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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > FI > FILLED (253)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 106:
The curtain is swept aside, and the unknown is made known. The mind comprehends not the ways of the heart, but the heart knows. I speak not of the things of today. The spirit is filled with foreboding of coming events - the currents vibrate. And the happenings of the Universe are interbound with men's lives, and the resounding of Its strings is intricate. The Creator's Manifestations should not put to flight the warriors but should wing them on. Forge your arrows, I send you love.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 177:
Listen to the truth - your cloudy mood comes from knowing about the unprecedented approaching world cataclysm. The blind rejoice, the deaf make merry. But the awakened spirit is filled with foreboding and sorrow. Weak-spirited are those who in the midst of battle dream of peace. In five years an entire age is outspanned, But mankind regards its ever-swifter course as a disaster.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 202:
202. Sacrifices have been made upon M.'s Mountain. It is difficult to pray when the mind is filled with worldly thoughts. Your will must guard the place of prayer. It is better to truly know people than to be charmed by their masks. If human hearts were filled with beauty, no sacrifices would be needed. But many are the unillumined ones. Therefore, it is a thorny way that leads to each truth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 243:
243. Have no doubt, no regret, no fear - the future is ahead of you! Four guardians, protect the Chalice of the Archangel! With new wisdom is filled the Ark manifested unto you. To the mouth of time did I give the command to bring you onto My Path. Under an earthly veil did I conceal your true faces. I filled you with the joy of ascent. And I unveiled the memory of the forgotten scroll. I enhanced your perception and opened to you the books. Approach and receive.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 332:
332. When through the tatters of your temporary bodies shines the splendor of your spirit, Are you not filled with strength and joy? And are not all your beings united in the joy of that labor of your spirit? And then am I near to you. And then does your ear discern the soft sound of My step.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 342:
342. Where is the prayer? Where is the mantram? Where is the conjuration? Where is the invocation? I will say my prayer and I will say it facing the sun. If my eyes cannot endure the Light of the Universe, I will close them. And, filled with the sparks of Its radiance, I will nevertheless say: Here I behold my path, and along it I strive with all my inmost being. And, repelling the enemies and renouncing all possessions, I am coming to Thee. My word to Thee is my prayer. By day and by night do I repeat it, at work and during the night vigil, When the eyes no longer discern the bounds of earth and heaven. How much preparation, and how much thought and vigilance - To say to Thee this one prayer, "I love Thee, My Lord." It is my only prayer.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 374:
374. Why has the earth been laid waste? Why has the temple been overthrown? The father's wrath will pass. The morning bird is ready to sing out the dates. The prophecy of days is being fulfilled. And filled to the brim are the chalices of the Archangels. Hallowed be the Name of the Lord! People will rise up by the spirit. The essence of the miracle is simple: Love is the miracle, Beauty is the miracle.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 441:
441. He who arrives ignorant will be seated at the table and will be filled with knowledge. All is saturated with signs and approaches. If you wish to commission a passer-by to carry a message to a neighbor's house, You say to him, "Friend, give our friends this message." And often afterward you do not even recognize this messenger. So, in life too, look at what has been brought to you without being troubled by the appearance of the bearer, Especially when everything around is filled with signs. Truly, fortunate are you who know the Indications about what is coming, and the ordained dates. Therefore, wait and rejoice.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.1:
2.4.1. Not in jest are the planets beyond Uranus mentioned. Often the spirit struck by the cosmic whirl cannot acclimate itself and make observations, but this is only a question of time and technique. Our prolonged experiments will prepare for a great deal, as also for lengthy labor. Many of Our experiments require centuries. So if you feel the endlessness of labor, you know one more of Our feelings - all time is filled.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.12:
How perishable everything once seemed! Our disciples, appearing for the last time on Earth, experience the feeling of loneliness and of estrangement. Only in consciousness do we understand the value of Earth, but nothing compels us to look back if the spirit has already filled its treasure chest. The chief requisite is the modification of the human feeling of joy. And what joy may there be, when one realizes the imperfection of life? But when the spirit faces the dimensions of Cosmos, then this joy is replaced by the realization of possibilities.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.11.1:
2.11.1. I rejoice when you are imbued with the significance of the future. These are especially crucial times. In old prejudices a mountain of incomprehension is revealed. Obscure are the people's ways. Verily, only Our exertion can alter the course of events. Brutal habits have filled the leisure of mankind.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.5:
I do not vaguely feel, I know! Not superstition, but certainty. When we are filled with immutability, it is as if we have contacted the magnet of the planet. Then we stand steadfast.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.11:
Imagine it this way; A candle filled with malice is trying to burn you. You have not yet taken any measures, but from behind you there is approaching a powerful torch. Perform this experiment and you will see how the candle gutters, chars, and goes out. It is not a punishment but a consequence of the laws of nature.

New Era Community (1926) - 48:
Precisely in the days of grave sickness of the planet it is important to be filled with courage. By groping one does not pass, but the sword can cleave the harmful veils. Very grave is the moment, and it is necessary to intensify all courage.

New Era Community (1926) - 92:
I refer to the Blessed One. When He went into the mountains, He apportioned his time to facilitate the passage. By this is attained economy of energy. In truth, this is a unique economy, admissible and justified; otherwise chasms may be formed between the worlds, and who knows with what gas they may be filled? I can advise you to conserve energy, for each useless waste smites space at far distances as if by a wire. It is important to care for the Cosmos in each blade of grass, if we are ready to become citizens of the universe.

New Era Community (1926) - 137:
When one is guided daily one may lose consciousness of the guiding thought. Weak minds think that they remain without connection with the guide - the details of daily routine reduce them to ordinariness. But, indeed, amidst daily routine it is possible to grow flaming thought. As a metal is forged with an ordinary hammer, and as seed filled with the great substance of life is gathered with an ordinary sickle, so amid ordinary matters look for the thread of greatness.

New Era Community (1926) - 149:
149. Maintain a correlation between expansion and strengthening. Remember, not only the leap but also the retention of the new ground. Many examples may be cited wherein expansion resulted in no possibilities. Naturally, we must understand expansion in regard to the consciousness. If a victory of the consciousness be not consolidated technically, then instead of an even light the consciousness will become filled with sharp, painful sparks. As in all life, it is necessary to understand the moment of assimilation. Man, living fully, begins to notice, as it were, a pulsation of his experiences. This pulsation proceeds apart from the quantity of labors and apart from external impulses. It is necessary to safeguard this pulsation inwardly and not attribute it to overfatigue or to an accidental effect. In these moments the consciousness becomes accustomed to some new acquisition. Through inexperience people often begin to be alarmed by a temporary silence of the consciousness, but such a consolidation leads to the next leap. During such a period of assimilation of the consciousness do not disturb it with problems. The butterfly is making ready new multicolored wings - do not harm the cocoon.

New Era Community (1926) - 152:
It must not be thought that vigilance can make a man cold and aloof. A warrior on guard is filled with the light of possibilities. True, he is astonished at nothing, for he foresees the birth of new possibilities.

New Era Community (1926) - 154:
I see approaching another unreasonable person - this one is still more imperfect. He censures "Of what use is a solemn prophecy?" We shall say, "The solemnity of a forewarning is proportionate to the degradation of your squeaking at danger. O thou biped, how many times have you lost your face at the first difficulty! We have seen you blacker than charcoal, and your negation has filled you with stench. Badly do you fare, having burned your steps and now asking alms of the abyss."

New Era Community (1926) - 223:
223. The methods of West and East in thought transmission differ. For suggestion the West has tried to apply direct aggressive action touch, fixation with the eye, loud murmuring of a command, which in their primitiveness remind one of the lower conjurers of southern India. At best such a command is distinguished by temporal brevity, and usually involves the consciousness in only one definite action. The East, first of all, seeks an inner contact with the state of consciousness, which allows the consciousness to be filled more firmly and lastingly. The Westerner tries to pierce one with his gaze, but the Easterner, in sending a thought, will actually not look at one, because the effect of a glance would be to diminish the sharpness of the command. Indeed, the eyes of the sender will be open but he will form a picture of his correspondent, and in that mental image he can more fully encompass his essence. No tension will strengthen the effect, but only immutability of consciousness and trueness of tone of the psychic sounding. A rock splits from a detonation, not only from a blow. It is easy to achieve the most difficult if the consciousness is adequate and tranquility is not disturbed. The trouble is in the fact that people regard tranquility as inaction.

