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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CR > CRIME (54)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.13:
A man who had withheld the confession of a crime sat in prison. At home he had left riches which had come to him unexpectedly. The noise of every step outside suggested to him a pardon. He sent couriers to deliver the riches to the judge. But a simple confession would have freed him and preserved his wealth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.11.1:
It is difficult to say which crime is the worse. Therefore, it is impossible to speak about nations; one can speak only about individuals. Indolence is dreadful and can border upon crime. It is difficult to see the consequences of laziness, but it transforms a man into an animal. I assert that it is one of the chief obstacles on the path. On the spiritual plane at times a murderer is more mobile. Also, bribery deprives a man of the confidence of the Brotherhood, because the treason of such people is great. Also, lack of compassion makes a man unfit for achievement, because such souls are lacking in courage.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.15:
The crime of speculation has to be prosecuted relentlessly, because the Earth is sick from speculation.

New Era Community (1926) - 94:
94. Often you talk about the imperfections in existing books. I say more the errors in the books fare equal to a grievous crime. Falsehood in books must be prosecuted as a grave calumny. The falsehood of an orator is prosecuted according to the number of his listeners. The falsehood of an author should be prosecuted according to the number of copies sold of his book. To fill the people's libraries with falsehood is a grave offense. It is necessary to perceive the true intent of the author in order to estimate the quality of his errors. Ignorance will be the worst basis. Fear and meanness occupy the next place. None of these qualities are befitting the community. To accomplish their removal in the new construction is a necessity. Prohibitory measures, as usual, are not suitable; but a discovered error must be removed from the book. The necessity of such removal, and the reprinting of the book, will bring the author to his senses. Every citizen has the right to prove an error. Indeed, one should not impede new views and structures; but incorrect data must not bring one into error, because knowledge is the armor of the community and the defense of knowledge is the duty of all the members.

New Era Community (1926) - 237:
It is possible for the consciousness to assimilate a slavish complaisance to such an extent that each new acquirement of knowledge will seem a crime or madness. Could then reality endure ignorant limitations? We may speak thus for We are not anarchists but community members.

New Era Community (1926) - 271:
271. The cooperative is not a shop but a cultural institution. There may be also trade within it, but its basis must be one of enlightenment. Only along such lines is it possible to apply cooperation to the new life. Such unity is not easy; people have been accustomed to combining commerce with cupidity. Such an error is difficult to eradicate. But undeferrably, by way of school education, should the significance of healthy exchanges be brought out. Earning money is not greediness. To receive wages for work is not a crime. One can see that labor is the one just value. Thus, without agitations and confusion it is possible to expound everything under the banner of Enlightenment and Peace.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 52:
To absolve a repentant sinner for a fee - is it not the most heinous crime? Is not this attempted bribery of Divinity worse than the most primitive kind of fetishism? Light must be shed from all sides upon this terrifying problem, otherwise the human undergarments will never lose their grime.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 357:
Find a way to make the Teaching a part of your everyday life. The busiest people can devote an hour each day to their approach to the Teaching. We cannot believe that there is not a moment available for the most essential, for that for which we live. Daily we partake of food, and without it regard the day as miserable. But our spirit also requires nourishment of thought, and it is a crime to pass one's day without it.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 507:
507. Killing by undisciplined use of psychic energy is a crime equal to that of killing out of ignorance. Murders of this kind are countless. One should think about this! The fact that some are unaware of it does not mean that such crimes do not exist.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 607:
607. If, instead of having recourse to courts and prosecutions, people would apply psychic energy, the incurable disease of crime would become a mere matter of ordinary investigation. Physicians should look into this as a stage of obsession. Applying psychic energy without changing one's customary understanding of crime would be harmful.

Hierarchy (1931) - 57:
57. Mean thoughts have been compared to crawling reptiles. Nothing is more analogous to this scum of the consciousness. Can one sit calmly in an armchair, knowing that beneath him crawl poisonous snakes and scorpions? One must free oneself from reptiles, and primarily on the path to Hierarchy. Condemnation of and blasphemy against the Lord are irreparable. Thus, each one who condemns the Hierarch must remember that his levity and crime will infect his karma for many ages. Verily, if there is only one way - through the Lord - to the one Light, then only extreme ignorance will allow destruction of this single path. One must assert striving to the Highest as the essence of life and assume a reverent attitude toward this salutary striving. By belittling the Hierarch one may condemn oneself and inflict perilous harm on many near ones. It is time to remember this!

