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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COVENANT (48)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.3:
It is time to cast off the diamonds which desecrate the holy Images. It is time to burn the relics, following the covenant of Christ. It is time to enter into the Temple of Spirit - understanding, consecrating one's forces which perfect the knowledge of the true power of spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.10:
It is time to say to the Light: "I come as thy helper, and to the sun itself I will stretch out my hand. And as long as the silver thread is intact, the stars themselves shall be my armor." Thus simple is the way ordained to man. And finally the idolatry of symbols will be erased by the ray of Light. And We shall be permitted to be not Gods but Co-Workers. This is the covenant of simplicity.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.5:
Must one explain that the best result is when the spark of the spirit flashes out? Therefore, know when it is better to remind of the Name and when more useful to give the substance of the Covenant. Remember, when you will be upon different paths.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.1:
Thus understand the Covenant: "Pray in no wise but in spirit."

New Era Community (1926) - 95:
95. Once a woman stopped between images of the Blessed Buddha and Maitreya, not knowing to Whom to offer her reverence. And the image of the Blessed Buddha uttered these words "According to My Covenant, revere the future. Standing in defense of the past, direct your gaze toward the dawn."

New Era Community (1926) - 213:
213. Say to the hypocritical contemplators that if contemplation is a tension of energy and accumulation for a leap, then from the "Lion" comes ordainment of such action. But if contemplation is an indolence and indifference, then it is impossible to represent this shameful pastime as a great Covenant.

