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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EM > EMITS (7)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 231:
231. One must not, like a carnival barker, entice people into one's courtyard. Yet, even the Great Teachers sometimes overused the Chalice of conversion, fearing that the Teaching would remain untransmitted. But each Teaching is given out in its proper time. It pervades space and emits emanations that have their effect in unexpected ways. We see that much that is broadly proclaimed is quickly swept away in the first wave of confusion. But, in contrast, it is remarkable to observe the growth that follows a quietly invisible sowing.

Hierarchy (1931) - 3:
Among people there exists the concept of benumbed Arhats; the poor yogis feed the imaginations of men with their own images. But when humanity shall realize that the Arhat is the highest manifestation of Materia Lucida , it will understand that there is no difference between Materia Lucida which emits Light, and the Matter of Love enveloping all with Light. Humanity invests the Arhat with an austere image, but Materia Lucida radiates Love.

Heart (1932) - 439:
439. The projection of thought upon a highly sensitized film is quite possible, but for this, one should collect the most acute thinking. The chief thing lies in the quality of thinking. Sound creates rhythm upon the sand. Thought also emits vibrations. But of course, it is much finer than sound. Therefore, thought cannot react upon the coarse grains of sand but does act upon the most delicate film. People will not reach such refinement and concentration soon. They substitute amusements for concentration. But has dissipation been ordained Everywhere, action was indicated, but not the chaos of scattering dust.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 604:
604. Can human language express that which is beyond earthly expression? Notwithstanding, people must think about the Fiery World. They should picture it as the most vital and most guiding; otherwise, in confused dreams, they will be unable to approach it as has been ordained. Reverence for the One Light is as natural as the idea of the One Father. People are alike in their fiery seed, but physical atavism places them at varying distances from Truth. But the higher fires stand above all divisions. Read about the most diverse visions of Fiery Beings in all countries of the world, and you will find in them the same signs and results. Verily, all distinctions between peoples fall away before the Higher World. People sense equally the breath of the Higher World. They are set equally atremor in heart and body. They understand the Voice of the Envoy of Light. With difficulty they return to the common earthly state. Such manifestations, and the ecstasy of the spirit at contact with a Higher Being, are unforgettable to all alike. One should not forget that the most diverse peoples have beheld the Higher Beings in identical Images. Is this not a sign of the oneness of Light and of the Hierarchy of Good? Thus, one should accept the Fiery World with heart and mind. One must feel that all inspirations emanate therefrom. Honest creators and workers can bear witness that the best solutions come from without. Like a powerful dynamo the Fiery World emits a shower of the best formulas. One should not only make use of them but also testify about them in the highest terms. Thus one can be united by the fires of the heart with the Supreme Light. This is not conceit, for Light knows no obstacles.

AUM (1936) - 89:
Likewise it may be observed that through spiritual development people free themselves from the unpleasant odors which are natural to undeveloped organisms. Let us realize that the Higher World can transform even the composition of the blood. Let us not think that such reactions are supernatural, on the contrary, they are most natural. When a man returns from the pure outdoor air he emits a fragrant odor. Equally fragrant is the consciousness overshadowed by Grace.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 122:
122. Urusvati remembers how steadfastly We care about protecting the Beautiful. Foreseeing the events of Armageddon, We work to spread abroad Our suggestions about the best methods for preserving the world's treasures. We know that the forces of darkness will use all their efforts to prevent the fulfillment of Our urgent precautions. They understand very well that a work of art emits the most powerful emanations, and can serve as the best weapon against their attacks.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 294:
Most people do not have the slightest idea of this, and those who do quickly forget. It is not an easy task to dissolve these dark stratifications. As you know, every substance emits and even harbors its own germs. People easily accept the idea that certain objects can be infectious and even poisonous, but refuse to understand that it is their own thoughts that permeate the objects. Indeed, people have a low opinion of the potency of their own thoughts! Likewise, few realize that by surrounding themselves with poisonous objects they put barriers between themselves and the Higher Realms. We suffocate in a polluted atmosphere. It would be wonderful if medical authorities would apply to the mental realm the same improvements they make to sanitary conditions!


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