New Era Community (1926) - 263:
The suffering of privations is unknown to Us, for containment excludes privation. Our Teaching represents the world as rich, joyous and attractive. Nowhere are fetters and floggings indicated. Like a ship filled with treasures does the indicated community rush along. Realization of the innumerable properties of matter brightly illuminates all. The matter of yesterday is clothed in a radiant fabric of energy, which is not in need of a new name but which penetrates all space and palpitates with the rainbow of human rejoicing.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 11:
When the scales of the Lord have been prepared, we shall awaken early in order to weigh our use of the day just passed. We shall select that which was most daring, in order that these kernels of good may weigh more in the balance. We shall add the sorrows of the old world, for their burden is of use to us. And add the derision of the ignorant. Each of these adds its weight to the cup holding truth. Should we find threats and assaults, let us not forget to add those to the cup also. Why the trembling of the scale? With what wretched, murky tatters have we filled the cup of our wrongdoing? Like last winter's withered leaves are heaped the curses of the ordinary, the dross of yesterday.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 40:
40. A blind man dreams of material reward. But, if he were to gain sight, he would be astonished to see that he creates his own reward. Ascending in consciousness, a man progresses filled with joy, and the thought of reward would return him into slavery. In fact, there are many slaves, precisely those who try to conceal the servility of their spirit beneath an icy impenetrability and a seeming renunciation of that which they do not even possess. Each one wanting reward is already a slave. Only by a free consciousness, lacking both self-aggrandizement and self-disparagement, can evolution be constructed.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 55:
The old world and the New World are distinguished through consciousness, not by outer evidence. Age and circumstance bear no importance. New banners are often raised by the hands of the old world, still filled with prejudices. But often in solitude beats a heart filled with the radiance of the New World. Thus, unwaveringly, before our eyes, the world divides itself. The new consciousness grows, unskilled, but full of daring. Despite its experience the old thinking loses strength. There is no power that could hold back the tide of the New World. We regret the useless waste of energy of the expiring consciousness. We welcome with a smile the daring of those who realize their right to expand new achievements. Each mistake, if committed for the cause of the New World, becomes a flower of valor. No matter how skillful the effort to embalm the old world, it remains a skeleton of horror.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 65:
65. If a very simple man should ask you the purpose of the Teaching, say, "That you may live happily." He should not be overwhelmed by too complicated considerations. Let his entire being be filled with the realization that the whole Teaching is concerned with improving his life. The understanding of responsibility will come later. First - proclaim the joy and betterment of life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 70:
Do not show off the consciousness whenever it is necessary to dispatch a fleet arrow. Only the ignorant try to display the dry twigs of their pompousness on their window sills. He whose house is filled with knowledge does not fear to carve a slice of thought.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 122:
The ashes of past fires may dim the vision, but the fires of new images of Truth glow in the Infinite. When we have transcended the narrow boundaries of ethnicity and nationality, is it not all the same to us which planet is nurtured by spatial thought? The only important thing is that the thought be filled with a realization of the Common Good. Then the crosscurrents of nations will not distract the eye that is directed toward the inevitable evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 148:
All experiments in the fields of subtlest energies best occur in those hours when you are easily separated from Earth, and are filled with an unrestrainable striving to the wisdom of the far-off worlds. Any earthly sensation appears as nought compared with this flight into the Infinite. Yet there are times when we must strengthen the pillars of earthly wisdom. We rejoice at the wisdom of the far-off worlds, but should not forget the earthly wisdom.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 158:
There exist no half-measures; there is either striving or the paralyzing cold of death. Moreover, striving is replete with the joy of cosmic realization, whereas the stiffening of death is filled with terror.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 170:
New concepts are entering imperceptibly into life. These signs, visible to few, are at the foundation of life, penetrating all its aspects. Only the blind fail to perceive that life is being filled with new concepts. Scientists should be called to cast light on this new evidence.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 210:
210. It is said that a yogi has no desires; actually, he is filled with striving. A desire is not active, because it creates expectation, and expectation is the mother of passivity. Striving, on the other hand, is a generator of motion, leading to ascent of the spirit. It is said that the yogi knows no love; but in truth, he is full of compassion. People think of love only as constricting bonds. But compassion is boundless, a co-worker of Truth. It is said that a yogi is endowed with inexhaustible powers; however, like a diligent gardener, he must tend his own plants in the garden of opportunities.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 240:
240. One should examine all ideas about death. Setting aside those who think of suicide, if a life is dedicated to labor, is there any advantage to having a lengthy life in one body? No, it is more useful to divide the time into several experiences. Economy of energy is a fundamental principle of the universe. To enter a new house filled with fresh air is to open the opportunity for new accumulations of experience.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 242:
242. It is painful to think that only a few people are filled with the desire to give all, to give to space, to give to the invisible worlds, to contribute truly to the knowledge of those whom they do not even know. For these few, such a broadening of concerns from ordinary life leads to new thinking.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 308:
308. Every wrongdoer is afraid to return to the site of his misdeeds. People realize that their previous conduct in the astral world often does not correspond to standards of spiritual dignity. Therefore, they are filled with awe and fear before the gates of the astral. They even try not to think about crossing, hoping that ignorance will relieve them of responsibility. But, by admitting this knowledge, they could make these crossings no more difficult than the ascent of the rungs of a ladder.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 342:
The Fire of Space, in rare cases, can be observed by the naked eye where it is more dense, near the protective purple border of the aura. Space becomes, one could say, filled with small tongues of flame. But for this manifestation a strong aura is needed, which will not suffer from the proximity of the intense flame.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 420:
In the Temple of Israel there was a general teraph for all uses, but for each ritual something belonging to the subject was placed under the teraph. Eventually, in the various countries there were scattered a multitude of teraphs, each one filled with the accumulations of many psychic transmissions. It is curious to observe the continued vitality of these accumulations of psychic energy. One can truly see that teraphs retain their power over thousands of years, like a seed that lives, manifesting undying power.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 462:
The inner surface of a four-sided chalice was covered with silver and its exterior plated with red copper. The chalice was filled with pomegranate juice. The affirmation of attainment was signified by the raising of the chalice. Then the juice was poured out to all four sides, as a symbol of unconditional readiness to serve the General Good.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 465:
465. Urusvati experienced the opening of the third eye. It is not easy to attain the ability to perceive the radiance of psychic energy. We make use of the tension in the atmosphere to help make manifest the development of the consciousness. That which exists in the depths of the consciousness must be called forth. There is no step of spiritual growth that is easy. One should not force progress in the mastery of psychic energy. The circle of the third eye is difficult. Its union with the Fire of Space takes place near those glands that are filled with the conduits from the centers.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 466:
466. I advise noting what actions and thoughts are accompanied by the appearance of stars, and what are the colors and dimensions of the stars. These indications are like the bliss of the worlds. The Fire of Space is seemingly metalized, and life becomes filled with the radiance of the prana of reality. One should simply watch the signs without prejudice, and observe to what thought they relate. Certainly they may seem familiar enough to the psychic vision, but one should not lose attentiveness and let oneself think of them as familiar. Only for weak ones can the everyday work on the Teaching be tiresome. The sparks of Cosmos are unique and unrepeatable. We could provide an entire chapter describing observations of these stars.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 470:
470. Everything heard and seen through the Brahmarandhra center deserves especially sensitive attention. The highest faculty of psychic energy connects with the fires of space. One rarely can see these fires in great measure. Just as the heavenly vault is filled with the radiance of the far-off worlds, so do the fires sparkle above the crown of the head. By this the quality of psychic energy is refined. We should rejoice at every sign of refinement of psychic energy. Indeed, it is here in the earthly incarnations that one crystallizes the psychic energy. When one passes to the astral plane one must retain cognizance of the future, and also ignite one's striving with the crystal of psychic energy. Otherwise those who pass into the astral plane will submerge into the twilight of carry-overs. That is why one's accumulation of psychic energy is precious.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 499:
499. Every action based on reason is an indestructible acquisition. Affirmation of the Teaching is an invincible armor. Knowledge is gained by mastering the sparks of Light. Space is filled with material bodies beyond counting.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 520:
Then the tested one either became confused and was rejected, or he was filled with firmness and spoke, "The eyes and ears can be deceived, but nothing can delude the heart. I see with the heart, I hear with the heart, and nothing impure will touch the heart. For the sword entrusted to me is kept sharp."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 520:
Once again the Great Hierophant approached and, pointing out a chalice filled with a red liquid, said, "Receive and drink of thy chalice; empty it to see the mystery at the bottom."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 563:
563. Independence of action is encouraged. But should one be criticized if sometimes the desire arises to reach out to the Teacher for advice and to merge one's aura with His? It was always said: "First the storm, then the thunder, then silence." In this absence of sound comes the so-called Voice of the Silence. But higher than this voice is communion. You know how the voice of the Teacher is transmitted; but there can be a coming together in consciousness, not using words but transporting one's consciousness instantaneously into the consciousness of the Teacher. One almost ceases to be aware of oneself; but the Chalice is filled to the brim with straight-knowledge. Such union surpasses words, for it nurtures one with straight-knowledge. Of course it is not easy to attain such a state; but with expansion of consciousness it comes by itself, if not hindered by ignorance. All forms of communion are made possible by such a consciousness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 19:
19. Why do people accept the images of Maya to such a great extent? Life is filled with these phantoms and deceptive manifestations. This satiety fills existence with unnecessary images. The spirit cognizant of Eternity is impelled to the great Origin, and in him is contained the seed of the understanding of Cosmos. That spirit which is receptive only to the customary is directed to the petty reality of Maya. He is attracted only by the manifestations of the ordinary life. The absence of containment does not aid him in opening the book of life.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 19:
How may one affirm the beginning of understanding? The spirit will teach one to apply the signs of straight-knowledge, but let the treasury be filled! Only desire to enter into the rhythm of the cosmic pulsation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 56:
56. The achievement of drawing near the manifestation of Fire brings humanity closer to Infinity. Since Be-ness is Flame, all dissolves in the flaming manifestations. Since Be-ness is Fire, all is permeated with it. Since Be-ness is Fiery Expanse, our life is filled with Cosmic energy.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 84:
The existence of an object created by human hand can be ended, but a creation of the Cosmic Mind, in its goal-fitness, is illimitable. The steps upon which humanity must stand in Infinity are filled with cosmic reflections. Man is summoned to reflect the Universe. Man is summoned to the affirmation of the cosmic heights and to the expression of cosmic fires. Progressive steps are provided for striving to the higher worlds, but people accept existence as an aimless transit. The visible evidence may be reflected in the assertion of illusion, but cosmic vigilance whispers to the heart of man, "Created are we, and creation is our destiny!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 98:
Even planetary life may express a wondrous Sacrament when progress will bring close the understanding of the higher principle of harmony. When life on the planet is illumined by beauty, then the psycho-life of all that exists is filled with infinite beauty. Wondrous, limitless existence on the far-off worlds is conditioned upon the attainment of beauty. A grasp of the principle of relativity may show to what extent the attainments of the higher spheres differ from a planetary existence.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 104:
104. How luminous is the progress of an Agni Yogi, whose Chalice is filled with thoughts of Us! Transmutation of spiritual manifestations is granted to the one who carries the Chalice. We will direct creative threads toward transmutation of the very high. Great is the wealth of Cosmos. Great is Cosmos! Cosmos is in need of spirit-creativeness, and the psycho-creativeness of Cosmos is contained in the consciousness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 105:
105. Correct is your judgment about the forcible opening of the centers. We guard assiduously the predestined treasure. When the magnet of the spirit absorbs all fires into the Chalice, then We affirm the Arhat. The treasure of the Chalice consists of woven threads of pure fire. The Arhat, bearer of the fire of the Lotus, manifests spirit-realization, spirit-knowledge and spirit-manifestation. Thus close is the contemplation of the worlds to the spirit who has filled the Chalice of Amrita.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 187:
187. The power of Space permeates all beings. The oneness of manifestations is revealed in everything. The chains of Space embrace in themselves all expressions of life. A property in one kingdom vouchsafes that property in another, and is but its shadow. The manifestation of the spatial light presupposes the full development of the elements, and hardened matter presupposes its degrees. Hence, let us say that every property of each manifestation is dependent upon another, and that the quality of each manifestation is resultant on the previous striving. Expansion must impel people to be filled with the understanding of responsibility. The law of correlation of forms and aspirations is immutable. During the forming of combinations it is imperative to know this law. The creations of humanity bear the stamp of discord. When We speak of discord, We have in mind the difference between the indicated predestined path into the higher spheres and the path which humanity pursues. The obstruction of the path of advancement gives evidence of a very slow progress. Boundless are the higher ways, and the creative fires are comprised in them.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 213:
213. The universal substance which pervades the whole expanse of Cosmos responds to the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. The consciousness which responds to the cosmic fires can truly penetrate the laws of Be-ness. Therefore, the formula of creative power can be given to him who has willingly adhered to the Higher Reason and who has filled to the brim his Chalice. Hence, the formula of this power cannot be asserted on this planet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 242:
On this planet energies are given to humanity which can bring life to spatial bodies, but only in accordance with the striving. Thus, these predestined bodies must project themselves out into space. The formula of the ever-growing power is like that of the fundamental pull of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the space is filled with formless processes and boundless strivings.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 308:
308. The Cosmic Magnet is based on the attraction of the particles of all energies; therefore, it is not possible to exclude one energy from the manifested harmonized units. The tipping of the balance is determined by incommensurability or insufficient harmonization of energies. There is either intervention of extraneous forces or a parallel course, which provides direction for the currents of the Cosmic Magnet. The currents present a page of the cosmic creative process. He who receives today will give tomorrow. The scale will dip on the opposite side. The archives of Space are filled with these records. These records are replete with human perversions. Only service to evolution can prove a creativeness which corresponds to the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 348:
348. A most powerful stream is diffused in the combinations of the Magnet. True, when Reason unites various energies, then forces are conjoined which produce a powerful energy. The manifestation of cosmic rays is the straining of energies responding to the attraction of the Magnet. The Universe is filled with such manifestations. The creative principle gathers potential energies and propels all the manifested energies into a channel. Hence, each energy is intensified by creative tension.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 352:
352. There is a law under which are created the strivings along which moves the spiral of light. Upon the tension of the vibration of light is based the law which unites all energies. Since the given law holds over all energies, the drive of this impulse encompasses all energies. Only Materia Lucida can develop all the forms that exist in the space. Only intensification of the energies can bring the task of the Cosmic Magnet to realization. Only the spirit can give expression to all strivings by manifesting identical energies. Thus, when a new step is vouchsafed to humanity it can be consummated only through assimilation by the spirit. Thus, the human pages are inscribed by the hand of humanity, and often the pages are only partly filled or inscribed with inapplicable signs. Yet humanity is summoned to limitless knowledge!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 192:
192. The law of containment is affirmed by all beginnings. When the cosmic creativeness is brought into strain by aspirations, the law of containment brings forth manifold formulae. In cosmic creativeness the treasury contains all manifestations of energies. In spiritual creativeness the Chalice becomes filled with the very same energies. Hence, the treasury of the spirit has to contain all energies. Thus, the law of containment governs the essential creative impulse. From the Chalice issue all creative laws and in the Chalice are gathered all cosmic manifestations. Therefore, the enrichment of the Chalice affords realization of all cosmic plans. The foundations are gathered in the Chalice, and each energy can be a creator. Thus, creativeness is molded by the law of containment.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 217:
217. The centers of an Agni Yogi increase the assimilation of fires which will bring knowledge to mankind. Hence, the centers create with the current of evolution. Therefore, the centers of a striving Agni Yogi serve the Common Good. When the Chalice is filled with fire, the aura attracts the force of the Magnet. The power of the centers must be acknowledged. Thus, the centers spiritually create, and the fiery creativeness shifts the consciousness of humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 271:
271. Each spirit acquires tension under the powerful impulse of faith. Only this impulse gives man the possibility of penetrating into the higher spheres. And before cognizance the spirit must be filled with striving. Hence, when a man is straining forward upon the basis of an intensified impulse, the law of pure faith directs him to Truth. In the entire cosmic creation, the law of faith governs all beginnings. The faith of a scientist, the faith of the votaries of General good, the faith of the disciple of the Lords, and the faith of the Lords - these are all-imbuing and are themselves imbued by the pure Fire of Space. Thus is cosmic striving created.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 504:
504. In the Book of Life is inscribed each energy which is moved by the impulse of the spirit. The quality of the energy is predetermined by a karmic effect. Space is filled with these karmic effects and each atmospheric stream is intensified by these energies. Therefore, the redemption of its deeds by humanity demands purification. The Book of Life contains all cosmic preordinations. Creativity is correlated with striving, and striving leads toward the cosmic course if the torches of quest are kindled. Hence, each page leading to the realization of the Cosmic Magnet is a better page, and the searching spirit will open the gates to the foundations of Be-ness. Thus is Infinity built.

Hierarchy (1931) - 81:
81. It will be asked, How must we direct our prayers to the Highest One if the Image of the Lord is constantly before us? Say, Precisely through Him address yourself to the Highest One. Besides, if you have reached the state of keeping a constant Image of the Lord before you, this question cannot disquiet you at all. When we reach a conscious communion with the subtlest energies, much of that which did not find its place yesterday becomes fully comprehensible today. Thus we learn to rejoice and to be calm, where yesterday we sorrowed. It is useful to observe how our consciousness is purified through everyday labor. Now especially the tempering of these swords is timely, because the air is filled with fire. Only the Image of the Lord can rotate all centers and serve as a Shield. Let us not be afraid to repeat about swords and shields, because We desire peace and the reign of spirit. As victors cease to remember their enemies, so We do not count them; and a forest will not suffice to liken them to trees.

Hierarchy (1931) - 102:
And again a loyal heart is in the Service of the world. Therefore I say - health must be guarded. A vessel filled to the brim must be carried with caution.

Hierarchy (1931) - 107:
107. The cosmic currents pass through the heart of an Agni Yogi. "The saturated heart senses all perturbations," thus the Ancient Wisdom speaks of the heart filled with Ether. That through which the Cosmic Space breathes, the sensitive heart breathes through also. That with which the Cosmic Heart breathes, the heart of an Agni Yogi breathes with also. Each vibration resounds upon the subtle strings of a sensitive heart, therefore one has to guard so greatly this cosmic treasure. The currents fill the heart and expand the sphere of its action; thus the cosmic correspondence is established.

Hierarchy (1931) - 157:
157. You understand what each apostate inflicts upon the Teacher. If a special ray is assigned to each disciple, the severing of this thread must have a reaction. It is not without reason that the Teacher insistently questions the knocking ones, "Art thou not a traitor?" The severing of the thread between the Teacher and the disciple can be achieved only by a slow process, but impetuous betrayal is usually very painful to the Teacher and to the traitor. Verily, the traitor's reason becomes obscured, and through the wound caused by the broken thread obsession occurs most easily. One should consider this process of betrayal as a physical danger, not to speak of the spiritual consequence. One should ponder how cautiously one must select disciples in order not to contribute to cosmic harm. Hence, each Teaching gives strong examples of betrayal. For betrayal there is no need to be precisely a Devadatta or a Judas. Even without these prototypes space is filled with fractured rays.

Hierarchy (1931) - 177:
Through devotion one can reach all gates. Let us not forget this even for a moment. Precisely, let us be filled with the smile of devotion, and let us bless the daily routine. Each breath of Ours contains a wondrous substance for the worlds in formation. Ponder upon the treasures which are given to us and which belong to the One who brought us a tear and a drop of sweat for our liberation. Let us also daily thank the Highest One.

Hierarchy (1931) - 198:
198. With the growth of assimilation grows the feeling of responsibility. Facing the Great Plan, understanding of responsibility must be made manifest, therefore with each decision the full feeling of responsibility should be realized. Complete responsibility imbues one like Spatial Fire. Full responsibility must imbue each action; for the feeling of containment can only be affirmed when the sense of responsibility impels the spirit to the fulfillment of the Will of Hierarchy. Hence cosmic daring suffuses the Carrier of Fire. Therefore the affirmation of the Higher Will can be realized when the spirit is truly filled with responsibility. Thus, victories are achieved. Thus, those are invincible who fulfill the Will of Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 242:
242. Certainly the dark force fears most of all the affirmation of Light. All servitors of darkness intensify their forces when the servitor of Light imbues space with the Decree of the Lords. Humanity knows great examples of such battle and victory of Light. Certainly each one receives a Teacher in accordance with his own consciousness. It is the same with the chain of the dark ones, who are filled with the consciousness of evil, setting up their decision against Light. Thus, the forces are strained in Cosmos by diverse affirmations. Therefore one may affirm that Light conquers darkness. Thus the life of Infinity is built.

Hierarchy (1931) - 267:
267. When the chalice of world events is being filled, then the fiery Chalice of an Agni Yoga is aflame. The law of correspondences acts powerfully. In these consonances the unity of the worlds is contained. Therefore, when the fiery law shifts the old affirmations, the sensitive centers resound with the world's reverberations. Thus, the unity is intensified with the reverberation of the centers.

Hierarchy (1931) - 280:
280. Let us turn back to the concept of love. In each book a considerable place must be allotted to that fundamental concept, especially because under the concept of love much of the opposite is understood. It is correctly pointed out that love is a guiding and creative principle. This means that love must be conscious, striving and self-denying. Creativeness requires these conditions. And if love is marked by self-enfeeblement, disintegration, and service to self, it will not be the highest concept of humanity, which extols the concept of achievement. The heart filled to the brim with love will be active, valiant, and will expand to its capacity. Such a heart can pray without words and can bathe in bliss. How greatly in need is humanity of the realization of the fire of love! A purple star of the highest tension will correspond to this fire.

Hierarchy (1931) - 313:
313. When the spirit is filled with striving, there is no place for indifference. When the spirit is aflame, there is no place for indifference. This quality provides immunity to indifference. Only when the spirit tends to egoism can its death occur. Therefore, one should flamingly protect the spirit from indifference when the evil generated by neglected striving will nestle, whence this evil will inflict a blow that will bear fruit. It is difficult to detect the root of evil generated by indifference. Only in endless vigilant striving can one find protection for construction. Hence, while constructing great works, one must understand that egoism and indifference are inadmissible.

Hierarchy (1931) - 362:
Ejections likewise ward off inflammation; it is entirely analogous to volcanoes. A multitude of analogies are revealed to a searching eye. Only, one should not seek the artifice of a ritual, or forcing. The natural blending with the Highest is achieved only through a naturally kindled fire of the heart. Certainly the boiling of the Chalice that is filled to the brim is unavoidable, but this is the burden of the Mother of the World. Remember the ancient image of an infant lying in a chalice. A multitude of scientific signs are transformed into misty symbols, but it is time to study them.

