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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COMPELLED (18)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.3:
2.3.3. Not treatises, not logic, but the channel of spirit brings the perception of Cosmos. The tenor of contemporary life has severed from humanity all understanding of the universal power. The perspicacity to penetrate the superterranean spheres is manifested only at the boundary line of sleep. He who can appreciate this sacred moment has already begun to lift the veil. Not visions but consciousness is important. Not what is compelled by training but what results from voluntary revelation is valuable.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 375:
For them the yogi is the primary channel, the primary receiver of the energies of space, luminous as a beacon fire. He builds that which should be built. He lays together the intended stones. And his enemies may shudder, but still feel compelled to repeat his words. The yogi is not a preacher. He seldom speaks to the crowds. But the works entrusted to him grow with a special bloom. Others do not even acknowledge the flourishing of these works, whose intended purpose is not to capture them, but to ignite their hearts. Whither will fly the spark of fire? Do they not see all the lighted fires, and all the travelers warmed by the flame of an Agni Yogi? His fire burns the brighter because it burns not for itself.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 528:
528. We would prefer to avoid repetition, but sometimes We are compelled to return to a previous subject. Pay attention to these repetitions; they are usually provoked either by a disciple's misunderstandings or by cosmic complications that demand special attention. For example, We must repeat about the proper attitude toward psychic energy. Of course psychic energy is always present, but it can become dormant, and then it will crystallize and become inactive. That soil will have to be turned again with the plow of self-sacrificing labor. Certainly, not a grain of psychic energy can ever be lost, but its accumulations must be stirred. That is why the Teaching so condemns immobile self-satisfaction and conceit. Truly, it is better to be aflame than to be dormant.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 24:
24. Indeed, the vessel that assimilates the finest energies differs greatly from the usual manifestations, but people are compelled to apply that measure which has the force of their own judgment. The subtle receptivity of hearing is the affirmation of the link of that center with the Fire of Space. The subtle receptivity of the eye is the link of that center with the Fire of Space. The subtle receptivity of all the centers is the link with the Fire of Space. Each manifestation of the Fire of Space can respond to all vibrations of the centers. Cosmic creativeness comprises in itself a help to humanity. Each concordance confirms a new step for humanity. Therefore, the centers of an Agni Yogi, encompassing the help for humanity, are strained. When a Agni Yogi feels the quivering of the Earth, it means that the process of the movement of the Fire may be traced.

Heart (1932) - 93:
93. In all scriptures are presented symbolic narratives of how hermits and saints compelled demons to serve and labor for something useful. Truly, this is quite possible in case of a disinterested impulse. I attest to what an extent all the dark ones serve the structure when the power of self-sacrificing demand protects the commanding heart. But one circumstance can be dangerous and harmful-irritation full of imperil opens the entrance for the dark ones. Where there is irritation various newcomers set themselves to profit by it and increase the action of the poison. How much of the texture is torn, how many tests and experiments are impeded, to the joy of the malevolent ones! Advise to accept this not as a fairy tale but as a dangerous reality. The source of good and evil does not disappear.

Heart (1932) - 222:
222. We constantly insist upon the conquest of every aspect of fear. This demand is not an abstract one, but is connected with one's immediate ascent. Fear, like many negative qualities, creates a negative magnet as soon as it increases. This magnet during successive existences will impel the personality along the implanted object of its fear. If a man fears anything he will inevitably be compelled to cross precisely the path of this horror, until he exhausts his fear. Therefore it is useful that a man, having realized the invulnerability of his spiritual essence, should liberate himself from all fears, for all threats are insignificant. Even the encounter with powerful dark entities is not dangerous if the firm link with the Hierarchy is safeguarded. Other negative qualities can also be neutralized by being conscious that it is unworthy to recur to them, since one must experience their rebounding blow.