Hierarchy (1931) - 168:
168. There exists a misconception that the dark ones, being the antithesis of Light, are therefore unavoidable - this is erroneous. Darkness, the antithesis of Light, is nothing but unmanifested Chaos. The dark ones denigrate the manifestation of the combat of the creative Light against Chaos. It would be a sufficient task for humanity to make Chaos manifest and in that great battle to cooperate with the Great Spirits. But the dark ones have reduced the mastery of unbridled elements to the egoism of rebels and have begun to call forth Chaos instead of transmuting it into a working force. This crime is great, and the desire to extinguish Light cannot be considered an antithesis. The creative vanquishing of Chaos, or the "Dragon," is a constant achievement. But the battle with the dark ones is only a convulsion, impeding motion. The darkness of Chaos may be considered as a means for mental creativeness. However, the combat with the hierarchy of the dark ones is only a lost date, so needed for construction. Moreover, the dark ones constantly arouse mighty elements, not knowing, of course, how to master them.

Hierarchy (1931) - 427:
427. Despair is the death of faith. But faith is knowledge. Therefore despair is the death of knowledge, the death of all accumulation. Despair is always connected with a feeling of issuelessness. The usual method of the dark ones is to confine their victim in a circle without issue and then urge him to crime. Indeed, where can the victim turn if he is not aware of the path upward? For those who know the Bliss of Hierarchy there can be no such thing as issuelessness and despair. Thus, one can trace to what an extent the Teaching has in mind an essential, direct benefit, which can be given to everyone who knows how to look upward.

Heart (1932) - 270:
270. Preserve courage; it alone will give an impetus to action. You have heard of treasons committed against the best and most worthy. The present time will not pass without these signs which accompanied each Teaching. There is that of high significance which has treason - this supreme crime - as its counterbalance. One cannot indicate one Teaching against which treason was not evidenced.

Heart (1932) - 354:
354. From Our point of view each vivisection performed upon the heart is inadmissible, just as it is inadmissible to seek the Ringse in a living organism, yet one can observe many psycho-physiological manifestations during the development of the heart. Thus, the fiery heart produces a light spot upon the upper tissue which, during the increase of fire, becomes almost white. The ancients called this manifestation the "sacred ashes." This has nothing in common with the enlargement of the heart, but rather with its refinement. One can also understand why it is impossible to make a comparable experiment with an animal heart and that of man. If the human heart is the throne of consciousness, the animal heart must, of course, differ from it in certain functions. Moreover, a violation of the action of the heart after the ejection of one's subtle body would be a real crime. Each artificial pulsation of the heart will attract the subtle body and perpetrate an unpardonable act of decomposition and suffering.

Heart (1932) - 367:
367. If one would collect in a single book all the deeds injurious to self-perfectment, it could be readily proved how simple it is to overcome them. It could be seen from what small actions this evil is accumulated. Is it difficult in life to refrain from trivial habits? Is it difficult to get rid of petty evils that poison the body? Is not the child ashamed of his first experience at lying? The child hardens his heart only through habit. Therefore, we call habits the callouses of the soul. Who is not aware of the warning of the heart before each unworthy act? These warnings of the heart provide the best calls, but often people force the heart to silence. This is a great crime - as great as severing the current that brings salvation to a near one.

Heart (1932) - 400:
400. You correctly noted that much must be done by ourselves. Therein lies the reason why help comes at the final moment. Otherwise it is impossible to perfect one's spirit. Otherwise it would be inadmissible to stem the flow of energy if it proceeds correctly. If suicide is the greatest crime, then each severance of the striving energy is also harmful. We are here only for the perfecting of our spirits. Thus, let us not sever the life-bearing energy. The understanding of Santana is a broad affirmation of the stream of energy.

Heart (1932) - 458:
458. Indeed, not long ago the potato was regarded as the devil's apple. Let us not become proud, for these examples of ignorance are innumerable. One may even prefer the ignorance of savages, because they can be enlightened more easily on the possibilities of the distant worlds. Reincarnation itself remains a curiosity or superstition. All the indications regarding nature's laws do not as yet lead to significant conclusions. I do not repeat this for you but for the cowardly ignoramuses who seek to cloak crime with irresponsibility. How afraid they are of death! But at the same time, they fear also to cross to the other shore of the river. Sometimes it is necessary to disturb their ignorance. Those who slumber are often in need of a blow.

Heart (1932) - 515:
515. It is dangerous not to feel any responsibility. To be a temporary traveler is also dangerous, for we are all just timeless beings bent upon ascent, like propelled heavenly bodies. Hence, each apostasy is abnormal, as are crime and evil. Each one ascends according to his nature, and responsibility becomes not a burden, but wings. Yet as soon as one wavers, the same responsibility becomes a milestone about one's neck. Moreover, even with no responsibility we cannot swim in the ocean of the elements. This is not a moral, but a life belt. A farewell is only a new, welcomed reunion. We are not temporary, but infinite beings.