Hierarchy (1931) - 423:
423. Indeed, it is not necessary to call forth irritation, because men are filled to the brim with it. It is only necessary to lock six bipeds in one room and within an hour the door will be shaking from imperil. It is more difficult with Bliss, but here, also, the knowledge of Agni Yoga and close cooperation with certain plants will provide a perceptible result. Certainly the densification of the astral body will provide irreplaceable possibilities. A difficult time affords new approaches, and the tread of the New World is already audible.

Hierarchy (1931) - 431:
431. A sensitive heart is close to the sensitive ear. A sensitive heart transforms the brain. The lack of heart annihilates all previous accumulations. What is the use of literacy if only superficial eyes measure the curves of a hieroglyph! Onerous is the Burden of the World! Filled to the brim is the Chalice of the Keepers of the Magnet! Flaming hearts can combat everywhere the annihilation of the essence of Bliss. One can comprehend why one should become accustomed to understanding the heart as the propellant of Be-ness. One can understand how the thread of the heart is linked with Hierarchy. If the heart is withered the brain will not be kindled to consciousness. Thus we realize chemically how an organism becomes part of the great Heart of the Universe. When I advise cautiousness it means that outer conditions set the overfilled Chalice atremor.

Hierarchy (1931) - 434:
434. Help each other, harken! Help in the small and in the great. Help is a rap upon the future. You know not which is the drop that filled the cup to the brim. I shall remind you of a tale of ancient India King Rishiputra could no longer sleep. He summoned a Sage to restore his sleep to him. The Sage said, "King, examine thy couch." The royal couch was examined, and a stone was found in the folds of the sheets. The King rejoiced, believing that this was the cause of his affliction. But sleep did not return and the Sage repeated his advice. Again the couch was examined, and a dead butterfly was found. Again the King was sure that the cause of his sleeplessness was discovered. But his sleep did not return. The Sage said, "There is no effect without cause. Thou thyself, King, examine thy couch; for nothing can take the place of one's own eye." And the King found under his pillow a grain of gold, small as a mustard seed. "This minute grain could not have harmed me," thought the King. But sleep immediately closed his eyes. In the morning the Sage pointed out to the King, "The downfall of the spirit is not measured by fourths. The treasures of war cannot outweigh a seed taken from a widow. Help, King, wherever help can reach."

Heart (1932) - 33:
33. And who would assert that it is easy to follow the Teaching if the accumulations are insufficient? But if the Chalice is filled, then the path of the Teaching is inevitable. We can understand the difficulty of assimilating earthly poison, for each one of Us has absorbed an unlimited quantity of poison. As the magnet attracts certain metals, so the heart absorbs Bliss. As a sponge absorbs liquid, so the pores of the skin absorb the earthly poison. But the prana absorbed consciously pacifies the flow of poisons.

Heart (1932) - 71:
71. True solemnity is built in the highest tension. Solemnity is not rest, not satisfaction, not the end, but precisely the beginning, precisely determination and progress on the way to Light. Hardships are inevitable, as the wheels of striving. Terrible pressures are inevitable, otherwise the explosion is weak. But can joy come through levity? There, there is only lust, but joy is in the victory of spirit. The victory of spirit is in the assertion of unalterable principles. When the Banner of Peace is being unfurled one can be filled with solemnity.

Heart (1932) - 85:
85. Freedom is valuable for the guarding of personality, for the individualization of the attracted energies. But it is freedom, exactly, that becomes the most perverted conception. Life becomes filled with tyranny and slavery instead of freedom, precisely the qualities that exclude cooperation and respect for personality; thus, some people succeed in planning their existence exclusively out of a special combination of tyranny and slavery. Of course, people repeat about freedom without even knowing its specific qualities. Freedom should affirm itself in them by the upliftment of consciousness. Intense searches for freedom show that the spirit potentially strives toward new ascents, yet no one has taught it how to apply this treasure.

Heart (1932) - 102:
102. Even a high Yogi sometimes acts and heals consciously, sometimes upon a Highest Ray without personal determinations. If people would realize that there are Highest Rays, they would safeguard themselves from mingled influences. Space is filled with various intercrossing rays and currents. Without the aspiration toward Hierarchy how many accidental and ill-intended disturbances can intercept pure striving! We are accustomed already to the fact that people call on Us only in apparent danger, while during real dangers, the invisible ones, they cannot retain the link with the Hierarchy! Thus, one should bind oneself to the Ray of Hierarchy, actually becoming united with it as an integral part. For even a highest Yogi sometimes acts upon the Highest Ray.

Heart (1932) - 148:
148. Again one will come with a question, "Why is so little said about the Subtle World in all scriptures?" Be assured, much is said everywhere, but people do not wish to notice this. Upon ancient icons one can see green spheres representing the earthly, and red spheres, the fiery - in other words, those of the Subtle World. Upon one icon one can see a whole scene in green tones and alongside it the red world of the angels. What could be more graphic? All prophecies are filled with messages about the Subtle World. Even in the Koran the Subtle World is not forgotten. It is impossible to name one Teaching where there is not a place allotted to the life of the Subtle World. Because of the horror before everything invisible, people stuff their ears and close their eyes, preferring to remain in ignorance. But can one think about the heart, about psychic energy, without remembering about the Subtle World, vast and so indivisible from the dense world?

Heart (1932) - 163:
163. One must prepare for higher realizations; only in such tendency of thought can the new consciousness of humanity be brought closer. One must again purify the great reality in order that it may become like a shelter for the traveler. So inevitable is reality and so beautiful that it would be madness to cast it aside from the great destined ascent. Various ages, each in its own manner, anticipated the future reality. And in ignorance the beautiful chambers were even filled with horror, but it is only ignorance that abides in horrors. The abode of the spirit is beautiful if it has chosen the beautiful path.

Heart (1932) - 177:
177. Do not neglect anything. In neglect lies the cause of most unhappiness. Advise people to understand how even the greatest manifestation may be the least perceptible. Cosmic significance does not depend upon physical dimensions. The seed is the best example. Now especially do we point out the necessity of respect for various manifestations which have filled life. Does a messenger necessarily have to be a giant? Furthermore, must a ray be blinding? But the voice that would cause deafness would be harmful. Now a multitude of manifestations, insignificant in appearance, traverse the world. The attention must be sharpened. He who can train his attention to observe the smallest, will also understand the greatest.

Heart (1932) - 221:
221. In the future photographing of auras the various light filters must be considered. The blue and violet tones indicate how difficult for the ordinary films are those shades that resemble the tones of the Subtle World, to which the aura belongs. Thus, the aura can be photographed if space is filled with meteoric dust or if, during process, strong psychic energy has participated. Thus, after all physical adaptations, let us return to psychic energy. Yet how necessary it is for the accumulation of this energy primarily to avoid disintegrating blasphemy.

Heart (1932) - 275:
275. The Teacher needs an especially clear consciousness in the disciples. But night, which obscures the consciousness, does not permit the propelling of the entire might preserved in its depths. Among the reasons for success or failure in the tasks, the condition of the consciousness occupies no small place. Even a slight perplexity or uncertainty in striving alters the result. For instance, someone may come to you anxious to help and awaiting from you only the impetus to do so. But you may be absorbed in some outside conversation, and the desire to help evaporates in a cup of tea. Besides, the custom of the country demands that time be filled with the most insignificant communications, and in this rubbish the most precious seeds are lost. But if humanity would only value time, at least much that is vital could come about. True, this can be ruled by the heart in order to correlate the highest measures.

Heart (1932) - 317:
317. Verily, it is only necessary to avoid horror and decomposition, because there is no situation which, possessing the strength of a foundation, cannot be turned into the very best solution. Thus, it is impossible to create in complete stagnation and decline, since each striving movement is already filled with a decisive consonance.

Heart (1932) - 356:
356. It is related how a Yogi, in a moment of tension, lifted a vessel filled with water and broke it. When he was asked the reason for this destruction, he replied, "Otherwise, my heart would have burst." Such discharges exist in all conditions. The tension of the heart can become so great that it becomes necessary to perform some action in space in order to free the needed conditions from the densified sphere. Such condensation may occur externally from outside causes, but it may also occur from within, exactly as during cosmic disturbances. Hence, one should cautiously watch the dictates of the heart. It senses and reflects invisible processes to such an extent that in accordance with it one can write the entire history of the Invisible. A comparison between seismic causes and the cataclysms of the Subtle World is difficult, yet the heart also reacts to them.

Heart (1932) - 407:
407. In a spasm of hatred someone sick of a horrible disease attempted to touch as many objects as possible for the harm of humanity. Thus does the mobility of evil evidence itself. Evil demands no definite personalities - only the necessity of general harm. If only goodness would distinguish itself by a still greater mobility! If each one filled with goodness would sow it with every touch! What a myriad of beneficent sparks would be sent out into space, and how much easier would the battle with evil become! It is true that at times human goodness is very profound, but it often lacks mobility. This comes from a lack of culture of the heart. The potentiality of the good heart usually works in spasms and is not always open for ready action. However, it is precisely this spasmodic action that permits many assaults by evil, which works like a winnowing fan, in all directions. It is only by an impenetrable armor of goodness that one can defend oneself. It is not commendable to have an armor very solid in back but with just the heart unprotected.

