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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EM > EMITTED (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 86:
86. One should know that having one's centers open enables one to reduce the imperfection in one's surroundings. It brings not only the development of sensitivity but also the offering of one's own forces for the improvement of one's surroundings. One can observe that the forces emitted for this are in some way absorbed by space, and this degree of openness of the centers is called "Lamp of the Desert." After this follows the degree of "Lion of the Desert."

Heart (1932) - 369:
369. I already spoke of the significance of harmonized work, through which even machines do not wear away. One can imagine the beneficent energy emitted by a united work. Astonishing observations can be made by gathering harmonized consciousness into groups. States should have considered such classifications of labor according to consciousness. Such subdividing could create the best page of political economy. Thus, instead of imitations of antiquated dogmas, the essence of action should be approached.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429:
429. Urusvati knows that human radiations can be seen by the naked eye. We can cite many cases in which people emitted radiation when in a transport of exaltation. True, the onlookers paid no attention to this manifestation or tried to explain it as a reflected outside source of light.


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