Heart (1932) - 545:
545. The law of free will does not permit the arresting of the inception of crime. But the law of justice provides the possibility of arresting the development of harm; as above, so below. One cannot avert the inception of criminal thoughts, but the heart can prompt one as to where the persecution of evil is already possible. Hence We insist so greatly upon the Teaching of the Heart. No other center can replace the essence of the heart. The accumulations of centuries in the Chalice are at the disposition of the heart. For the salvation of humanity does not consist in separate siddhis but in the central motive force - the heart. Thus, beyond all divisions one must come to the root of motion.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 28:
28. All achievements and heroic deeds are essentially fiery actions. The higher energy transports people across the precipice. It may be asked, "Does not the fiery energy participate in the rise of crime?" Certainly, this same energy can raise a bloody knife; therefore We advise not to turn the Fire of Benefaction into the flame of destruction. Besides personal harm, the flame of destruction contaminates the surrounding space. Moreover, a flame of evil is aroused by the decomposing vortices of the lower strata. It has long been said that sinners themselves feed the fires of hell. People are themselves responsible for the extent of evil. As it is, a vast amount of evil is not realized, and people refuse to recognize whence come these hideous burns. In various countries you saw different concepts of hell. If such forms are embodied on Earth, likewise they exist in the Subtle World. How carefully must one avoid all ugliness on Earth! The Fire of Benefaction creates the most beautiful transmutations. Let us then be toiling and blessed smiths. Beneficent Fires are borne high up by the vortexes of the far-off worlds.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 609:
609. What crime is the most destructive to the monad of the criminal? Certainly treason. This crime abruptly alters the current already established, and a terrific counterblow results. A traitor cannot live long in the world of matter, and when he crosses into the Subtle World, being entirely without life-giving energy he is sucked into chaos and is doomed to disintegration. Treason is never impulsive. It is always premeditated, and thus its fate is aggravated. It must be understood that the return to chaos is, first of all inexpressibly painful. In addition, the feeling of the primary seed remains, and facing the futility of hoping for a speedy transformation demands indescribable courage. But the traitor is devoid of courage. He is above all filled with conceit. Thus, people should be warned that even from a physical standpoint treason is intolerable. The traitor not only condemns himself but infects vast strata around him, generating storms of fire. One should not think that an unnatural human action will not react on the surroundings. It reacts first of all on children under seven, before the spirit has taken possession of the entire organism. During this early period the fiery tempests are especially dangerous; they impose a special nervousness upon the heart action of those who already carry the weight of heavy atavism. Thus the traitor not only betrays an individual, but at the same time outrages a whole generation and even affects the well-being of an entire country. Let each one who has pondered upon the Fiery World beware of treason even in thought. No treason is small - it is great in evil and is hostile to the Universe. Such evil is in itself a barrier to ascent.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 71:
71. Bribery must be eradicated by all means, but one cannot rely upon punitive measures. They help little. In the lessons in Ethics in schools the thought must be affirmed that bribery does not conform to the dignity of man. One should observe very attentively whether such symptoms of corruption are making their appearance. Next to bribery in shamefulness is the non-fulfillment of duty. But this crime is assimilated so early that one can only counteract it by beginning from childhood. Let children get used to the work of grown-ups. The quality of labor will create the realization of duty. Every negligence, forgetfulness and evasion can be condemned only in one's own heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 86:
86. Many criminals will turn to labor under suggestion. Just as drunkenness and other vices, ailments of crime may be cured by the command of the will. It must not be forgotten also that many crimes are committed under the influence of obsession. Consequently such people need to be cured, and not punished. Definitely, during such treatments, increased, systematic labor has a decisive significance; for the obsessing entities every labor is hateful. They try to cast one into chaos, but the essence of labor is already a countermanifestation. One ought not be distressed by the thought as to whence will come the strong suggestions. They are many, but they are dissociated. When the Institute of Psychic Energy will be established, it will bring together many useful co-workers. It should not be forgotten that an Institute of Astrology would be very helpful toward the verification of data. Not long ago governments were ashamed to pay attention to heavenly luminaries, as well as to human powers, but psychic energy must occupy the attention of enlightened people.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 522:
522. The inner life influences Karma a hundred times more. Examine any crime whatever, and it appears small in view of the inner preparation. How protracted is such preparation! So many nearby consciousnesses have been poisoned by such creeping preparations, and so many better possibilities rejected - yet people do not think about this wrong. Again remote from the consciousness is the fiery energy, which alone can put an end to this crawling corruption. So easy is it to arrest decomposition by timely cauterization.