Heart (1932) - 527:
527. Notice how distant events reflect upon the Chalice before they reflect upon the heart. This sequence has seldom been noticed. Of course, when the Chalice is filled, remedies must be taken for the heart, nevertheless, the Chalice experiences the tension first. The Chalice demands solemnity, as if it had to be filled to the brim.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 26:
26. The Fiery Serpent rising above the Chalice in the form of the serpent of Moses, like the Arabic figure eight, indicates the tension of the Chalice, because the Chalice is filled with Fire. The accumulations and precipitations in the Chalice constitute the fiery substance. Thus, primarily we are fiery beings. Only with such conviction do we begin to grow the so-called fiery wings.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 71:
71. Each blow of the hammer produces a fiery manifestation, but each sword stroke also yields a fiery display. Let us approve the work of the hammer, and warn against raising the sword. Let us discern each touch of Fire. Let us accept with utmost responsibility each evidence of the great element. The manifested Fire does not return to its primeval state; it will remain in a special state among fiery manifestations. It will be either life-creating or destructive, according to the intention of him who sends it. For this reason I stress the significance of Fire, this inseparable fellow traveler. By the most varied means one should impress people with the significance of the elements. They have forgotten how filled their life is with the most responsible actions. Words and thoughts beget fiery consequences; yet the tongue continues to prattle and thought continues to wound space. Ponder this fiery production! Do not pride yourselves on some dead knowledge as long as you continue to spew slander against the Highest. Remember that this slander will lodge with you forever. The world has been set aquiver by the flames of malice. Its progenitors hope for the ruin of others, but they themselves will perish from leprosy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 81:
81. Sincere striving for self-perfection is not egoism, but has universal significance. The thought about improvement does not concern oneself alone. Such thought carries within itself the flame needed for many kindlings of hearts. As fire, when brought into a place filled with inflammable substance, will unfailingly ignite it, so fiery thought pierces space and infallibly attracts seeking hearts to itself.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 107:
107. One Chinese philosopher, knowing the frightful aspects of the lower strata of the Subtle World, determined to deaden their impression. For this purpose he filled this sleeping chamber with the most frightful images. In the presence of these revolting masks, he hoped that nothing worse could be expected. Such methods are abominable, although people love them whether in this or in another form. On the contrary, We teach the eye to become non-receptive to the repugnant. Besides, it is impossible to imagine the complete gamut of horrors created by people's vices. Even here in the earthly world we often are horrified by inhuman visages, but imagine the aspects into which these are transformed when their essential nature is unmasked! And here also We often experience the attacks of these dark entities. They attempt to annihilate everything dangerous to them. During sleep they try to weaken one, in order to inflict injury more readily during the disturbance of the balance. One should not consider these dark engenderings as superstitious fancy. Every scientist must realize the depth of the perspective of Existence. The scientist has grasped the incalculability of infinitesimal organisms; he has seen the bones of giant animals, and he can see still more if he peers into the vastness of the Himalayan caves. Thus the scientist measures into infinity and calculates infinite magnitudes by simple mathematical solutions. This means that precisely the scientist must admit the infinitude of fiery formation. Thus, from the merest arithmetical zero one must send one's imagination into the Infinite, remembering that a vacuum does not exist.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 144:
144. Much is going on roundabout and especially where there is a Magnet. The Teacher forewarns that nowadays the most unusual conflicts may be expected, so crowded have the lower strata of the Subtle World become. People have decided to fill the Subtle World with great numbers that are arriving before their normal time. No one has thought what the consequences will be for the people themselves. It is impossible to slaughter millions of people with impunity, without setting up a most grave Karma. Even if the karma is not a personal one, so much the worse, because it increases the Karma of nations and of the whole planet. What has been said about peace-makers is the more correct, since because of them there arises a proper attitude toward the future. The lower strata of the Subtle World must not be filled with the horrors of uncompleted karma. One should not think that this will have no reaction upon the condition of the planet. But the principal cause is that no one thinks about the Subtle World at all. The isolation is most frightful; precisely the dark force exults at each alienation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 151:
151. Sleep can have the most contrasting causes, just as contrasting auras can be alike. It may be a hazy state of repose, or it may be a tense labor of the subtle body. When, besides nightly sleep, absentation during the day is also required, it means the labor is great. Often this imperceptible labor has a world significance. Governments would like very much to have such co-workers, but due to human limitations they do not even know how to find them. When, however, such a possibility arises, they are filled with an animal terror, exclaiming, "Most dangerous people!" Thus, each concept reaching beyond the limits of the crudest material conventions will be accompanied by an animal fear. One must be consoled by the fact that it was ever thus.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 157:
157. Toward what shall we strive, to the finite or the infinite? The earthly sojourn is of short duration, the Subtle and Mental Worlds are of fixed date, but the Fiery World is beyond dates; this means that one should strive toward it. In the worlds of limited sojourn the fiery armor is acquired. The earthly world is like an impasse - either ascent or destruction. Even the Subtle World will not satisfy a striving spirit; all the other lives are only preparations for the all-encompassing Fiery World. A weak spirit is terrified by the distance to the Fiery World, but the spirits in which ascent is innate can only rejoice. The physical forms are beautiful, but the music of the spheres is incomparable. Yet beyond this subtle illumination is displayed the Fiery Grandeur. Ozone here on Earth appears as a messenger from Above, yet it is the grossest manifestation of the atmosphere. The earthly azure is lofty, but it is like wool compared to the fiery radiance. Those who have entered the Fiery World cannot breathe the air of Earth. Nirvana is actually fiery ascent. In every Teaching we find a symbol of this fiery ascent. St. Sergius received the fiery sacrament. Thus, graphically is the sign of the higher possibility given. The time is coming and is already near when people will not know how to accept the fiery possibilities. In their confusion they will forget that fiery communion has been ordained. They will excel in counteracting, instead of being filled with, the power of Fire. Therefore I reiterate and remind about the necessity of fiery union. Many dangerous chemical combinations will cause consternation. Precisely the encumbrances in the Subtle World can indicate how sick the planet is. Since this danger has become obvious, it is Our duty to forewarn.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 225:
225. Amidst the battle it is possible to have a moment of respite and reciprocity. You have sensed something like prickly currents. The currents themselves are not prickly, but seem so because of the resistance with which the earthly strata are filled. These arrows of the demons hide the sun. We must intensify all energies, and hence reciprocity is especially needed.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 332:
332. One should not only look forward to the advent of the densified subtle body but one should strive with all one's forces to become conscious of the Subtle World. Not only is the Subtle World to be realized but we must be filled with daring so that we may gain a perception of the fiery forces. We should become accustomed to the thought that sooner or later we are destined to reach the Fiery Shores. Thus, let us learn to cast the largest net in order to obtain the best catch. Not only in dreams but actually in the midst of daily labor we must direct our thoughts to the distant fiery manifestations. Otherwise, upon finding ourselves in the Subtle World, we will still have difficulty in cognizing the fiery radiance. Not only the eye, but consciousness itself must become accustomed to light. People suffer most from an inability to direct themselves forward. A limited consciousness only looks back, and therefore often begins to retrogress. "The Kingdom of Heaven, the Fiery Kingdom, is taken by storm" - this truth was pronounced long ago, but we have forgotten it and have dismissed each daring aspiration. Many precious indications have been confounded. People have distorted the concept of humility, so needed in relation to Hierarchy. For their own convenience people have made naught of it. Indolence was not ordained, for one must strive with all daring and labor toward Fire, the Beautiful. There is no earthly object of such value that the Fiery World should be renounced for it.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 381:
381. Among the minor narcotics beware especially of bromine. It is an extinguisher of the fires, yet is very often used in various compounds. Valerian, on the other hand, kindles the fires. Treatment with narcotics is like curing by use of snake venom. The Atlanteans used snake venom, but one can imagine of course how often such treatment was fatal. For public health one must take care that foods should not be contaminated. Over-fermented cheese and other foodstuffs filled with the poison of decomposition must not be used. Fire requires pure fuel.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 385:
385. An aviator, having attained a record altitude, is still filled with dissatisfaction. He then resolves to try for greater heights. Dissatisfaction is the gateway to Infinity. Dissatisfaction should be valued to the full extent. Pleasure is neighbor to contentment, whereas joy is wings to Infinity. The fiery Teaching must preserve each kindling of the fires and guard against all extinguishers. Satisfaction is the sign of mediocrity and ignorance. Not satisfaction, but joy in eternal labor is the destiny of the great and ascending one. Nowadays fools may laugh when We speak of eternal ascent. Even the grave will not spare the fool from Eternity. Only a puerile brain could fail to understand that the earthly garment is not consummation. The fires summon to the uncognized, and even the blind see these lights. Do not fail to ask the blind about the fires. Some of them see fiery signs and understand their connection with the heart. Thus, the calls of dissatisfaction lead to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 388:
388. It is very bad to cross over into the Subtle World filled with the black fires of malice; this results in blindness. Besides blindness, such malice deprives one of means of communication, in other words, of the language of the spirit. When We speak about the inadmissibility of malice, We offer the best advice; for malice is not a human attribute, it is the lowest form of ignorance. Through malice man degrades himself to an animal state, with all its consequences. Therefore, if a man filled with malice passes into the Subtle World, it will be especially difficult for him to rise. If all kinds of passion impede the ascent, malice, like a red-hot iron, burns away all accumulations. The beings in the middle spheres of the Subtle World will not find a way to perform a purification until the self-blinded can find a fragment of broken spiritual consciousness. The advice about good will must be repeated often to various people. Let children also hear it.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 394:
394. Only the foolish fall into despair. Every hour brings its lesson, and therefore one must be grateful for each experience. Night permits observation of far-off worlds and remote distances. Likewise, each hour of the day is filled with possibilities for observation. One must be grateful for such accumulations. Science seeks a solution in the glands, but does not yet dare to think about the fiery energy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 400:
400. People so not think about dates, they rely upon the mechanism of a clock. Of course, Cosmos is filled with mechanics, but among prime movers the first place is occupied by Agni.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 428:
428. Slander is especially harmful for the slanderers themselves. This truth should be remembered by people who have bad habits. A thought corresponding to reality forms a vehicle for an elemental. Everything worthy, austere, vital, gravitates toward creative thought, and will beneficently sustain its creator. But the devices of slander will attract brooding elementals, who, failing to find a vital foundation, will precipitate themselves upon the slanderer. Therefore, when I warn people not to succumb to the vileness of slander, again I do not advance a moral precept but point to very painful consequences. It is most disagreeable to find oneself in the Subtle World in the midst of raging elementals. Terrible is such a maelstrom filled with the fragments of one's own malicious thoughts. All these creatures clutch at one and hang on, acquiring an actual physical weight. Thought, like drops of energy, attract small elementals. The character of these germs of the spirit is most varied depending upon their substance, almost imperceptible embryos can achieve, under the nurture of thought, diverse manifestations. They can form the basis of minerals and even of plants. But one can imagine quite clearly how those thoughts that are void of any vital bases litter the lower strata of Earth. Meteoric dust is imperceptible to the eye, but it results in very substantial sediments. Hence, one can imagine how vast the dust of thought is and, being the effect of energy, how very substantial! The consequences of this debris of thought causes the illness of the planet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 523:
523. Nothing can confuse the traveler who already has caught sight of his home. What, then, can impede the consciousness striving toward the Fiery World? Nothing can prohibit a man from setting himself the greatest task. Only thus can care be illuminated and thought be filled with solemnity. Only thus can the real values be elected, enabling one to go toward Hierarchy without hindrance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 539:
539. Thought about unity with Hierarchy is also an excellent purification. When all the reptiles of evil crawl out of their holes, there remains only striving upward. Let us then assemble all the expedients of equilibrium. Let us not think of weariness which comes from yesterday; let us look to a morrow which is not filled with disparagement.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 545:
545. The heart may ache when Hierarchy is commented upon in an unworthy manner. The heart is a center. Hierarchy is also a center. From the most cardinal, all is transmitted to the Supreme, and vice versa. When people are ignorant of something, they should not defile what is beyond their grasp. They should have enough humaneness to understand where the Ineffable begins. One cannot hope to continue to cast stones at the best Image. Some nitwits, filled with conceit, think that everything is permitted them. But when they lose their teeth, they should not be amazed but should look nearby for the causes.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 561:
561. It is better to go to sleep with a prayer than with a curse. It is better to begin the day with a blessing than in bitterness. It is better to partake of food with a smile than with dread. It is better to enter upon a task with joy than with depression. Thus have spoken all the mothers of the world; thus have heard all the children of the world. Without Yoga, the simple heart knows what is needed for advance. In can be defined in any terms, but the significance of a joyous and solemn foundation is preserved throughout all time. The Yoga of Fire must strengthen the basis of ascent. The Agni Yoga is first of all not a hypochondriac; he summons all those who are strong and joyous of spirit. When joy keeps its glow even under the most difficult circumstances, the Agni Yogi is filled with impregnable strength. There, beyond the most difficult ascent, the Fiery World begins. The manifestation of the Fiery World is immutable. A Yogi knows that nothing can stop him from attaining the Fiery World. Thus, the first prayer of a mother and the very splendor of the Fiery Worlds are on the same thread of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 567:
567. Each incongruity and imbalance is a sign of chaos. when these signs are apparent in the lower forms of nature, one may hope that upon transition into a higher state they may be transformed. But what of the highest earthly creations - men, if they turn out to be filled with the most chaotic instability? Yet in the course of many ages, it is amazing to see the increase of imbalance among various achievements. No one and nothing impels people to ponder over the value of balance. The Teachings of all peoples speak of the Golden Path, yet men themselves actually think about this least of all. Through its imbalance, its chaotic state, mankind has brought on a coming uprising of fire. But even on the very brink of danger people reject each useful advice about self-preservation. As before, they will toss about from the very old to the very new, even if it be illusory. How can it be explained to them that Agni Yoga is neither old or new? An element that is perpetual and omnipresent is not subject to the demarcations of time. Fire is at the very threshold! One must call to mind how it is to be encountered, and one must understand that only Agni, psychic energy, can be the interpreter at the approach of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 581:
581. A mother told her son about a great saint, "Even the grain of sand beneath his foot becomes great." It came to pass that this saint passed through the village. The boy followed his footsteps, took up a pinch of dust therefrom, sewed it in a bag and wore it around his neck. And as he recited his lessons in school, he always held this relic in his hand. The boy was filled thereby with such inspiration that his answers were always remarkable. One day when leaving the school his teacher praised him and asked what he always held in his hand. The boy replied, "Earth from beneath the feet of the saint who passed through our village." The teacher commented, "This hallowed earth serves you better than gold." A neighboring shopkeeper, hearing this, said to himself, "What a stupid boy to take only a pinch of this golden earth! I will await the passing of the holy man and collect all the earth from where he trod. Thus I can obtain the most profitable merchandise." And the shopkeeper waited in vain for the coming of the saint. But he never came. Greed is not akin to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 609:
609. What crime is the most destructive to the monad of the criminal? Certainly treason. This crime abruptly alters the current already established, and a terrific counterblow results. A traitor cannot live long in the world of matter, and when he crosses into the Subtle World, being entirely without life-giving energy he is sucked into chaos and is doomed to disintegration. Treason is never impulsive. It is always premeditated, and thus its fate is aggravated. It must be understood that the return to chaos is, first of all inexpressibly painful. In addition, the feeling of the primary seed remains, and facing the futility of hoping for a speedy transformation demands indescribable courage. But the traitor is devoid of courage. He is above all filled with conceit. Thus, people should be warned that even from a physical standpoint treason is intolerable. The traitor not only condemns himself but infects vast strata around him, generating storms of fire. One should not think that an unnatural human action will not react on the surroundings. It reacts first of all on children under seven, before the spirit has taken possession of the entire organism. During this early period the fiery tempests are especially dangerous; they impose a special nervousness upon the heart action of those who already carry the weight of heavy atavism. Thus the traitor not only betrays an individual, but at the same time outrages a whole generation and even affects the well-being of an entire country. Let each one who has pondered upon the Fiery World beware of treason even in thought. No treason is small - it is great in evil and is hostile to the Universe. Such evil is in itself a barrier to ascent.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 621:
621. It is a natural desire to want to know how the transitions into different spheres are accomplished. It is not difficult to understand that purified Agni is the decisive factor. If we gradually fill a balloon with combustible gas, it will begin to rise proportionately. If a balloon cannot retain the gas it will descend. This is a crude example of the principle governing transition into the various spheres of the Subtle World. The subtle entity can ascend by itself if its fiery seed is appropriately filled. Fire - the transmuter - helps to assimilate the new and higher conditions. Agni facilitates the understanding of the language of each sphere, because the intercourse of beings becomes more refined as the ascent is made. Of course, the high Guidance does not forsake the striving ones, but for assimilation of Guidance devotion is needed. Thus, a being can ascend the ladder - there is no other symbol which can more accurately define the ascent of the spirit. If a being is detained on one step, the cause is apparent in the aura. So many travelers quite unexpectedly find themselves a few steps lower! The usual reason for such retrogression is some earthly remembrance which engenders cravings. The Guide considers a store of patience indispensable to protect those who stumble. But one should not draw too frequently upon this precious energy. The being who can discover the cause by himself will actually ascend more quickly. Truly, ascent is accompanied by the joy of new companions, and finally the earthly asp of envy falls away, and thought-creativeness is no longer impeded by the currents of malice. But one should prepare even now for mobility of consciousness. A torpid consciousness obstructs the striving of Agni. Thus, let us envision perfectly clearly the ladder of ascent.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 637:
637. He who dares the stream chooses firm stones. He understands to whom and when he may entrust the Teaching. The Bird of Life, the radiant Swan, also reveals straight-knowledge as to where lies the boundary of usefulness. The determination of this boundary cannot be expressed in human language. It can be unalterably sensed, but cannot be calculated by physical measurements. Thus a great test for each treason is created. Another great test lies in the acceptance of homelessness. There may be much mockery over the concept of homelessness. To the earthly mind the concept of a home is an absolute necessity. If anyone dared express himself as to a House of Light he would be taken for a lunatic. Therefore a change of earthly dwelling places is a useful expansion of the concept. Another great test is that of hearing every thought. The pitiable concept of earthly secrecy leads people into many errors. The feeling of pride and egoism rebels against the absence of secrecy, but co-workers of the Hierarchy of Light already understand this degree of cooperation. "I am ready," he says, and hastens to open his heart. The successful mastery of all trials lies within our hearts and consists in our love for the Lord. If we are filled with love, can obstacles exist? Earthly love itself creates miracles. Does not the fiery love for Hierarchy multiply our forces? These forces will help to transform homelessness into a beautiful Home, vast and unlimited! One cannot think of beautiful expanses in the midst of a fog of contentment. It is said that hunger obstructs the path to God, but we will also add that contentment is like murky waters. He who understands the difference between hunger and contentment will enter the current. But he who touches the Light will be transformed into a Bird of Life. So long as the Bird of Life remains a poetic abstraction, that spirit is still unready.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 8:
8. Agni Yoga requires a special resourcefulness. It cannot manifest through physical mechanics, which appear in different degrees in other Yogas. Such an element as Fire should, it would seem, be subject to physical laws no less than other elements. But the essence of Agni is subject to such very subtle laws, that physically it is inexpressible. Thus one must apply the entire refined resourcefulness in order to follow the fiery signs. Hence, one may perceive that often fiery signs are sent by Hierarchy, and people do not even try to perceive them and to apply them. The fiery covenant lies at the very foundation of human life. Conception, birth and all acts subject to Agni do not arouse wonderment at the manifestation of the Ineffable. One may wander around the mechanical constructions, but advance into the future is possible only through realization of Agni. When whole continents are dying, how are new abodes to be found without new energy? It is necessary to prepare the spiritual consciousness for great earthly upheavals - this, at best, but if people approach the last divide filled with the black hatred of the past, they will be but powder magazines. Thus let us resourcefully think about Agni.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 54:
54. Flammarion strains his thought toward the creation of the subtle body of a planet. And indeed the body of a planet is created by thought, but the conception of the planet proceeds not from the Subtle World, but from the Fiery. When the Fiery Seed has been formed, then the thought of the Subtle World can be also useful. A multitude of heavenly bodies are to be found already in the subtlest aspect. Truly, space is not only filled but overcrowded. Thus the destruction of worlds, which is taking place every second, is only the actual generation of new bodies that have taken form. But it is correct to understand that this germination requires a fiery thought. Strive toward the Fiery World in order to participate in the higher creativeness. It is a mistake to think that it is inaccessible. Precisely every developed consciousness should strive toward the joy of creativeness. This striving already in itself is the beginning of cooperation. Though the thought of Flammarion cannot give a fully complete result, this thought is vast, noble and deserves our rejoicing over it. He constantly strived towards the broadening of understanding. Thus even his errors took on an aspect of usefulness; besides he did not allow his mind to wither, and was able to leave the Earth still young in spirit. In the Subtle World, while some ignorant ones try to think about murder the scientist dreams about a beautiful creation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 167:
167. Examine two stones. They are primitive, cold, they have become congealed in their small life, but even they can give off sparks of fire. The heart of a man is no worse than a stone. The thought of a man, even in a small manifestation, is higher in effect than a mineral. I speak of this because it is instructive to observe how thought evokes sparks of fire from the innermost memory. The most casual thought evokes whole forms from the storehouse of memory, entire epochs in which we have been participants. This is a procession of definitely related fiery contents. Indeed, the spark can extricate related portions from the preserved treasure with instantaneous speed. One may be amazed how securely the treasures lie in the Chalice always ready to be drawn out. Only fiery energy can act so subtly and swiftly. The fiery earthly manifestations give an idea of the tension of the fiery World. If here on earth something can be astonishing in its speed and accuracy, then how keen and swift is the Fiery World! If only people would not forget about the Fiery World, one link could be established. Think what the state of consciousness must be, when one is obliged again to remind about the foundations which are so near. However, let us reiterate, let us be filled with patience. It has been said - affirmation of Truth is a strengthening of the bridge.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 176:
176. Amid observations upon the deplorable consequences of negation, one should not blame certain well-intentioned people for applying their own force first rather than trouble Hierarchy. It may seem at times that people act from self-confidence, when, as a matter of fact, they are filled with reverence for Hierarchy, and above all they strive to apply their own forces in order to conserve every ounce of Higher energy. They do not even pronounce the name of the Teacher, and they guard their mantram in secret. One should regard very carefully the various modes of reverence. One should affirm all that aspires to the Light. With Us only negation is rejected. Indeed, the very existence of man, who thinks and who contains the subtlest apparatuses, is a real miracle, which could not be without a past, and hence not without a future. The Fiery World is the predestined future. Who, then, will hesitate on the path, knowing the great destination? Who, then, will not respect the present incarnation, knowing that it will aid the ascent? Who, then, will disdain the Subtle World, knowing that there is the testing of thoughts? Thus, our brief sojourn here has been bestowed as the best aid toward a speedy advance to the Fiery World. In some way one should combine the urgent problems of life with the highest resolutions. Actually the earthly life hinders speedy realizations. People dream about the mechanical prolonging of life here, instead of cultivating a joyful readiness to approach the goal. The Teacher brings the consciousness of the disciple, by the shortest path, toward the attainment of the Fiery World. The Teacher affirms all that which may, even indirectly, bring closer or unify useful consciousnesses, in order that each action contain within itself the necessary amount of conditions of approach.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 203:
203. The three Worlds are far closer to each other than one may think. One can see how corresponding vibrations create cooperation. You know how certain individuals from the Subtle World who are close to us act to assist a common task. Even not so long ago they were unable to serve the common purpose because of differences of vibrations, but now your vibrations and their endeavors for communion make them useful co-workers. Thus is created useful labor in common. It is the more useful because the adversaries have similar co-workers. Certainly, it is joyous to watch each cumulation of consciousness. Ur. has seen how in the beginning the atmosphere is dim and in the course of successive meetings it becomes lighter, and a day ago Ur. saw completely conscious cooperation. Such an enlightenment is very rapid, yet for this the Ashram is of significance. Verily, Ashrams have a great importance for the earthly and for the Subtle World. Ashrams may be defined as magnets and ozonatoars. Being filled with heart energy provides a conduit for many things. Therefore, when I am concerned about spiritually pure atmosphere, I have in mind a very important consequence. Without spiritual accumulations, the command to take everything upon oneself has no meaning. This command can be given only where there is a heart bond with the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Only such a bond, during the present earthly conflict, can strengthen those to whom the order has been given. The currents are too complicated to be opposed by earthly forces. But you know about the bond with the two Worlds. Precisely in this communion are found forces for the passing by the most unexpected path. In this, do not hesitate to take care of yourself, in order not to expend energy superfluously. One should not in any manner be diverted from inner concentration. The affairs of the whole world are in a grave state.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 214:
214. It is necessary to learn not to require elucidations when I speak in symbols. If the language of the symbol was needed it means that just now the ordinary means of communication would be useless. Then I say - Make a note of the symbol and keep it in memory, against the hour of its application. Likewise, observe the indication toward certain countries, which means that Our attention has been turned to them. Such guideposts are of assistance on the path. Thus, a frightful time is being filled with salutary fires, but Karma will not be overburdened. It is not good when the Guide has to press upon the Karma of the disciple. One must grow to love the salutary milestones which flash out in the heart at the approach of events.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 232:
