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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CH > CHARACTERISTICS (33)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18:
3.5.18. Now that you have assimilated the distinguishing marks of the Messenger, We shall remind you of the characteristics of co-workers. They are without prejudices, mobile in action, young in spirit, fearless of chasms. It is well not to forget the unknown ones and the orphans.

New Era Community (1926) - 158:
You yourselves have performed the experiment with the hazel branch and have been amazed how this most ancient and primitive apparatus became tense, trembled, and went into motion, reacting to underground waters and minerals. Indeed, the source of this obvious reaction lies not in the branch but in the human apparatus. With what detail and fervor must one study, therefore, the reaction of each locality upon man and upon entire groups of people! Many regions are replete with popular rumors about the peculiarities of character of their inhabitants in some places people suffer from goitre; in some they lose their teeth; in some leprosy makes its nest; in some the spleen becomes blighted, or the heart becomes enlarged, or the character sluggish; in some places there is vigor and animation. A great number of such features catch the eye. It may be observed that these peculiarities are not a matter of racial or climatic conditions. The very structure of the ground underfoot may contain the principal causes of the differences in popular characteristics. There is a broad field for study if approached with keen eye and without prejudice.

New Era Community (1926) - 222:
For convincing by means of application of psychic energy, one should make use of the language of the one who is being persuaded. Many times you could have noticed that the language of the Teacher conformed to the expressions of the disciples. From this there have been derived absurd suspicions about counterfeitings, for to some it has seemed strange that the characteristic expressions of the disciple were passed on by the speech of the Teacher. But a few have reflected that in such manner assimilation was made easier. It is also necessary to understand that during joint labor the modes of expression are generalized - the hieroglyph of understanding is deepened. But the ignorant continue to slander about counterfeiting, and do not wish to look at themselves and remember the difference in their expressions when dealing with different people. We merely broaden that very same principle. We propose to adopt the language of the listener in all its characteristics. It is no concern of Ours if the average-minded accuse Us; all We need is a good result. Even if you have to use the strangest expression in order to save from danger, you do not tarry in doing so. This condition is indispensable for perfectionment in thought transmission.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 308:
Certainly it is not easy for people of the fiery element to live in the body. But choose only these as co-workers, because there is no treason in them. Danger will not cause confusion in them. Duty is understood by them, and their striving ascends like a flame. Who, then, can more readily manifest the rays from the shoulders? To whom is creation nearer if not to those of Fire, the All-Penetrating? It is difficult for people to understand the characteristics of this element. Earth, water, air - these are evident. But that fire penetrates through water will seem like a jest. One must understand penetration by fire, otherwise one will not enter the Fiery Gates.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 332:
332. What is the nature of the Bodhisattvas' compassion? Without coercing the will, They invisibly and patiently direct each suitable force toward good. It is not difficult to conduct oneself according to the Guidance of the Bodhisattvas, for all characteristics of the spirit are allowed for by Them.

Heart (1932) - 125:
125. If here on Earth we do not learn to separate the properties of usefulness from those of harm, where can we acquire this experience? Following the law of the heart, one can clearly discern in each manifestation useful and harmful characteristics. Seldom are all the properties of an action good or bad, but the heart understands where are the sparks of light and the dust of darkness. The new cannot be built according to conventional, prejudicial, and earthly thoughts. It is necessary to remember that benefaction is issued broadly; its sparks are swept in to various hearths by a cosmic whirl. You yourselves see how unexpectedly the seeds of plants take hold. Likewise, there are many classes of human differentiations; this is why I also speak about containment.

Heart (1932) - 245:
245. Relativity and imperfection will be distinctive characteristics of each life; but precisely these open the doors to the future. People who set up obstacles for themselves by thinking that they are imperfect thus demonstrate their finiteness, in other words, their unfitness. Finiteness is impermissible in the process of motion. Only the process of perfectment amidst the fiery whirls affirms the true path. To this same process of perfecting lead various kinds of earthly martyrdoms, achievements and heroic actions, for during these tensions the greatest fire of the heart is created. Of course one should not understand martyrdom as only physical; the greatest martyrdom is always of the spirit. The heart may beat in its usual way, though the spiritual tension be unusual.

Heart (1932) - 434:
434. Thus, the entire psychology of existence will be changed. You are already able to understand the absence of boredom, even were you to find yourselves in inaccessible caves. You already know the absence of fear, although you are in the front rank of Armageddon. You already know patience, even in the midst of the world's tempest. Thus, many characteristics already enter your life, carrying with them a succession of indestructible accumulations. This is the inception of true wealth.