Heart (1932) - 574:
574. Consider attentively whether the Teacher is compelled to reiterate something. You know how We dislike repetitions, then it means that there is a reason. Perhaps, according to outer logic repetition is unnecessary, but let us peer into the depths of the heart and we shall see how necessary it is. Often repetitions are unnoticed precisely by those who call them forth. Thus, repetitions must be applied like medicine, until they imprint their design upon the brain. He who carries within himself the Teaching of Life must be ready for the reiterated affirmation as long as he sees the shaking of the foundations. One must accept that the law of foundations must be fulfilled primarily. The foundations cannot be replaced by details.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 482:
482. In Tibet horses are fed on leopard flesh in order to make them fierce. The Kshatniyas of Rajputana depend upon a meat diet to maintain their warlike spirit. These two examples alone show the significance of meat-eating. People do not slaughter a vast number of cattle from a sense of refinement. Like troglodytes, they are ready to devour bears. One must realize that the mass slaughter of animals is carried on in full consciousness. People know that vegetables or fruit give more vital energy than a cup of blood, yet they prefer being served with bloody meat, greatly relishing this coarseness. There is no other name for the frenzy of blood consumption. People are perfectly aware that a handful of wheat or barley is sufficient to sustain life, but their animal instinct tries to drag their minds back to a bestial state. Do not beasts try to tear each other's throats? Does not darkness impel people to the lowest actions? Let us not forget that mass killings, whether in war or in the slaughterhouse, equally pollute the atmosphere and violate the Subtle World. It must be realized that every conscious killing shakes the entire surrounding atmosphere. Moreover, these actions strengthen the forces of darkness and chaos, breaking the rhythm. One must avoid disturbing the Subtle World in any way. We can allow a diet of vegetables, farinaceous food, and milk, also eggs, the very freshest and in a liquid state. You know how repulsive the very sight of meat becomes to the organism accustomed to a vegetable diet. Thus, in practice one must accustom oneself to refinement and remember that even an elephant increases his strength through plants alone. One should not think that people eat meat because of poverty. With the least effort one can obtain a vegetable diet; besides, many nourishing herbs and roots are not utilized. One could learn much from certain animals, they know far more about natural foods than man, the meat-eater. Do not be concerned if the lover of blood scoffs at vegetable food; only remember him, because he is from darkness. Many are indifferent to meat and are compelled to it only by ugly home conditions. We do not mean them. We deplore the conscious vampires and necrophagi. Hence, be simpler and more refined in your diet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 563:
563. Today is a difficult day, therefore, I shall narrate a tale. "A certain demon decided to tempt a pious woman. Dressing himself as a sadhu, the demon entered the hut of the woman, counting his beads. He asked for shelter, and the woman not only invited him in and set food before him but asked him to join her in prayer. The demon, the better to succeed, decided to accede to all her requests. They began to pray. Then the woman asked him to tell her about the lives of the saints, and the demon began to recite like the best of sadhus. The woman rose to such ecstasy that she sprinkled the entire hut with holy water, and naturally sprinkled some over the demon himself. Then she proposed to the demon that they perform the pranayama together, and gradually she developed such a power that finally the demon was unable to leave the hut and remained to serve the pious woman and to learn the best prayers. A Rishi, passing by the hut, looked in, and seeing the demon in prayer joined him in praise to Brahma. Thus all three sat around the hearth, chanting the best prayers. Thus a simple woman, through her devotion, impelled a demon and a Rishi to sing in praise together. But in the Highest Dwelling Places this cooperation occasioned no horror, only smiles. Thus even a demon can be compelled to join in prayer."

AUM (1936) - 96:
96. Alteration of karma appears unthinkable to many, but they err, forgetting about heavenly Justice. It is possible to experience instantaneously the highest realizations. Where the foot can tread, there thought can fly. In certain cults the neophytes were plunged into sleep and through hypnotic suggestion were compelled to experience at great speed the entire difficult pathway of their karmic life-pattern. Thus was inevitability understood, and also the possible acceleration of the law. Thought creates life.

Brotherhood (1937) - 299:
299. You are becoming convinced that people are open to cognition. Such a step of evolution is not accidental. Many shocks and much trepidation have compelled hearts to shudder and begin to resound. Verily, heavy must be the burden in order to enter the Beautiful Garden.

Brotherhood (1937) - 567:
567. People know of monasteries which have been in existence for thousands of years. People know of business houses which go on for centuries. Thus, people are agreed to recognize the fact-findings of the most diverse institutions. But only about the Brotherhood do they express various doubts. Any possibility of the existence of the Brotherhood is especially denied by people. There are many reasons why people so greatly fear the concept of the Most Beautiful. Does not someone fear that the existence of the Brotherhood may reveal his intentions? Or that he may be compelled to think about the good of his fellow-men? An entire arsenal of weapons of egoism is brought to bear against the peace-loving Brotherhood. Simplest of all is to deny the very possibility of the existence of the Brotherhood. Historical examples, supported by biographies, would seem to prove the existence of the Brotherhood in different ages.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 13:
13. Urusvati could reveal the names of members of the Brotherhood, but will not do so because she weighs the commensurability of such information. There are already seven Names upon the lips of the world, and where is the benefit? Deeds are needed, not names. Therefore, when We speak about the personal lives of the Brothers We describe deeds without mentioning names. People do not quarrel about deeds, but about names. When the name of one of Our Brothers who was in the world was revealed, it became necessary to declare Him dead in order to preserve His freedom of action. We have had to change Our names repeatedly in order not to arouse curiosity. We have been compelled to hastily hide Ourselves in order that a good work might not suffer harm. One of the first conditions of the Brotherhood is to put the essence of the action above all.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 121:
Sometimes it seems that certain discoveries were made as if by chance, but was there not a whisper of help from the Tower of Chun? Scientists seldom heed Our Advice however, and We are often compelled to give an indication, not to the specialist, but to a receptive worker in a related endeavor. Wives, sisters, and other close co-workers of inventors can testify how sometimes they led the scientists to predestined discoveries because of their straight-knowledge.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 259:
Remember that although the jinn often participated in building the temples, there never was a case when a Brother of Ours was of service to the dark forces. In all nations and all ages, there exist legends about the servants of darkness who were compelled to serve the Forces of Light. There is great significance in such legends.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
We have been compelled more than once to take special measures for the purification of space. But such discharges of energy cause shocks so strong that they have consequences in the Subtle World. Such arrows cannot be sent forth frequently. We are very concerned about those unwise people whose actions boomerang.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 366:
The time will come when people will be compelled to turn to a more subtle mode of thinking. Evolution is created by man himself and nothing can impede it. Even the present state of evolution will in the long run serve a good purpose as a unique tactica adversa, for in his attachment to technology man will drive himself into such a dead end that no way will be open to him but to turn to the joy of the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 376:
This instruction also apply to the cognizing of the Subtle World. On the one hand man seems to wish to bring the Subtle World closer, and on the other he tries to thrust it aside. People are instructed to believe in the phenomena described in the Bible and other sacred books, and at the same time are forbidden to touch upon these domains. One can cite countless examples of scientific investigations of the Subtle World that were forbidden and many beautiful achievements that were abruptly stopped. It is terrible to think that some people are compelled to believe blindly, and that learning is forbidden to them!


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