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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > CONVINCING (26)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.11:
As the center of a magnet attracts toward itself, so the fundamental quality of resoluteness is invincible. Indeed, the invincibility of determination is convincing, and it is an immutable condition of the true mysteries. A true mystery must be regarded as a guiding action of life. Thus, Our determination is connected with the leading concept. Put determination into practice.

New Era Community (1926) - 219:
Yet the world community is ordained - it means that elements which do not hold the concept of the community must be convinced of its immutability. Is not one persuaded through words? Yet it is not the words but the thought that convinces and regenerates the consciousness. Thought can be sharpened only by psychic energy. The development of this energy will provide an outlet for the builders of the community. If they themselves are convinced of the immutability of the community, no one can prevent them from sending powerful thought for the purpose of convincing the opponents.

New Era Community (1926) - 222:
For convincing by means of application of psychic energy, one should make use of the language of the one who is being persuaded. Many times you could have noticed that the language of the Teacher conformed to the expressions of the disciples. From this there have been derived absurd suspicions about counterfeitings, for to some it has seemed strange that the characteristic expressions of the disciple were passed on by the speech of the Teacher. But a few have reflected that in such manner assimilation was made easier. It is also necessary to understand that during joint labor the modes of expression are generalized - the hieroglyph of understanding is deepened. But the ignorant continue to slander about counterfeiting, and do not wish to look at themselves and remember the difference in their expressions when dealing with different people. We merely broaden that very same principle. We propose to adopt the language of the listener in all its characteristics. It is no concern of Ours if the average-minded accuse Us; all We need is a good result. Even if you have to use the strangest expression in order to save from danger, you do not tarry in doing so. This condition is indispensable for perfectionment in thought transmission.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 61:
61. You think correctly about the manifold effects of human emanations upon their surroundings. A convincing example is to be found in the effect of a human being upon animals and plants. Give someone an animal or plant, and by noting the change in its condition you can identify the man who is a destroyer of life energy. Like a vampire, the rider can exhaust his horse; or the hunter his dog; or the gardener his plants. Seek the cause of this in the emanations of the man.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 5:
On your planet We have Our entrusted one, who has drained the chalice of sublime experiments. She is sent to you as a witness of cosmic manifestations, as a bearer of My missions, as your prophetess of the future. Therefore, the concept of Redeemers is so vital. Precisely the fact that the sublime experiments were undergone is convincing. Humanity should learn especially from such experience as that issuing from the higher spheres and lived through on Earth.

Hierarchy (1931) - 261:
261. Let us not understand the cosmic whirl as do the animals, who sense something incomprehensible and try to hide in the darkness of their burrows. An enlightened consciousness does not conceal the battle from itself, and, being prepared by the Teaching, is able to break any hostile arrow against the shield of illumination. Even the crashing of the destroyed hostile blow is heard. We pity the one who receives a rebounding blow, which, according to the law, increases tenfold. Is it not wondrous to feel in life the application of the great laws of justice? One may speak of them at length, but their application in life is convincing.

Hierarchy (1931) - 266:
266. The manifestation of Hierarchy guarantees the transformation of the usual into the valuable and of the small into the significant. It can easily be seen how the followers of the Hierarchy were enriched with true values. Thus, some day it will be possible to publish the biographies of the votaries of the Hierarchy. A convincing picture will be revealed; but for results a whole-hearted acceptance of the Hierarchy, without reserve, is actually needed.

Heart (1932) - 211:
211. Let everything be done for the sake of Good. Let each action unfold new achievements. Let the thought of service accompany each deed. Let the command of Good react upon everything, like the most vivid image of the Teacher; the Teaching of the Heart is indivisible from Good. Who, and what, then, besides the heart, can vindicate or indict one's motives? The purity of the heart is disclosed by Fire. How often it has been necessary to speak of this vital application of Fire; nevertheless, neither in the home nor at school is the fiery purifier spoken about. And could a teacher who has never even thought about reality, speak of Fire? Attestation does not yet mean firmness of consciousness. Hence, how assiduously one must observe and re-examine the events of one's own life. Frequently, important signs surround us and disclose the significance of our future, but undeveloped attentiveness prevents one from discerning the convincing reality.

Heart (1932) - 284:
284. A simple dairymaid, while she churns her butter, already knows the secret of the formation of the world. She also knows that one cannot make butter out of water. She will say that one can churn milk or whip an egg; thus she already knows the matter that contains psychic energy. But precisely this circumstance will not seem convincing to the scientists. The dairymaid also knows how useful is a spiral rotation, but to some this postulate will seem prejudiced. Even if angered, think of the surroundings and transfer the physical laws to your own existence! Only thus will you survive Armageddon! It would of course be an error to forget the application of the heart as the counterbalance of all confusion.