Heart (1932) - 561:
561. The great law is to transfer the heart from the category of ethical abstraction to a scientific motive force. The evolutionary step of understanding the heart has to begin in the days of Armageddon, as the sole salvation of humanity. Why are people unwilling to sense their own hearts? They are willing to seek within all vagaries, but reject the closest. Even though they call the heart a machine, let them observe all characteristics of this apparatus. We are not insisting on the moral significance of the heart - this is indisputable. But now the heart is needed as the bridge of salvation to the Subtle World. It should be affirmed that a realization of the qualities of the heart represents the most vital step for the world. Never as yet has it been regarded as salvation. Let him who remains deaf accept all consequences! It should be understood that now the human heart lends itself to unusual possibilities of observation. The catastrophic condition of the lowest spheres of the planet reflects its effects upon the activity of the heart. One should not fear the previous epidemics, but should be aware of the entire sequence of sufferings caused by faulty prophylactic of the heart. To comprehend this as vague prophecies is the worst thing. On the contrary, these conclusions should be accepted as emanating from the most precise laboratory. All circuitous ways should be rejected. One must accept the foundation of the heart and understand the significance of the focus. Digressions are unfit, and doubts admissible only where man has not attained an understanding of the heart's beat.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 158:
158. Psychic energy, that is, to say, fiery energy, or Agni is manifest in every living being. Everyone can discern in himself dense, subtle, and fiery elements. Wherever we sense a manifestation of psychic energy, there already is the fiery domain. From these fragments an entire fiery conception of the world can be formed. Each one, through attentive observation of the reflexes of his being, can note a great number of characteristics of the fiery domain. This should be observed, because in such manner we cease to think of the Fiery World as something abstract. Such a conception of the Fiery World is especially harmful, nor do all abstract interpretations assist evolution.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 278:
278. The physician should not be surprised to observe that symptoms of obsession are assuming the proportions of an epidemic. They are far more numerous that the human mind imagines. Moreover, the varieties are highly diverse - from almost imperceptible eccentricity up to violence. I commend the physician for noticing a connection with venereal diseases. Truly, this is one of the channels of obsession. It can be said that the majority of those suffering from venereal disease are not strangers to obsession. However, in one way the physician has proved too optimistic - although venereal disease facilitates the entry of obsession, its cure does not lie in an eviction of the obsessor. Thus, also, irritation in extreme forms may invite an obsessor, but one must not expect that the first smile will eject him. A complete science is contained in such observation. The physician is correct in wishing to visit not only insane asylums but also prisons. It would not be out of place to visit the stock exchange also, or the deck of a ship in time of danger. One can observe chronic, protracted or temporary symptoms. Likewise, the perspiration can be observed. Many characteristics will gradually become evident to the observer. Among them, details of the Subtle World will be traced. One thing, however, remains incontestable - the ejection of the obsessor does not depend on physical methods. Only Agni, only the pure energy, can oppose this human calamity. I repeat the word calamity, because it is commensurate with the extent of the epidemic. A great number of physicians will regard Agni as a superstition and belief in obsession as ignorance. People so often endow others with their own qualities. But, at the same time, obsessors of all degrees will be troubled by these investigations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 347:
347. One desires the easiest way; another prefers the most difficult. One cannot speak, but stands firmly on guard; another is eloquent and flies after his words. Some can sense the most important manifestations, but others choose to dwell with failure. One could enumerate these differences endlessly, but only the presence of the fire of the heart will vindicate the characteristics of the personality. Thus, we shall not tire of repeating about multiformity. The gardener knows how to combine his plants, that is why he is the master of the garden.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 411:
411. The language of the spirit is essential for the Subtle World. Its essence lies in the subtle nature, but it is possible to become accustomed to it even while in the earthly state. Such orientation is a useful fiery test. The school must discover the resourcefulness of pupils by test of giving one word, and later on comes the task of understanding at one glance. The later experiment will be closest to the Subtle World. In addition one can develop a sense of relativity by addressing one's interlocutor according to his nature. Thus, in an earthly conversation each one adopts the best language for his companion, taking into consideration his state of consciousness. Every schoolteacher knows how multiform must be his language in order to make friends of his pupils. But besides the school, in any home one learns to discern the thoughts of the mistress of the house. Thus, in the midst of daily life, characteristics of a subtle order are manifested. One has only to take note of them, to penetrate into them, and to expand these observations. But for this, one should be imbued with reverence for the future and learn to love the principal factor of the Subtle World - Agni. I insist on the expression, "to love fierily," only thus can one assimilate this element which is so difficult for Earth. Our discourses should first of all lead to an understanding of the Subtle World and, as its apotheosis, bring one fearlessly to the radiance of the Fiery World. We rejoice when, amidst the earthly sojourn, the dimensions of the Subtle World are established. Through this, we bring Earth to a closer cooperation with the far-off worlds, in other words, we participate in the process of evolution.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 655:
In other cases the Decree may be compared with the wings of a frightened bird. Moreover, one must always take into consideration the physical state of both men and nature. During a thunderstorm the fiery arrow may increase the tension to a perilous degree. True, electrophorous manifestations are mutually reinforced, but during these manifestations one should not transgress the safety line of tension in earthly actions. It is wise to observe the physical state of your companion. Unfortunately, a speaker too often listens only to himself and pays no attention to his listeners. Only a fiery consciousness focuses its entire attention to meet the characteristics of the listeners. Such attention in itself partakes of magnanimity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 662:
Thus, once again let us understand why the heart's striving to the Highest is so necessary. Simple maxims must not be arrogantly scorned; in them the most essential is attested simply. When a warrior is ready for battle, his leader examines him. Thus, especial caution is needed when I speak of that subtlest element, fire. One should not understand fire as a chemical formula. One should fittingly understand its utter indefinableness. Already in antiquity we can find all kinds of descriptions of the characteristics of Fire; how it permeates all objects; how all heavenly bodies, without exception, are permeated with fire. Thus, we cannot escape this most luminiferous element; and it is wise to prepare oneself to meet it and to know that the cognizance of higher Fire is useful in overcoming the lower fires.