232. Swelling and irritation of the glands indicates resistance to the dark forces. Obviously, irritation of the glands and of all the tissues gives aid like the help derived by the hedgehog from uplifted needles. One need not be astonished at such degrees of tension when each day is filled with madness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 236:
236. Let us affirm the enthusiasm of the spirit. To be filled with the spirit means to place oneself in direct communion with Hierarchy. All kinds of magical methods, even inner concentration, are used in attempts to achieve Higher Communion. But the new approach to the Highest directs one to the example of ascetics who above all approach direct Communion through the heart. We learn of prophets, saints, who never fell into a frenzy, yet whose every word was a word of the Covenant.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 276:
276. The very highest is Hiero-inspiration; it accompanies throughout life. No rituals are needed where there is the flame of Communion. One should guard the hearth of Fire. Even the ancients understood the symbol of the incessancy of Fire. Life must be filled with burning. At first man thought about himself, then about others, but afterwards his actions became useful for all that exists. He does not think any more about the usefulness, but he breathes it and gives life in Boundless Space.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 302:
302. Understanding of Light and darkness, as well as of the conformity of the Luminaries with Our Source, is the counsel of the Fiery World. To be pitied is he who hopes to receive Light from darkness. He cannot weigh the treasure in the midst of obscurity. Do not think that such an instruction is an abstract one. On the contrary, each day is filled with associations of Light with darkness. When you bring forward such an ally of the dark ones, no one senses him, only a dog will growl at darkness. One may make a mistake but it is inexcusable not to listen to advice. We do not suppress good-will, but why find oneself in a stormy sea without a life-belt?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 351:
351. Malice, doubt, unbelief, impatience, laziness, and other inspirations of darkness separate the earthly world from the Higher Spheres. Instead of following the path of good, people attempt to replace ecstasy of the spirit with various narcotics, which give the illusion of the other world existence. Observe that in many religions there were introduced, as later adjuncts, very clever compounds of narcotics for the purpose of artificially advancing the consciousness beyond the earthly state. Indeed the infallibility of such forcible measures is great; they not only do not bring the Worlds closer, they on the contrary estrange and coarsen the consciousness. Likewise, earthly life is filled with continuous poisonings with which people very affably regale each other. Teachers of all times have taught humanity the pure paths of spirit that lead into communion with the Higher Worlds, but only a few have chosen the path revealed by the heart. A special attention must be given to deliverance from poisonings. A considerable part of the Earth's soil is already infected, as is its surface. Besides narcotics, people have invented many obviously frightful substances which instead of being health-giving bring on spiritual death. Masses of poisonous vapors are choking the cities. People devote much thought to the production of many substances which should be considered far more deadly than narcotics. Narcotics bring harm to the addicts themselves, but deadly gases torment everything that lives. One cannot condemn narcotics enough, but also one cannot sufficiently condemn such murderous inventions. People formerly, at times, fell into error for the sake of illusionary ecstasy, but nowadays they are completely unashamed to kill the intellect and spirit of their near ones, calling this killing an attainment of science.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 365:
365. Notwithstanding all the attainments of science, people grasp with special difficulty the fact that space is completely filled. They talk about microbes, about entities which elude detection, but, for all that, it is almost impossible for them to think about a filled space. They regard it as a fairy-tale if they are reminded that so-called air is filled with creatures of different evolutions. Likewise it is difficult for man to conceive that each breath of his, each thought of his, alters his surroundings. Some elements of the latter are strengthened and draw near, others burn out or are carried away by a vortex of currents. Man is unwilling to understand that he has been endowed with powerful energies. He is truly the King of Nature and the Master of immeasurable legions of entities. It is sometimes possible through powerful microscopes to demonstrate to children in schools the fullness of space. They must become accustomed to the influence of psychic energy. The gaze of an intelligent man reacts upon entities; even under the lense of a microscope small creatures begin to feel uneasy and to sense the currents of the eyes. Is this not an indicator of the living eye, as distinguished from a dead one? On the fiery path one needs to understand the filling of space.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 371:
371. When we touch upon the true path, we sense the power of joy. Our heart rejoices, feeling that our striving is the right one. One can be much grieved, wandering about outside of applicable reflections. But when the consciousness pictures truth, it is filled with joy. Such joy will be wise, for it is based on Hiero-inspiration. And such meditation will be useful on the pathways to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 375:
375. The Fiery World is as filled as the other spheres. Likewise, beings of different evolutions, yet of the fiery degrees, come together for cooperation. While those in the carnate state, under the influence of chaos, almost entirely fail to understand cooperation, and while in the Subtle World group cooperation is found, the Fiery World is distinguished by full cooperation. And such meditation is useful on the pathways to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 391:
391. When people pass through a room filled with electric power lines they are usually very cautious. But who will sense all the currents of space, infinitely more powerful than a fraction of enslaved energy? When the fiery heart says - today the currents are heavy, or light - such perception should be regarded with careful attention. Such feeling is perfectly real, as real as the treatment by currents at great distances. Only one who has experienced the reaction to currents at a distance apprehends their reality. But too many people ignore these sensations, primarily through laziness of spirit. And such meditation is useful on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 9:
9. Sources which are responsive to subtle energies are very sensitive. Hence that quality which reveals itself mostly in pure currents is so very important. Likewise, as the results of chemical experiments vary with the use of different vessels, substances and combinations, the manifestations of subtle receptivity are also quite diverse. An organism filled with imperil will admit only a small particle of the sending. An organism which is saturated with selfhood will impart a dreadful coloration which distorts the sending. An organism imbued with malevolence will carry the distorted sending to a neighbor. Thus the distortion in the reception of a sending results from certain qualities in the receiver. You were justified in asking why do We not put a stop to such distortions. It is because there are records of writings by human hands so monstrous as to represent the Mahatmas of the East as issuing condemnation upon retiring for the night. So think those who seek the condemnation of a neighbor. Indeed, people attribute to the Mahatmas even slander. People ascribe to Us all their earthly qualities.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 24:
24. One of the great concepts, often incorrectly interpreted, is precisely the great concept of humility. It has been interpreted as non-resistance to evil; it has been interpreted as good-heartedness, as compassion, but very few accepted it as self-denial. For only self-denial and self-sacrifice can give understanding of humility. Truly, We see the giants of spirit and the heroes who devote themselves fully to the humble tasks for the good of humanity. We know of great experiments being humbly carried out in the earthly laboratories for the benefit of humanity. We know the great fiery experiments of those who dedicate their lives wholly and humbly to the benefit of mankind. We know manifestations on the path to the Fiery World which inspire all surroundings. Truly manifold is humility manifested through self-sacrifice and self-renunciation. Heroism is a manifestation of various aspects of humility. Thus the records of space are filled with great deeds of humility. Invaluable are these fiery flights of the spirit. Thus, verily, the heroes of humility drain the cup of poison for the good of mankind.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 50:
50. In life, which is unified by the law of Cosmic Right, it is possible to trace how the cup of poison is drained in attaining the great Cosmic Right. The spirit bears all the affirmed chalices through self-sacrifice. The great chalice of Beauty is revealed as a crowning to the spirit through the Fiery Right. Verily, great is the time, because final energies are being intensified on a final step. Rightly has it been said - "The heart will not long endure if the attraction is often repeated." The heart of the Arhat drains the Chalice of abnegation on the final step. Our life Chalice is filled and reveals the path to Our Cosmic Existence.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 55:
55. Daring of the spirit is the beginning of ascent. The manifestation of true daring indicates to the spirit how to affirm the measuring scale of all actions, as well as the direction, because daring admits no faint-heartedness. Daring eradicates all tendency toward betrayal. Whoever has realized in spirit true daring knows the beauty of Service. The daring one knows the path of attainment and fears nothing. His life is filled with devotion to Hierarchy. Each co-worker can reflect upon the beauty of fiery daring, for it frees the spirit from all worldly chains. The daring one is not afraid of solitude, for in spirit he feels a bond with the Hierarchy of Light. The daring one knows that the joy of the spirit is contained only in achievement. The daring one is in need of no human recognition, for his achievement is a crown self-woven by labor and striving. Only the heroes of spirit know true attainment. Thus, the daring one will be freed from selfhood. He knows true Service for the good of mankind. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember daring.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 70:
70. The consciousness directed through Hiero-inspiration is as a wonderful reflection of the Higher Forces. As a wonderful resonance is the hearing of the heart. The spirit which is affirmed as a true co-worker and helper of the Cosmic Forces should be regarded as a Sacred Source. There are many channels which can reverberate only on one string. We see how one-sided thinking accepts only those currents which are in agreement with the essential nature of the channel. We see how impure channels impose various infections. We see how pages and writings of people become filled with their self-deception. We see how they affirm Cosmic Right as their own. We see the evasion and assaults on the Fiery Right. Along with the scrolls and tablets of the pure spirit there are borne in space vortical rings of destruction. Side by side with fiery hearts We see hordes of self-deluded ones, and because of the Cosmic Law it is impossible to stay the hand of Karma. Each small consciousness first of all ascribes to itself a regal spirit. It is sad to look at the earthly records. Every fiery heart strives to cleanse the records. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 77:
77. Not by accident has it been spoken about strange cases of the influence of vital emanations of all objects surrounding man. The ancient custom, of India, to construct for each heir a new palace is not without a profound basis. If it were possible to show how many bloody shadows there are around many thrones, how many terrors around ancestral portraits, how many tears upon necklaces, how many ghosts on the wall, humanity would be filled with respect for emanations. For, besides the physical effects of emanations, their psychic energy may be either constructive or destructive. How can a newly chosen ruler proceed by a new path amidst the dark oppression of past emanations! Many misfortunes are caused by these heritages of the past. Not only life beyond the grave was foreseen when in ancient times the personal belongings of the deceased were buried with him. Ancient wisdom was taking measures for the purification of space. Egypt knew the force of the law of emanations. Analyzing events and a succession of historic facts, one may easily become convinced as to how under the influence of emanations destructions have taken place. On the path to the Fiery World one should manifest caution and a profound discernment of emanations. How important it is to conserve each good accumulation!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 92:
92. The principles of Good and evil are repeated on all planes with this distinction, that by prolonging the line into the spheres of the Subtle World, all expressions become heightened. Only the principles of constructiveness give to the spirit that resultant force which affirms a conscious striving for good. The servants of darkness will be inevitably attracted to the lower strata. Ancient Covenants speak of those who dwell in the Kingdom of the Spirit and those who live under the earth. One may be surprised as to why the earthly strata and the Earth itself is inhabited by the forces of evil. Actually, a downward attraction explains these hordes. Each aspiration toward the Fiery World tends to hold the spirit in the Subtle World, but the Spirits who are Bearers of Light, filled with self-sacrifice, rush to the Earth for purpose of salvation. There are whole countries on Earth which are saturated with destroyers. The Earth conforms, with its poisoned emanations, to these spawns of darkness. Therefore, be not astonished that portions of the world are peopled with dark entities.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 98:
98. Merit, as it is understood, must be replaced by a more subtle concept. If, instead of external signs, one becomes accustomed to look upon the reality of merit, according to the inner quality of action, then how many subtle signs can be observed! When the spirit learns to coordinate the earthly life with the Higher, then all measurements take on another dimension. Life filled merely with the monotony of the material world correspondingly marks off the merit according to its aspirations. But the consciousness of the two Worlds affirms new measures. The transitory will not be the real impelling factor. Only a striving for fiery manifestation unites the Worlds, and action will be correspondingly saturated. The consciousness of him who heads into the Fiery World is imbued with the Force emanating from the Hierarchy of Good; but earthly bliss is as quickly dissolved as is the entire transitory World. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the eternally living energy of the World of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 115:
115. However diverse the Worlds are in their spiritual properties and functions, nevertheless it is necessary to become accustomed to think about the bridge to the Fiery World. Everything has its connecting energies. Why then not strive to understand the bridge to the Fiery World. As man reflects all the qualities of earthly life, to the same extent must he be concerned as to how to lay a bridge between the Worlds. Just as the abyss of mankind is visible from the supermundane spheres, so should the Higher World be accepted into human consciousness. The bridge between the two Worlds is maintained in the aspiration of thought. Rightly has it been said about the beauty of thought which reveals all Worlds. Indeed, the bridge between the two Worlds can be made real if the actions are filled with beauty. Truly, not words but actions bring all saturations. The bridge between Worlds will be based upon harmonization of the currents of heart and spirit. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the bridge between Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 122:
122. The World is plunged into such a dark state that the supermundane spheres are being filled with stifling gases. Various indicated manifestations affirm how black threads envelop the earthly spheres. It is proper to think and to prepare the consciousness for manifestations of fiery shocks. Space is in need of a purification, and a new discharge may occur in the earthly sphere when the spiritual currents will be roused creatively under the tension of new impulses. It is impossible to expect a regeneration on the planet without the affirmation of new principles and of coordination. Only spatial currents are needed for coordination with vital potentials. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us strive for ascent through fiery spiritual currents.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 150:
150. Verily, thought is infinite. The domains of the Cosmos are revealed to it. There are no limitations where the spirit rules. Is not thought, which pervades all and manifests the beauty of the Cosmos, miraculous? Thought, emanating from the Depths of the Cosmos, revealing all sources, is the most fiery of the manifestations of space. Even if thought does not find its application upon Earth, nevertheless, it fierily saturates space with these creative records. Thought-forms intensify each vital designation, as a fiery impulse of life. The source of creative power is inexhaustible when life is filled with thought. Therefore, to think means to construct life. To think means to affirm the forms of life. The threshold reached by thought always leads to the destined goal, because thought rules with eternal Fire. Thought, which leads to the might of great Cosmic Constructiveness, is not sufficiently studied.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 154:
154. Discernment, a quality of the spirit, can be exercised in examination of those actions which especially clearly reveal the depths of the heart. Precisely there where humility is lacking will be a place for imposture. There where Hierarchy is not reverenced, will be a place for blasphemy. There where the Decree of the Higher Forces is affirmed only insubordinately, will egoism be hidden. And there where the Fiery Teacher is absent the direction will not be on the side of the Teaching. One cannot realize the great Teaching without the Fiery Teacher, without a striving of the spirit to the World of the Teacher. The manifestation of the Fiery Teacher is the path to the Fiery World. Thus, the records of space are filled with self-styled Teachers, but the Guiding Principle is the Fiery Teacher. One cannot pass without Him, one cannot advance without Him, one cannot attain without Him. Thus let us remember, in creating a better future.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 162:
162. The Fiery Servitors can affirm new principles. Before each great Epoch, space is filled with fiery formulas. Thus is fierily affirmed each great beginning. Thus will be fierily affirmed each great manifestation of unification. Cosmic Construction affirms the very highest for the New Epoch. Therefore, on the loftiest principles will be erected the future evolution, for that which was destroyed must enter anew into life, as a great guiding foundation. The manifestation of the law of Cosmic Right sets forth the origin of the New Epoch, the Epoch of Equilibrium, and of Beauty of Existence. A striving for the creation of new formulas will give to humanity a wonderful new step.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 184:
184. Each epoch has its own distinctions. Each peculiarity of time is an imprint of consciousness. These manifestations of peculiarities can be magnified by the will of humanity. The peculiarities of the epoch, in the same way as evocations, have their roots in the consciousness. Those visions and conditions which filled life and thought several centuries past were engendered in the spirit of the servants of religion in response to popular demand. Long ago was it enjoined, "Seek and ye shall find." In this evolutionary and incessant turn of the spiral, man will find the Truth. The affirmation of Truth is purified of all distortions, because the rubbish and accumulated dust is transitory. But Truth is manifested in Infinity. And though human darkening be prolonged, yet from under the dark strata will be exhumed the affirmations of the Light. Thus, that which is ordained enters in awesome immensity.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 209:
209. Verily, both spirit and heart must hearken to the subtle and invisible manifestations. The unknown achievement must enter into life. Indeed, the higher principle of fire is affirmed in Cosmic Creativeness as the main stimulus. It is with good purpose that there have been pointed out those subtle physical manifestations which affirm the essential nature of the invisible and fiery energies, and which must awaken and broaden the consciousness of humanity. Indeed, the subtle realization of the Cosmos discloses each new step. That which cannot be apprehended today will be audible in the future, and the Subtle World will become visible. When spirit and heart are filled with striving, when humanity apprehends the law of existence of the Worlds, then will it be possible to begin to broaden the consciousness. Man himself unifies the Worlds with his consciousness. Thus the great time approaches for the replacement of the narrow horizon. Thus Our affirmation of great Fiery Right will result in the great Fiery Epoch. This Great Epoch must transform the face of the planet - thus do I affirm!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 234:
234. These laws of Equilibrium likewise govern the inner lives that underlie every existence. Thus each spirit attracts its own creations. But even in the highest laws Equilibrium proceeds through vital manifestations. Therefore life, which leads to the sacred Mystery of Crowning, is filled with the most fiery experiences.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 296:
296. The liberated spirit always aspires into the higher spheres, but the spirit attached to Earth remains for a long time enchained in the lower strata of the Astral World. The bond between the physical body and the astral is not easily broken during earthly consciousness. The occurrence of a rupture between the bodies recoils painfully on those spirits which manifest earthly attractions. During ascent of the spirit, of course, the liberation is affirmed at the point of breaking away from the Earth. The cosmic law of attraction stands behind this attachment which is intensified by the energy of the consciousness. Let us imagine a sphere filled with the gases of base desires. Such spheres do engulf spirits which have not as yet been liberated from earthly burdens. The spirit impelled to the Fiery World manifests its own attraction by pressing itself upon all fiery energies. On the path to the Fiery World, saturation of the consciousness by the Higher World produces its spiral which draws the spirit away into the Higher Spheres.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 300:
300. This exchange of energies extends into all the functions of the organism. This regulator saturates the organism and distributes the cosmic energies. Sensations during earthquakes are not merely echoes of Cosmic Fire but are precisely an exchange of energies. The creativeness of the fiery centers affirms a most powerful cooperation. Therefore, tension, anguish, and also absence, indicate an exchange of creative energies. Space is filled just now with various processes of constructiveness. It is difficult even to imagine how the fiery thought of the Agni Yogi penetrates into the spatial strata. Verily, the fiery heart builds by the most fiery means. Thus, the saturated heart gives rise to fiery construction.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 307:
307. The condition of the spirit during the crossing into the Subtle World is subject to the state of the consciousness. Withdrawing from life with the most subtle striving, the spirit is unable to harmonize its vibrations, and thus for a time remains within earthly limits. Yet not only does the sojourn in the earthly state place a burden on the spirit, but, indeed, the conflict between physical emanations and flashes of the higher magnet makes the dwelling of the spirit in the lower strata very burdensome. The feeling of hopelessness which man so sharply senses gives rise to many torturing experiences. Indeed, hopelessness becomes the lot of him who lacks refined aspirations. While on the earthly plane man can atone for his Karma, but in the Subtle World man is dependent upon his aspiration. Space is filled with ones who have not expiated their Karma on the earthly plane. Thus, the exalted spirit knows not these fiery torments. Refinement of the spirit is the key to the Gates of the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 326:
326. Humanity, in the position of an obvious mutilator of cosmic laws, produces those effects which are being reflected in all events. Indeed, for centuries the idea of perfectionment has departed from mankind; and the spirit which imbues the multitudes is precisely that of rushing to the creation of a cul-de-sac. The whirlpool in which mankind has sown its desires has created that disunity which has violated cosmic laws. Human qualities attract some spirits which incarnate without having any spiritual aspirations. The condensation of such strata above the earth forms a solidly compressed sphere. This sphere is so filled with the display of concupiscences that rays piercing these strata must be increased three-fold. The creative power of rays is especially intense when affirming new possibilities. On the path to the Fiery World let us affirm the consciousness in the necessity for purifying space.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 339:
339. The process of the creation of a pure atmosphere parallels the creation of a channel for the reception of fiery energies. Each manifestation of life is filled with poison created by human society. This poisoning is equal to the most terrible hotbed of diseases. Often people are amazed as to why there are so many difficulties; why so many misfortunes and miseries. The human mind does not grasp the fact that dissolution is far more powerful on the spiritual plane than on the physical. The physical world has its visible symptoms, but the infection on the spiritual plane is so strong that often it indicates how the processes of existing evil are maturing. Therefore, traitors and agitators and doers of dark deeds are most frightful violators of Cosmic Equilibrium. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World let us develop within ourselves discernment of faces, and let us strive for the establishment of Equilibrium.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 365:
365. The destruction of the contact with the higher energies actually isolates humanity from the Cosmos. How is it possible to exist in the Cosmos without any comprehension of world evolution? Thus, a conscious relationship to world evolution includes indirectly an understanding of Hierarchy as a life-giving Principle. Precisely, psychism and mediumism turn man away from the Higher Spheres, for the subtle body becomes thus so saturated with lower emanations that the entire being is altered. In reality a most difficult process is contained in purification of consciousness. Man does not precisely differentiate between the fiery state of spirituality and psychism. Thus, we must overcome the terrors of psychism. Actually, the ranks of those instruments are filled with the servants of darkness. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one must contend with psychism.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 402:
402. The means for compressing psychic energy are highly multiform. Exalted thought or joy of aspiration, transports of the spirit and each inner saturation with power, can multiply the manifestations of psychic energy. Precisely, it is from within that this sacred source can be replenished. During great agitations or grave illnesses the crystal of psychic energy may be filled with new power through those energies which are nourished by the higher centers and by exalted feelings. Therefore faith, directed toward the Source of Light, verily works miracles.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 423:
423. Not seldom is a fiery miracle concealed in the heart, but it can be revealed only through continuous striving for its manifestation. Pure Fire glows brightly when the joy about a miracle is born. In should not be supposed that it is possible to attain only through a temporary recollection. But pure Fire, without ashes, can shine when all is filled with aspiration.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 425:
425. Here is a hastening disciple, bearing a chalice filled with possibilities; if he stumbles, violating the laws of trust and magnanimity, what becomes of the possibilities?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 435:
435. It is especially difficult for people to understand the fiery nature of things. Each stone is filled with fire. Each tree is saturated with fire. Each cliff is as a pillar of flame. Who, then believes this? But so long as people do not realize the fiery basis of nature, they cannot draw near to certain energies. Great is the significance of realization or even of admission or affirmation of the manifestation of Fire. One can speak about Fire as the source of light and warmth, but such a concept will be only belittling the greatness of Fire. With the radiance of each object are the Worlds connected. But few have convinced themselves of this radiance. Sojourn in darkness prevents understanding of the Light.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 461:
461. One may imagine a man who by the path of science has stumbled upon the presence of a fiery substance, but has not the imagination to bring it into life. Indeed, how unfortunate is such a blind man! He has heard supermundane voices, yet space for him remains empty. Precisely, he fails to realize that he is like a blind man in the middle of a completely filled amphitheater, who takes the whispering of the crowd for the murmurs of the sea. No one can convince him that he is mistaken. People consider that mechanical means of cognition are entirely sufficient, but these will not lead people to a transformation of life.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 468:
468. An awesome manifestation will again shake the Earth. Let people ponder - why? An ancient tale relates - "A king became unjustly angry and his best city fell in ruins. But the king did not reflect about the cause of it, and again became filled with unjust anger. And lightning devoured his best harvest. But even then the king did not come to his senses, and he became so incensed that a plague carried off his people. Then began to shine a miraculous sign on which was written 'Murderer'. And the unjust king fell lifeless and condemned." Thus knew the ancients about the effects of injustice.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 479:
479. Accustom children to detect the currents of life-giving warmth. Help the children to smile joyfully at a true manifestation of Existence. Keep them from the worship of phantoms. Not necessary are fictions when the World reveals its marvelous structure. Thus, all space is filled with the rays of the wondrous Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 491:
491. Certain perspicacious people speak about the approaching end of the World. In describing it they talk as they were taught to think in elementary schools. They are little to be blamed in this, since their heads have been filled from childhood with the most monstrous ideas. And yet, they do sense some sort of end of something. Though dimly seen, still their spirit has a presentiment of some kind of change. They are called false prophets, but such a judgment is not fair, for in their own way they sense the end of an obsolete World. Only, they are unable to distinguish the external signs. Indeed, near is the hour when superfluous scales begin to fall, and the World of Light begins to come into being in joy. The most important processes can be carried out visibly-invisibly.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 518:
518. A state of silence is sometimes filled with discharges and lights, but there can be a deep silence where nothing stirs - which is the greater?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 528:
528. In the Subtle World only at times do the Lights of the Fiery World glow. The inhabitants of the Subtle World revere such manifestations as salutary sacred shortenings of the path. Thus, even the Subtle World understands the higher step as a very rare manifestation. But on the Earth contacts with the Subtle World are not so rare; and even the radiances of the Fiery World occur there. Why, then, are the incarnate dwellers so filled with negation

