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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EA > EAGERLY (3)

New Era Community (1926) - 144:
How eagerly is each word about the New World awaited! The striving of new consciousnesses will result in new combinations. We await those who pronounce the new day a desired one - who regard the best past day worse than each new one. They are right; for each new day is clothed with prana of the new evolution. The air, actually changed by the disintegration of the worlds, becomes new. How necessary it is to study the composition of the atmosphere by the most sensitive apparatuses! The composition of the air is a vital part of biology. Up to the present we have spoken roughly about the air, forgetting its psychic reaction.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 548:
548. If you feel special drowsiness or weariness, do not try to overcome it. It is best to be very careful with the store of fiery energy. Who knows how much and how often precious energy is sacrificed for the sake of those who are quite unaware of it? Though they assert that no fiery sendings exist, they themselves eagerly devour other people's strength.

AUM (1936) - 271:
It is especially significant to observe such people from childhood. They differ distinctly from those around them, and they seem to know their destiny. Sometimes this knowledge is revealed by unexpected words. Sometimes the very actions of a child show how eagerly his spirit is seeking some definite goal, but usually such strivings are misunderstood. This sacred peculiarity of one summoned to ascent is much ridiculed. But in the future epoch it is the ones excelling in perceptivity who will be particularly esteemed.


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