AUM (1936) - 28:
28. Sorcery is inadmissible, as a crime against humanity. Sorcery must not be regarded as a wrong against one individual. The effects of sorcery are far more heinous - it violates cosmic manifestations and injects confusion in the supermundane strata. Though the sorcerer has failed to smite his enemy, it does not mean that his blow may not have stricken men elsewhere, perhaps in various countries. The vibration of ill will may find itself affirmed in a most unexpected spot. It is impossible to estimate the number of deaths and sicknesses caused by an evil will! Through space these swarms of claws are borne and none may foresee where this poisonous flock will alight. The powerful spirit shields itself against evil sendings, but somewhere a weak man will receive their infection. Such cosmic damage cannot be estimated. Only the power of sounding of Aum can bring harmony amid the discordant vibrations. Even the power of Grace cannot act in full measure if on its way it must be expended toward the dispersion of evil. It is imperative to warn humanity against all sorcery.

AUM (1936) - 128:
128. Why is treachery toward one's Guru such a revolting crime? During the first three years one may affirm one's consciousness, but after that the selection of the Guru becomes final. Such a law has deep significance. The guru is the bridge to cognition of the Higher World. Such an earthly step easily establishes a relationship with the Higher World, therefore it is inadmissible to choose the Guru and then betray him; this would mean severing the bond with the Higher World forever. One can fall under the darkest influence when the saving thread has been broken. Such people are still able to move, eat, sleep, and slander, but the leprous infection may already have taken root. Likewise, traitors can still vegetate, but human dignity has been lost. Thus one can observe the wise laws which lay the foundation for living steps to the Higher World.

AUM (1936) - 282:
282. The liar is always convinced that his lie will remain undetected. The murderer believes that his crime will remain secret. Sometimes one may hear that suggestion and psychic energy are utilized in the law court, but such attempts remain isolated, and no realization is aroused of the natural possibilities of the struggle with evil.

Brotherhood (1937) - 7:
In ages past many different peoples have emphasized the significance of Brotherhood. Fratricide was considered a grave crime. Behind all this could be discerned a reverence for a certain exalted status; with strong measures the people safeguarded something which had no place in their everyday thoughts. Reason denied this "something," but the heart in the depths of its fire affirmed it. The heart palpitated with the beauty of the meaning of Brotherhood. Again humanity will turn to the heart and will apprehend the essence of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 76:
76. People assume that a penny tossed to a beggar expiates a committed murder! So long as co-measurement is not realized, no equilibrium can result. Likewise, killing of spirit as well as of body is not understood. Where is the manifestation of Brotherhood, if murder of the spirit be possible? It is not even considered a crime!