AUM (1936) :
Entering upon labor, let us beware of weakening in action. Through ignorance it is possible to be filled with thoughts which enfeeble and impede the broadening of consciousness. But let us remind ourselves about the Fundamental Force. Let us reiterate the principles of the Source of advancement and tirelessness.

AUM (1936) - 36:
36. You have heard the prayer of the birds - the little brothers know how to welcome the light. They summon their most rapturous expression before the grandeur of light. Plants reach out toward the light. Only people dream about their stomachs when their spirits should be filled with the grandeur of the Highest. Thus they commit a sacrilege similar to suicide. Noblest hymns have been written, but people recite them without heart tremor, like the clatter of broken crockery.

AUM (1936) - 37:
37. Prayer may be likened to a magnet. The action of prayer makes the heart tense and attracts from space the best thoughts; even though such thoughts of the earthly strata may not be Grace itself, nevertheless they are benign. Enrichment by such thoughts imparts new strength, as does a meeting with friends. One should value such friends. One may not encounter them, but they are close at hand. Space itself is filled with them, one has but to send them a good thought. Prayer has a magnetic quality.

AUM (1936) - 39:
39. There can be no truce with Satan. Near Satan there is only slavery. To mollify Satan is impossible. Only without fear is it possible to march over him or through him. There is an ancient legend telling how Satan decided to frighten a hermit. He appeared before him in a most terrifying aspect. But the ascetic was filled with a fiery irradiation and charged upon Satan so that he passed through him, burning his way. The fire of the heart is more powerful than any satanic flame. One should be filled with such fire, then all sneers are transformed into searing grimaces. Thus, let us charge upon Satan.

AUM (1936) - 102:
Not conventional rites but prayer of the heart brings the World of Beauty near and makes it a daily sustenance. One can approach the Highest with the Chalice filled with the best thoughts. One can offer the best experiments by warranting them to be directed to Good. When the Good lives, it opens all the gates to the Higher World.

AUM (1936) - 141:
141. Each instant man either creates or destroys. The world is filled with conflicting thoughts. A multitude of illnesses have been implanted by thoughts of destruction. A great number of murders take place at long distances from thoughts or from intersecting thoughts, but it is almost impossible to make man realize that his preeminence lies in continuous thinking,. It is impossible to impress upon man how responsible he is for the quality of his thinking. The heart beats unceasingly, equally incessant is the pulse of thought. But it is not customary to talk about this.