New Era Community (1926) - 215:
In Asia the Teacher is manifested as a lawful concept. By the covenant of Buddha each future Teacher is especially reverenced. In this revelation of possibility is the whole pledge of the future.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 14:
14. Coordination of the planetary life with the higher spheres will provide a better possibility for man. Then the rhythm of our forces will increase threefold and the reason will accept this power. Thus will the covenant of the Wise Ones be fulfilled.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 15:
It is no joy to discover what saturates the strata of your planet. On one cup of the scale let us place the manifestation of all vices anger, cowardice, treason, prejudice, hypocrisy, complacency. On the other cup let us place the impelling force of psychic energy, straight-knowledge, affirmation of the Covenant of the Wise Ones, inviolability of the Origins, gratitude to the Shield, attainment of knowledge, and unwaveringness on the path opened by Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 29:
The reorganization of life by way of cosmic fires will provide the salvation, but fear overcomes people at the thought of a reorganization of life. The old outworn forms attract, and thus do traditions originate. If the concept of tradition is regarded as one that leads to a foundation, then benefit may be derived, for a broadened consciousness will lead to a covenant of wisdom. But the traditions of our contemporary life do not allow the spirit to strive toward the higher spheres. The church has it dogmas; families have walls of restrictions erected by the forefathers; nations have laws which deprive them of the affirmation of independence. Thus, deprived of the spirit of beauty, how will they perceive Infinity?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 186:
186. The Covenant is now being molded, and the Cosmic Magnet is intensifying its currents. It is ordained that the departing countries must build their new domains. The departing forces of one element are replaced by others. The departing spirit prepares a new form. Therefore, the confirmation of the date of transmutation is most important.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 208:
The Tara of Knowledge magnetizes those who aspire to knowledge. The Tara of Beauty summons those who aspire to beauty. The Tara of Achievement summons those who strive toward achievement. The Tara of Synthesis can gather united spirits. Thus the Blended Heart fulfills the Covenant of the Cosmic Reason. Yes, yes, yes!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 227:
Humanity has so greatly violated the Magnet of Be-ness that the construction of new life must be established. Only thus can be stopped the generation of currents which now so completely engulf humanity. We, Brothers of Humanity, battle for the Cosmic Magnet and for the life principle. The time is complex, but great! In tension, amidst humanity's monstrous non-comprehension of the principle of Be-ness, We give a new Covenant. We summon humanity to that Covenant. In the great Covenant lies the principle of Be-ness. We say to humanity, "Venerate the Origins; venerate the Mother of the World, venerate the awesome Covenant of the Cosmic Magnet!" Yes, yes, yes! Thus speaks Maitreya!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 303:
The Brothers of Humanity outline the plan for human evolution, working with cosmic energies and in conformity with all courses of the luminaries. Revealing all the chosen ways of progress, We, Brothers of Humanity, confirm the best interweavings. The attraction of the Cosmic Magnet can effectuate Our manifestation and direct humanity in ways of the radiance of Materia Lucida. Thus, the Brothers of Humanity are those Propellers of evolution who teach humanity the conscious attitude toward the Karma of the planet. Therefore, one should understand that there is a uniting power in operation between all manifestations of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, let us regard the Brothers of Humanity as the link binding us with the universal manifestations. Thus, let us accept the Covenant of the Lords!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 315:
315. Certainly, the rays of the luminaries predetermine the course of the necessary currents, and it is thus that all prophecies are fulfilled. The luminaries propel everything emanating from that which is predestined by the Cosmic Magnet. Hence, what is ordained by Our Covenant corresponds to that which is determined by the Cosmic Magnet. Verily, in the records of the luminaries may be found the enumeration of those chosen and sent by Us. The manifestation affirmed by Us is recorded.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 142:
142. Upon the cosmic scales there are manifested two main causes, which uphold the cosmic organization. Each cause predicates the reorganization of the world. The effects of the cosmic causes are strained according to the substance. Thus, upon the cosmic scales rests the evolution of the world and its dark opposition. When the world is being reorganized, the dark side creates impediments. Let us see how the forces for the accomplishment of world tasks are affirmed across the span of millennia. When the Carriers of Light affirmed the manifestations of the Covenant, the potentiality of their striving was infused into the spirit of humanity. When the striving of despotic conquerors was asserted under the law of egotism, man sank into a sphere of restrictions, and darkness propelled him toward self-destruction. Hence, the self-renunciation of the Lords flamingly leads humanity. It is the principle of self-destruction that brings on a new step of evolution. Thus is the path of the world cleared. Over and above all consequences radiates achievement, and the path of self-destruction leads to the lower spheres. Thus, even darkness affirms the step of Light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 2:
I designate the Tara as the symbol of the assertion of Our Decree. Yes, yes, yes! The Tara and the Arhat bring to humanity a Covenant of utmost striving. Thus is the future built. Thus We affirm Our striving. Wondrous is the future!

Hierarchy (1931) - 143:
143. When the intensified Magnet convokes all forces, each energy should be discriminated. Therefore, one should know which forces are admissible for construction and which can bring harm. Discrimination can be attained only though adherence to the Highest consciousness, because only the scope of pure striving can reveal the affirmed Covenant of Service. Hence, one should learn to acknowledge all the higher laws, constructing life upon them.

Hierarchy (1931) - 301:
301. Majestic is the time! Remember that while Moses on the mountain was preparing the Tablets, the people below were steeped in madness; yet the calf of iniquity was destroyed when faced with the Highest Covenant.

Hierarchy (1931) - 330:
330. If one combines the complete responsibility of the physician, judge, priest, teacher, architect, and lawmaker, one arrives at a part of the responsibility of a Hierarch. But just a part. For besides the earthly responsibility, He also belongs to the subtle and mental worlds. We never summon anyone to don the armor of a Hierarch, because only the spirit itself can choose such a responsibility. The seed of the Hierarch is generated according to a certain ray. Verily, the might of ascent has no fear of responsibility before the three worlds. This courage is like a link between the worlds, like the pillar of the Covenant, like the Light, all-penetrating! Thus, facing the throne of responsibility, the wings of achievement glow.

