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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COMPEL (37)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.5.7:
1.5.7. To whom shall we speak? A mule can draw a cart. It is possible that the human spirit will not compel the body to rejoice in labor? The mule carries the rider to shelter in stormy weather. Is it possible that the human spirit is disturbed by the flow of karma?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.1:
To make of the unusual the predestined, as a result of cooperation, will be to compel its acceptance by even the most dull ones. Therefore, let the miracles remain only in the consciousness of a few who are able to look into the Infinite!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.9:
Let Me recall: Once We succeeded in saving a man from a fire, but he did not harken to the signs and broke his leg. At another time, to save someone from penning a disastrous signature, there had to be applied, besides spiritual influence, such a muscular force that his hand became numb for a long time. In order that a man be saved from a dangerous beast he had to be pushed off a footpath. Hence, one should not compel the use of extraordinary measures, and one must sensibly harken to the saving signs.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.2:
The way of renouncing the ugliness of life will prompt the spirit to truthful quests. Then the obviousness of the interrelation of the worlds will compel one to ponder scientifically.

New Era Community (1926) - 126:
In connection with the evening gatherings, it is ingenious to note unusual contents of speech or a very strange expression. But reflect - does there not hang on each letter of this expression a great number of lives? To each one must flash the consciousness of the importance of the hour for which he has been called. When long ago light-mindedness was spoken about, it was necessary at once to take into the consciousness the seriousness of the moment and to compel oneself to accept a feeling of responsibility. Outside of current affairs, outside of individual and group achievements, it is needful to sense evolution with all its peculiarities. Thus, think clearly. Strive to improve your gatherings.

New Era Community (1926) - 168:
Tales about sorcerers sending deadly diseases are not fictions, but there is no sorcery in them - merely exercise of the will. The weakest hypnotist can compel one to experience the effect of drowning. He can even order one to die on a definite date. Such cases have been recorded.

New Era Community (1926) - 265:
You know about the renewal of the organism every seven years; one may observe the same phases in actions. At present the indicated struggle takes on a new meaning. Humanity is clamoring at the impossibility of remaining in ignorance. The community stands as the only door to progress. Let the interpretations of the community be many and varied, yet its channel is one. Pushing off from the old shore, humanity inevitably will reach their indicated, evolutional, upright cliff of the New World. Only the blind do not perceive the unprecedented acceleration of the symptoms of evolution. Each branch of life points to the development of concepts. Manifestations of dates are affirmed not in the secret laboratory but in everyday life. Entire vortices of world energy illumine the future path. Such a manifestation of energy is naturally supported by all the elements. Gravitation toward evolution will compel all to rise into the struggle of worlds.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 76:
Gratitude and devotion flourish joyously in Our Community. If Our conduit brings word to Us that a co-worker thinks he has sacrificed something in the name of the Teaching, this would compel Us to reject his cooperation. Our co-workers know both how to receive and to give. When you spread Our Teaching do not shout in the square, but simply offer a smile to the approaching ones. Those who come voluntarily will accept the Teacher. But he who is ensnared will gnaw at his chains. We expect joy, and accept only the wondrous flower of devotion. Let us hasten to understand the Teacher!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 404:
404. In the West there have appeared many self-proclaimed yogis, magicians, teachers, hypnotists, and occultists, who make use of phenomena produced by the will. Brilliantly multiplying their coins, they teach people, for a fee, how to improve their material condition; how to induce others to trust them; how to win influence in society; how to gain success in business; how to compel others to obey their orders; how to turn life into a rose garden. In teaching others to develop the will, some of these teachers may seem to be following a good path, but because they do not indicate any goal in this journey, they serve only to worsen the already ugly conditions of life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 538:
538. When all books are read and their words have been studied, then it remains to apply in life what has been learned. If books are read again and again, and their words carefully noted, their application can still remain outside of life, and not even the strongest signs will compel one to change one's habits. Yet one has to find a way to develop mobility of consciousness. The heart can sense the shame of an unworthy waste of time.