AUM (1936) - 147:
147. In the purest place, the purest snow is saturated with earthly and cosmic dust; thus is space filled, even when crudely examined. Add a multitude of currents and rays, and you obtain an image of reality; thus are incarnate beings surrounded. Thoughts flow incessantly from the Subtle World; sometimes a man turns around and cries out at the impact of thought, but he still does not think of it as something coming from without. Man sees sparks and even fiery flashes, but he attributes them only to himself. It is impossible to teach men to treat their surroundings with respect. To such an extent do people fail to understand equilibrium that they either fall into sanctimoniousness or swell with conceit. For this reason the bridge to the distant worlds is difficult for people.

AUM (1936) - 158:
It is necessary to understand to what an extent such natural observations can broaden the human concept of life. Prayer is transformed into spiritual communion, and reverence will not be dogmatic but vital and filled with love.

AUM (1936) - 183:
183. Again about reactions. You may have heard of an experiment of a certain chemist which illustrated the conflict of influences. He invited some friends to listen to some well-known authors; at the same time he prepared several chemical compounds conducive to laughter or tears, irritation or sympathy. In the midst of the most emotional passages of the reading the chemist filled the room with a contrasting gas. The result was that the listeners laughed during a funeral scene, wept during a joyful one and during a description of peaceful events they became bellicose. Thus, at the conclusion of the experiment it was strikingly apparent to what an extent words had been conquered by something unseen and unheard.

AUM (1936) - 192:
192. Let no one think that Our summons to the Higher World means tearing one away from Earth. On the contrary, the greatness of the Higher World only affirms all other manifestations of life. Earth cannot be a negligible planet when it is enwrapped in the very energy which is filled with the higher Light. Each comparison with the Higher World also enhances the good quality of earthly thoughts. Only evil can separate the worlds; only ignorance can dismember manifestations; only non-understanding counsels that earthly life is no part of beautiful creativeness; therefore, let us direct all science toward a righteous cognition. Nothing can divert one's heart if devotion and the sense of beauty live in it.

AUM (1936) - 256:
You may often be asked, "Does the consciousness wear out?" The seed of the spirit is everlasting, the Chalice is filled with accumulations, but the degree of consciousness may fluctuate. The principle reason is indolence in the Subtle World. Such a quality can imprison the seed of the spirit and the Chalice as behind forty locks. Especially subject to such indolence is the weak consciousness, which lives its earthly life without overcoming obstacles and without labor. One can observe how such consciousnesses clutch at the Subtle World; not for two thousand years, but for much longer, would they prefer to be spared a new experience. This is how malevolent deniers come to be born.

AUM (1936) - 279:
279. The Subtle World is filled with prototypes of animals, but only a strong consciousness perceives them. Indeed, the aspects of such animal representatives are innumerable, from the most complicated to those which are decomposing as dross. It should not be thought that the dwellers of the Subtle World all possess identical vision.

AUM (1936) - 324:
Many errors have been accumulated in the course of thousands of years. People began to measure good by a gold standard. Men, carrying gold and precious stones into the temple, assured themselves that these represented the world's best attainments. People filled themselves with false concepts about treasures; they remembered the legend about gold as the source of evil, but they hastened to transform it into a fairy tale. The history of mankind reveals repeated revolts against gold. Each great Teacher has manifested himself an insurgent against gold, and people have hastened to kill each daring rebel against their cherished idol. Indeed, I do not speak of a lump of gold itself but of the entire horror which surrounds it.

AUM (1936) - 495:
495. Similarly inexperienced are those who suppose that quietude is possible in nature. The concept of quietude is altogether lacking. Only the beginner poets sing praises about silence, themselves contradicting it. But science has ascertained radio waves which are registered by certain people without apparatus. Psychic energy opens up the inner hearing. Space cannot be silent, it is filled with the sounding of all three worlds. It is full, for there is no void.

AUM (1936) - 565:
565. You have heard that a person suffering with defective speech suddenly was able to deliver a beautiful inspired address. The personal will alone could not achieve this, there was required the participation also of another energy. Someone has sent His Shielding Force. It may be that such a Force will cure the defect forever. It is possible that the nervous spasm may depart forever if the same degree of enthusiasm which filled the speaker when he rendered the beautiful speech can be retained. Let him observe the rhythm of his heart. Let him remember how his successful speech, which so inspired his listeners, was harmonized. To retain the manifested harmony will already be an achievement. Many examples may be cited when the rhythm of psychic energy uplifted a man and helped him surmount all nervous spasms. Many cases may be named when people, under the influence of higher energy, forgot forever their defects.

AUM (1936) - 580:
580. Constant readiness is a quality which needs to be developed. Readiness is not a nervous transport, it is not transitory tension. Readiness is harmony of the centers, always open to perception and reaction. The man who is filled with harmony is always receiving and always giving. His being is always strengthened by an uninterrupted current. There is no giving without receiving. To break such a current is the death of advancement. The all-knowing one will also be all-giving. Let us understand this truth broadly, not setting limits by earthly conditions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 13:
The being who is filled with doubt is not fit for even a primitive form of cooperation. He cannot even understand all the beautiful discipline of Brotherhood. Precisely discipline, as not otherwise can be named that voluntary harmony which lies in the foundation of the Brotherhood's labors. The Brothers join together for work, and without trust there would be no quality in their labor.

Brotherhood (1937) - 41:
41. What is the natural path? The most unrestricted way of learning, with tolerance and patience, without any sectarianism. Unrestricted cognition is not easily adopted. Everything connected with human labors is limited. Every occupation cuts short, as it were, many ways of communion. Even excellent minds have been driven into a narrow channel. The disease of self-limitation bears no resemblance to self-sacrifice. Man limits himself for his own comfort. Indeed, bold actions for the sake of unrestricted knowledge will be the exception. Malice and hatred carry out their actions in straitness of mind. For unconfined action it is necessary for one to be filled with magnanimity and to discover causes and effects with a benevolent eye. Austerity of labor has nothing in common with a censorious attitude. Only limited people condemn. Not out of condemnation is perfectment born.

Brotherhood (1937) - 130:
130. "Brotherhood on earth is impossible!" Thus exclaim those filled with selfhood. "Brotherhood on Earth is impossible," say the dark destroyers. "Brotherhood on earth is impossible," whisper the weak-willed. Thus do many voices try to deny the fundamentals of Be-ness. Yet, so many true Brotherhoods have existed in different epochs, and nothing was able to cut short their existence. If people do not see something, then for them it does not exist. Such ignorance can be traced from ancient times up to this day. Nothing can force a man to see if he does not wish to see. It is time to understand that it is not only the visible that exists but that the world is filled with invisible realities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 164:
164. It is necessary to overcome the feeling of the void. Behind this illusion crawls much that is harmful; irresponsibility appears, and the maya of plunging into emptiness results, followed by dissolution in it. But then, what about the seeds that are indissoluble? From the realization of them will be built up an understanding of the space being completely filled. Such a condition will be the basis of responsibility. Thus, let us begin with the seed of spirit and then broaden the thought to include all space.

Brotherhood (1937) - 183:
183. An artist once was ordered to draw a symbolic representation of faith. He executed a human figure expressing inexorableness. The face was uplifted to Heaven, and on it was an expression of unbreakable striving; the very look was filled with fiery radiance. The whole appearance was sublime, but from under the folds of the garment there seemed to be wriggling a small black snake. When the artist was asked what meaning was carried by his dark addition, which was out of keeping with the splendor of the picture, he said, "It is the little tail of unbelief."

Brotherhood (1937) - 223:
223. The primary energy seeks admittance into all the nerves of humanity. It is, it does exist. It has been tensed by cosmic conditions. It is unfitting to ask whether one should develop it. It is impossible to develop the primary energy; one can only safeguard it against the waves of chaos. One should manifest great solicitude toward the treasure of evolution. Much was said in antiquity about the time when the primary energy would begin to be intensively manifested. People must not deny that which so imperatively claims its goal. Who is filled with such arrogance as to fall into denying the tidings of the epoch? Only the ignorant and those vaunting a false wisdom will begin fighting against the evidence. But let us not take to heart the attempts of the ignorant. They only make a wreath to each advice about helping humanity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 246:
246. The same fear impedes recognition of Hierarchy. In justice let us say that Hierarchy is far from any violence. It is ready to help and to send advice, but humanity is ready to suspect each good intention. Without trust there is no cooperation. Let us not forget that lack of trust is a sign of imperfection. A man filled with doubt will first of all not believe his neighbor. Let us not call these reminders moral counsels. Let them be called physical and mechanical laws. It makes absolutely no difference what the fundamentals of Existence are called, provided they be maintained and observed!

Brotherhood (1937) - 290:
290. If the psychic energy of even one individual is a prophylaxis for physical health, then how much more powerful will be the influence of unified energy. The meaning of Brotherhood is contained in the unification of the primary energy. Only broadening of consciousness helps to realize the significance of harmony of energy. On all the planes of life it manifests its beneficent force. No doubt you have been asked many times how to develop psychic energy and how to realize its usefulness. But it has been said enough that the heart that aspires to higher quality of all life will be the conductor of psychic energy. No forcible, conventionally accelerated movement toward a display of the heart's action will be useful. The heart is a most independent organ; it may be set free toward good, and it will hasten to be filled with energy. Likewise, only in friendly communion is it possible to secure the fruits of unified energy. However, for this it is indispensable to understand what harmonious agreement is.

Brotherhood (1937) - 295:
295. Solemnity should be strengthened by the concept of Brotherhood. It ought not to remain an empty sound. To affirm solemnity means to sing hymns to the rising sun. It must be realized what purification is vouchsafed at being filled with health-giving solemnity. All the proposed concepts have a significance both elevating and curative. We suggest all that which can also fortify the body. Let us not think that exalted concepts are manifested only as exaltation; they also constitute salutary means that strengthen the organism. One should realize the power of beneficent concepts.

Brotherhood (1937) - 306:
306. There are different kinds of expectation: there is revealing expectancy, and there is also obstructive expectancy. In the first the heart awaits, but in the second the I-self awaits. A thought, even the loftiest, flies with difficulty through a wall of egoism. It droops at the sharpened stakes of egoism. Jagged is egoism, broken up with envy and savage malice. Such an encounter cannot admit a beautiful thought. Much takes place perceptibly in the process of receiving a thought. There occurs an instant of calm before the arrival of the higher Messenger. But can puffed-up egoism sense this most blissful moment? The heart alone knows how to be filled with expectation. Only the heart does not cry out, I am waiting! Very much egoism sounds in such an I . But to await with the heart, this means to already have a premonition. There is much joy in such a feeling. The ancients called it the guide. I affirm that a premonition is already the opening of the gates. The heart is a cordial hostess; it foresees how to meet the guest from afar. It is needful to exert one's best feelings in encountering thought.

Brotherhood (1937) - 319:
319. Being filled with lofty problems, man prepares himself for corresponding domains. By degrees he so accustoms himself to this way of thinking that he begins to belong entirely to an equally beautiful life in the Subtle World. Earthly life is an instant which has no co-measurement with the Higher World, therefore it is prudent even in this brief moment to derive advantage for the more prolonged one.

Brotherhood (1937) - 351:
Let the most primitive microscope assist us in realizing that space is filled. It is amply full. It is instructive to observe how the tiniest micro-organisms are in contact with the Subtle World. The most intense conflict is taking place for the purification of space. These almost undetectable impacts lead to grave commotions. The microcosm contends with the Macrocosm. Such a confrontation sounds improbable, yet equally mysterious is the borderline between the manifested and chaos.

Brotherhood (1937) - 392:
392. The man who feels himself unlucky has been called an obscurer of the heavens. He has collected gloom around himself and has infected the distant space. He has harmed himself, but still more all that exists. He has proved himself to be an egoist, forgetting about his surroundings. Depriving himself of good fortune, he has become a breeding ground of afflictions. As the self-satisfied one loses the thread of advance, so does he who is filled with self-pity cut away his own success. It is not fitting for man to doom himself to calamities. Long-sown wails and groans turn into a ruinous vortex. The itch of envy changes into leprosy; from malice the tongue grows numb. A whole hotbed of disasters is built by the man who gives himself over to the illusion of bad luck. Such poisoners are intolerable in the Brotherhood. Yet many dream about Brotherhood without thinking what a burden They bear! How strong is the man who realizes the good fortune of being a man!

Brotherhood (1937) - 463:
463. It will be pointed out that many Communities and Brotherhoods have fallen into ruin, but they are not the ones We speak about. Moreover, they could have been moved elsewhere, but to a stranger's eye it might seem that they disintegrated. Do people know much about life in a neighboring house, much less about that which they are not supposed to know? Each one can recall from his own life the most significant events about which no one has known. Especially if transmitted by thought at a distance, who could learn about them. True, thought can be intercepted, but for this special conditions are necessary. If a thought has been directed with especial clarity to a definite person, it will unfailingly contact his aura. Thus communities can be kept together by the force of thought. But some are so afraid of thought that they decline everything relating to this domain. Such people should not be attracted, their approach ends in treachery. More than once Communities have been moved away in order to free them from undesirable people. It is easier to announce the dissolution of a Community than to disclose those who can do harm. From such a situation one can more easily comprehend why the Brotherhood is to be found in an inaccessible place. therefore, too, each one who knows about the Brotherhood will be careful in giving out his information. People cannot bear it when they are unable to understand something. Such understandings are stratified slowly. Very rarely is the Chalice filled to overflowing. As a synthesized center, the Chalice preserves the most essential, indescribable accumulations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 546:
546. In the transmission of thought at a distance, certain methods are employed that are not without foundation. In two rooms, both painted in the same color, preferably green, a single note is sounded and the place is filled with one aroma. Such details undoubtedly have significance, but only of an auxiliary nature. The power of thought depends upon calmness and heart-striving. This should always be kept in mind, because people too often place the will in the brain. Such a brain-sending can be interrupted in space by a still stronger current. In general, the subtlest receptivity is needed around the will and sendings of thought.

Brotherhood (1937) - 555:
555. Let us not be in doubt as to what to do in moments between labors. Let us not forget that each particle of time can be used for higher communion. There is joy in that the thread of the heart can be in constant communion with the most Beloved. I affirm that the voice of love requires no length of time. As a field of grass is filled with different flowers, so, too, the calls of the heart are radiant amid labors; they signify approach to Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 565:
565. The Silvery Tear - thus We call the lofty degree of readiness for tests. The first word recalls the silver thread, the second - the chalice of patience. One should constantly keep in mind that the concept of the supermundane lives side by side with the earthly concept. This consciousness is very hard to maintain, for even good consciousnesses think only along one line in the hour of testing. We should not console ourselves with the thought that the silver thread is sturdy; let us rather safeguard it as if it were something fragile. Moreover, let us not forget that the chalice of patience is easily filled to overflowing, even in everyday life. It is not difficult to pass judgment on another's circumstances. Tests of equilibrium should be carried out upon oneself. Each such victory will be in itself a true success. Life provides many an opportunity for such victories. Preserve in memory each such conflict, instructive processes of thinking take place in it. The symbol of the tear for the chalice of patience is not accidental. It is difficult to restrain one's indignation when one observes a senseless destruction. A complaint about the brutalities of people often runs along the silver thread. The Teacher will often send a ray of Light so that one can look into the distance. Only the telescope of the spirit can cover the judgment.

