New Era Community (1926) - 152: A complete instantaneous transfer of attention allows any moment of labor to crystallize. Through discipline it is possible to attain a clear-cut isolation of each thought. The leaps of bloated rabbits are ineffective. Side by side with precision stands eternal vigilance. Not the cold advice of decadent wiseacres "Be not surprised at anything!" but the flaming call - "Be eagle-eyed!" Such intensity is not a taut cable ready to break, but the rainbow of foresight. New Era Community (1926) - 208: Let slanderers look over the list of everything slandered by them. Will not this be a list of human evolutionary discoveries? No slander has any influence on the effect of evolution. But slander is a devourer of vital fuel, and from the standpoint of goal-fitness must be destroyed. An absurd abusive word is not often accompanied by clear-cut thought, but slander, by nature, is akin to everything reared in darkness, and thought carries it inaudibly like an owl in flight. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 134: 134. Competition is one of the difficult concepts. Only the fiery heart understands how many measures may be placed upon the light and upon the dark side. A pure understanding of self-perfection will not evoke competition. Where the consciousness is wild and unrestricted, there competition leads to mutual destruction. Envy nests around competition. It leads to the most subtle crimes. Cooperation must bring balance to the misunderstood competition. It is not easy to fix for oneself the boundary of a reasonable competition. The word competition itself is already dangerous; in it is expressed jealousy, in other words, a corrupt devotion. Therefore, it is best wherever possible to replace the concept of competition with that of perfectionment. A great number of concepts must be revised from their contemporary connotation. It should be acknowledged that a just history of beliefs would reveal the roots of many most perverted concepts. Care should be taken that the language of the basic ideas be resounding and as clear-cut as possible. One may enrich the language with new definitions, but senseless buzzing will not bring any benefit. Each letter denotes by its sound a vibration of the centers. It is foolish to infringe uselessly upon harmony. Turn your attention to the resonance of the ancient names of places. The new places do not always produce the same useful vibration. The ancient names had a timeless significance. Often no philology can discover the root inserted by manifest powerful peoples. The more carefully, then, must we regard an inheritance which is unknown but which forces our hearts to resound. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 184: 184. Urusvati knows how difficult it is at times to transmit thought to far-off distances. It is especially difficult to penetrate the layers between the spheres, which can prevent even the most clear-cut thought from entering, and cause it to merely glide over the surface. In certain examples one can observe that the thought is unable to penetrate the personal aura of the recipient. This evidence is overlooked by investigators who assume that thought transmission depends upon the power of the sender, ignoring the important factor of the individual quality of emanations of the recipient. One should consider not only the size of the aura, but learn its contents as well. The same thing is true of the pulse. Not only should its rapidity be observed, but also its quality.