Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 50: 50. Hunter, unwavering is your spirit. Be clear in your beliefs and you will conquer darkness. Pupils, spread love and knowledge. A smile carries power. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 279: 279. The hand of night preserves the pearl. The clear eye of day discerns the treasure. Darkness is not dark for the eye of the eagle. Each day, bring a new treasure. By day and by night, manifest the predestined. I sense that happiness draws near. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 280: Our disciples do not hesitate, but smite the enemy's falsehoods. Not repose but resourcefulness rules Our warriors. Their eyes are open, clear. We summon them to action. Tell this to those who think that We divert them from labor. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 308: 308. What shall be done about those who threaten you? What shall be done about those who remain unmoved? What shall be done about those who prattle, thinking they know tomorrow? And many there be now - the knowing ones. But I will tell them, "Open your ears." I will tell them, "Cleanse your hands before you begin to write . Clear your voice before you think of proclaiming." I say it. I say it. I have told them. I Myself attest. I Myself will put an end to it, when I deem the time ripe. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 327: O Lord named the Compassionate, Behold Thy sons engulfed in human darkness. Darkness, darkness, darkness. Light, light, light. Without the darkness there would be no light, For only in darkness may we behold the light. But where abideth Thou, O Lord, There is nor light, nor darkness. All is One. Mystery of Mysteries. Holy of Holies. Not comprehended by men, It remains clear; But grasped by human minds, Its clarity dulls. Such is the law. Follow the banner of battle. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 342: Thus I said: Create, understand, and clear the way to the doors. Others may crowd you, but you can pass through, and enter smilingly. You who know, go and attain. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 417: Karmic communications are sent because of care and love for you. We issue warnings, and We enable you to meet the wave of karma with knowledge. Be not surprised if signs about karma are not always clear to you. The indications are always understandable, And they must be carried out without delay. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 438: 438. A miracle rests better on an empty stomach. Love of the world fits better in a clear brain. Disdain excessive eating, just as you do quarrels. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.3: 1.8.3. Now, about the messenger: Even as in life one hastens to meet the postman, in the same way must one stretch out one's hand towards Our sending. A front of barbed obstacles impedes Our messengers, but you have miraculous shears for cutting the obstructions. By keeping the aura clear help the messengers to reach you. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.4: 1.8.4. The meaning will be clear when you will look from the mountain tops. One must observe the sparks; soon they will begin to merge into the flame of a new understanding of the foundations. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.18: In the future equilibrium of spirit and matter a clear vision may be obtained. But not only fragments are to be seen. That is why the ancients guarded this natural telescope so cautiously. The most powerful telescopes were women, and the first requisite for their protection was quietude. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.19: It is not necessary to explain the Laws of Fearlessness and Righteousness, and it is easy to understand the Law of Containment, but the Law of Nearness must be elucidated. At the approach of certain Signs and Images ordained by dates, a specially saturated atmosphere gathers, as if clouds of smoke were overcasting Heaven and Earth. That which had been clear begins to crumble, and, as if in a whirlwind, falls to pieces. Even physically this period is difficult, but during this period certain dates are being pronounced which stand as milestones on the road. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.15: 2.4.15. Thus, each useful thought finds approval. A stroke upon the string calls forth a consonance. A clear and courageous formulation of thought is very useful. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.7: Do We need eloquence? The way of the contact of the spirit is much more powerful. When you see how with one gesture great decisions are executed, it becomes clear how valuable words are; not in quantity nor in their outer form but in their inner essence. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.13: Finally, bending low in prayer, the seeker felt a thread of a web descend on his forehead. He cast it away. Then a clear voice rang out, "Why dost thou reject My Hand? My Ray has followed thee. Permit me to embrace thee." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.17: Our way is not that of an eternal wanderer but of a hastening messenger. The immutability of the plan illumines the consciousness with the manifestation of forces. We shall cross all the suspension bridges if the light of the plan is clear. One should so well understand the immutability of the plan that nothing can obscure it. That plan is immutable which is useful to all. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.11: 2.9.11. You may have noted in My Words cryptic passages or separate words not clear for today. Remember, guidance is on condition that karma be not infringed upon. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.17: 3.2.17. Know how difficult it is to reach the hearts of people. The spirit does not pierce through, and the carnal envelope is becoming dense. How much more, then, should one welcome those who look around like eagles, and to whom the mist of the future is like a clear mirror. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.4: 3.4.4. Surrounded and threatened, Akbar addressed his commanders: "The less agitated is the substance, the more clear is the reflection of the summits." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.15: It must be kept in mind that certain bodily positions should be avoided - or at least often changed. Stooping from a standing position interferes with the solar plexus. Throwing the head back hampers the brain centers. Arms stretched forward overburden the center of the aorta. Lying on the back may impede the center of kundalini, though it also may stimulate it. Clear thinking may come with a rush when the position of the light is improved. One has but to turn oneself toward the light or away from it and the reaction is perceptible. First of all, remember that each position has its advantage, but if one is turned into a weather-vane for every shifting wind, then the system of ascent will be disrupted. New Era Community (1926) - 6: 6. Also let us not forget that realization is simplified through clear consciousness. But let us not lose the shortest Path. Time is precious. We should not deprive anyone because of our sluggishness. Laziness and ignorance sleep in the same cradle. New Era Community (1926) - 37: 37. Abilities for a distant sending are extremely rare. As always it is necessary to distinguish the quality of the result. The sendings may be restless, and like flies be brushed away; they may be oppressive, like a coffin lid, and inspire terror; they may be as the whizzing of arrows, and these bring agitation without any understanding. It is rare when sendings are clear; it is rare when they call up cooperation of the corresponding centers. This may depend partially on the auras, but the principal factor is the quality of the sending. This quality is called utility of the will, which means understanding of the voltage of tension of the correspondent. In order for an electric lamp to light up, a certain voltage is necessary. Not only the contents of the sending but also the quality is important. The knowledge of the spirit gives the sending usefulness. An effect of the usefulness of the sending will be joy of reception, for everything properly proportioned will be a joy. New Era Community (1926) - 59: 59. A clear brief command is difficult, but on the other hand it is stronger than a magic wand. Affirmation is easier, but a command is like an unexpected pillar of flame from a volcano. A concentrated feeling of personal responsibility lies in a command. A declaration of inexhaustibility of forces sounds in a command. The impetuousness of the Cosmos is manifested in the vehemence of the command, as a crushing wave. Wipe away the tears of benignancy. We are in need of sparks of indignation of the spirit! What a dam do regrets make, yet wings grow on the end of the sword! Sands can kill, but for Us a cloud of sand is a flying carpet. New Era Community (1926) - 101: The community is arrived at in clarity of thinking. The manifestation of thinking produces a clear, inexpressible responsibility. We are very solicitous that the realization of responsibility should not forsake you. New Era Community (1926) - 143: 143. You are beginning to do a great deal correctly. You abolish handshaking and thus recognize the potency of contact. You avoid handwriting and thus recognize the stratification of living energy. You abbreviate the language and thus recognize the need of cosmic conservations. You establish Societies of Mutual Aid and thus recognize community. You begin a re-estimate of transitory values and thus recognize evolution. You abolish the usage of compulsion and thus recognize the Teacher. You abolish foul language and thus recognize the value of sound. You abolish vulgar dancing and thus recognize the significance of rhythm. You abolish vulgar shows and thus recognize the power of energy. You abolish tardiness and thus recognize the will. If the scientific significance of your actions is not always clear to you, still in manifesting the inevitability of evolution, you are acting properly. New Era Community (1926) - 144: 144. We shall say to him who fears all changes "Dissolution is evident in you." This process begins much earlier than the physical illness. How can one observe the first signs of disintegration? Only in an immobility of admissions. How is it possible to determine when the disintegration becomes dangerous for the social order? When the indolent consciousness considers the community a harmful nonsense. It is best to by-pass such living corpses. Some kinds of people cannot comprise the community, but all those in the category of attacking ones must be indignantly excluded from social intercourse. It must be understood that even the smallest contact with these organisms is harmful. Here there can be no question of kinship. Honored is old age in a body with a clear consciousness; for in the essential nature there is then no old age. But premature decay surrounds one with an intolerable stench. New Era Community (1926) - 149: One might even provide a so-called fully scientific institute, where each passer-by could enter, sniff at the screen and the plate, and inspect the sleeves and pockets of the operator. Nowhere is there to be any deception; indeed, it will be as one would wish it to be - clear, free of charge and with the permission of the government, and without the requirement of a preliminary bath. But the last is not easy, because for the photograph it is necessary to rub the body strongly with alcohol - to remove perspiration. New Era Community (1926) - 166: 166. The true fire-blossom is actual selflessness; however, it must not only be evident in actions but must live in the consciousness. Behavior, like wandering shadows, is an inaccurate reflection, and the vortex of shifting conventions conceals the meaning of action. Is it possible to judge conduct without knowing cause and effect? Then a savior will appear to be an offender, and a giver will seem a miser. But it is not easy to establish in the consciousness selflessness - individuality is unavoidable. And the blending in of selflessness can take place only with a clear realization of the future. Selflessness is not built on past experience; only a true perception of the future can mold an inner judgment about the boundaries of the possible. Whoever thinks in the stillness of the night that the past has taught him the value of selflessness is a prisoner. New Era Community (1926) - 174: The tale about an invisible city with the ringing of bells recalls the man who was not aware of an important sensation, as a result of a transfer of sensitiveness. Perhaps My example is not yet clear to you, but the principle of transference of sensitivity can be amplified to include entire nations. Through this principle many dangers may be avoided. If it be admitted that the human organism is a most powerful psychic instrument, then it is impossible to attribute the same power to the physical apparatus. The physical apparatus is subservient to that higher energy which we call psychic construction. This energy