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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CR > CRIES (24)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 356:
356. Teach My Path. Help people to develop an understanding of man's nature. They will understand the nature of Service. They will understand the joy of the Beautiful. They will understand the simple truths that transform life into a miracle. Our Shield is invisible, Yet by night you can perceive affirmation of the day's hints and whispers. For Us there has not been a more complex time than this, at the changing of races. It is necessary to thriftily use your forces; He is a poor chemist who instead of using a drop empties the bucket. Yes, the invisible battle was never before so great. Now the whole earthly orbit has become involved in it. Regard not lightly the disturbance of the world. Forces are so tense that a torrent of omens is pouring onto the planet. When tomorrow I shall narrate the book about Joy, do not forget about the battle cries!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 421:
421. Do we trouble the long-awaited visitor with personal wishes? No, we hasten to open the gates so that the desired one may come in. Let those who do not know fill space with cries and supplications for help. Those who have reached understanding will assist events.

New Era Community (1926) - 58:
Is it possible to think about beauty without a chord of rapture? At present We shout, We send signs of battle, but above all there is rapture in the face of great solutions. Courage opens all doors. "It is impossible," we utter ourselves; whereas, all that exists cries out, "It is possible."

New Era Community (1926) - 230:
With Our Community can proceed those who apprehend reality and true materialism. It is impossible to imagine a mystic or a metaphysician within Our enclosure. The metaphysician, receiving a blow, cries out, "I am stricken fiscally!" The mystic, upon perceiving the radiance of life, rubs his eyes.

New Era Community (1926) - 256:
256. Roaring must be listened to without shuddering. It is necessary to understand where the source of the roaring is. The ear must distinguish the roar of the tiger from a cry of victory. It is necessary to appraise the outburst of cries by the intensified human consciousness, so as to pass over this noisy stream. The cost of the path amid hostile cries is much higher than that of the path of solitude.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 120:
120. Can the so-called miracle be expected? The most important characteristic of a "miraculous" phenomenon is, of course, its unexpectedness. The very substance of human consciousness makes such phenomena elusive. The ordinary consciousness creates obstacles by presuming conflicting conditions. The Adept of knowledge can only ask, "Dear humans, do not distract yourselves with cries of expectation when the vessel of universal essence is already producing a blessed combination. Can one expect the turning of the ship toward the right, when Our Hand directs the rudder to the left?" Only one with a clear and infallible understanding of what is immutable can be a co-worker in the world process. If a room seems empty to the eye, can we affirm that it is truly empty?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 142:
And let us take the example of a structure. For the construction of a new house the old building is demolished. Each stone, each beam removed from the old nest cries out against the injustice of such an act. But the demolition is completed, and a new energy is ignited. Kali the Destroyer has become Mother the Creator. Out of the fragments of the old, a new structure is built. New energy floods the space. With such simple examples one is reminded of the need for the regeneration of energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 249:
Put a question about the purpose of life and you will receive only senseless answers. While space itself cries out for energy and decisiveness, the crowd continues to remodel its old caftans. For example, treaties have brought humanity to its present disasters; and still new treaties are being written on the basis of these worthless texts. New garments continue to be fashioned out of useless remnants.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 278:
278. Often the Teacher finds himself in a very difficult situation with a pupil. The pupil promises to follow all the instructions of the Teacher, but no sooner is one received than reasons are immediately found to alter it. The Teacher experiences a similar difficulty when He is accused of being inactive. Imagine the situation of an archer when he is tensed for his shot and behind him someone cries, "Why does he not shoot?"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 463:
463. Satisfaction is not welcome in Our house. Who among Us could ever be satisfied? The onrushing task of world creation cries out against satisfaction. Can there be joy in completion? We gain impetus from the joy of new beginnings. This is not an abstraction. Beginnings correspond to motion, whose line of continuation is determined by inertia. The stroke of the beginning is Our bell. If We were to take back from the world all that We have begun, the greater part of the world's texture would crumble.