Hierarchy (1931) - 297:
297. Where, then, is attention directed? It must be understood that the process toward perfection lies at the basis of evolution. It summons one to simplification and to direct communion with higher worlds. It can be seen how pranayama and other artificial methods of various yogas can be replaced by a simple, fiery heart. Certainly this simplicity is relative. The flaming fiery path leads to it. Yet it brings into life precisely that which was rejected as abstraction and fiction. I consider that each striving to knowledge should be speedily brought to fulfillment. People ask why We do not compel the striving toward evolution. But even a plain nurse tells a child, "Be like a grown-up, find by yourself!"

Heart (1932) - 20:
20. If straight-knowledge is not awakened, then even reality, even the evident, are unattainable. One cannot compel anyone to perceive the evident, or even the striking. Later someone will say to you, "Why do I not see or hear, if there exists and Invisible World?" The same occurs also with the sick, who reject their treatments. They would like to improve, but at the same time they direct their entire consciousness against the physician. Thus, it would be useful to compare those who see with those who are blind in spirit. One could find the causes of success of some and the downfall of others. Thus, by comparing the apparent manifestations, one can solve many problems of reciprocal action of the worlds.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 2:
The earthly eye, though it be highly sensitive, does not usually assimilate even the subtle manifestations. But, in turn, the Subtle World does not discern the fiery dwellers to whom the flaming heart can lead one. Thus one can understand the veneration for Fire. Human strivings are needed for a natural affinity with the World of Fire. From early years they bear in themselves, as it were, a reflection of the Higher Fire. It is as if these sparks compel them to withdraw from contact with other elements; and those elements do not like these fiery orbs. Yet one cannot traverse the earthly path without contact with Fire, hence it is better to know its essential nature.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 102:
102. In its timelessness and spacelessness thought belongs to the Subtle World, but still deeper possibilities must also be discerned in this construction. Fiery thought penetrates deeper than that of the Subtle World, therefore fiery thought more truly manifests the higher creativeness. With attention, everyone can distinguish these two strata of thought. During the usual trend of thought we are often conscious of a current, as it were, of a second thought, which clarifies and intensifies the first. This is not a division of the thought, on the contrary, it is a sign that deeper centers have begun an active participation. This flaming process is indicated by special terms in Hindu metaphysics, but we shall not dwell on them, for it will lead to dispute and Western arguments. Such controversies are of no use, all that is needed is a simple reminder of the fact that thought is linked with the Fiery World. Even children exclaim, "It came like a flash!" or, "It's dawned upon me!" Thus are called the moments of correct and instantaneous decisions. One may remember how Mme. Kovalevsky solved mathematical problems. Such a fiery condition linked with the Fiery World is characteristic. You know that above the subtle thoughts there are profound thoughts, which are sometimes difficult to separate from the thoughts of the Subtle World. This is not possible in the present state of our planet. The experience alone of this dual trend of thought should compel us to realize the division of the worlds.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 321:
321. One must persuade people to conserve their own treasures. The most miserly person on Earth is often a planetary squanderer. The New World, if and when it arrives, will manifest love for the treasures of nature, and they will provide the best emulsion of vital essence. Multitudes will have to spread out from the cities into nature, but surely not to sand dunes! In every part of the world oceans of sand have been formed. Similarly, the consciousness of mankind has crumbled into grains of malice. Every desert was once a flowering meadow. Not nature, but men themselves destroyed the flowers. Let thought about Fire compel people to ponder upon thrift.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 508:
508. Yes, yes, yes, the seeds of good remain in the spirit, but not sufficient attention is given to them. People remember about accumulations; but, not having preserved their spiritual understanding, they strive to accumulate earthly objects. In the depths of their spirits men know about flights into the Infinite, but, having forgotten the significance of the far-off worlds, they wander aimlessly about on the earthly crust. One should not speak against earthly objects, which are products of creation; one should not speak against travels, which can be the highest schooling - the entire earthly existence must be comprehended from the level of the Higher World. Can one perform only useful actions in earthly life? Of course one can. It is easy to imagine an entire life as a continuous stream of usefulness to others. Santana is not a meaningless rolling of stones. It is like a stream feeding the adjoining fields like a brook bringing cleanliness to the hearth, like rain making the sown seeds come up. Thus, one need not be a special sage to imagine a life useful in all domains. When the fiery waves shall compel people to seek safety in the towers of the spirit, they will regret with loathing each useless incarnation. In consternation they will try to gather crumbs of positive thinking. What is the use of offering advices not to dissipate precious energy! One must think about the approach of very unusual times. Neither cruelty, nor robbery, nor treason, nor falsehood will help one to withstand the fiery waves. Not shame so much as suffering will compel quests for salvation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 3:
Let the fiery healing compel people to ponder about Those Who apply Their best efforts for the benefit of humanity.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 217:
217. You have been writing today about physical remedies, but for crowds even barrels of the most precious substance will be useless. One may urge all physicians of the World to start upon a mission of spiritualization of the heart. Each physician has access to different homes. He sees various generations, and his words are listened to with attention. When giving physical instructions he can so easily add the most valuable advices. He has the right to be acquainted with all the details of the moral conditions in the home. He can give advice which will compel the occupants to reflect over and above the actions of the stomach. He can even command, for behind him stands the fear of death. The physician is a most sacred person in the household where there is a sick person. And since humanity has taken care to collect a sufficient quantity of diseases, the physician can give many valuable warnings. If we but had enlightened physicians! At present there are so few! The more do We esteem enlightened physicians, since of course they are always under the threat of expulsion from the Medical Societies. Heroism is needed everywhere where the Truth is.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 287:
287. We often hear about pains from old wounds. They seem to have healed, the physical tissues have grown together, but pains still continue. Also one may hear that only suggestion can help in these cases. Can it be imagined that the subtle body does not ache when it has been injured? A wound heals physically, but the subtle body may still feel pain. Of course, if the consciousness of a man has been developed, he can by his own command compel the subtle body to become well. But in other cases suggestion is required, acting on the subtle body in conformity with the physical process. Thus do those who know the complex of the organism improve the condition of all its bodies.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 288:
288. Current events once again indicate the significance of thought. Already you see that luxury has been challenged. Likewise, you see that magic has received condemnation, and thinking is being directed toward Hiero-inspiration. These two trends are very harmful for the dark ones. Without luxury and without sorcery they are substantially weakened. But they have still left a third possibility - the confusion of weak minds. It is most deplorable that weak minds do not absorb healthy principles. Their instability consumes much energy; therefore We turn our attention to the main issue, in order to concentrate the energy on what is indispensable. You know about Our Banner. Let those carry it who can. Therefore, let us manifest tolerance in all else, and let us compel the dark ones to serve.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 316:
316. The essential nature of one's striving depends upon the potential of the spirit. The urge for confluence with the Cosmos directs the spirit to the significance of unity throughout the Universe. The realization that the spirit is manifested as the engenderer of all that exists, and as the bearer of what has been engendered, will compel man to understand all Karmic ties. All the existing laws of Cosmic Construction indicate this unbreakable unity. How otherwise could the events of the world be explained?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 361:
361. Transmutation is inevitable, in the whole Cosmic Plan. Only fiery reconstruction will yield new creative energies. The Cosmic Magnet creates and intensifies all that exists, for dates are approaching which will compel everyone and everything to participate in the Cosmic Battle. Space is in need of a discharge. The Cosmic Scales affirm the process of agitations; throughout all space resounds the call to a final tension. I affirm that the transmutation of energies will produce new steps in evolution. Therefore one must strive with heart and spirit toward the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 517:
517. Does not a fiery gaze compel people to turn around and even to tremble? Any tremor is already near to Fire. But there can be fire of a hot body and of a cold one. During high temperature the extremities can become numb;