may be compared qualitatively with light alone. New Era Community (1926) - 178: As long as the consciousness has not accepted the community, the smallest thing seems insurmountable. It is possible to renounce every weakness if the task of the future is clear. Think about being annexed to the future and fear of the present will dissolve. Do not take what has been said as a pompous phrase, but masons, square up your stony hearts. After the heart the brain petrifies. New Era Community (1926) - 186: It is necessary for each community member to know the technique of battle, and particularly it is important to distinguish pseudo-members and to expel them beyond the wall. No length of beard, no counting of chains, no lameness, no assurances, no casual signs are of value as testimony. Only full consciousness, clear in its daily vigilance, sincere in sleep, can present the countenance of true longing. Often sleep is more sincere than wakefulness. Each sincerity has the right to be armed. And an unalterable command both engenders and smites. New Era Community (1926) - 207: 207. Do not encourage cosmogonic discussions until the consciousness is affirmed. Follow goal-fitness of instruction in schools. Provide the hastening ones with opportunity for speediest advancement. If a lively ship must reduce sail in order to even up a formation, will this not be a killing of possibilities? Do you know how the harmony in the ship's sailing effort has been created? And has it not been constructed for resisting the utmost peril? How to make use of it for conveying frozen vegetables? Always preserve a possibility of responsible advancement. From the first year of school let not slow pace be a handicap for rapid pace. Let the teacher keenly discern those able to proceed swiftly. It is not necessary to praise them, but one should clear the path for them. One should create intermediate courses; the fleet ones can run up these steps. Do not conceal difficulties from them. For a certain type of consciousness every movement leading to achievement is already a light and a joy. New Era Community (1926) - 212: Pay attention to the history of the past; you will perceive clear jolts of progress, you will see graphically that these jolts coincide with manifestations of the idea of community - cooperation. Despotic states have been destroyed, attainments of science have been secured, new ways of labor have arisen, benevolent boldness has shone forth, when the banner of cooperation was unfurled. New Era Community (1926) - 221: 221. When We speak about the formation of psychic energy into a conscious weapon, it may be asked, "With what to begin?" One must begin with realization of its presence. For this realization it is necessary to begin with one of the most fundamental concepts. Sometimes this unfittingly has been called faith, but it is better to call it trust. Faith corresponds to self-hypnosis. Trust conforms to self-analysis. Faith is indefinite in its essence. Trust confirms infallibility. We proceed by the path of infallibility. It is no superstition to cognize the power of the human apparatus. It is enough to ponder upon the processes of thinking or of a reflex, or even of digestion. One could easily note the action of nerve centers, yet something unifies their activity unconsciously, without entering the boundaries of the reason. This organ has been called the spirit, but again this definition is not clear, as in it there is no striving. New Era Community (1926) - 234: One may speak today about the hero instead of about mechanics. Let children call themselves heroes and apply to themselves the qualities of remarkable people. Let them be given books of clear account, wherein the faces of toil and of will have been depicted without any soft coatings. Even for medicinal purposes this valiant call of life is irreplaceable. New Era Community (1926) - 268: 268. He who wishes to live, lives. Amazing is the ability to withstand danger when the meaning of life is clear. No one can affirm himself by spiritless commands only. Violence is a survival. It is necessary to strive toward different, effective measures. The study of energies will indicate how many of the subtlest possibilities have been given to humanity. But it should be kept in mind that the most frightful explosions can result from a single touch or vibration - thus it happens with the coarsest explosive substances. What then shall one say about the most powerful, the subtlest energies? And moving amid such unrealized forces - is thought. Agni Yoga (1929) - 22: Can one endure? The idea of Our Beacon is beginning to penetrate the minds, because gradually it is becoming clear that nothing else remains in the whirls of chaos. How painful to the sensitive spirit! How We watch the waves of unprecedented darkness! The heart can contain only a limited quantity of this elemental poison. Agni Yoga (1929) - 38: The quality of one's attainments is revealed in life. And we value each mark of attainment. Each hour brings new inalienable possibilities. Clear advantage results from previously manifested achievements - thus, the accomplishments are lawfully gained. Agni Yoga (1929) - 50: 50. When will people understand the significance of thought and word? People still lend greater importance to the spilling of a sack of ordinary seeds than to the spilling of destructive words. Any rodent can pick up the seeds, but even an Arhat may not be able to clear away the consequences of thought and word. When people depart for a sea voyage they take with them only carefully chosen things; but in their speech they are unwilling to pay attention to its meaning, and to the consequences of their words. We do not threaten, but We do point out the first signs of smoke curling from under your shirt. Agni Yoga (1929) - 80: 80. If one can confirm the presence of thought even in a stone, then what a clear rainbow of thought fills space! One must become used to the fact that thought permeates all that exists. Certainly this reality, ponderable and not abstract, remains defined as energy but preserves the potentiality of conscious evolution. Agni Yoga (1929) - 106: 106. Right is the one who rejects coarse, indecent, or ambiguous expressions, for their origin lies in ignorance. Speech must be beautiful, clear, and deeply meaningful. Agni Yoga (1929) - 120: 120. Can the so-called miracle be expected? The most important characteristic of a "miraculous" phenomenon is, of course, its unexpectedness. The very substance of human consciousness makes such phenomena elusive. The ordinary consciousness creates obstacles by presuming conflicting conditions. The Adept of knowledge can only ask, "Dear humans, do not distract yourselves with cries of expectation when the vessel of universal essence is already producing a blessed combination. Can one expect the turning of the ship toward the right, when Our Hand directs the rudder to the left?" Only one with a clear and infallible understanding of what is immutable can be a co-worker in the world process. If a room seems empty to the eye, can we affirm that it is truly empty? Agni Yoga (1929) - 159: 159. Why is the Yoga termed Fiery? Its power enhances the vividness of life and extinguishes all that is unworthy. The manifestation of fire brings light into matter. Properly speaking, where there is fire, there is clear evidence of progressive perfectment. Agni Yoga (1929) - 166: 166. Everyone has within himself some kind of Yoga, even if only in a rudimentary stage or in a distorted form. People can be classified not only according to the elements, but also according to Yogas. Often in a hypocrite you find a perversion of Bhakti Yoga; in an overbearing athlete, Hatha Yoga; in a zealot, Raja Yoga; and in a bigot, Jnana Yoga. But what can match the heights of the true Yoga, which links the earthly consciousness with the cosmic pulse? Can one imagine anything that could replace the fundamental striving of the incarnate spirit; something that could imbue one with astral understanding; something that would make clear the purpose of mankind's existence? It is the study of Agni Yoga that brings one closer to the far-off worlds. Agni Yoga (1929) - 169: 169. Just as Fire is the all-embracing principle, so does Agni Yoga permeate the whole of life. One can notice how one's consciousness is gradually sharpened, how the real values of one's surroundings become clear, how one's understanding of the immutability of the cooperation of worlds grows. Thus life fills with the signs of highest understanding. Truth as reality enters one's daily life. Agni Yoga (1929) - 266: 266. Solitude of the spirit leads to a clear perception of the forms of the future. The Spirit of Darkness, pondering how to still more firmly lash humanity to Earth, thought: "Let them keep their old customs and habits. Nothing binds humanity so much as habitual forms. But this is fit only for the multitudes. Far more dangerous to us is solitude, in which the consciousness is illumined and new forms are created. Therefore, time in solitude must be severely limited. People must not be allowed to remain alone. I shall provide them with a reflection so that they may become accustomed to being with their own image." Thus did the servants of Darkness bring a mirror to the people! Agni Yoga (1929) - 382: It is neither age nor illness, but prejudice that severs the threads of happiness. And irritability is the offspring of prejudice. One cannot free oneself from irritability without first uprooting prejudice. Continuous striving can help one to properly evaluate life's manifestations. Not renunciation, but a clear understanding of life is needed. One's pledge, like a sword of justice, should define a correct attitude. Agni Yoga (1929) - 413: 413. Placing the Teacher's seat in the most revered spot in the home is not a superstition. This is the place for the One invited to the Holy Supper. He may arrive at any moment, and it should be made clear to Him that He was awaited. This constant mark of expectancy and readiness is like a call through an open window. Amidst constructions and battles, let us spare enough time for a fleeting smile. Agni Yoga (1929) - 437: Today We looked into Our mirrors. I saw surface agitation in the disciples' auras. Let us be firm in the coming new year, because all is growing. Yesterday's measures are too small for future problems. The pure heart produces a clear picture, but surface agitation indicates a new growth in consciousness. The period of shaping new conditions must be gone through, without confusion, desire, or irritation. There is much tension in space, and it can be oppressive for the human aura. Agni Yoga (1929) - 480: 480. The salts of L. are useful not only in treatment of gout but also against all kinds of harmful deposits. By alkalizing the accumulated debris, they clear the way for psychic energy. These salts are utilized for this clearing power, and may be prescribed for inner consumption. Agni Yoga (1929) - 550: 550. Where can be found the refinement and upliftment of thought tempered in the holy fire? Is it possible to find it in the ever-increasing heaps of artificial and oversophisticated reasoning? No, real thought will strive toward an appreciation of the best and the beautiful, and toward the search for the most useful. One can foresee that the accumulations of the Chalice will permit a flow of clear thinking, with proper comparison of the past with the future. Agni Yoga (1929) - 599: 599. Certainly, one of the main tasks of the coming evolution will be to transform our view of the so-called abstract into a recognition of it as cognizable reality. The study of psychic energy will make possible a completely new approach to one's surroundings. The contrasting results of selfish versus altruistic actions have until the present been seen in an abstract way, but let us henceforth examine them from the point of view of the chemism of the various centers. Different thoughts and actions issue from different centers. Hence, their emanations are chemically different, as is their visible radiance. The effects react on the creator himself and on his surroundings. Thus, it would seem that the most abstract will become weighable and measurable. One of the simplest experiments will be the weighing of an individual under the impact of his different thoughts. A sensitive scale and sharpness of thought will provide clear contrasts. This is not a science for hermits but is knowledge for the improvement of life. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 14: The assertion of cosmic and limitless forces is clear; the life-giving and eternal process goes on in all things. A spark ignites the Cosmic Fire. Verily, by the spark of desire is the torch of knowledge kindled. But do not impede your own path. Only strive, and your being will be flooded by the radiance of Infinity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 38: 38. If we compare the work of Cosmos with the work of man, we may find the closest correlations on our planet. Let us see wherein cooperation with the elements has been realized. The vegetable kingdom takes what it requires for its growth. The cooperation between man and the cosmic riches is clear. From the animal kingdom we take what is necessary for our existence, accepting it as being customarily due us. When man built his dwellings upon the lake shores and hewed them out of the rocks, he subordinated the world to himself and proudly dominated it. Now the same man dominates, but, having been enriched by all manner of subtle means, he has progressed toward an understanding of the riches of Space. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 49: 49. In a epoch of division between spirit and matter, one must consider him as condemned who creates his world around non-understanding. Why build with hustle and bustle? Wherefore all dreams and privations, when your constructions crumble and the tide of human property may not be prolonged? Where the condemned one has marked out a small circle for himself, all space will be measured for him by the same radius. When the clear consciousness will say, "One may profit eternally by the fruits of one's own labor," then verily will glow the spirit's glaive which points to Infinity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 68: When I say that the cosmic incessancy affirms also our karma, it means that I wish to free human consciousness from delusion and to instill in the human spirit the thread of understanding which leads to incessancy. I affirm that a clear understanding will point out the incessancy of all our actions. The Cosmic Fire is incessant and inexhaustible. One must understand that the Infinite is an aggregate of life processes. Cause and effect, thought and action, are the karmic predestinators of the life principle. Whither can the unbroken chain deviate? An unbroken path is open to the spirit; it reveals the symbol of the Mother of the World to him who has chosen the symbol of Light. But the erring one who seeks darkness will not touch the Fire of Space. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 112: 112. The generation of the different energies is correlative with the thinking of men. The subtlest energies of that spirit who affirms beauty will manifest corresponding forms. When the subtle energies are manifested they reflect the essence which generates the form. The cosmic law answers the tensity of the spirit and draws toward the realization of subtle substances. The cosmic law reflects the manifestations of the whole world of forms. A clear conception predicates a clear creation. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 175: 175. Creativeness with incessancy of tension molds the better form. There exists a difference between the applied activity of an Agni Yogi and that of an ordinary man. The fire in the activity of an Agni Yogi is invisible and incomprehensible to the human mind, which admits only that which is visible. Hence, the great Cosmic Fire in different epochs was identified by different terms. When the spirit exercises its will to penetrate into the mystery of cosmic fusion, it can then assimilate the power of the cosmic energies. The invisible force becomes clear to him and, through the current of the Cosmic Magnet, he can sense the beauty manifested. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 209: 209. The consciousness of the Cosmic Magnet shapes hidden forms. So much has been told about the immutability of the law of the Cosmic Magnet that a simple deduction is clear. The immutability of the law is perceived in the entire Cosmos. The simplicity of the law must be assimilated by the human consciousness, and the fiery formula of purity will be manifested with the assimilation of the Fire of Space. Only the essence of reason can embrace the simplicity of this law. This law embraces the entire fiery striving of the principle of Be-ness. When the difficulty of understanding leads the spirit away to the spheres intensified by accumulations of opposite laws, the spirit then creates a cosmically complicated process. The inevitability of a counteraction is carried in this cargo. The immutability of the law of the Cosmic Magnet continues while it interweaves with all energies. And all manifestations develop in the attraction of energies. True, it is also customary to speak of the principle of repulsion, but We say that attraction is the acting force. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 215: 215. The creative power of Him who assembles the new race attracts all elements which are accumulated in the "lotus" of synthesis. The creative threads are directly connected with the striving of the Chalice. Therefore, the direction of attraction is so clear. Hence the affirmation of the attraction of the "lotus" and the spirits' response to it. The conditions are difficult where the course of striving is divided. The spirit possessing the Fire of the Cosmic Magnet can give impetus to all fiery currents. Thus, synthesis strengthens the predestination of the chain into Infinity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 369: 369. The striving to the cognizance of the seed of the spirit is so essential; each spirit must strive toward it. When the direction of one's own fires is clear, then one can strive along the predestined path. The free energies can mold the karma of weak spirits, and the space abounds with such tossing spirits. As in a driving whirl are borne those who have realized their destination. But those still unaware of it are scattered as feathers. Hence, the course of the striving spirits toward that which is destined by the Cosmic Magnet will be as a link of the great evolution. The mighty seed of the spirit provides a new current and a fiery link. Thus walks Our tense Agni Yogi. Thus resounds the fiery, striving Agni Yogi. Thus creates the flaming Agni Yogi. Thus does the Agni Yogi construct the steps of evolution. Hierarchy (1931) - 91: 91. If the clarity of the Image of the Teacher brings us into closest cooperation with him, then each clear and vivid conception of an object in our third eye makes it near and attainable. One of the conditions of ancient magic was to teach the vividness of objects evoked by our inner conception. If the object is called forth with all completeness of line and color, one can apply it for the most immediate reaction; one may, as it were, possess it. Without limitations of space, one can regulate and bring closer its possibilities; from the most customary objects to the far-off planets one can utilize this force. There is nothing of the supernatural in this; but the duplicate becomes seemingly the identical, and a vital unifying thread is drawn to it. One can gradually develop in oneself these abilities, upon habitual objects, noticing thereby that when a clear image is created, a peculiar tremulous vibration occurs, similar to a magnetic reaction. Thus, in studying the Infinite one can approach it by beginning with the most customary objects. Heart (1932) - 58: 58. Certainly, in the course of time the significance of the use of magnets and of the passage through countries is already clear to you. This is not the result of superstition but the use of rays and magnetism, which is already familiar to science in a small measure. Even skeptics do not reject the special significance of personal influences. From this, it is but one step to the strong magnet connected with the Center of manifested energies. Thus, it is also not difficult to understand the significance of the passage of a human organism, that most forceful chemical battery. Even dogs feel the strength of a man's traces. How much greater then is the development of this emanation with the application of consciousness! Therefore the meaning of Envoys is very great and continues to be applied. Heart (1932) - 86: 86. Cooperation can be the adornment of a conscious spirit. Not compulsion, and still less, competition, but the increase of energies transmits the understanding of cooperation. Cooperative work is clear to those who have understood Hierarchy through the heart. A teacher of freedom is a manifestation of Hierarchy, for it is said - first of all walk the shortest path, gather your forces, affirm yourselves in the understanding of individualization, because a rainbow is strengthened by all rays. Heart (1932) - 106: 106. The chief perplexity lies generally in the question about why people cannot see the Subtle World with the physical eye. But, of course, it is because the eye still cannot master the transmutation of ether. Imagine a photograph taken against a window; one can never succeed in receiving a clear image of the inner objects or distant outlines. So, also, on leaving the dark and going into the sun, we often are blinded and struck by the force of the blue light. By multiplying these light manifestations ad infinitum, we get the light of the Subtle World, which to an unprepared eye appears as darkness. So, too, sometimes people are perplexed about why some seemingly limited persons have visions of the Subtle World. First of all, because even though they may have lowered themselves at present, in the past they performed some purifying action; in other words, their hearts at some previous time were already awakened. It is especially remarkable that the quality of the heart does not disappear; it can be manifested very one-sidedly, but it will nevertheless be potential. Heart (1932) - 275: 275. The Teacher needs an especially clear consciousness in the disciples. But night, which obscures the consciousness, does not permit the propelling of the entire might preserved in its depths. Among the reasons for success or failure in the tasks, the condition of the consciousness occupies no small place. Even a slight perplexity or uncertainty in striving alters the result. For instance, someone may come to you anxious to help and awaiting from you only the impetus to do so. But you may be absorbed in some outside conversation, and the desire to help evaporates in a cup of tea. Besides, the custom of the country demands that time be filled with the most insignificant communications, and in this rubbish the most precious seeds are lost. But if humanity would only value time, at least much that is vital could come about. True, this can be ruled by the heart in order to correlate the highest measures. Heart (1932) - 293: 293. Clarity of thinking and expression must be qualities of an Agni Yogi. There are few who strive toward clear thinking, and few who give themselves an account of how many subtle, already prepared impressions cannot be applied in the earthly world. How many secrets of bad luck can be explained by distorted thinking! Everything strives toward precision. The element of fire, the most subtle element, offers remarkable examples of fiery construction. So, also, human thought is built according to the structure of Fire. Heart (1932) - 300: 300. If thought in itself contains creative energy, then how useful it is to direct good thought into space. When mankind shall agree to send forth good thought simultaneously, then the infected atmosphere of the lower spheres will at once clear. Hence, it is necessary to take care, even a few times daily, to send out thought not about oneself, but about the world. Thus the thinking will accustom itself to disinterested strivings. As the Savior of mankind thinks only of the entire world, so in emulation of him we can apply our thoughts for the manifestation of creative energy. It is not necessary to look upon the transmission of thought as a supernatural act. Let it provide nurture for the spirit, just as does fuel for the bonfire during the night. Thus, also, it is necessary simply to follow the highest example. The heart will be like a trusty chronometer when it calls to thought about all. It is not necessary to have tiring meditations; thought about the world is short and reflects so simply the renunciation of self. Let good befall the world! Heart (1932) - 323: 323. The individual method is needed in the approach to the most refined energies. The chief mistake is to approach the transcendental with old methods. He is doomed to failure who approaches an imponderable quantity with weights; yet, of coarse, these highest energies penetrate the whole of human substance, connecting it with the highest worlds. It is absolutely clear that one must search for these highest signs not amidst people who are infected with diseases, but among sensitive healthy organisms. Let these subtle organisms notice within themselves the manifestations that are inexplicable but apparent to them. Let them not be ashamed of seeming ridiculous to some, if only they can find successful characterizations of the manifestations of subtle energies. Let us be confident that there are now especially numerous evidences of precipitations from the Subtle World; however, they are like micro-organisms, which are almost invisible, but their effect is apparent. Heart (1932) - 332: 332. The Subtle World has many varied confirmations of the earthly world. Even a prototype of the seasons of the year passes in accordance with the consciousness of the Subtle World. Therefore, the images of plants or mountains, or the surface of waters are not foreign to the Subtle World, of course in a