Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.15: Metals are to be selected not according to their costliness but to their resistivity. One should not wear copper things. The ancients knew how much more useful was bronze. Also, zinc should no longer be used in the household. Not only is infection possible through contact with copper, but the channel of this metal brings maladies. Therefore, the copper coin has to be abolished. A tiniest silver one is better. Agni Yoga (1929) - 391: 391. Recently I sent you a Tibetan coin, and it was placed in the middle of the table under a notebook, in order that it might be found more easily. But no one thought to pick up the notebook. In the morning the maid happened to move the coin to a more noticeable spot, but even then no one noticed it until evening, when it was found by following a new Indication. Similar things often happen in accordance with the action of karma. Something is sent, but it must be recognized and accepted. So many small things clutter one's view that sent gifts remain unnoticed. Agni Yoga (1929) - 591: Those who avoid the labor of the harvest should be made to understand that their groans are less than the rustling of one blade of grass. Also, those who venture into the astral world without an understanding of ascent must know how responsible they are for the polluting of space. Only the consciousness can lead, and permit the discerning of the right direction. Also, those who consider service to evolution as an effort deserving reward may be repaid in coin, but not by expansion of consciousness. Brotherhood (1937) - 70: 70. Right is the path from small to great. Each seed confirms this. But often people take the small for the great and think that a small coin can hide the sun. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 181: "Fellow citizens, you are not wise. You pay gold for rotten food, but are too stingy to pay even a copper coin for the nourishment of your soul. Every injustice destroys space. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227: Extremes often dwell in the same personality. On the one hand, a man may be ready for higher perceptions, yet on the other he pictures Us as money-changers and waits expectantly to be given a small coin. Such a man forgets that only goal-fitness can secure the higher perceptions. Like fireflies, he gives only fleeting light, then merges again into darkness, and is indeed far from goal-fitness.