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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CH > CHARACTERIZATIONS (1)

Heart (1932) - 323:
323. The individual method is needed in the approach to the most refined energies. The chief mistake is to approach the transcendental with old methods. He is doomed to failure who approaches an imponderable quantity with weights; yet, of coarse, these highest energies penetrate the whole of human substance, connecting it with the highest worlds. It is absolutely clear that one must search for these highest signs not amidst people who are infected with diseases, but among sensitive healthy organisms. Let these subtle organisms notice within themselves the manifestations that are inexplicable but apparent to them. Let them not be ashamed of seeming ridiculous to some, if only they can find successful characterizations of the manifestations of subtle energies. Let us be confident that there are now especially numerous evidences of precipitations from the Subtle World; however, they are like micro-organisms, which are almost invisible, but their effect is apparent.


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