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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EA > EAGER (6)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 125:
125. Thus does the disciple approach the Teacher: open, ready to shed the old-world tatters, striving toward the new consciousness, eager for knowledge, fearless, truthful, devoted, keenly vigilant, industrious, knowing goal-fitness, and sensitive. He will find the path of trust. Maya will no longer tempt him. Mara will not terrify him. On the bosom of Earth will he find the Stone from the far-off worlds. For him, life will be adorned, ability strengthened, and superfluous words erased.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 298:
298. When beginning a work, know how to rejoice at its inception. Usually people are eager to see the flowers and fruit. But true researchers rejoice at the first seedling, because this is the awakening of life.

AUM (1936) - 266:
266. There is so much intolerance and brutality in humanity that it is not difficult to arrive at a conclusion as to its degree of ignorance. Such a degree of ignorance forces one to reiterate the fundamentals. Of what avail is man's literacy if he remain only a beast! Animals too have learned to understand certain signs, yet they are still animals eager for bloodshed.

Brotherhood (1937) - 29:
29. It may be asked why such a needed weapon is not entrusted to everyone. Each one does have it, but it is often closed up behind seven locks. People themselves are to blame that they lock up their greatest treasure in the cellar. Many, even after hearing about such energy, are not eager to learn about the means of its discovery - so undeveloped is love of knowledge!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 76:
76. Urusvati knows how to guard what has been entrusted. It is not easy to find a balance between withholding and disclosing. Beginners are eager to impart all they have learned, not thinking about the consequences, and many calamities have resulted from their foolish diffusion. But experience forges the measures of wisdom, and with time one can find the true ways of dissemination. The path is difficult, and you should weigh how much those with whom you speak can contain. A panacea must be dispensed in proper measure, neither more nor less. One can recall occasions when, after a long conversation, a question was asked that proved the listener's lack of understanding, the answer to which could have produced harmful results. We advise that the books of the Teaching simply be placed at the crossroads, so that they may find their own destiny. Thus We indicate special means of dissemination.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132:
Urusvati saw those who were eager to see their Teacher. Remember that We do visit the various spheres of the Subtle World, although it is difficult for Us to remain in the lower strata. Brother K. fell ill while fulfilling His mission on the earthly plane, and the lower layers of the Subtle World are just as dense. Urusvati is aware of this denseness and suffocation. It is better to know of all the difficulties of a dedicated life than to dream only of "heavenly harps and songs." We purposely emphasize the difficult side; first, in order not to hide the truth, and second, if man realizes the joy of spiritual achievement, he will also realize that even the greatest difficulties are nothing when compared with the grandeur of illumination.


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