transformed condition. The heart that knows the Subtle World knows flowers and mountains, and snows, and the seas. Flowers thrive in a richness of forms, and their colors are indescribably more complex than the colors of Earth; the snows are whiter and more crystalline and richer than those of Earth. One can begin to discern a complete structure of the Higher World, thus, the man who has stored up a clear and benevolent consciousness on Earth will also be a good builder in the Subtle World. Instead of monstrosities, he will bring with him beautiful proportions and the rhythm which correspond to the magnificence of the Infinite. Is the duty of the spirit so excessive if the spirit has perfected the heart? Only the light-bearing consciousness of the heart will carry the subtle body into the higher realms. Thus, everyone who prepares his heart and uplifts the hearts of his near ones already creates the will of Him who sent him! When it is asked if the heart is not a balloon since it can rise aloft, say that the jest is not far from the truth. Verily, the energy of the heart is so remarkably like helium and other of the finest gasses, that it is not far from the spiritual truth to imagine the ascension of the heart. Heart (1932) - 500: Moses delved into the science of Egypt, but he outdistanced it through the Ten Commandments. Thus acts the Yoga of Hierarchy. Now We advise the scientists It is necessary that you observe the heart with all your processes, and you will encounter manifestations that are not clear to you. Heart (1932) - 536: 536. Among the fires of the heart the most vivid is the flame of self-sacrifice. Precisely this armor diverts the hostile arrows and creates the renowned invulnerability. The fire of courage is only a part of the flame of self-sacrifice. Of course, self-sacrifice does not mean necessarily to offer oneself as a victim, but it corresponds to the readiness to conquer for the work of the Highest World. One can also notice a decline of the fires upon the slightest deviation from Hierarchy. As a whirlwind extinguishes the torches, the deviation into the abyss of Chaos destroys the fires of the heart. Is it not strange to see at one table the deviating ones and those who walk to victory? They seemingly share together equally the earthly food, but their spirits are already in opposite regions. The purified heart senses these contrasts. Often the heart hesitates to decide by the outward appearance, but the substance is clear to it. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 40: 40. In the ancient pharmacopeias and in various ancestral medical records you are struck by the number of allusions to mixtures for bringing the organism into a transcendental state. You feel that this is not a form of necromancy or witchcraft, but a special way of seeking one's future. Hence, it is clear that our remote ancestors were far more solicitous and thoughtful for the future than our contemporary scholars. For us, the future is relegated either to the confines of hellfire or to the province of an electrical manifestation. The powerful life-creating potency of Fire is unrealized; the effulgent, radiant manifestations are not comprehended, and the very Hierarchy of Light itself is regarded as either a phantom or a bugbear. There are many who wish to evade the future, preferring to call themselves dust. Yet even the learned shudder at the question as to whether they wish to pass through Fire. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 62: 62. Fire must be alive. Inactivity is unnatural for Fire. Energy generates energies. It is especially harmful to tear man away from his customary labor. Even through the lowest forms of labor man creates a manifestation of fiery energy. Deprive him of labor and he will inevitably fall prey to marasmus; in other words, he will lose the Fire of Life. One should not propagate the concept of people's retirement from work. They do not age because of advanced years, but from the extinction of Fire. One should not think that the extinguishing of Fire exerts no harm on the surroundings. Harm occurs precisely when a space occupied by Fire suddenly becomes accessible to corruption. This decay of life is opposed to the law of Existence. On the contrary, human society should sustain Fire in all its surroundings. The fire of the Druids was a reminder of the maintenance of the Fire of Life. It is inadmissible to quench fire in anything, not even in the smallest. Therefore, do not interfere with the festival of the spirit, even though its language be incomprehensible to you. That which is unintelligible to you today will become clear tomorrow. But fire once extinguished cannot again find the same application. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 223: 223. New thinking does not mean the overthrow of all that is old. Indeed, it will be the best friend of all that already has been discovered. Such thinking does not reject a formula that is not understood merely because it is not clear at the moment. Our friend will carefully lay aside an obscure formula. Often something obscure is not a concealed attainment, it is dependent upon a great number of transitory idioms. Every language is not preserved; even in the course of one century the meaning of expressions is changed, which leads to a growing complexity of ways of thinking. Let us not regret running waters, but let us not forget that we are looking upon old achievements with new eyes. Even a great number of isolated ancient terms may appear strange, because they have been inserted into alien dialects and often are distorted in pronunciation. In antiquity people sang these significant words to memorize them, but the rhythms have been abandoned as something unnecessary. Yet by losing rhythm people have forgotten the significance of vibrations. New thinking does not forget about the basic laws. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 277: 277. Everyone agrees that books should not contain too much preliminary material. But even average builders agree that the site of the construction must first be cleared and the necessary materials assembled. You yourselves know what it means just to clear the site - one must raze veritable jungles of envy, doubt, and all kinds of rubbish. One must apply all tolerance and magnanimity in order not to be bent under the load of weeds. Of course, all the forces of darkness and ignorance will revolt with especial vehemence against Fire. Therefore each book about the successive steps of life will not be brief. Let the last part of such a book appear separately, otherwise everyone will wish to read the end before the beginning. This habit is especially pleasing to the servants of darkness. Thus they create a quicksand for the weaklings. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 309: 309. For two weeks you have felt the subterranean shocks. Imagine how Earth is developing a state of mobility. No human ingenuity can stay the elements, but if you have a clear conception of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds, no earthly convulsion can veil the inalienable, radiant tomorrow. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 316: 316. Why wonder that the development of vision demands moderate lighting? It is quite clear that sharp light does not permit the increase of inner light. Yet only striving for self-perfection provides a solid foundation. Therefore, in ancient times the initiations into the Mysteries were accompanied by prolonged stays in darkness, until the eye overcame the obstacles of darkness by its inner sight. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 472: 472. Poor is the master craftsman who does not make use of all the riches of nature. For the skillful carver, a bent tree is a precious treasure. A good weaver uses each spit for the embellishment of his carpet. The goldsmith rejoices at each unusual alloy of metals. Only the mediocre craftsman will deplore everything unusual. Only an impoverished imagination is satisfied with the limits set by others. The true master develops great acuteness and resourcefulness in himself. The blessed spell of his craft frees the master worker from discouragement. Even the night does not bring darkness for the master, but only a variety of forms of the one fire. No one can entice a master toward aimless speculations, because he knows the inexhaustibility of the essence of being. In the name of this unity, the master gathers each blossom and constructs an eternal harmony. He regrets the waste of any material. But people far from mastery lose the best treasures. They repeat the best prayers and invocations, but these broken and unrealized rhythms are carried away like dust. The fragments of knowledge are turned into the dust of a dead desert. The human heart knows about fire, but the reason tries to obscure this evident wisdom. People say, "He was consumed with wrath; he withered from envy; he was aflame with desire." In a multitude of expressions, precise and clear, people show knowledge of the significance of Fire. But these people are not master artisans, and are always ready thoughtlessly to scatter the pearls they themselves so need! One cannot understand the human prodigality which destroys the treasures of Light. People do not deny themselves a single opportunity for negation. They are ready to extinguish all fires around them, only to proclaim that there is no Fire within them. Yet to extinguish fires and admit the darkness is the horror of ignorance. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 478: 478. Fiery breathing exists, because the fiery body is alive. Seldom is it possible to observe the flashes of fiery breathing in the earthly body, yet a purified body can sometimes feel such sighs. They may be felt either in the crown of the head, in the heart, or in other centers; one can feel something like an expansion of these centers, as it were. This can even cause dizziness or nausea, because the physical world cannot easily adapt itself to such a manifestation of the Fiery World. Among the causes of enlargement of the heart may be included fiery breathing. Often the heart expands, but loses the rhythm and thus cannot contract normally. In levitation fiery breathing is of great importance; it takes the body out of physical conditions. Here again we are concerned with thought as a fiery product. You yourselves know that during levitation the body loses weight. You must also remember that the thought about levitation did not occur - it was only the entire being striving toward Hierarchy. Yoga constantly advises "Think only of the Highest, so far as your consciousness can encompass. Imagine this Highest to be the best Aspect. Imagine this Highest to be in the Ineffable Light. Strain your consciousness as if toward something completely tangible. Manifest the best disposition. Gather all treasures of the Good, for the Voice of the Silence said, 'In good we ascend!'" You see once more how clear were the ancient counsels, for application in life. One can constantly advise scientists to reread attentively the ancient Teaching. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 630: 630. They will ask, "How can we best serve on Earth to effect the utmost benefit at present?" One must restore the health of Earth. By innumerable ways, one must carry out the world task of regeneration. One must bear in mind that people have destroyed the resources of Earth without mercy. They are ready to poison the earth and the air. They have laid waste the forests, these storehouses of prana. They have decimated animal life, forgetting that animal energy nourishes the earth. They believe that untried chemical compounds can take the place of prana and earthly emanations. They plunder the natural resources, unmindful that the balance must be maintained. They do not ponder over the cause of the catastrophe of Atlantis. They do not consider the fact that chemical ingredients must be tested over the course of a century, for a single generation cannot determine the symptoms of evolution or involution. People like to calculate races and sub-races, but the very simple idea of calculating the plundering of the planet never occurs to them. They think that by some act of mercy the weather will clear, and people will become prosperous! But the problem of restoring health does not enter their thoughts. Hence, let us love all creation! Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 1: 1. Now let us approach still closer to the study of the conditions of the Fiery World. The divisibility of the spirit may call forth many questions. One may certainly ponder to what an extent the chemism of the Luminaries influences the separated portions of the spirit. During long distance flights parts of the spirit may be exposed to the most varied influences. Indeed, even the fiery bodies cannot avoid various influences, but an open consciousness will always help to find the better vibrations. From the earthly state of consciousness it is difficult to control the separated parts of the spirit, and these messengers of the spirit mostly adapt themselves to the local conditions. Therefore, they may sometimes be very clear and audible and sometimes very hazy, in all manifestations. Such a condition is created not by the spirit of the sender and not even by the one who receives, but by the chemism of the currents. Even the most Fiery Beings are subject to cosmic currents. This by no means diminishes their lofty nature, but only confirms the immutable laws. One must be imbued with the majesty of the Universe to such an extent that one accepts the laws of the Great Luminaries. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 20: 20. There are many reasons why people fear the Subtle World and radiations of light. They feel in their essence that in the Subtle World every intention is accompanied by an obvious radiation, but man himself does not see his own radiations. If he were fully convinced of the good quality of his thoughts, he would fear nothing. But with a majority of people thoughts are very sinuous, and man, through the earthly habit of doubt, errs much from the true foundations of thinking. Therefore I reiterate so much about the necessity of clear thinking. One should be so sure of the quality of one's own thinking that not for an instant could one be confused by one's own light. A firm aspiration towards good, affirmed by the heart, will only multiply the beautiful lights. Besides their essence these lights are as purifiers of space. In the Subtle World such benevolent radiations create an all-embracing smile and contribute towards general joy. Therefore affirm yourself in good, and think so as not to be ashamed before any one. Do not consider these words an abstraction. The Subtle World confirms them. Many dwellers in the Subtle World regret that no one on Earth told them about these obvious radiations, which ought to be beautiful. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 61: 61. The art of thinking must be developed in schools. Every art is in need of exercise. Likewise thinking must be strengthened by practice. But such a deepening should not be burdensome nor tedious, therefore the instructor in such a subject must be truly enlightened. It may be seen that the most terrible calamities in the history of mankind have arisen from the inability to think. There may be found a multitude of examples wherein spasmodic thinking and unbridled feelings have let whole nations towards the abyss. On the other hand, laziness of thinking and slow-mindedness have destroyed accumulated possibilities. The Leader must provide in himself the example of a constant broadening of thinking in order to approach foresight. Of course, foresight results from Communion with Hierarchy. But Communion itself requires alertness in thinking and a clear striving. The art of thinking should not be understood as an occult concentration. There is nothing mysterious in the art of thinking and in the refinement of consciousness. Only a lofty quality of consciousness will affirm the path of the thinker. And no one will say that the thinker is a special genus. Every child can be directed towards thinking. Hence one must regard the art of thinking as the health of the nation. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 171: 171. People complain that the picture of the Fiery World is not clear to them. Let us not insist as to who is at fault in this. Let us propose to them that they picture the Fiery World in their own imagination. Though such visualization be a poor and hazy one, let it begin at least in some way. It thus can be utilized as a beginning, but it is bad when there is nothing upon which to build. Such a sate of indifference grows worse as time passes, and, as a stone, it drags to the bottom. No one can arbitrarily overstretch the boundaries of consciousness. The middle path is excellent when it is also lofty, but many cannot altogether understand the lofty concepts of the middle path, and confuse it with the path of vulgarity. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 224: 224. Investigate, and distinguish two kinds of thought. Everyone knows that at times, in the midst of clear thinking, there appear confused, floating thought-forms. Some will advise to ignore these unclear smudges of thinking, but others will recommend the investigations of such visitors. There can be advancement from paying attention to such thought forms. They come from without, which is but the more reason why we must not cast them aside. Who knows - perhaps they are directed to us intentionally, and are not clear merely because of their dependence upon our attitude. Therefore it is best to take pains not to reject any thought, even a fleeting one. When our heart is aflame, it quickly senses the value of such sendings. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 329: 329. Even in ordinary correspondence conventional expressions are encountered which are understood only by one acquainted with the correspondence. So too in prophecies, we may be surprised by certain expressions not clear to us. But when we recall the time and all the circumstances of the prophecies, we can clearly see that a conventionality of expressions exists for our time, because the ages have altered many concepts and expressions. One must train oneself in such circumspectness in order not to fall into ignorance. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 369: 369. "We do not die, but change" - can one speak any more clearly about eternal life? "The wise man proceeds to Me by the Higher Path" - thus conclusively has been ordained the living path. Unjust is the observation that in the Covenants there is no mention of anything about the life of the Fiery World. There are many clear indications, but people evade them. Can it be possible that the element of Fire, continuously alive, can conform to the concept of death, of deadliness? Thus is it useful to meditate on the pathways to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 437: 437. One of the most visually beautiful fiery actions will be the convergence and divergence of auras. This beauty can be likened to that of the Northern Lights, and in it is expressed a multitude of psychological moments. One may observe how carefully the radiations draw near, how the protective network palpitates and flashes, as a preliminary to resounding harmoniously or to becoming darkened. The full and complete life, its chemism and magnetism, is concealed in the space and about a man. We await the time when people will begin patiently to photograph auras. Then it will be possible to observe the movement of light on a cinema screen, when the film will reflect the sequence of movements of the aura. You know that for successful photographing many subtle conditions are required. Often even a physically uncomfortable room can yield good results. You have excellent prints of subtle beings, photographed under ordinary conditions. Also, you know that when you decided to improve the physical conditions the photographing failed. The chief factor of success lies in internal, invisible circumstances. One must apply great patience, and exclude any irritation or wavering. Any fiery chaos merely darkens the film. Also, there will be no especially clear visions when there is a confused frame of mind. But when the necessary harmony is reached the photographing will be easy. Many external conditions can have an influence; therefore it is better not to bring in new objects once the needed vibration has been established. And disorderly exclamations are also harmful. The principle element is patience. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 107: 107. The spirit is actuated by various levers. Love and striving are the strongest levers. Love for Hierarchy and striving for Service provide the impulse for higher saturations. These powerful levers direct the spirit to perfectment, not only on the Earth but also in the Subtle World. Even if it were somehow possible to be freed on the Earth from certain manifestations, the supermundane spheres do not permit the spirit so easily to change spheres. The supermundane spheres have their vortices into which the spirit is drawn. These vortices may be called whirlwinds of expiation. According to the condition of striving or carnate desire the spirit falls into these vortices and may pass into other spheres only by atoning and by transmuting its energies. It is necessary to understand the conditions of the Subtle World. If humanity would reflect upon this remarkable bond with the Subtle World the concept of Karma would become clear. There is no action, no thought, no step which does not impel the spirit into a certain vortex. The fiery spirit is manifested as an inviolate link between the Worlds, for thus all paths are revealed. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 294: 294. The causes of diseases lie in the root of the bond between the physical and astral worlds. The body reflects all the effects from affirmations taking place in all the strata and recesses of the Cosmos. It seems to be clear as to what an indissoluble correlation exists between Macrocosm and microcosm, but, except for the enlightened consciousnesses, this concept is not taken into consideration and does not advance scientific investigations further. If it were known how atmospheric pressure influences the organism, would one not strive for realization of this link, the power of which saturates each cell of life with its Fire? The bond between the bodies and the interaction of currents must be investigated, for it is impossible to determine precisely the condition of the organism and its ailments without establishing the fiery correspondence. Sensitive investigation of the spiritual and physical states will provide the possibility of discovering the fluids of dissolution. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 341: 341. Even a little foresight should whisper to man how much the World is atremble, how tense are all spheres, in preparation for spatial and earthly battles. Even a small consciousness can be imbued with thought about the reconstruction for which the whole World is getting ready. Even those who are unwilling to understand whither human engenderings are leading, must realize that inevitable Karma which leads on all paths to a great Reconstruction. One can only be amazed at the extent to which humanity dwells in a state of mirages. Clear understanding must be striven for on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 388: 388. During the decline of an epoch first of all is observed a split amidst inner structures. When spiritual downfall overcomes the national consciousness, these signs are especially clear. Looking over a chart of the World, one can easily be convinced that dissolution precedes the renascence which can be brought about only through regeneration of the spirit. Quests of the true renascence lead to renewal of the spirit and of principles, and thus a new constructiveness can be affirmed. New construction cannot be approved without a veritable renewal of the spirit. The Service to Light must inspire the spirit with courage to manifest fiery constructiveness. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 412: 412. It is indeed impossible to build with faint-heartedness, for it brings dissolution everywhere. An intensified constructiveness requires an act of highest striving - there is either brimful victory or worthless faint-heartedness. If it could be made clear to the human mind how harmful are half-way measures and compromises, the process of construction would proceed differently. But humanity is ailing with these horrible ulcers and We are obliged to exhude bloody sweat in corrective measures. This is the state of tension in which the Hierarchy of Light works. Verily, bloody sweat covers Our brow. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 492: 492. When forewarnings are given, it is easier to distinguish events. Already something is being born, but the crowds are occupied with amusements. Already an explosion is prepared, yet the crowds rush into the hippodromes. And ancient seers knew of many changes which are not clear to historians. But their contemporaries only knew how to stone all those who were far-seeing. Is it not thus also today? Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 498: 498. Is it possible to want to have false thoughts? When the day of photographing the aura comes, many will attempt to replace their habitual thoughts with something more beautiful just invented. Indeed, people know how to shed simulated tears. Petty cunning individuals will try to conceal their essential natures, but the film will prove to be quite revealing. A remarkable experiment will take place. Hypocritical thought will only make the picture worse, spattering it, as it were, with dark spots. Thus, new cunning will not be successful. Sincere, inherent thought produces clear rays. The needed sacred aspirations will have clear colors. Soon advancement will be made in the photographing of the aura. But it is difficult to reconcile the polarity of the photographer with the photographed person. Many trials will be required. Likewise is needed a particular, as it were, ozonizing apparatus, for purifying the surrounding atmosphere. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 618: 618. A therapeutic-psychic treatment must be applied not only after much consideration but resolutely to the very end. Half-way measures, as in everything are dangerous. It is possible to open up the centers, but to impose upon them any influence so that, instead of a cure, irritation and new infection set in, is impermissible. The employment of increased suggestion requires also the consent of the patient himself. Every counteraction is dangerous for it could in the end overstrain his forces. It can also be seen that the unconscious condition is also undesirable, as the patient's strong desire and cooperation through will is required. Not only during medical treatments, but in all the manifestations of life, the same conditions are needed. Without them how can one think about the Fiery World? The Subtle World can be reached even in semi-conscious state, but the Fiery World can be approached only in clear and full consciousness. AUM (1936) - 51: 51. Besides the heart, keep the consciousness clear. It is impossible to see through turbid waters. All agitation will react in a completely identical manner, in water and in the consciousness. One must find the happy medium between responsiveness and excitability. Under earthly conditions it is not easy to avoid excitement, which is so pernicious for good health. Manifestation of the link with the Higher World bestows a quality of sensitiveness and clarity which is not made turbid by the dark currents. AUM (1936) - 103: 103. People, even those who know about the Subtle World, deem it possible to delay the approach to it through perfecting their thinking. They are wrong, it is precisely here that the direction of thought must be established. It can be developed once a definite impulse has been given. The test of thinking must be affirmed by earthly thinking. It is deplorable to enter the Subtle World in a confused and distracted state. When the consciousness is clear it leads upward just as gas lifts a balloon. No one and nothing can detain in the lower strata a steadfast consciousness which strives toward Good; therefore let us not defer affirmation of thinking. There is no more direct communion with the Higher World than by this path. AUM (1936) - 112: 112. It is rightly understood that so-called sacred animals were not deities, but were a natural consequence arising from local conditions. Even now people often speak about some sacred obligation meaning thereby, not a religious rite, but a useful moral action. The conditions of antiquity often required a special attention to certain animals, or trees and plants. Sacredness signified inviolability. Thus was preserved something rare and necessary. The very same protection contemporary people call "preserves." Thus, one should refer very carefully to concepts that are not clear. So much has been added to the province of religion that, because of its antiquity, superficial observers are completely unable to distinguish the fundamental from the stratifications around it. The temple even now is a gathering place where, along with ceremony, barter and sale take place, and local matters are discussed. The same piling up of confusion is still taking place. Therefore let us not be excessively harsh toward the term sacred animals and other long-forgotten archaic symbols. AUM (1936) - 133: Thus, let us not isolate where a just grouping is right. Man has departed so far from clear concepts that he must enter through the simplest Gates. AUM (1936) - 174: 174. Humanity is wiping out the distinction between tribes, therefore one should speak with special caution about tribes. Even those tribes that are still distinct in appearance and language are not basically and essentially isolated from each other. In conventional terms the subdivision is clear, but not in the matter of blood. An admixture is taking place which is so characteristic during a change of race. It is more appropriate to speak about humanity as a whole than to speak conventionally about the interlacing of branches. AUM (1936) - 182: 182. So-called symbolic dreams express in a lofty degree the bond with the invisible world. A consciousness cannot synthesize alone, it must receive an impulse from Above in order to see the future in a simple and clear symbol. AUM (1936) - 199: 199. It has been said, "Many mothers, fathers, wives, sisters and brothers, will be given," yet even such a clear indication does not compel people to reflect as to where this will take place. They do not wish to meditate about earthly lives! The wisest covenants do not reach ears that are closed. AUM (1936) - 206: In such a way, the question of the human aura and of human accumulations upon objects can receive a new impetus. Indeed, the possession of a clear consciousness by the observer himself can be of much assistance. Irritation is a poor conductor. AUM (1936) - 279: Good clear sight is due to clarity of consciousness, therefore from beginning to end We advise showing care in the matter of clear consciousness. Long ago it was said that good does not dwell in a muddy well. AUM (1936) - 298: 298. We often mention physicians and scientists, but it must not be thought that other occupations should not also be mentioned in speaking of the Higher World. Can lawyers and judges administer earthly laws if they have no concept of the laws of the Universe? How can they establish earthly law without thinking of universal justice? It is impossible to isolate Earth from all the worlds; it is necessary to understand the interaction of the earthly world and the Subtle World in order to acquire the right to judge people's conduct. It is wrong to restrict oneself to former causal decisions which do not conform to present conditions. Each time has its own peculiarities, and without a clear picture of the evolutionary situation the court will err. Verily, the judge takes upon himself a great responsibility if he is to remain at the helm of universal justice. AUM (1936) - 308: 308. At times during a convalescence, one may observe that something impedes the process. It may be surmised that the patient himself is retarding the efforts of the organism by a negative attitude, but it is possible to be convinced that other causes exist outside of man's sphere of influence. Spatial currents can be strong determinants of any reaction. In hospitals, where observations upon many individuals are possible, there should be expert observation of the causes of different reactions to the same medicine. Many clues for this may be found in spatial conditions. It should not be thought that a clear blue sky is necessarily an indicator of useful currents; it may be that a threatening, clouded sky carries better currents. AUM (1936) - 311: There should be cooperation among all nations for the careful observation and comparison of manifestations of psychic energy. The universality of observation would demonstrate the unity of the higher energy. Only by such observation is it possible naturally to obtain a clear conception of the Higher World. AUM (1936) - 415: 415. The Mother of the World! It would seem that in one sounding of these words the meaning of the grandeur of the concept would be made clear, but life shows otherwise. AUM (1936) - 457: Also it should not be forgotten that the Higher World watches over the laws of karma. Very slightly understood is the boundary between that which is permitted and the sacred karma. It is impossible in earthly language to define the gates of karma. It is likewise difficult to indicate how man himself influences his clairaudience. He can stop up his ears with a thousand moods. It is first necessary to broaden the consciousness in order that all channels be clear. AUM (1936) - 486: 486. Of all that takes place, you should ask yourself, "Why is it happening precisely in this form and not in another? Why just now and not before?" Many thoughts will arise around each event. Thinking will be directed to many causes, and by and by much will become clear. AUM (1936) - 533: 533. Each conventional subdivision inflicts damage upon the principle of unity. Realization of the fundamental force helps to liberate one from unnecessary accumulations. Most conventional terms have arisen from the egoism of individuals, each desiring to name an object in his own way. True, the mixture of languages also has produced extraordinary definitions. One should concern oneself with the crystallization of clear unifying definitions. AUM (1936) - 537: 537. Only a clear realization of the Subtle World enables people to recognize earthly property without hypocritical renunciations. Man will understand what property belongs to him, and earthly things will find their due place in the long human existence. The essence is not in renunciation, but in realization of the especially Beautiful. AUM (1936) - 590: 590. Let us manifest solemnity. Let us not add confusion to the tension of space. Let us not exhibit restlessness when it is necessary to foresee actions. Let us not be covered by a cloud of dust when what is needed is a clear horizon. Let us speak a word of love as a strong shield. Brotherhood (1937) - 53: 53. Can Communications scientifically based by altered and become contradictory? Indeed, the fundamentals are steadfast, but there can be fluctuations in the receivers. Such manifestations of non-conformity should not be referred to the fundamentals. Is it not better to seek the cause in one's own lack of understanding? Only a broadened consciousness will help to establish a clear understanding, otherwise the most lucid letter can be misinterpreted. Brotherhood (1937) - 65: In the state, both these dark offshoots must be excluded by law. In primary schools there must be established the principles which will make clear the inadmissibility of these two most low defects. Brotherhood (1937) - 105: 105. In ancient treatises can be found the expression "crippled souls." And it is explained that such crippling can be done only by oneself. As soon as a man imagines that no further path remains for him, he shackles his own primary energy. In such fetters there can be no advance. By cutting short the path, the man takes upon himself a grave responsibility. This cannot be justified by despair, for of course this dark phantom is engendered by one's own weak will. Having lodged in the spirit, this specter actually injures the health. The phantom has nothing in it of reality. If people will investigate the true causes of despair, the invalidity of these causes will become amazingly clear. If the concept of Brotherhood were near to people, how many such groundless despairs would be dispelled! Yet people would rather cut short their own progress than reflect about the healing fundamentals. The writers of the ancient treatises about crippled souls had good grounds for this expression. Brotherhood (1937) - 132: 132. A reflection is clear on a calm surface. Each agitation distorts the clarity. Likewise, the primary energy requires calmness in order to reflect Truth. It should not be assumed that calmness is decline and enfeeblement. Only disorderly agitation can distort the mirror of energy. Brotherhood (1937) - 217: 217. People will say that rest is impossible in days of great confusion. Reply, "Let us not quibble about words." Rest, like Nirvana, is an effervescence which does not boil away. But if someone's strength is not adequate for such a concept let him be concerned with clarity of thought. Let him acknowledge that even in the hour of Armageddon it is needful to have a clear consciousness. If we lose clarity of thought in earthly battles, how can we maintain it during transition into the Subtle World? Each earthly impact is only a touchstone for our consciousness. Even during indignation one should not admit obscuration of thinking. Experienced people know that spatial currents are stronger than those of any human combat, yet during such powerful attacks one should clearly preserve the goal of existence. Brotherhood (1937) - 235: 235. Hatred of humanity is reaching out for radical methods of destruction - by gases and poisoning. Let scientists make it clear that these gases do not disappear immediately but precipitate for a long time. Let the inventors of gases settle down in a house the walls of which have been rubbed with arsenic or corrosive sublimate, or other emanative poisons. By experience on themselves, on their eyes, skin and lungs, let them be convinced as to how long the emanating poisons continue to act. Moreover, in a large number of poisons their preparation works injury at great distances. Only criminal stupidity thinks that the damage will be done only to the enemy. Brotherhood (1937) - 333: 333. It is undeniable that it is useful to provide oneself with clear thinking for the cognition of the Subtle World. Only then is it possible to cross the great threshold in full consciousness. Brotherhood (1937) - 491: 491. The Teacher bent his head over a cistern and asked the disciple, "What do you see?" The latter replied, "I see thy clear reflection." Then the