does not frighten him. On the contrary, the intensification of his forces fills him with joy.


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