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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CO > COILS (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.6:
The serpent of the solar plexus helps to surmount the confusion of the nerve centers; that is why the serpent was a regal symbol. When the coils of the serpent begin to curl, the organism becomes especially sensitive. Flowers transmit their vital emanation through the fibres of the tissues of the white blood corpuscles, which defend the citadel of the serpent. In nature, serpents love flowers; similarly, the serpent of the solar plexus is nourished by them.

New Era Community (1926) - 226:
Tenaciously we keep aware of our new places and for us there is no long journey. Through the coils of the serpent we are climbing to the top of the hill. We have safeguarded our store of psychic energy and nothing can dissuade us.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 53:
53. We must also turn our attention again to the serpentine venom of doubt. Doubt is of two kinds: one coils in its lair, in darkness, immobile and barbed. The other is ever crawling, sliding, and whirling. Usually the first is characteristic of youth; the second, of old age. The basis is not so much fear as deceitfulness in the nature of people. People distort their current judgments by these traits, influenced by their own past deceits. Though man is not inclined to self-examination, he is always ready to judge others, using himself as a standard.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 99:
99. I shall point out how to sharpen your power on the edge of My sword. The manifestation of the Teacher can enlighten people, but only if the way is paved with knowledge. The dragon is mighty, and barbed are his coils.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 273:
On this new level, Our instructions become less frequent and more brief, and one's work depends more on one's ability for independent action. Friends will be few, obstacles will pile up like seemingly unscalable mountains, and achievements will seem insignificant. The influences of the subtlest energies will not be so evident. The intermittent, so-called sacred, pains will torture one. The divisibility and transmissions of the spirit will still be beyond explanation. But above all this will arise the striving to fulfil the desire for the General Good. Spiritual cooperation will grow, unlimited by space. Emulation of the far-off worlds will change one's perception of one's surroundings, and spatial work will cease to be an empty idea. One's assigned tasks will become a joy, as if they were one's own chosen labor. It cannot be otherwise. Of course, this joy is not expressed in goat-like frolics. A true understanding of one's surroundings may provoke a stern face, but one's life is nevertheless transformed, and one can observe the coils of the Earthly Dragon from a higher vantage point. Fearlessness, already sent in the first call, brings one closer to the new waves of light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 305:
305. My latest book will be understood by few. Who will comprehend the sacred quality of the saliva of the Savior or the laying on of the hands of Moses? People are not accustomed to appreciate a fiery heart. The book can help those who have already sensed the rise of the solar serpent. It winds its coils amidst the fiery ejections. It is impossible to imagine the affirmation of the subterranean fires without the eruption of the fires of the heart. You know about the usual ejections of the Yogi, which cannot be replaced by anything else, for this gas of the fire must be released and must blend with the Fire of Space. But the Yogis seldom attain this manifestation of confluence with the Cosmic Fire. We call this stage a holy one, for the light of the fire of the higher worlds is blended with the rays of planetary Yogis. This is the shortest path to the Mahatmas.

Heart (1932) - 587:
This parable can be told to many. The coils of the snake are so frequent! Having become like snakes, people cannot tolerate anything beyond their crawling state. They are ready to waste time and effort in order to discover something which in their opinion would be disparaging. The worm's dimensions correspond to such a tendency of thought. He who tries to assert that the Yogi's achievements do not exist is verily a cunning worm! But it is necessary to centralize all the details of Yoga through refinement of the heart - thus are the ancient achievements renewed in the rays of the New World. Why limit oneself to earthly achievements? Why rend oneself forcibly from karmic conditions? Through the Fiery Baptism one can also here attain the unity with the Subtle World. Thus one can strengthen oneself through the understanding of the heart and receive those beneficial currents which are sensed physically.


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