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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CL > CLOUDBURSTS (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 151:
151. Messages come more readily through dry channels. Smile - tears interrupt the current. Only certain glands may be used, and these as long as they are not irritated. With cloudbursts of tears, humanity obstructs the beneficial currents.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 347:
347. People often talk about untiring labor, but in their spirit, they fear it. One cannot name anyone who, without broadening of consciousness, can find joy in endless labor. Only Our people will understand how life is fused with labor, drawing from it strength of achievement. It can be understood that, just as fire is inexhaustible, so also is the energy that is derived from labor. The fulfillment of Agni Yoga begins from the moment of realization of labor. But if the energy to sustain the fire is insufficient, cloudbursts will begin to extinguish it. The tension of energy does not come from a command of the mind, nor does it increase by a command from without. It grows only from within. However, only a free consciousness can transform labor into a festival of spirit.


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