Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 278: 278. The blade of grass rejoices in the sunlight. Can it be that only the human eye turns from the light? A shield cannot long hide the leper, Nor can a helmet long conceal an empty head. Our Call is plainer than a child's request. Accept the treasure prepared for you. Just as the muscles hold one's physical strength, so must the spirit encompass God. A fool's harvest is always poor. But Our grain is of the best, and We sell it cheaply. Can it be that you choose to devour yourselves through your own ignorance? I beseech you and also warn you - there will be revelations, for the veil is being raised. No spectacles can help, if your eyes are clouded with dust. Go, seek a physician! New Era Community (1926) - 126: 126. Do you feel the actual harm caused by erroneous actions? Do you not perceive that the harm brought by your egoism first of all touches you directly? But in the plan of actions you are not alone, and each step of yours also concerns those who are responsible who proceed in self-sacrifice. Much that is irreparable is done during light-minded gatherings. The Teaching has pointed out many times the bond of the collective. It is needful to safeguard those who run risks for the hastening of results. Mentally beware of pernicious, harshly clouded moods. Furthermore I ask, "Have you learned to read the books of the Teaching? Is there a desire to anchor your thought to one pillar?" We are very fond of beautiful parables but we forget that in each of them is contained the cost of a life. Agni Yoga (1929) - 197: 197. One should think about Our actions and testify to their rightness. The least doubting thought will divert the arrow far from its target. Then it would be better not to touch Yoga at all. An obscured consciousness is a remainder from the animal state. Who has need of clouded thoughts? No one would want to receive obscure answers to their questions! Agni Yoga (1929) - 535: Among the components of developed auras it is especially rare to see the emerald green and the noble ruby colors, which stand in contrast to each other. The first denotes synthesis and the second, the self-sacrifice of attainment. In clouded auras hints of both may be seen, but to see them pure is as rare as are synthesis and attainment themselves. Emerald is closer to the Chalice, and ruby to the Eye of Brahma. Hierarchy (1931) - 58: 58. When space is being clouded by the mist of non-understanding, then it is certainly difficult for the creative rays to penetrate. Each layer is permeated in conformity with the complex of its striving. Therefore, the earthly layers are so impenetrable. Hence, all quests of the spirit must proceed in a tense tempo. The quests of the spirit must attract it to the Magnet of Hierarchy, since each power has its correspondence upon Earth. Thus the law of Hierarchy must be applied vitally. Heart (1932) - 308: 308. There exists a disturbance of construction, that can lead to a new refined completion. Therefore We so forcefully expel fear, which disturbs the perception of a happy distribution of many parts. The same judgment must be applied also in all cases in life; then there can be no defeat. For a happy combination of parts can only be shifted, it cannot disappear. But the eye that is clouded by horror loses the field of vision. Heart (1932) - 353: 353. The heart thinks, the heart affirms, the heart unifies. One can always remember the significance of the heart, clouded for so long by the brain. The heart will be first to thrill, the heart will be first to quiver, the heart will be first to discern much, before the judgment of the brain dares to reflect. Without undermining the tortuous path of the brain, can we disregard in silence the most direct attainment of the heart, the arrow-like ray to which the miracle-heart is equal? Thus, one can be united with the heart and bulwark oneself against all attacks of evil. Only through the heart can one sense the brown gas and arrest the asphyxiation in time. So, also, will the victory upon the field of Armageddon remain with the heart. Hence, I counsel to preserve the heart as the smiting sword against all evil. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 138: 138. It is correct to refrain from spiritualism. The dark ones have chosen this path for the penetration and sowings of evil. It is possible to think with purity about everything, but a clouded consciousness finds in everything the path to obscuration. Especially at present it is necessary to avoid any obscure channels. One must go toward the Light with all striving. I assure you that it is necessary now to be strengthened in heart, for the time is full of poison. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 169: 169. The cry of the heart is generally understood as an abstract concept, but Ur. says not so, for she has known and heard the resounding of the heart in its great tension. Such sounding actually occurs, and in it is expressed a powerful energy. The most dangerous assaults of darkness are shattered against this tension of energy. But not often is it possible to attain such a striking aspiratory state. The fiery heart knows when the invocation of the entire psychic energy will be demanded. From the solar plexus, from the chalice, there is concentrated a current of powerful force. The most evil sendings will fall apart under such a discharge. We always rejoice at seeing such a vigilant heart, since the attack is always sudden and the accumulation of force is only possible through great watchfulness. Often this keen vigilance becomes clouded by a kind of faintness which is very indicative of the presence of dark forces. But a flaming heart does not give in to such poisonous chemisms. But remember that evil forces do send double, repeated blows, knowing their effect upon unprepared organisms. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 14: 14. It is asked why We do not put a stop to the false sources. Why do We not expose those who distort the Sendings? If one were to stop by force the current in whose wake humanity is proceeding, fanaticism would turn into brutality. Thus, the evil free will flows like lava, engulfing also those who rise against the Good, as history reveals. Surely, violent manifestations of force cannot carve a righteous path for humanity. Hence, all the subtle energies can be accepted only by a fiery consciousness. Thus, tolerance is truly the lot of the fiery consciousness. Of course, one should purify wherever there are accumulations of filth, and the lot of the fiery consciousness is to purify the records of space. Among the accumulated pages of human writings there will have to be noted those pernicious records which have clouded the brains of even well-meaning people. Thus on the path to the Fiery World one should understand the great significance of receptivity of higher energies and of subtle sendings. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 56: 56. No advancement is possible, no construction is possible, without the strongest expenditures of energies on the part of Hierarchy, when the co-workers are clouded with personal feelings. The co-workers must remember the first law, which affirms the first step - the expulsion of feelings of personal vengeance, for the feeling of revenge is a powerful manifestation of the unscrupulousness of selfhood. For the sake of personal vengeance the co-worker may give up that of greatest value. When a co-worker forgets, due to selfhood, the affirmation which he must forge in his spirit in order to forget Service, the harm may become indelible. Primitive man lived and believed in vengeance, but the consciousness has broadened and man can no longer dwell in such black concepts. He who knows the meaning of Karma can understand that a man takes revenge only on himself. A co-worker will not become affirmed through selfhood and infringement upon the heart of his fellow-man. And a successful co-worker must not impose respect, but must merit it. A king of the spirit must first of all reveal himself in a small circle of life. The growth of dimensions proceeds from within, and the spirit may bedeck itself with all the crowns of human glory and still remain a beggar. Thus let it be remembered by those who are diseased with selfhood and self-conceit. On the path to the Fiery World these chains are not fitting. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 125: 125. So many distortions, so many inaccuracies have been admitted into the Teachings. Verily, each purification is great Service. Each striving to renew the Truth, as it has been given to humanity, is fiery Service. The black threads seen represent not only the darkness of the earthly atmosphere, but also that network which covers the human mind and heart. It is difficult to imagine how many minds have been clouded by various evil interpretations. Each man is full of tension in search of new interpretations, but goes farther and farther away from the Truth. Dismemberment is so vividly affirmed in religions, in science, and in all creativeness. Each World has its correlation to another World. Each Truth emanates from another Truth. Truth is revealed only to the open heart. Thus, the tensed consciousness, which senses the cosmic pulse, passes on its own beat with luminous thoughts. Verily, great is the Fiery Pulse, revealed to the fiery heart. AUM (1936) - 308: 308. At times during a convalescence, one may observe that something impedes the process. It may be surmised that the patient himself is retarding the efforts of the organism by a negative attitude, but it is possible to be convinced that other causes exist outside of man's sphere of influence. Spatial currents can be strong determinants of any reaction. In hospitals, where observations upon many individuals are possible, there should be expert observation of the causes of different reactions to the same medicine. Many clues for this may be found in spatial conditions. It should not be thought that a clear blue sky is necessarily an indicator of useful currents; it may be that a threatening, clouded sky carries better currents. Brotherhood (1937) - 1: Likewise, people's recollections of the Subtle World have become clouded. Only there is it possible to encounter the expanded realization of Brotherhood. The body impedes the way to many broad ideas. Only by going beyond the limits of the bodily understanding is it possible to recognize brotherly cooperation. Let us gather the signs of such an expanded state of consciousness. Brotherhood (1937) - 158: 158. Yet, for all that, information about the Subtle World does reach Earth. Such tidings are admitted as much as is possible without confusing the clouded consciousness. People should pay attention to children who remember not only former incarnations but also certain details of the Subtle World. Let these informations be fragmentary, yet for the observant scholar it all can be gathered into a whole necklace. The main thing is not to deny flatly that which seems extraordinary just at a given time. Brotherhood (1937) - 206: 206. Likewise let us learn to distinguish the smallest signs. There are very many of them, flashing out as sparks; but let us not fall into bigotry or suspiciousness. The latter is to be distinguished from keenness. It has been said that keenness is straight, whereas suspiciousness is crooked. Besides, he who is suspicious is not pure and is not free. Knowledge must not be clouded by violence, neither external or internal. People often deplore cruelty, yet they are cruel to themselves. Such cruelty is worst of all. Apprehend justly the mean between apparent contradictions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 92: You are right to use great discrimination in distributing the books on Hierarchy. There are many who will not accept Hierarchy, and one must not impose such ideas on those whose consciousness is clouded. Only the free will can, in time, prompt one toward great Unity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 231: 231. Urusvati knows that even during difficult days joy generates power. Long ago We said that joy is a special wisdom. Truly, joy must be recognized, and realized. Gloomy people are clouded over by troubles and sorrows and they cannot see joy. Through the net of sadness people become blind and lose their strength, and cannot help themselves. Nor are they able to receive Our help, because depression and irritability block the way. It is as if no one had ever told them about the harm of depression.