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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CH > CHILDRENS (14)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19:
Beware of them! Chiefly, protect the children. They are the cause of many children's ailments. They find access into the schools. For them historical fact and the law of knowledge are non-existent. Upon encountering sickly children inquire about the quality of their teachers.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19:
Just now, when an important time is drawing near, it is necessary to disinfect as many children as possible: They will be the ones to think about the cities of the future. They must be given a truthful book about the saintly heroes of the Common Good, but this book has not yet been written. Fallacious are children's books, spurious their playthings, false the smiles of their tutors. Amidst constant falsification is it possible to expect truthfulness?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.18:
3.6.18. Even in children's periodicals, photographs of known persons are placed and along with them there may be discerned faces unfamiliar to anyone. Even a mechanical plate takes in more than the eye. And perhaps this is better, for people do not trust their eyes but are full of respect for the photographic plate.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.18:
Especially dangerous are the educators of children who come in with most horrible companions. The best sendings are often paralyzed by the presence of children's nursemaids and nurses. Therefore, self-activity is always useful. And again it is necessary to pay attention to secretaries, as they have ruined so many affairs.

New Era Community (1926) - 250:
Say to them that desires to connect the thread of what is physically visible with what is physically ponderable but usually imperceptible to the eye must be expressed vehemently. Carry out an experiment of photographing physical radiations and formations. The strong tones of the radiation will be manifested even when photographing in daylight. Such prints may astound petty deniers. It would be possible also to show several other experiments known to you, but they would suspect you of the miraculous. For children even the dinner table seems an unheard-of miracle. We, however, knowing children's habits, will speak in the scientific terms of yesterday.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 26:
26. You often ask how one can reconcile the indicated joy with one's joyless contacts with people. Truly, each Teacher rejoices at the limitless beauty of the far-off worlds and suffers over the stunted stupidity of so many people. How can they be given the key to those far-off worlds? Even after divesting themselves of their leaden burden of stupidity they must still pass through the venomous slime of doubt, and then the terrible state of self-conceit. Then, a great log will fall on the napes of their necks, and, tumbling down the stairs, these snails will dream of clinging at least to the lowest step. From this rocking human spirit one could fashion instructive children's toys. Truly, the snails cling more firmly to their own spots. At least snails do not engage in senseless wars.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 539:
The proper care of the nerve centers of children is a necessity for the future. There has existed a mistaken opinion that the spirit cannot early on master its new body and that this is the reason for children's foolishness. But actually, when the centers do not work correctly, the deposits of psychic energy are not produced, and the spirit has no substance through which to manifest itself.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 539:
The care of children's nerve centers can be considered to be the care of the future race.

Heart (1932) - 575:
575. Discussions about children's education are right, but also in this case the question of the heart is neglected, whereas the manifestation of the heartbeat is very close to the attention of children. It is actually easy to tell children about the treasure of the heart. I consider that this story will remain as the first ascent, for one's entire life.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 27:
27. Observation of people who love the structure of flame constantly yields new deductions. Approaching fire, we begin to discern the rhythm of energy, which produces all combinations. One should love this element with full understanding, in other words, with thoughts in harmony with space. If we are prepared to remain earthly gnomes let it be remembered that the best gnomes serve Fire. Thus one should understand that even the lowest consciousnesses are being drawn upward. Even fairy tales speak of gnomes who cannot exist without devotion to the Fiery Beings. Thus the ancients tried to inculcate fiery conceptions in the children's consciousnesses. Nowadays science, through the caloric theory and astrochemistry, gives the identical fairy tale about the Great Fire. But the exceptional character of the fiery manifestations still does not permit the average man to introduce the concept of fire into his daily life, so that Fire remains within the confines of an undesirable abstraction. One must overcome this limitation; I speak as a physician.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 298:
There is innate talent in every child. Children can recollect experiences in the Subtle World. Adults often do not understand their children, and impose games upon them according to their own tastes instead of observing the children's natural inclinations. Children are fond of toys, not so much for the toys themselves as for the possibilities for creativity that are inherent in them. A child loves to take a toy apart so that he can put it together and use it in his own way. In this activity children are not influenced by outside impressions, and often produce things that they could not have seen at all in their present life. These creative impulses are brought from the Subtle World, and have great significance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 425:
Our Sisters labor greatly by helping in the education of children. The little ones can tell many tales about being visited by beautiful women and even playmates. There are many such phenomena, but adults do not like to listen to children's stories. These visits are necessary, and sometimes, by one such contact, a child can be reminded of the task that was accepted in the Subtle World. Many children's tears are dried by these luminous visits. Great is the labor of these Sisters, the Carriers of Light. Supermundane work requires self-sacrifice, for it is performed under the most varied and often extremely unpleasant conditions. To raise children properly one must learn to impart joy, and thus transform daily routine into a festival.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 431:
Likewise, anyone who knows about the Great Service will remember that any unworthy action will cause pain to someone. Old governesses used to say to children who had done something wrong, "Your angel will weep," and this warning reached to the very depths of the children's hearts. Truly, each unkind action causes someone to suffer. What Higher Communion can there be when natural laws are violated? People may think that everything is admissible, even robbery and murder! But who are They who will approach the place of crime?


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