Heart (1932) - 418:
418. Even if you succeed in convincing people that the heart participates in mercy, compassion and love, the other branches of the heart remain unintelligible. Will not reason set before you a thousand unknown quantities, as soon as you begin to speak of cosmogony? And without the courage of the heart these conversations will stray from the higher regions. Also, without the participation of the heart, you cannot speak of quality, which lies at the basis of everything that exists. Reason rejects quality; but you already see how life is upset without the reverence of quality. Only the heart rejoices at the truth of quality. Thus, let us understand why, after complicated calculations, there remains the one salvation, only through the path of the heart. An uncontrollable flame, the horror of poison released, can be encountered only by the heart. Besides, one must begin the comprehension of the heart from the first steps, because yesterday the heart was renounced. This is also not bad, for in this way one can seemingly acquire a new treasure. People like everything new, and after the integral systems it is fascinating to have a new game - the heart. Children like games that resemble those of grown-ups.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 329:
329. Conciseness of formulas is the decree of Fire. One should become accustomed to the sacred conciseness. One should not regard it as easily attainable. In it are expressed goal-fitness, solicitude, reverence, and an astute power. Not a lengthy formula is sent, but its essence. One can concentrate power in a single word and thus multiply the effect. Not a torrent, but lightning, is the symbol of the command. Much inner work is needed to produce the most concise and most convincing. Hence, ancient conjurations consisted of short invocations. One may accompany such an arrow with a gesture of the hand, but such a gesture is not essential, although it may be a powerful impetus for oneself.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 436:
436. Whence come the waves of sudden joy or anguish? They are regarded as unfounded, whereas causes underlie everything. I advise you to record such waves, which otherwise might be forgotten. With each move every man produces a significant experiment, yet he lightly rejects these flashes of cognition. Joy and anguish are not without cause, and records of these moods will remind one when earthly communications bring confirmation of them. The fiery mail is confirmed by earthly messages. Of course, many causes, not only earthly but also from the Subtle World, may not reach us, but still one can perceive significant coordination between events and feelings. Thus, experiences are accumulated which constitute a convincing whole. Verily, man's greatest experiments were performed in the laboratories of life!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 505:
505. Freedom from fear will not come through convincing oneself in each separate instance. On the contrary, such suggestions drive the feeling of fear inward, permitting it to return with full force at the first opportunity. Moreover, the terror will increase in proportion to the pressure of the artificial suggestion. Imprisoned fear is a very dangerous convict, and it is essential to rid oneself of fear - so declare all Teachings. Fear can be eradicated by comparisons. Point out the terror of facing ferocious beasts to the man who is threatened by fire, and he will say, "I would know how to escape wild beasts, but how can I escape this blaze?" Thus, collect all the possible causes of fear, and one after another they will fall away like dry leaves. Likewise, one should call forth complete relativity in order to become accustomed to the boundlessness of the Fiery World. The attraction to the earthly crust creates the illusion of security; this explains the attachment of human beings to the earthly world. It is quite true that precisely here one should absorb many feelings and lay a foundation of receptivity, in order to tread the fiery waves more easily. For this reason earthly specialization is not as valuable as the qualities of receptivity and containment. It is not surprising that the dividing lines of the strata of the Subtle World do not coincide with those of conventional classifications on Earth. One may find oneself in the Subtle World among the most unexpected assortment of neighbors. Such a surprise threatens only those who cross over with a load of earthly survivals. But he who has refined his spiritual criteria will find the fulfillment of his expectations.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 11:
11. Some blind people can sense the presence of fire by sound instead of light. Some even prefer to cognize by sound rather than by heat. One may conduct instructive experiments not only upon blind people but also upon heavily blindfolded people. But of course the blindfold may interfere with the general sensitiveness, therefore the testimonies of blind people will be more convincing. The more so since their hearing is usually more acute. They may even testify that the flame of the candle resounds. We have refined our senses in many respects, but the physical deprivation of one sense sharpens the other. The sighted people perceive the song of the fire in a stove, in a bonfire, and in a conflagration, in other words in the crudest manifestation. And besides, people but seldom distinguish the sounding of the fire from the noise of the burning material. Nevertheless it is possible to know the resounding of fire.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 166:
Along with the approach of Satya-Yuga let us not forget that the destruction surpasses measures of equilibrium. People do not suspect to what an extent the earthly currents already have been violated! They do not wish to understand that this cosmic disturbance is taking place through their own fault. They consider themselves teachers of knowledge, yet the simple law of good is not convincing to them.