Heart (1932) - 226:
226. Tumult fills the spheres. Help each one to maintain the balance. The dark ones use all means in order that their front may pierce our lines. We shall not tire of drawing your attention to the extent to which vigilance is needed in small details. Absorb the manner in which one must listen and scrutinize. One can be aware not only of the cunning of the dark ones but also of all the bells and other cosmic signs. They indicate the tension of the atmosphere and Our closeness, and remind one of Hierarchy. One must not be confused if the bells and strings reverberate softly; there are many reasons for this. Also, they might be heard by those who as yet should not hear these battle cries. Therefore, now especially I call your attention to details. It is very useful to study these minute breaths of nature. Besides being relevant to the Great Battle, these observations are needed for the next advance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 39:
39. If we gather all the details of our life, we shall find innumerable evidences of the Subtle World. We will also find that in the majority of cases the voices of the Subtle World do not reach Earth, just as our voices do not reach deaf ears. Indeed, this comparison becomes precise when we realize that the cries of the Subtle World do not reach Earth. Nothing can equal the despair of the Subtle World when its warnings do not reach their destination. In its own way, the Subtle World greatly desires to help our world. But true cooperation can only be attained by cultivation of the heart and by understanding the quality of the nature of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 192:
192. Even if someone does good by accident, praise him. Commend each crumb of good. To him who cries out in the darkness it matters not who brings the Light. Widening the field of vision means the bringing of Light. This action is beneficial, both for the giving one and for him who receives the Light. Transmission of Light connotes the transmitter's expansion. There was one flame, now it has become two. It means good has been accomplished.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 264:
264. "Me, me, me!" cries out the child, unwilling to admit his elders to his occupation. Up to the age of seven, do not the mind and heart at times remember the covenant of independent achievement on Earth? Later on the wise memories grow dim and often are inverted. "Let them, high and low, labor for me!" thus speaks the man who has forgotten about self-perfectment. But the child remembers and defends his independence. When another child whispers, "How can I manage to reach it?" he is ready for new experiences and conquests of the spirit. But it is not enough that such words of children are uttered - they must be noticed and appreciated. Fiery attention should record these calls and vows of the Subtle World. A small child states, "At last I am born." In this affirmation of striving for incarnation the Subtle World is evidenced. One can cite many instances when not only small children but even newborn babies unexpectedly uttered words of enormous significance and afterwards lapsed into their normal state. One must develop in oneself a fierily manifested memory and solicitude for one's surroundings. Thus one gathers the most valuable information.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 436:
436. There is a great misunderstanding about the idea of the fieriness of actions. People assume that fieriness is contained in impetuous outcries and movements, but, as a matter of fact, Fire is expressed completely otherwise. Remember how the expression and the fulfillment of certain wishes did not at all conform to the crude human understanding. The most noisy and tearful desire was not fulfilled, but the calm thought received fulfillment. The Fiery World is far removed from earthly demands. The element of Fire is so subtle that it is in accord with the energy of thought. A word can already prevent the access of Fire. Therefore ancient invocations were based on rhythm, and only, later, in the course of time, were perverted by cries and groans. What was indicated was heart prayer. One may become more speedily united with highest Fire in silence than in a verbal request. Thus upon all manifestations of life one may learn how to come close to highest Fire.

AUM (1936) - 147:
147. In the purest place, the purest snow is saturated with earthly and cosmic dust; thus is space filled, even when crudely examined. Add a multitude of currents and rays, and you obtain an image of reality; thus are incarnate beings surrounded. Thoughts flow incessantly from the Subtle World; sometimes a man turns around and cries out at the impact of thought, but he still does not think of it as something coming from without. Man sees sparks and even fiery flashes, but he attributes them only to himself. It is impossible to teach men to treat their surroundings with respect. To such an extent do people fail to understand equilibrium that they either fall into sanctimoniousness or swell with conceit. For this reason the bridge to the distant worlds is difficult for people.

AUM (1936) - 148:
148. The third sign, the Sacred Mystery, is cognized by but a few. Light-mindedness whispers that everything pertaining to Mystery is unnecessary. Conceit suggests that all should be accessible, but man, blinded by lightning, cries out at the insupportable Light. Man, weighed down by the grandeur of thought, complains of the impossibility of containing it. Truly, the Mystery is commensurateness, which bestows the possibility of ascending without staggering.

AUM (1936) - 288:
288. Completely inadmissible are malevolent prayers and self-pity. When a man cries out - Why? - he is thinking neither of the past nor the future. He isolates himself from the Higher Forces, as if accusing Them. Likewise, woe to the man who importunes the Higher Forces to harm others. Both conceit and ignorance resound when a man, instead of merging with the Higher Forces, tries to set Them on a path of hatred and cruelty.

AUM (1936) - 450:
450. Remember the advice that the book of the Teaching should lie at the crossroads. Be not tormented as to whence will come the wayfarers, whence will come the friends who have a presentiment of cognition. Be not distressed by those passing by; they may attract someone without knowing it. They may be indignant, and their cries will attract many. But let us not enumerate the inscrutable paths. They cannot be revealed, yet the heart knows them.

Brotherhood (1937) - 168:
168. Rarely do people hear a cry for help and pass by without a heart tremor. Perhaps a brutalized heart will not lend a hand, but still it will be shaken. A cry for help may be expressed in words or in a single sound, but its heart-rending meaning will be the same. The cries of space likewise may be fragmentary and, according to the meaning of the words, insignificant, whereas their inner meaning is of importance. It need not be thought that the echo of distant thoughts has lost significance; even monosyllabic calls have effect. Sometimes a series of faces rushes past; they may not be familiar, still various frames of mind are felt. From such occurrences there may be built up a sensing of entire countries. One may understand where people are debating, where they are sorrowing, where they rejoice - such signals teach attentiveness. Not only complex reflections of events but also sometimes a solitary exclamation may give a feeling of the general moods. As on the strings the key of the entire musical composition is fixed by one chord, so in space each chord has a significance. On the field of battle a trumpet call decides the fate of an entire army. No one says that one should not harken to the distant signals. Many trumpets are sounding on Earth.

Brotherhood (1937) - 480:
480. Dissonance is more audible than consonance. When one listens to the lower superearthly sphere, one may be staggered by the tortured groans, wails, and cries of terror. After these moans the succeeding spheres seem silent, but this impression is a relative one. The music of the spheres is sublime, but it does not harrow the nerve centers. So, too, in all that exists people are attracted by dissonance, but only a few know how to recognize concordance. On the paths to Brotherhood one must cognize the power of concordance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 58:
One may feel the power of the sunrise and store up the solar prana, but immeasurable patience is also required to fight cruelty. We have continually before us examples of the most refined cruelty, as if people had agreed to burden the karma of the planet. Thus, not only war and revolution, but school and family life are filled with mean cruelty. One must realize how much torment and pitiable cries reach Our Abode. Everyone must be helped.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362:
You are quite right in your feelings. There can be no merriment while Earth cries out from the burden of calamities. While hunger exists there can be no gluttony. And what kind of dances can be performed against a background of violence? Truly, I say that merriment is indecent in these days of calamity.


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