Teacher directed, "Stir the surface with the little finger - what do you see?" "I see thy features distorted." "Think, if the touch of your little finger so altered my features seen in the water, what distortions will take place in the midst of subtle energies at a coarse contact?" In the smallest examples one can see what is also taking place in the Subtle World. Brotherhood (1937) - 507: 507. In dreams there sometimes appear clearly defined faces of complete strangers, whom one meets later on in life. There are many explanations for such prevision, but first of all, it becomes clear that by some sort of sight man perceives that which he will see later in the physical aspect. Indeed, these encounters bear witness to the Subtle World and to activity in it during sleep. But these deductions do not enter the minds of those who investigate the domain of dreams. It is especially noteworthy that such previsioned encounters often prove to be unimportant in the physical body. This circumstance proves that actions in the Subtle World operate differently from those in the physical one. It is a cause for rejoicing that even by visual examples one may see how heterogeneous is the life of man. Brotherhood (1937) - 546: To isolate a clear thought, without incidental waverings, will be in itself a lofty discipline. In the Brotherhood attention is paid to such purification of thought. Speaking of Brotherhood, it is unavoidable to touch upon thought-sendings. The work of thought will function from small to great tasks, and the discipline of the heart will be required for success. Each heart is surrounded by anxiety, agitations, and tremor. One can overcome these tremors by addressing oneself to Hierarchy, not half-way, but fully; such an appeal is not at all frequent. Yet for the simplest experiments unshakable striving is required. Usually a swarm of tiny, malicious insects attempts to violate the purity of thought. All these petty ones must be subdued by brotherly unity. Brotherhood (1937) - 602: 602. Preserve solemnity. Surround yourself with solemnity when you think and speak about the Brotherhood. Thought about Brotherhood is in itself a great communion. Thought that is pure and clear will reach its destination. But where words about the Brotherhood are dragged in the dust of the bazaar, do not expect a harvest. The whirl of curses will not be stilled; cognition of the forces of nature is not obtained amidst revilements. Long since did We discourse about co-measurement. Each concept requires its proper environment. Because of this, seek for the reason why sometimes a concept is exalted, while at other times it grows faded, becoming frippery. Brotherhood (1937) - 602: Harmonious discourse about Brotherhood will give an unprecedented upliftment of the spirit if it be truly harmonious. Thus, let us apprehend all the qualities necessary for approach to Brotherhood. Once again let us confirm that a mood of solemnity will be the best guide to Brotherhood. The meaning of the word mood indicates that it is not external but internal, in a concordance of all the strings of the instrument. Such clear concordance is rarely realized. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 21: 21. Urusvati has kept in her heart from early childhood the revelation that the Teacher of Light lives "somewhere." Only memories of reality could call forth in a child's consciousness such a vivid image. We rejoice to see that Our co-workers, from their first conscious hours, bear within themselves an image of what they have previously seen. A confused spirit sees everything in confusion, but a spirit illumined through many achievements will preserve a clear recollection. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 62: 62. When in her subtle body, Urusvati usually appears in a purple Grecian garment. The color of one's garment usually corresponds to the color of the aura, and the style of the garment is taken from the era to which the spirit feels closest. Everywhere in the Subtle World the beauty of one's garment is expressed clearly in thought. In the world of thought we usually wear the garment of a former life. Those who have not preserved a clear memory of the past frequently have difficulties in the Subtle World. They remember only random parts of their many garments of the past, and thus create an ugly mixture. They feel a need to create a garment for themselves immediately, but their undisciplined imagination can visualize only scraps of their attire. Seeing different garments on others, the newcomers begin to rush about in thought, and each thought-wave evokes an unexpected fragment. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 69: Many do not understand that the Head of the Brotherhood can depart to the far-off worlds. Nor can they comprehend why certain earthly Leaders, although devoted and enlightened, are willing to leave their Brothers behind. Only man's limited understanding causes him to deny the idea of expansion of the Community to several worlds. It is likewise difficult to imagine that, even in new bodies and in different surroundings, inhabitants can preserve the seeds of their clear, earthly consciousness. Yet the Primal Energy is everywhere one and the same. Such a link is stronger than all existing substances. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 70: Of course, there exist special organizations dedicated to whatever is of a destructive nature. We do not speak about them for their origin is clear. We wish now to draw your attention to the conduct of those who continually speak foolishly about the Brotherhood, and by doing so, discredit it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 81: Urusvati is right in insisting upon unity. We call unity a healing infusion, a harmony of motion that cannot be summoned or created by coercion. Some people regard advice about unity as fetters. They prefer to evoke the destructive forces of the elements and be trampled, rather than make an effort toward cooperation. We shall not tire of showing compassion to the unwise ones preparing for their own destruction. But is it not clear what has been said? Does humanity learn only from bitter consequences? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 106: The Puranas contain much scientific data. Several years ago, Urusvati heard from Us about the significance of the year 1942. And now this information is broadly disseminated and is common knowledge. The end of Kali Yuga is significant, for many cosmic events are connected with this period. For certain reasons the true dates were concealed, and only few could perceive that the enormous numbers that were cited were mere symbols. Likewise, certain references to Krishna, Avatar of Vishnu, are also symbolic. You know very well what particular event was meant by these indications. Now everyone can notice the unusual accumulation of events. Armageddon was predicted ages ago, and the abnormalities at the end of Kali Yuga were described in the Puranas, but even keen thinkers underestimated those clear indications. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 108: And now, for example, a school of fish can be glimpsed in the ray. Thought must be unusually clear to create such harmonious forms, for obscured thinking creates monstrous forms. It is most important to look at least once into the treasury of Akasha, but such glimpses are hard on human sight, and We must practice caution with Our co-workers. However, in this book We can record that Our Sister was able to see such treasures of thought-creativeness even while in her physical body. These observations should not be repeated often because people have polluted the lower spheres, and some experiments are dangerous to the health. Our Blue Ray can reveal many subtle forms, but seldom can We allow such manifestations. Urusvati saw this Ray in single combat with the destructive fire. Only in an extreme case can such a powerful Ray be applied throughout the whole world. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 118: 118. Urusvati is familiar with the many details that have been given to people about the Brotherhood and the Subtle World. We have records in which all such messages have been entered, and when We gather together all Our words We have a precise record of the many details which together provide a clear picture. These messages were deliberately scattered, and can be found in the historical records of various nations. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 120: We intensify and deepen these diamond moments through a clear understanding of their significance. Indeed, they are so brief that no effort is required. Prolonged communication with the Subtle World can be achieved, but simultaneous awareness of the two worlds is momentary. We are not referring to Our guiding powers and Our messages to the world. Our discourses, and My words, are not coming to you now from the Subtle World, but are the result of the transmission of thought from a distance. When Urusvati sees the events taking place in Our Tower it is a special function of telepathic vision, whereas discourse with Us corresponds to direct radio messages. That channel cannot be revealed to everybody, nor can everybody have access to Us. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 137: Never forget the brilliance of the emanations with which the dark ones can surround themselves. For beginners this fact is rather puzzling, but when one has studied the science of radiant energy it becomes clear. However, because the power of pure radiance is not available to all, the emanations of the dark ones can never achieve the level of vibration that can shake one's entire being. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 147: History knows little about the Mother of the Great Pilgrim, who was as exceptional as Her Son. The Mother came from a great family and was the embodiment of refinement and nobility of spirit. She was the One who laid the foundation for His first high ideals, and sang a lullaby to Him in which She foretold His miraculous future. She took great care to safeguard Her Child, and was a source of strength for His great achievements. She knew several languages, and thus made the path easier for Him. Nor did She object to His long pilgrimages, and gathered all that was necessary to make the travels easier. She rightly valued the common people and knew that they would guard the treasures of His Teaching. She recognized the grandeur of the Culmination and thus could give heart to those of diverse character who were weakened by doubt and rejection. She was prepared to experience the same achievement as Her Son, and He entrusted to Her His decision, which was confirmed by the Teachers. It was the Mother who understood the mystery of His wanderings. For the fundamental truth about the Mother's life to be clear, one must understand the local conditions of those times. However, She was led by Her insight into the future and was able to rise above the customs of Her country. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 165: Imagine a shepherd trying to lead his flock through a thicket - how many branches he must break and rocks he must push aside to clear the way! The shepherd's task is to bring his flock home before dark, and he is well armed for protection against the wild beasts that will threaten him on the way. Such is the role of the leader who must possess courage, decisiveness, aspiration, and self-denial. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 173: Hard is the task of the Teacher, and especially so because the Hierarchy is misunderstood by most people. This was quite clear to the Great Pilgrim and that is why He hastened to the fulfillment of His Achievement. One Achievement is fulfilled in the course of a century, another in only a few years. On what kind of scale can such Services be weighed? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 174: He also said, "You judge the coming day by the sunrise, paying attention to whether the atmosphere is cloudy or clear, and whether the sun is bright red or obscured. In life, too, it is possible from early childhood to foretell the development of human character. One can observe those possibilities in a small child that eventually will be manifested. He who loves work in childhood will remain a toiler all his life." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 210: Even clear indications of new types of diseases do not stimulate research. It is essential to observe all one's surroundings. Unusual developments will be observed in the animal kingdom, and the vegetable kingdom will also offer many confirmations. Diseases of animals and plants will remind us of epidemics among people. We have acquired the ability to protect ourselves against the known scourges, however, it is not the plague, cholera, or even cancer or meningitis that will threaten us, but new types of nervous ailments, which may become fully epidemic. These ailments are maladies of psychic energy, and can be contagious. Yet, it will take a long time for physicians to pay attention to these new kinds of disease. They could be called fiery fevers, but whatever we call them, it is important to understand their cause. Changes of race will not inevitably bring disaster, but it is important that the psychic energy should be kept in a pure condition, since polluted energy produces disastrous spatial manifestations. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246: 246. Urusvati knows that We do not approve of artificial or mechanical methods of achievement. All the best things come naturally. In ancient days, when man's nature was coarser, certain artificial methods were sometimes needed to discipline the free will and to create and support the bond with the Higher World. But it is certainly very clear that man may know all numbers, memorize all sacred names, and learn all the secret meanings of the alphabet, yet by doing so he will contribute very little to the evolution of mankind. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 253: The dangers that We repeatedly point out, caused by unbalanced, purposeless ways of living, are part of the supermundane existence - hence, the title of these particular notes of the Brotherhood. But instead of being actively concerned about their negative effect on the macrocosm, people ask how beings of other planets clothe themselves! If a house is on fire, however, and someone were to ask the owner about his clothes, the question would be considered inappropriate, or insane. How then can We impress upon the human mind that right now we are experiencing a fiery Armageddon in which much can be destroyed? We want to draw special attention to this so that people will understand how much depends upon them. Let us not be afraid to repeat "how much." Let these words make it clear that each microcosm is responsible for the macrocosm. Do not assume that such a comparison is out of order. The bond between the microcosm and the macrocosm is the foundation of the world. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 260: Some religions prescribe the confession of sins. There is no doubt that such confessions help to form a clear understanding of one's actions, but this is only a first step. People should train themselves so that their self-appraisal will be precise and correct. When man faces his Guide, he himself should understand both the positive and the negative aspects of his personality. Only man himself can know the true source of his deeds. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 271: Now let us try to imagine how all who are involved in this battle are connected with the Subtle World. The invisible hordes of that world are far more numerous than the earthly ones, and they are connected to even higher spheres. Therefore Armageddon must be thought of as a supermundane manifestation. One must have a clear idea of the character and size of the present battle to appreciate its full significance. Only then can one begin to comprehend the battles here on Earth. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 291: Only thought can produce the antidote. These words should not be taken as symbolic. Thought produces a substance that attracts the helping forces from space. We have spoken about resistance to evil. Precise, clear, and disciplined thought is a powerful aid, and also a powerful antidote. So-called immunity is the result of thought. If you remember Us you will intensify your thoughts and they will acquire a new power. Think about Us. Think about reality and face the terrors of Armageddon. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 313: Even in childhood, the memory must be developed by overcoming these three undesirable conditions. The mind can be protected by labor, which guards against self-absorption. It should be understood that although We are surrounded by dangers and external shocks, they cannot affect the memory, and by being aware of this We are able to maintain clear thinking. Without the tension of challenges man grows lazy, but through vigilance his mind becomes disciplined, and he learns not to allow chaotic thoughts to obscure his memory. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 326: 326. Urusvati knows that coarseness will be eradicated only by education. But one can be a learned scientist and still remain coarse. Clearly, formal education alone does not necessarily eradicate coarseness, but We should make clear what We mean by this word. A coarse nature cannot deal with subtle perceptions, and the science of the future will require genuine refinement, without which synthesis is impossible. A teacher must have reverence for all branches of science, but an awareness of synthesis is the product of long prior training. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 327: Such wilfulness delays progress. Ask several people to explain the meaning of a simple statement and you will receive the most contradictory and even malicious interpretations. The statement may be quite clear, but the free will can find a way to obscure its meaning and replace that meaning with its own notions! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 328: It is very informative to interview country people, who, being close to nature, observe many interesting things, but may not speak of them for fear of ridicule. It is clear that everyone comes into contact with extraordinary things, but the difference between people is in their attitude. Some pay attention to unusual perceptions, while others do not care to or are unable to open their hearts to things that are beyond the range of their intellect. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 330: You remember the physician U., who stayed in the Subtle World for a long period of time in order to render great service to humanity, though his mission became clear to him only while in the Subtle World. Such an exemplary man is in stark contrast to those idlers who want to stay as long as permitted in the Subtle World, in order to delay facing the new tests awaiting them upon their return to Earth. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 353: You should not assume that the initiates were withdrawn from daily life. From the biographies of the great, it is clear that they did not avoid the most diverse manifestations of life. And now too, labor should not keep one from self-examination. The new life requires collaboration with the two realms. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 366: 366. Urusvati knows that outer appearances do not serve as an indication of the inner life. To obtain a clear idea of the inner life, one must have a knowledge of a man's aspirations and intentions. Learning that someone was a philosopher, physician, king, or warrior will not show you the inner man; it is far more important to learn the underlying motives that prompted the actions of these individuals. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 368: One must insist upon clear discernment, or misjudgments will be committed and the new generation accused of crimes of the former generation for which they are not responsible. It is difficult to form a correct judgment, which is why one must learn to understand the causes and effects of life in general. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 372: Our instructions are quite clear, yet there will be people who try to confuse others and cause harm. These troublemakers will assure everyone that We allow the use of wine, narcotics, and meat, and they will demand absolute abstinence. Yet, should they be hungry or ill, they will be the first to accuse the Teacher of allowing them no exceptions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 375: Further, people do not think that by their blasphemy they impede Our work. We have to expend much energy purifying those places that they have polluted. How can one permit such lack of discipline? Most obscenity is uttered because of ignorance. And some people might say that they feel imprisoned because of not being allowed to speak freely. But they should understand that many crimes and miseries are caused by casual, thoughtless words. Some places are so permeated with blood and curses that it is better to leave these poisonous locations and start a new life elsewhere. Let time itself clear away the dark emanations. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 389: People assume that in the Subtle World one can always remain in the sphere that accords with one's spiritual affinity, but this possibility is conditional. In truth, everyone is attracted to a certain sphere, but this does not prevent the sending of thoughts into other spheres. These mental bridges can serve as media for new contacts as long as repulsion is not operating. And if the directed thought is clear and kind even this obstacle can be surmounted. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 389: Even in the physical world clear thoughts will grow and lead to the heights. Such thoughts should not be shattered by petty misfortunes. After all, most grievances are born of mistrust, and when people eventually learn to trust the Higher Forces, they regret the energy spent on complaints. The best thought can be generated anywhere in the world. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 392: 392. Urusvati knows that for the foreseeing of events there must be a harmonious combination of many conditions. Human thought is necessary, astrological signs are important, and the cooperation of Higher Forces is essential. How else can one foresee an event that will occur in future decades? If we are able to put together all the relevant circumstances, it must be clear that the image of the event has already been impressed in the sacred records of the Subtle World. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 393: Some people will argue that it is impossible to draw a clear line between reality and illusion, and it is true that only through straight-knowledge or the highest intuition can one discriminate between them. By refining one's perception reality may be seen in its true proportions, but a correct point of view must be obtained. For example, people may rejoice at the beginning and sorrow at the end of an undertaking, but looked at from another perspective it might elicit a quite different reaction, and they would rejoice at the end while bearing good will toward a beginning that is fraught with dangers. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 439: 439. Urusvati knows how often it is necessary to explain even Our clearest Indications. For example, it has been asked whether a pupil has the right to absorb the energy of the Teacher. Some will find in this a contradiction with the Indication concerning discussion with the Teacher. But it is clear that a conversation has nothing to do with absorption of energy. It includes no pleas, but simply broadens the consciousness, and every expansion is an increase of energy. Such discussion does not consume the energy of the Teacher; on the contrary, it helps to strengthen the aura, which is beneficial for the pupil. Yet some cannot understand that a true pupil will not burden the Teacher with requests. The disciple knows well enough that all that is possible will be done. He understands the state of tension in which the Teacher tirelessly sends out His energy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 440: 440. Urusvati knows how people attempt to excuse themselves, claiming that because of their earthly duties they can find no time for higher communion. But let us compare their most important earthly duties with the sparks of even the least enlightenment. Let us examine them from a distance of several decades, and we will find that while the earthly affairs have faded, the enlightenment has remained clear and even grown more vivid into a beautiful affirmation. Such a comparison between earthly affairs and illumination can reveal the true values. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 440: There is no contradiction between intense labor and the striving for illumination. Everyone who has experienced moments of illumination realizes that they are timeless and are achieved not by reasoning, but by the feeling that blooms in the powerful dignity of labor. The simple truth that labor is prayer is not always clear to people, and a good deed is accomplished when one repeats this truth. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 447: 447. Urusvati knows that calmness is required for higher communion. The stirring of water may be necessary for some experiments, but should you wish to study the depths of a well, you must have a calm surface and clear water. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 447: Every spark of consciousness must be safeguarded, for violent whirlwinds rage around it. Tempters will come that cannot even be imagined by the human mind. They cannot tolerate the serene consciousness, for every broadened consciousness is for them an obstacle on their gloomy way. But we should not regret that the broadened consciousness is a target for dark beings; we should rather rejoice that these beings of gloom will stumble against the clear consciousness.