AUM (1936) - 68:
68. The spiritual principle precedes each action. There can be no bodily action without an antecedent spiritual fusion. Thus, whoever denies the spiritual principle thereby divests his actions of meaning. Evolution cannot continue if the primary motive force is repudiated. The Dark Age has among its characteristics the denial of principles and fundamentals. Yet precisely such darkness is transitory. Man must prepare himself for the acceptance of Light, and, lest he become like a mole, he must realize within himself the essence of Light.

AUM (1936) - 194:
194. Experimenting upon letters has a great significance. If it is possible to show graphically that a manuscript has been saturated with psychic energy, then such a demonstration must necessarily be made use of upon other applications of the very same energy. Man saturates each object with his energy through contact. Furthermore, man leaves in everything his own characteristics. From letters it is possible to know the quality of the writer. This experiment can be developed by using other objects. The face of man is no secret.

AUM (1936) - 393:
393. It has been noted that certain nationalities readily manifest psychic energy. Such countries should be studied. The cause may lie either in characteristics of the people itself or in the influence of nature.

Brotherhood (1937) - 439:
439. The psychic nature is individual in both people and animals. It is an error to attribute it to a single race or species. One may notice in certain peoples a leaning toward psychic manifestations, but this quality still does not explain strong manifestations in the case of certain individuals; it is the same in the animal world. Some will say, May not this be evidence of the disorderliness of some laws? Not at all. On the contrary, it merely proves the existence of laws over and above earthly reasoning. There are many questions which lead into error those who cannot think above earthly reasoning. People have become accustomed to think about fortuitous boundaries of nations, taking them for something immutable; likewise an entire people should think uniformly; a species of animals should have the same characteristics - yet life itself teaches one to perceive a great diversity. Man will be far happier when he discovers the thread of laws of the psychic nature.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 194:
The Thinker told His disciples, "We make a mistake when we categorize nations by what appears to us to be their most important characteristics. We do not sufficiently study their faiths and customs, know little about their origins, and simply judge them by their alien, outer appearance, and our knowledge of a few local details. Satisfied with our ignorance, we are no better than fools!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 255:
Scientists are discovering new characteristics of the human brain, and such research is useful for establishing the equilibrium of rhythm. The brain and nervous system will provide unusual discoveries that will create possibilities for adjustment to the new rhythm.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 271:
271. Urusvati knows the unique characteristics of this Armageddon. Similar battles have taken place in the past, but what is unique about the present? As always the Greatest Forces are involved, but humanity is also involved as never before! The entire planet is participating in this battle, each one in his own way, and everywhere the tension is unprecedented.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 275:
275. Urusvati knows the many manifestations of psychic energy. But numerous misunderstandings develop about this concept. Some deny its existence altogether; others think of it as some kind of miracle; still others accept it, but claim that psychic energy is a privilege meant only for the few. The truth is that psychic energy permeates all that exists, and because it is an energy, it has all the characteristics of energy. For example, it can stimulate and intensify the centers, but at the same time it can aggravate any disease that may be in the organism.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 278:
The preservation of psychic energy is necessary for the Great Service. People forget that the Great Service has many characteristics, the first of which is goal-fitness. Study the earthly lives of the Great Teachers and note their special kind of goal-fitness. I have in mind particularly Their earthly lives, when They were unaware of Their former lives. They fulfilled exceedingly difficult tasks over many centuries. Each had His private life, with the customs of its time and place, and Their inner wisdom often rebelled against various absurdities of the age. But in order to fulfill Their task They had to apply the greatest goal-fitness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 279:
Nevertheless, one should become accustomed to cosmic diversity. Our planet, with its subtle spheres, can be influenced in the most unexpected ways by the far-off worlds. It is wrong to think that our solar system is entirely isolated. On the contrary, all the worlds are subtly interrelated. The fundamental law is immutable, but each planet creates and projects its individual characteristics.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304:
There are many combinations of personal, family, and national karma. One may ask if it is possible that an injustice committed against one person could affect a whole country. Indeed, it can, especially since many who are involved with one another reincarnate in the same country. Such conditions increase the responsibility of mankind. People acknowledge that physical characteristics are transmitted through the generations; it is regrettable that they are not aware that karmic traits can also be transmitted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 315:
One should pay attention to the characteristics of each moment. Do not be deterred by the ignorant ones who ridicule and scoff, for they can perceive only the third type of moment and are only aware of the effects, while the creators of life know the first, causal moments.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 387:
Why then do these sensations differ so greatly during contacts with the Subtle World? They should not be attributed to fluctuating moods, but are caused by the chemistry of the various spheres. Physicians should study and compare the statements of those who have experienced these flights and they will see that the sensations in the physical body correspond to the impressions derived from the various strata of the Subtle World. There may be confusing or even contradictory sensations, such as symptoms similar to those caused by poisoning. Evidence thus gathered indicates that the subtle body is not altogether free of physical characteristics.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 390:
It is astonishing that medical authorities do not explore the chemistry of the atmosphere. They prescribe seaside or mountain air, but do not investigate the unusual chemical characteristics that permeate the lower earthly strata. I do not refer to poisonous fumes, which are evident and can be easily traced, but to the higher chemical compounds, which can be studied by means of astrochemistry and astrology. The power of astrochemical emanations must be verified. We study this realm, and know that the subtle spheres contain unique possibilities. People on Earth can also participate in these studies, and if these observations are begun now, new treatments will emerge. All that is necessary is an open mind, but earthly habits are the primary enemies of all new investigations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 399:
399. Urusvati knows that metals can accelerate the transmission of thought at a distance. This phenomenon was known even in the remote past, and from this knowledge grew an entire science dealing with alloys. Different images could be cast with a proper fusion of metals. Even today such objects can be found, but the characteristics of the alloys cannot be analyzed without damage to the images themselves.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 418:
418. Urusvati knows how difficult it is to recognize a person who has achieved the breadth of psychic energy required for a true perception of reality. No outward traits will reveal the one who is capable of such broad perception. No learning or knowledge is required, no particular physical characteristics, but simply an understanding heart that is open to the mysteries of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 422:
The ethnic characteristics of blood become less evident as the nations are mixed. But a reading of the aura will reveal other, psychic differences. Karmic harmony between the donor and the recipient is necessary, therefore the transfusion of blood of close relatives may not be the best. People will need to discern the karmic connections, and in this task astrology and clairvoyance will be useful aids.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435:
435. Urusvati knows that, as the increasingly poisonous atmosphere attacks the tissues, inflammation of the mucous membranes has become the scourge of humanity. It is impossible to imagine how multiform are the symptoms of this sickness of our times. People attempt to relate these symptoms to previously-known types of disease; they do not understand the unique characteristics of this epidemic. Often the symptoms seem to be harmless, and physicians cannot determine the cause or the course of the illness. It is therefore important for physicians to study the human organism by all available scientific methods.


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