AUM (1936) - 250:
250. You have already observed how, through a certain straining of sight, it is possible to see faces of former incarnations. One may clearly perceive how a face of the present is reconstructed into an image of a past age. Vibrations and crystal formations indicate the presence of a definite energy. There can be no question of autosuggestion, for neither of the persons participating in the experiment know into what the formations are molded. Often the reconstruction begins, not in alteration of the facial lines, but in some details of headdress or clothing. The very character of the face changes quite imperceptibly, and in the most unexpected features. It may be noted that faces rarely hold to their present type. During all such unexpected metamorphoses, all premeditation is precluded. A very painful tension of the eyes indicates that the process is not a mental one, but that psychic energy is acting through the optic centers. Frequent experiences of this nature can injure the sight, yet the presence of such physical clairvoyance is exceedingly important. There can be clairvoyance under suggestion, but then the psychic energy is acting through the brain, and it is always possible to suspect suggestion on the part of the hypnotist himself. It is far more convincing when psychic energy acts directly. The same directness is expressed also in actions with the pendulum of life. Autosuggestion is not similarly precluded. An honest investigator does not know the results to be received. He is often more astonished than the others present. In both the first and the second case, onlookers are altogether undesirable. There should be nothing in the vicinity which can influence the psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 400:
400. Each physical touch contains in itself an act of great intensity. Each animal tamer knows the force of contact. Even the gardener knows the significance of physical care for plants, but people among themselves refuse to recognize the need of caution in their relations. You have already observed how even the approach of a single man has disrupted completely the rhythm of energy. Since it is not so difficult to obtain indicative results, then how much more should one apply such convincing knowledge.

AUM (1936) - 432:
This supposition is correct. During the discharge of intensified energy, there is obtained a specific magnet which attracts a special pressure of external spatial energy. Such external pressure contributes to fatigue. But, on the other hand, such a magnet attracts concentrated attention and makes an action convincing. Orators and singers feel fatigue not only by reason of nerve tension but also from the pressure of psychic energy drawn from space. An extremely complex process results - from the one side inspiration and from the other pressure.

Brotherhood (1937) - 256:
256. It may be noticed that people who remember their former lives belong to the most diverse levels. This merely illustrates that the other-world law is far more complex than people on Earth assume. All the more then ought it to be respected and studied. Such investigations must inevitably be of a fragmentary nature, yet this fragmentary information must constitute a convincing chain of facts. The quicker such an earthly chronicle can be begun, the sooner will the truth be revealed. It must be understood that it is not Our custom to demand blind faith. What would be the use of such a demand, since observation and attentiveness yield better results?

Brotherhood (1937) - 450:
450. Wherein, then, is progress? Some assume that it is in constant recognition of the new. Will not such aspiration be one-sided, and must there not be added to it regulation of the old? More than once it has been shown that people abstractly strive toward something new, and yet continue to dwell in an old pigsty. Someone gives lectures about cleanliness, yet is himself extremely filthy. Will such instruction be convincing? Or a lazy man summons to labor, but who will give heed to him? Let us not be afraid to repeat such primitive examples, for life is full of them.

Brotherhood (1937) - 498:
498. Even terrible criminals have been called "magnificent" because or their appreciation of beauty. Throughout the history of humanity one may find convincing proofs of beauty having been a shield. Constriction of creativeness is a sign of a decline of humanity, whereas each epoch of the renaissance of creative power remained as a step of achievement. Since this is widely known, why is art not applied in life? It may be recalled that beautiful monuments to creativeness have become manifest as salutary landmarks; in striving, people have hastened to them, for they bore peace.

Brotherhood (1937) - 561:
561. It will be asked, Can so-called living corpses wander about on Earth for a long time? For long periods, depending upon their animal attraction to the physical world. Psychic energy will leave them, their radiations will become negligible, and a small apparatus will reveal the signs of death. These walking corpses easily fall under the influence of strangers. They repeat empty words of their bygone days, convincing no one. Physicians may vainly examine their aorta, pointing to a valvular disease of the heart. These corpses are sometimes sensed by certain animals. Often these corpses remain as heads of big enterprises, nevertheless their dead husks permeate everything therein. The walking dead are strongly attached to life, for they do not understand the change of condition. They fear death.

Brotherhood (1937) - 577:
577. One should not speak or even think about the Brotherhood if dissension, disturbance, and unbelief are felt. As delicate blossoms droop in a smoky atmosphere, so also the Images of the Brotherhood fly away amid irritation and falsehood. That which was still convincing yesterday can be distorted in the confusion of the heart. The clearest reflection of the Tower of Chun can be shattered by a crude touch.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 241:
If one is not convinced by the example of a single horse stopping a caravan, perhaps this example from chemistry will be more convincing. A drop, one small drop, can change the nature of an entire beneficial substance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 344:
Urusvati can provide many convincing details to researchers, but it is essential that her testimony be listened to and correlated with that of Our Sisters and Brothers who have lived in the world. In such correlative studies one will be able to trace the evolution of knowledge about the subtle energies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362:
Various religions deal with the idea of the continuity of life, but these hints are not sufficiently convincing or people would try to prepare themselves for better progress. Some people try to buy a better future with monetary donations, but gold has no value in the Subtle World. Good deeds combined with a good consciousness will bring joy on Earth and in the Supermundane Realm. If the instrument is tuned, it will resound in harmony with the higher spheres.


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