Heart (1932) - 32:
32. "The channels of Beneficence and the recipients of the earthly poison" - thus are called the chosen ones, ready to offer themselves for the benefit of the world. The assimilation of the poison is unbearable without the power of Bliss. But without the earthly poison the power of Bliss would carry one away; thus striving upward has an earthly foundation. Of course, the assimilation of poison is unbearable for many, but also for the affirmation of Bliss an actual tempering of the heart is needed. We consider it a treasure when the heart is ever ready to resound to the environment, being already without tension. It is not easy to do this unless the energies are transformed into resounding crystals; then there will be formed the Ringse so correctly pointed out in Tibet in the Covenant of the Himalayas.

Heart (1932) - 140:
140. Manvantaras and Pralayas can be discerned in everything. Definitely from the tiniest manifestation to a change of worlds this majestic law can be seen. One can understand the precise progression that binds the smallest with the greatest. Likewise, the sensations of our organism and consciousness interchange uniformly. We can either attain comprehension or find ourselves on the edge of the precipice of ignorance, as if facing a great void; but on the crest of cognizance we shall recall the lack of knowledge. Likewise, facing the void we shall realize that this is the Maya of Pralaya, because there is no void. Thus, remember that the mirage of the void is succeeded by the inexhaustibility of the treasures of spirit. What did I say to you today? Only one word; inexhaustibility. Let this be the covenant of the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 15:
15. "Surround yourself with Fire and become immune," is a most ancient Covenant. But, having grown more callous, people began to forget what Fire was indicated by the Wise. The fire became a physical one and magic circles of fire made their appearance. Thus, people always belittle their essential nature. Actually, any living fire is a healing one, but no resin can compare with the fire of the heart. Let them remember at least about the quality of earthly fire, yet in truth the time has again come to return to the primary source; otherwise it is not possible to cross the boundary near which humanity already stands. The earthly forces have been depleted and strained by humanity, and the Highest Powers are alarmed. Only the fiery, illumined consciousness can restore the broken bridge of ascent.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 105:
105. If one can distinguish between the strata of thought, one can also sense various kinds of activity. At first all activity seems to be taking place on the earthly plane. Later, in so-called dreams, straight-knowledge becomes separated, as if it were an independent activity which takes place not on the earthly plane alone. Thus comes the first realization of an entry of other worlds into our existence. Then, in a state of complete wakefulness, instantaneous absences may be observed which have no connection with any ailment. Thus the bond between the worlds and our participation in them can be traced still more profoundly. It is not easy for the consciousness to assimilate the concept of the invisible worlds; due to our dense shell we can realize only with difficulty all the possibilities outside our vision. One should become accustomed to thinking of entire worlds which actually exist. The Subtle World is not only our state of being, it is actually a complete world with its own potentialities and obstacles. Life in the Subtle World is not far removed from that on Earth, but it is on another plane. All the fruits of labor do not disappear, on the contrary, they multiply. However, if it is difficult here to preserve clarity of consciousness, there it is even more difficult because numerous manifestations are encountered of orders of evolution new to us. Thus, one should preserve especially the covenant about clarity of consciousness. This is expressed as true synthesis. And if consciousness is so greatly needed for the Subtle World, how imperatively is it needed for the Fiery World!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 264:
264. "Me, me, me!" cries out the child, unwilling to admit his elders to his occupation. Up to the age of seven, do not the mind and heart at times remember the covenant of independent achievement on Earth? Later on the wise memories grow dim and often are inverted. "Let them, high and low, labor for me!" thus speaks the man who has forgotten about self-perfectment. But the child remembers and defends his independence. When another child whispers, "How can I manage to reach it?" he is ready for new experiences and conquests of the spirit. But it is not enough that such words of children are uttered - they must be noticed and appreciated. Fiery attention should record these calls and vows of the Subtle World. A small child states, "At last I am born." In this affirmation of striving for incarnation the Subtle World is evidenced. One can cite many instances when not only small children but even newborn babies unexpectedly uttered words of enormous significance and afterwards lapsed into their normal state. One must develop in oneself a fierily manifested memory and solicitude for one's surroundings. Thus one gathers the most valuable information.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 433:
433. How is it possible to ascertain the verity of the Teaching? A multitude of good words may cover up something mediocre; but Truth, we know, does not fear examination. On the contrary, when observed, Truth draws nearer and shines forth. Therefore, each investigator of the Teaching may be advised, "Approach with all force; observe by thorough measures; investigate by all methods; cognize with all daring; reveal indefatigability, and be aflame with each discovery of Truth." The Teaching cannot be fallible. It cannot deviate from the paths of usefulness and good. One should not believe only in assertions. Faith is the realization of Truth, tempered in the fire of the heart. The Teaching is infinite, otherwise the very concept of Infinity would not exist. One should strive toward Truth. Truth does not reject - it directs. In the Teaching there can be no distorted concepts. Regard the path of the Teaching as the affirmation of that which is beyond doubt. One should not approach Truth along a meandering path. One must proceed by testing each word, each statement, and each covenant. If the Teaching is a true one, each step to it will be enlightening and broadening. Disparagement, denial, abasement are poor guides! More than once you will hear from a speaker the conceited remark that the only correct Teaching is the one known to him. It is then good to remind the conceited one about the grandeur of Infinity, of the millions of years of life on Earth, of the Billions of worlds - let him meditate upon the vastness of Truth and the soundness of its fitting recognition. One could agree with the method of skepticism if only something would result from it. As a rule it corrodes the creative principle. An indefatigable spirit is needed to advance along a constant progression. Only such an expansion and containment will bring real tolerance toward anything that is futile, this is learned through relativism. Thus, say to him who has doubts about the Teaching, "Test it, be aflame in your heart, and broaden your spirit!"