Brotherhood (1937) - 580:
The neophytes of the Brotherhood are tested upon fear. A most hopeless situation is shown to them, and one waits to see what solution will be chosen by the tested one. Very few will think, What is there to be afraid of since the Brotherhood stands behind us? Precisely such a premise liberates one from fear and brings to light a free, beneficial solution. But most often, before thinking about the Brotherhood, a man will promptly get distressed, irritated, and filled with imperil. A plea from one filled with poison will not be useful.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 7:
We often instruct that unity be preserved. Such an Indication is not merely a simple moral teaching - disunity is the most abhorrent dissonance. Nothing strikes space as sharply as dissonance. When people are filled with malicious discord, damaging disruptions in space result immediately. Such people not only harm themselves they also create a spatial karma involving others like them. It is dreadful to battle with such newly-generated chaos.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 27:
The Teacher does not renounce His obligations. His entire day is filled with carrying out His duties. He who is afraid of these words, let him not think about the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37:
37. Urusvati carries fearlessness in her heart. We affirm that this quality is accumulated through faith and lengthy experience. Upasika was an example of complete fearlessness in life. She was courageous in all circumstances, and no fear could intrude. The life of Upasika was filled with occasions for fear. It was sad to see how many persecutions came together, how her name was slandered. She had no means, and accusers threatened her from all sides. Verily, she was a touchstone of fearlessness! One can cite many such examples throughout the ages. Every one of Us has frequently had occasion to show such fearlessness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 50:
50. Urusvati has asked about the means of material support for Our abodes. Remember that many streams are filled with gold, silver and sapphires can be found in Our mountains, and We know about many hidden treasures. Do you remember how a pound note was sent flying to London? Often people need help. Thus the earthly is correlated with the Supermundane. Cooperation with the Subtle World must be continuous. The entire multiformity of the subtlest spheres must be understood in order to realize how complex is the work of Our Abode.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 52:
During many incarnations, a correct attitude toward all astral manifestations is developed. You may wonder if all these various subtle entities are able to approach Our Abode. Of course, they can approach but they have no influence. Every place on Earth is filled with subtle entities, and one must discern the extent to which they infringe upon earthly life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 53:
53. Urusvati is deeply aware of the significance of the creativity in people. We direct Our thought along the lines of cooperation and nationwide creativeness. It is time to realize that people's creativity is an inspired affirmation of their value. In all Our labor We allow time to inspire multiform creativity. Not only those who have dedicated themselves to art, but the entire nation should direct its thoughts to creativeness. Let daily life be created by the hands of the family. Let leisure time be filled with creativeness and let people sing, for the great power of harmony is contained in choirs.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 55:
55. Urusvati knows how to bring joy. This quality is contained in the disciplined will. The realization of joy grows through conviction, not through the acquisition of things. There is no condition that cannot be turned into joy. When We speak repeatedly about joy We evoke it as a great reality. One cannot imagine Our Abode without joy. The most tense battles are filled with joy. Without it there is no action. To elucidate the meaning and value of joy is to resolve a great physiological principle.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 56:
Recently you heard about an instance of obsession. It was an almost hopeless case because the sick woman was tired of struggling and had become a follower of the obsessor. Also, those who surrounded her increased her sickness. Usually such obsessed ones should be taken to a new place and their surroundings changed. It was not possible to influence her by writing, but through personal magnetism the growth of terror could be stopped. People do not understand how much one's surroundings encourage the development of certain illnesses. Thus one should become accustomed to being in the position of a physician. Our Inner Life is filled with healing activities.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 58:
One may feel the power of the sunrise and store up the solar prana, but immeasurable patience is also required to fight cruelty. We have continually before us examples of the most refined cruelty, as if people had agreed to burden the karma of the planet. Thus, not only war and revolution, but school and family life are filled with mean cruelty. One must realize how much torment and pitiable cries reach Our Abode. Everyone must be helped.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 108:
108. Urusvati saw the Ray that was filled with numerous eyes. Such evolutionary forms should also be faced and one must learn to accept their existence. A special ray is required to establish the visibility of these spatial forms, which are the prototypes of future creatures. These traces of great thought-creativeness are registered upon the layers of Akasha and are an illustration of the creative work of the Great Builders, who fill space with their ideas. By the currents of such powerful thought are born multitudes of forms.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 122:
Even in the midst of Armageddon one can experience the influence of works of art. Concern about precious art can preserve a whole era. Our repositories are filled with objects that people considered lost. Perhaps some of them will eventually be returned to the nations that failed to protect them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132:
Recently Urusvati visited places where those people dwell who left Earth in an aged condition. It is easier to work with children, and with those of advanced age who have outlived their tasks in the earthly body. Most difficult are the middle-aged people who are still filled with unexpressed accumulations and discontent, and are unable to accept the Hierarchy. They are victims of their own vague desires and are dissatisfied with everything.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138:
We offer knowledge about the past, but the heart should be filled with striving to the future. Let the ability to perceive better possibilities for mankind be developed out of such thoughts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 140:
Strong are those who are filled with gratitude, for their wings can grow! They will not be afraid of Our commissions. They know that We are greatly burdened, yet rejoice on the way to the Garden of Beauty!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 146:
Nor did people accept the true way of life of the Great Pilgrim. They would not believe that He worked hard and had more than one skill. One could find in His land a great variety of ceramic objects created by His own Hands. These objects became healing talismans. But who knows now about these benevolent signs? The path of the Great Pilgrim was filled with benevolent signs.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 151:
There were those among the disciples and followers whose lives were filled with misery and daily hardship. The Teacher would first help them by uplifting their spirits, and only when balance was established would He discuss their problems. He never condemned their past, but led them into the future. The Teacher could clearly see the future, but only revealed it according to the consciousness of His disciples. Nor did He hesitate to use severe words to revive the dead consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 163:
One can imagine how filled His time was during that short life of heroic achievement. His disciples often wondered when He found time to sleep.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 169:
Darkness is filled with poisonous currents that attempt to arrest striving thought. This statement should be understood realistically. Truly, the current of thought can be obstructed, and then its energy must be intensified in order for it to succeed. However, such an application of one's great force exhausts the heart.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 177:
The Great Teacher openly emphasized the foundations of faith as a vital cause of evolution. The Teacher was filled with great knowledge and transmitted it in simple words.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 183:
If in those times the Thinker was appalled by the ferocity and cruelty of people, what can one say about today? The bloody sacrifices to Moloch appear merciful compared with the murders that are now taking place! How many times must We stress these words! How can people contemplate truths when their minds are filled with a craving for murder? This, too, was said by the Thinker, and because of these words He was persecuted and sold into slavery.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 190:
190. Urusvati knows how little people understand the link between cause and effect. The Thinker related the legend of a man who was filled with a desire to search for gold. "He thought that a certain place at the foot of a large, overhanging rock seemed suitable to begin his search and started to dig excitedly. A passer-by saw there was a danger the rock might come down and warned the man. But the glimmer of gold was so attractive that he continued digging until the rock began to fall. The passer-by, seeing the danger, cried out a warning in time to save the man from certain death. The man was not grateful, however, and blamed fate for causing him to lose the gold.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 191:
If we discuss the far-off worlds we must accept the idea of distant influences. A strong spirit, while in the far-off worlds, may be filled with a desire to increase the work for good, and thus will send a particle of his energy for the inspiration and daring of those on Earth. Formerly, mothers prayed that double strength be granted to the incarnating soul. Some legends record the existence of certain nations that knew about the power of the spirit and about the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 196:
196. Urusvati knows how people filled with hate will attempt to destroy even the indestructible! There was a time in Athens when heralds officially proclaimed that those citizens who dared even to utter the names of Pericles, Anaxagoras, Aspasia, Phidias, and their friends would be driven into exile.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 197:
"The time will come when a person who speaks in Athens will immediately receive an answer from Corinth. Man will master space and realize that it is filled."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 251:
We greatly value the ability to observe objectively the omens of nature. Learn the symptoms of disease. Physicians must not cease observing; if they do, they are not physicians. We pay attention to many cosmic signs. The planet is very sick, and man cannot remain indifferent when his whole being is filled with the influences of the subtlest energies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 254:
However, there are those seeking inner peace who are filled with selfishness and false modesty, and believe that they will acquire inner peace by doing nothing. These are not bad people, they do no evil, but their "good" is of little value. What kind of peace can come from inertia? True inner peace can be likened to Nirvana, in which all the energies are so intensified that they are unified in their ascent.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 258:
258. Urusvati knows that many complex obstacles must be overcome before We can help people. Imagine a narrow mountain path filled with galloping riders, or a street crammed with a crowd running in panic. Then imagine trying to save from the stampede an individual who is not prepared for the help that is offered to him. We cannot hold back the crowd because great confusion would result, and if We stopped him, for even one moment, he would be crushed. However, it is quite different when the one who is to be saved can sense that help awaits him. As if by a magnet he can be drawn to a safe place that has been prepared for him. But for this to happen he must be ready to accept the rescue.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 295:
Speaking about false concepts, one should not relate them to only a few significant events. It should be remembered that man's entire life is filled with petty but characteristic falsehoods. So much false courage, so much false devotion, so much false diligence is manifested throughout the world!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 306:
People, through their own efforts, can become self-disciplined and moral, and produce healthy emanations. They should not burden themselves with rituals, and should realize that only inner striving will bring them to perfection. Let them learn to project thought to a distance. Let them visualize the Image they revere. For such inspiration rituals are superfluous. Everyone, in the purity of his own heart, can commune with the Teacher. Thus can Earth be filled with good aspirations. Such people will not be left in solitude, for the ultimate goal of Goodness will unify all seeking hearts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 321:
There are many dreams that could be transformed into reality, even though they now seem unrealizable. For example, people dream about education for all, yet there is much illiteracy throughout the world. And as long as slavery and barbarism remain in many areas, how can one dream about universal education? But We will say, not only can one dream, one must. Space must be filled with commands to begin campaigns for education.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 323:
One should think of consciousness as a vessel that can contain all the human potential. When an ordinary cup is filled to the brim there is no room for more, but fortunately the vessel of consciousness can be stretched infinitely to accommodate the life-giving fluid. Thus, even the most wretched individual will not be deprived of wisdom if he can realize that the capacity of his consciousness is without limit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 330:
I would like Our co-workers to imagine the various strata of the Subtle World, but there should be no false ideas about this. Many imagine the Subtle World to be a richly adorned paradise filled only with bliss. Yet, Earth groans under the pressures of murder, aggression, and falsehood, and the consequences of earthly delusion fill the Subtle World too.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 355:
People think that psychic powers are gifts from above, little realizing that these gifts are earned by the individual himself amidst all kinds of burdensome experiences. Usually, one does not recognize the presence of these seeds, which are ready to blossom at the first favorable opportunity. Furthermore, no one points out to the toiler the possibilities earned by him. A vessel filled to the brim is easily spilled. In the same way, accumulated psychic powers can be suddenly manifested at the least prompting.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360:
Only by observing human actions can one discriminate and sense the subtle differences between good and bad people. You will see that the one who labors for evolution is filled with ideas. But who would call these ideas fixed? It would be right to call them leading ideas. Pay heed then to all the manifestations of nature.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 364:
You also are filled with anxiety because you were once involved in work connected with the suffering nations. One can already witness the humiliating fate of one particular nation that could have been in a favorable position. Gradually the events are taking shape in the West, with its feverish campaign against ideas of community. But the false communitarians are even worse than those dreamers who think of themselves as founders of the New Era.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 367:
Uttering the name of the Guru also creates a strong bond, but this, too, must be done with serenity, for any excessive exertion will invariably produce a disturbed atmosphere. Realize, however, that calmness is not inertia; on the contrary, just as in the state of Nirvana, it is full of inner vibration. Many will not understand this and will see only contradiction. They will argue, "How can calmness be filled with vibrations, and how can a calm invocation of the Guru's name be so effective? How can a calm prayer be more effective than a cry of despair?"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 369:
369. Urusvati knows that there are certain individuals who can foresee the direction of evolution. Such co-workers of Ours can be found in different countries and ages. We use them as channels through which We transmit the varying degrees of aspiration that correspond to the needs of evolution. But it should be understood that such striving individuals are rare, and will feel out of place in any generation. It would be correct to think of them not as dwellers of Earth, but rather as guests, filled with memories of better worlds. Indeed, earthly life is not easy for them. They are filled with the spirit of service to humanity, but this concept is little understood on Earth. These toilers cannot find a common language with coarser earthly people. It is to be lamented that time so distorts their ideas, although eventually their words find some degree of recognition. All that I have said here is also true about Our own work, but through the centuries We have become sufficiently aware of the turning of the Wheel of Life. We understand that in motion much is consumed; even huge meteors are burned away, yet some of them succeed in carrying their diamonds to Earth. Only a calm understanding of earthly processes can reveal the whole range of accumulated knowledge. We call such observations a clarification of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 371:
371. Urusvati knows that in preparation for Infinity the earthly path is filled with both danger and joy. However, there are three kinds of doubters. The first asks, "And where is the promised joy? So much is said about joy, but now we hear only about endless dangers! After all, it is only because of the promised joy that we pay attention to instructions."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 373:
One then may wonder if the many who are filled with fury and hatred also bear within themselves a seed of culture. Yes, but it is deeply buried under their accumulation of crimes. They will find an Instructor in the Subtle World who will point out that such a debased state is inadmissible. Verily, people must understand that each day can be radiant with humaneness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 374:
In Our mental Messages We sometimes use just one word. Such a hint is filled with meaning, yet not all who receive such hints pay attention to them. One must acquire experience in concentration in order to become vigilant, especially since the cause and effect are often separated by a lengthy period of time.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 386:
Urusvati knows that the healing flame can easily be brought into the darkness of the astral world. The subtle body is like a chalice filled with phosphorus. It can be an inexhaustible source of light and beneficial rhythm.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 391:
I speak a great deal about this vast Subtle World, not only because one should know as much as possible about it, but also because of its closeness to earthly life. There are many who will say that not enough has been revealed yet about the Subtle World, but the same could be said about earthly life, which is filled with wonders far surpassing anything in the imagination. Why not extend these wonders into Infinity? Then we shall grasp the possibilities of the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 391:
What then will happen if We tell you that the Subtle World is also filled with all kinds of difficulties? Those who have been interested will scatter, forgetting that their running away will not free them from having to enter the Subtle World. But is it not far better to provide oneself with the information that is needed for the future journey?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 404:
Space can be filled with beautiful images that will help to prepare the way to harmony. Yet people commit a grave crime by filling space with ugliness. It will take a long time and much suffering for humanity to realize how criminal it is to create ugliness and evil. Understand this in all its aspects. The manifestation of beauty will heal and will lead one safely over every abyss.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 419:
The lazy will ask if it is worth taking such pains over things that will be forgotten anyway, but they do not know about the saturation of space, which can be so filled with thought that people are influenced without spoken words. Personal labor thus becomes spatial, and fatigue is impossible.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 430:
430. Urusvati knows that it is possible to see not only the human aura, but also the ectoplasm, which is an essential part of our subtle nature. It is well known that subtle beings make use of the medium's ectoplasm, and weave from it their visible garments, but I wish now to remind you that everyone possesses this immutable phenomenon. Subtle beings circle about all of us and use pieces of it, with the result that the atmosphere around man is filled with shreds of this substance. Many people often notice misty spots that float past in space and assume varied forms. Physicians explain these manifestations as resulting from the imperfection of human vision, but they actually demonstrate the efficiency of our eyesight!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 430:
The Thinker taught that the surrounding space is filled with subtle substance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435:
The Thinker said, "Can anyone be so filled with self-importance that he thinks he has studied all the manifestations of Nature?"


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