Brotherhood (1937) - 605:
605. An increase of criminality is observed everywhere. No one can deny that the most subtle crimes attract weak human minds. The usual measures of combating crime are not effective. Therefore, the hope remains that the principle of healthy cooperation may lead humanity into the boundaries of dignified labor, but let us also summon the principle of Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 49:
One can trace many missions sent to humanity at different times. Homeopathy was sent as a means of safeguarding people from enormous doses of poison. Dreams about the need for a universal world-language have been given. Only in this way can the purity of all languages be preserved. Everyone will then know both his own language and the universal one. Thus may be found the best pattern for human relations. People do not understand that the distortion of a language is a crime, for many word-roots have a deep significance in their rhythm and sound. Thus We pave the way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 164:
It is time for people to realize that all events are connected and that unity reigns throughout Cosmos. Many different manifestations follow each step of evolution, but during those solemn times of transition people become particularly stubborn, reminding one of travelers who refuse to alight from the carriage when their journey is over. Similarly, during the consummation of the achievement of the Great Pilgrim, people did not want to leave their carriage, and were unable to perceive the significance of the events that were taking place in front of their eyes. An incredible injustice was being committed, and no one dared tell the people how dreadful was the crime.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 189:
The Thinker also said to His disciples, "Betrayal is born in the house of hypocrisy, and history records betrayal as the basest crime. I do not need to tell you this, since you know enough about the supposed nobility of people, and also about their criminality. I am speaking to Space. Let Space shout, let it cry out loudly, let it tell people about their end. Even when I am in the far-off worlds, I shall to try to save humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 194:
"Harken! People will fall into such an abyss of crime that they will crucify the best One."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 228:
Nor is it enough to assure each other that everyone is absolutely calm. How can one hope to achieve beneficial results in an experiment when one is boiling within with distracting irritability? When intensified energy is needed one must understand the danger of irritability and anxiety, which function like barriers preventing the flow of water in a stream. Experimenters pay no attention to irritability nor do they realize that such a state of mind affects the entire group. Few understand that squandering another's energy is a crime against that individual. Does man have a right to claim another's property in this way?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 229:
229. Urusvati knows about the action of the Law of Karma. One can observe that karma overtakes not only the one who commits a crime, but also those who participate in it indirectly. There is truth in the saying that for one person's crime a whole nation suffers. It is not only the motive that unites participants in crime, but aspects of their nature also bring them together. Who can tell the degree of affinity of blood relationships, or judge the degree of participation? Some may have encouraged the criminal verbally, others mentally. Who can define this, or determine the main cause?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 229:
Few care to think about how broadly karma moves, or to search within their own Chalice of Accumulations to discover how and when they have participated in crime. We can only remind you about the law, but free will must choose its way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 242:
The progress of karma can be observed in historic events. We advise the study of biographies and histories, wherein one can observe how karma develops and falls upon people in order to restore balance. People generally regard karma as punishment, but the great law should not be limited in that way. The law acts in the name of equilibrium, and the damage done by the violation of balance cannot be judged by earthly measures. Only from higher planes can it be seen how a crime expands in its effect, once committed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 247:
247. Urusvati knows that indignation is sometimes appropriate. It would seem that people should know this, but it must be emphasized often, or goodness and benevolence will be misinterpreted. How can man remain silent when terrible crimes are committed before his very eyes? No one has ever advocated remaining indifferent to the debasement of human dignity, for by such indifference one allows oneself to become an accomplice of the crime.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 300:
To resist evolution is to oppose the inevitable and commit a dreadful crime. It is amazing that after millions of years of existence humanity fails to understand that the process of evolution takes place in all the kingdoms of nature. It can be clearly shown that outlived forms are dying away and new outlines of life are coming into existence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
Compare those who sneer and laugh with those few who sympathize and wonder what the traveler's goal might be. Perhaps he is on his way to save a neighbor, or is a physician hastening to give help, or even a messenger bringing salvation to an entire nation. Those who serve Good will look for the good in others, but one rarely comes across such people! Most people usually look for the bad in others, and thus suspect every stranger to be a vagrant or a thief, not realizing that to accuse the innocent is an indelible crime.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 316:
Imagine a criminal who, having committed a crime, trembles in fear of punishment. But when the days pass and nothing happens he becomes bolder and decides that his crime was not so bad after all, and that perhaps it was justified by some higher law. Eventually the criminal grows impudent and scoffs at karma, calling it an invention of fools. At last, at a most unexpected moment the rebounding blow falls, and he blames karma for punishing him so unexpectedly at the prime of his life, when the punishment is particularly painful, forgetting that there are many factors involved in the timing of the karmic reaction.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 350:
It may be asked how man can discriminate between his good and evil thoughts. Words can be deceptive, but at the deepest level of thought people do not deceive themselves. They understand quite well the difference between noble deeds and crime. The outward appearance of a deed is not its essence: this essence is clearly perceived in the heart of the author of the deed. Thus, man should not become a sower of destructive forces. Let everyone think about creating good. When people think scientifically they will understand the laws of ethics.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360:
We have repeatedly condemned the dark obsessions that lead to evil and crime. It should be understood that it is the influence of subtle energy alone that results in the healthiest state of mind. The benevolent influence of subtle energy is the great blessing that inspires man to ascend the ladder of evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 378:
One should not think that crime may be excused because of mental imbalance. We should search more deeply and look for causes rooted in the past. Such a study will clarify the concept of karma. The wise do not fear this law. Generally, humanity can be divided into two groups, those who fear the consequences of karma and those who accept them calmly. Avoid those who fear, for they almost certainly sense the approach of karmic retribution. They may not yet know anything about its effects, but in the depths of the Chalice the long-forgotten viper is rising to the surface.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 404:
Space can be filled with beautiful images that will help to prepare the way to harmony. Yet people commit a grave crime by filling space with ugliness. It will take a long time and much suffering for humanity to realize how criminal it is to create ugliness and evil. Understand this in all its aspects. The manifestation of beauty will heal and will lead one safely over every abyss.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 431:
Likewise, anyone who knows about the Great Service will remember that any unworthy action will cause pain to someone. Old governesses used to say to children who had done something wrong, "Your angel will weep," and this warning reached to the very depths of the children's hearts. Truly, each unkind action causes someone to suffer. What Higher Communion can there be when natural laws are violated? People may think that everything is admissible, even robbery and murder! But who are They who will approach the place of crime?


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