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 578:
Not through fear of any punishment, but in anticipation of their own destiny, should people turn to purification. What each one metes out for himself is not severity but justice. The thought of purification must lead to the realization of Fire. The Fiery Baptism is the wisest covenant, but how can it descend upon one if the heart is not softened and dwells in cruelty? The mask of cruelty is dreadful; it cannot be wiped away, just as Addison's disease cannot be washed off the face. Cruelty is a ferocious disease! Even a beast attacks a cruel being. Thus, I call to mind those whose faces cannot be cleansed, that have forgotten the heart, the Fiery World, and the Hierarchy of Light.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 592:
592. Evil can be eradicated only by good. Such a truth is simple, and yet it remains not understood. The good in people is usually not operating and therefore remains inactive. They cannot imagine how good can expel evil, thus cutting short its existence. Good is the most active, vital, inexhaustible, invincible principle, but in its entire action it is devoid of cruelty. Therein, and also in its freedom from egoism and conceit, lies one of its most significant distinctions from evil. So if a religion and its emissaries display cruelty, it cannot be a religion that is a link with the Highest Good! How can one imagine a servant of religion as cruel? By this cruelty he would become the enemy of good. Moreover he would be indicating his ignorance with regard to the very covenant of religion. Good cannot sanction cruelty! But in affirming the sacred Teaching of active good one must ponder how to use one's entire time in the glorification of good. And such glorification will be not only a symbol, it will be the fire of the heart. If we want to advance we must apply active goodness. We must understand that we can replace a pit with a true temple. Step by step we must fill the abyss with strongholds of Light. We must put together the stones of good, over and above any personal moods. Let the small planet burn itself out, but our Father's house has many mansions. Each action for good is an eternal achievement. When the dross of evil shall have long since disintegrated, the sites of good will flourish.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 8:
8. Agni Yoga requires a special resourcefulness. It cannot manifest through physical mechanics, which appear in different degrees in other Yogas. Such an element as Fire should, it would seem, be subject to physical laws no less than other elements. But the essence of Agni is subject to such very subtle laws, that physically it is inexpressible. Thus one must apply the entire refined resourcefulness in order to follow the fiery signs. Hence, one may perceive that often fiery signs are sent by Hierarchy, and people do not even try to perceive them and to apply them. The fiery covenant lies at the very foundation of human life. Conception, birth and all acts subject to Agni do not arouse wonderment at the manifestation of the Ineffable. One may wander around the mechanical constructions, but advance into the future is possible only through realization of Agni. When whole continents are dying, how are new abodes to be found without new energy? It is necessary to prepare the spiritual consciousness for great earthly upheavals - this, at best, but if people approach the last divide filled with the black hatred of the past, they will be but powder magazines. Thus let us resourcefully think about Agni.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 236:
236. Let us affirm the enthusiasm of the spirit. To be filled with the spirit means to place oneself in direct communion with Hierarchy. All kinds of magical methods, even inner concentration, are used in attempts to achieve Higher Communion. But the new approach to the Highest directs one to the example of ascetics who above all approach direct Communion through the heart. We learn of prophets, saints, who never fell into a frenzy, yet whose every word was a word of the Covenant.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 315:
315. One should know how to correlate many concepts which appear to be different. Thus, to those who do not understand, Hierarchy and self-activity appear as contradictory concepts; whereas Hierarchy requires precisely the development of self-help. He cannot approach Hierarchy who does not understand self-activity. On the steps of ascent, the first condition will be self-help and resourcefulness. One should depend upon the assistance of Hierarchy when all one's self-acting ability has been intensified. Each one knows that according to the extent of acquisition of knowledge the approaches of the Teacher become less frequent, because the man is raised to the step of co-worker. It must be understood that the Covenant of self-activity is already a sign of trust. Besides, the trusted co-worker can show reverence for Hierarchy precisely by his complete awareness. Thus, we can assist the Highest Ones through our offerings of self-activity. Failing to understand this covenant, people also have been known to begin to offer blood-sacrifices. But could shed blood possibly be of use to Hierarchy? The exchange of heart energy is a strengthening of cooperation, therefore the manifestation of Hierarchy through self-activity will be the proper ascent to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 127:
127. As to how to apply one's qualities in Service, it is not enough to say, "I have come and I wish to serve," for readiness to serve obliges the disciple to acquire discipline of spirit. It is insufficient to say that all indications of the Teaching have been accepted, for only in life is it possible to manifest acceptance of the Indications. If the earthly plane imposes hard and fast rules, the world of the spirit demands the manifestation of striving in life towards acceptance of the Covenant of Hierarchy. Firm striving compresses the spirit and tempers it for true Service. One must merit the affirmation of the Call, one must understand the Call, one must free oneself from many burdens; thus, should one understand the truth of approach to the Teaching. One must understand the beauty of giving, for merely earthly givings do not affirm the "chalice." Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let the co-workers apprehend the Call to Service.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 133:
133. It is difficult even to imagine how infected the planet is! Not one law remains which has not been permeated by the poison of decomposition. Each higher manifestation has been so completely covered by black thought that purification of the earthly and supermundane strata is the most important task. Even the way that the Higher Teaching is being applied only demonstrates that the interpretations of darkness are closer to the spirit. The Fiery Covenant will then be affirmed when the human spirit is cleansed of those manifestations which have obscured spirit and heart. Let us investigate how Truth is being affirmed. The Fiery Spirit affirms the Higher Covenant. Its successors affirm the given Teaching. The chosen Spirit clarifies the Covenant handed down by the Fiery Lawgiver. Thus, for the affirmation of New Covenants the Giving Hand and the receiving one are unified. People think too little about this sacred bond. The unification of the Worlds can take place only in this manner. The Visible World and the Invisible can find a living application only when a bond is affirmed. Therefore, one who takes upon himself the clarification of the Teaching carries a Burden of humanity. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us be imbued with respect for the clarification of the Teaching.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 277:
277. When hostile forces disclose an assault, it is needful to think about foresight. The servitors of Light must realize that actually not only do the hostile forces breed treachery, but the menace of treachery and destruction lies precisely in omissions and in slumber. Rightly has she who guides under the Star of the Mother of the World spoken about the fact that a leader values truth, for on the field of battle it is important to know which swords have been sharpened. Only selfhood impels the spirit to the suppressing of truth. But an irresponsible warrior can cast each beautiful beginning into destruction. Not to conceal but to reveal is a most primary duty of the servant of Light. Verily, when truth is concealed, the servant of darkness can act through a servant of Light. But is it likely to be so with the Covenant given to the servant of Light? Is it ordained thus by the Hierarchy of Light? Has it thus been set forth, that the forces of the Hierarchy of Light must be expended in fiery currents of help in order that a servant of Light betray not, through his irresponsibility, selfhood and untruth? Thus, let him who inflicts so many blows upon the Shield of the Hierarchy of Light remember.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 334:
334. The most frightful bane of humanity is its narrow world outlook. The best people think that the adoption of their horizon is the principle key to the salvation of the World, but their world outlook goes no farther than the boundaries of the physical world. Representatives of the church promise people salvation of the soul, but beyond the physical world they do not go. National leaders direct the thinking of their peoples toward reorganization, but further than the lower spheres they do not lead. Thus one can enumerate all the degrees of human leadership, and become horrified at the blind alley into which humanity has entered. Verily, only the reconstruction of the World and the regeneration of consciousness can awaken the energies needed for the maintenance of the planet. We untiringly repeat about the vital necessity of purifying the consciousness, for the last hour has come for the cleansing of that which has been created by mankind. Let us apprehend in the heart the Fiery Covenant to assist the reconstruction of the World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 358:
358. If people would only understand with what foundations it is possible to build a better world! If humanity would only reflect upon the concepts which permeate life! So many higher impulses could become awakened in the consciousness, so many dormant energies could act, if humanity would only accept the Covenant of Service, inasmuch as this has been affirmed by all the Higher Forces! All the fiery qualities of Service are precisely based on devotion. Verily, this quality is the basis of constructiveness. On the path to the Fiery World it will be necessary to affirm this foundation.