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 576:
576. Pure hearts will perceive the Highest. Only it must be remembered that the purity of accepted concepts depends upon free will. People begin a pure life, as in the home, and also in the heart, according to their own decision. Thus the Guide cannot compel purifying the heart, if there is no desire for it. The best cleansing is through Fire.

AUM (1936) - 59:
59. One can see what unworthy methods are combined with prayer! Frenzies can be of no assistance toward the link with the Higher World. Eye-witnesses of higher visions affirm that they cannot even remain firm on their feet because of the powerful vibrations. Moreover, visions are preceded by a special serenity of the spirit. Can spinning and whirling possibly be the threshold of a beautiful vision? Man, by his own will, cannot compel a manifestation of the Higher World. It is possible to attract the Subtle World, but the grandeur of the Higher World transcends all earthly nature. For years hermits await the Higher Word. Even great Spiritual Toilers could withstand a manifestation of the Higher World only once without shock to their health. However, the Higher World knows when and what is possible.

AUM (1936) - 86:
86. Throughout the history of humanity can be traced a recognition of the Higher Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and a great number of such concepts leading to the Higher World. Such testimony of all ages and peoples must compel even the ignorant to reflect. All mankind cannot be mistaken! Under varying conditions people have sensed the same supreme, ineffable Origin. People have regarded the manifestation of the spirit as the philosophers' stone. One can find the most multiform signs of great Reality preserved by peoples. This is not self-interested suggestion, but a discernment of truth. Let people search in ancient Egypt, in Babylon, amid the undiscovered cultures of the Mayans; and everywhere, beyond the subtle symbols, can be found the same exalted concepts.

AUM (1936) - 199:
199. It has been said, "Many mothers, fathers, wives, sisters and brothers, will be given," yet even such a clear indication does not compel people to reflect as to where this will take place. They do not wish to meditate about earthly lives! The wisest covenants do not reach ears that are closed.

AUM (1936) - 452:
All covenants point to the necessity of unconditional assistance. Such help may be considered true inspiration. It has been emphasized already, but numerous conventionalities compel one to again affirm the freedom of assistance.

Brotherhood (1937) - 404:
404. Why does not a plea for help ring out when it is undeferrable? Help is the force of Brotherhood. It is impossible to compel people if they are not conscious of this undeferrableness. To him who does not wish to follow a path favorable for both himself and the Brotherhood all advices about the power of unity will be superfluous as long as he does not realize his complete error.

Brotherhood (1937) - 592:
592. Because of the inexhaustible riches of nature it is difficult to isolate one portion from the whole. Verily, everything is so permeated with the all-embracing principle that even from a grossly material standpoint one thing cannot be separated from another. Take the tiniest insect, could it be studied apart from its surroundings, without all the causes of reactions and effects? The more difficult it is to study man apart from nature. All the branches of man's knowledge merely bear witness to their artificial subdivision. Biology, physiology, psychology, parapsychology, and a great number of similar subdivisions simply compel one to ask, Where is the man? It is impossible to study the great microcosm without realization of the primary energy. Only such a unified concept can advance observations into a grander scope of man's nature. In this one should also remember the lofty concepts which uplift the spirit; among the first will be the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 5:
The manifestation of Our Shield also requires precautionary measures. It is difficult to understand the need for such care. People cannot take into account all the reasons that compel Us to be so cautious, and in their ignorance they wish to experience the strongest manifestations without thinking of the consequences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 107:
It is important to recognize that thought can not only create the outer symptoms of disease, but can also compel dormant embryonic diseases to arise and begin their work of destruction. What better proves the existence of the power of thought? There are innumerable such thought messages roaming the world.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 135:
Upasika provides the best example. Even in the most difficult moments she was striving to Us. Such will power inevitably results in a powerful vibration. Nothing could compel her to criticize the Teacher, even indirectly. No misfortune could make her forget the Brotherhood. Not even the shipwreck could interfere with her concentration. She held firmly to the thought about the Brotherhood, and this focus intensified the sacred vibration.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 232:
It is impermissible to speak in the marketplace about the awareness of Light. An initiate will not disclose his precious experience. No one can compel him to utter the unutterable. This is the difference between an initiate, and a deceiver, who knows how to roll his eyes and sing sweetly about visions that only he can perceive. True messengers are not talkative.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 256:
256. Urusvati knows that decisions are made in the Subtle World concerning the tasks in one's future earthly life. Most people in the earthly state do not accept this, but those in the Subtle World know that their incarnations will take place with their knowledge, and, more importantly, with their consent. When they are about to incarnate, people understand the karmic load that will compel them to undergo certain trials, but once in the earthly state they lose the memory of how their destiny was determined. Similarly, dwellers of the Subtle World are fully aware of life on the far-off worlds, but once they are in their physical bodies they usually lose this knowledge completely.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 359:
The Thinker once saw a shepherd who was followed by his large flock of sheep. The Thinker smilingly asked, "By what magic do you compel the animals to follow you so obediently?" The shepherd answered, "I live with them and love them, and they feel that they are safe if they follow me."


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