AUM (1936) - 31:
31. No faith has ever demanded the building of temples. They have arisen gradually, as a manifestation of reverence. The original Covenant has always been spiritual and full of directness. Only later has the law of spirit been subordinated to earthly codes. How many of the best wings have been singed by earthly fires! One should surmount all codes in order to fly upwards strivingly. Therefore, let the sacred consonance, Aum, fill the heart with Grace as in the best days of humanity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 261:
261. Putting on the earthly envelope man has to create good, thus perfecting himself - so speaks wisdom from times immemorial. And over the Gates of Brotherhood constantly shines this Covenant. It will not be contradictory to those who understand the unmanifested, endless evil of imperfection. Though imperfection be inevitable, nevertheless there do exist branches of labor which embody good in its full significance. Is not the work of the husbandman good? Is not beautiful creativity good? Is not craftsmanship of lofty quality good? Is not knowledge good? Is not service for humanity good? It can be affirmed that the essence of life is good, yet man in his unwillingness for perfectment prefers to remain in ignorance, that is to say, in evil.

Brotherhood (1937) - 571:
571. Do not cause suffering - such is the Covenant imparted by the Brotherhood to the wayfarer. Let him realize how much easier it is not to cause suffering than to treat it afterwards. Should humanity renounce the causing of suffering, life would be immediately transformed. It is not difficult not to torment one's friend. It is not difficult to think of how to avoid inflicting pain. It is not difficult to imagine that it is much easier not to allow illness to take place than to cure it later.

Brotherhood (1937) - 571:
Do not cause suffering - such is the Covenant of the Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 588:
588. Let us look into the future radiantly; let us attract through love - such is the Covenant of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 597:
597. Precisely, Brotherhood is founded on knowledge. True science lives through brotherly communion - such is the Covenant of Brotherhood.


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