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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CA > CAPACITY (42)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.3:
A prodigious memory does not exist; there is only the capacity to evoke facts and images.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18:
When you read about a discovery of dinosaur eggs, you readily accept the information. Just as easily do you accept information about a new species of ape; about the vital capacity of seeds found in the tombs of the Pyramids; about an unknown metal; about a new tribe of descendants of island castaways. A whole train of information outside of your everyday life you accept without demur.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.13:
3.6.13. It can be justly asked how to treat animals. Usually either cruelty is employed toward them, or they are sentimentally made into parasites, or they are used as mediums for mechanical cross-breeding. Indeed a reasonable attitude toward animals must be established in accordance with the unity of world rhythm - this attitude is everywhere the same. Since man must be a co-worker of evolution, animals too must conform to this law. Species which do not conform to evolution become extinct. Those adaptable to evolution must maintain their capacity for labor.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.14:
Beautiful and brilliant achievement promotes the regeneration of the subtle body. So long as such an old spirit strives for achievement, it still has vital capacity.

New Era Community (1926) - 142:
One may pass from animals to plants. You already know that it is beneficial to sleep on cedar roots. You know what collectors of electricity pine needles are. Not only do plants serve salutarily by their extracts, but the plant emanation produces a strong effect on the surroundings. One may see how man can be helped by a bed of flowers consciously combined. Absurd are mixed flower beds whose mutual reactions destroy their good effect. Matched or homogeneous ones can answer the needs of our organism. How many useful combinations there are in fields covered by wild plants! Combinations of plants which are natural neighbors must be studied as instruments of an orchestra. Those scientists are right who look upon plants as subtly sensitive organisms. The next steps will be the study of the reaction of groups of plants on each other as well as upon man. The sensitivity and reciprocal action of plants upon surroundings is indeed astonishing. Plants are manifested, as it were, as a binding substance of the planet, acting on a network of imperceptible interactions. True, the value of plants was long ago foreseen, but group reciprocal actions have not been studied. Until recently people have not understood the vital capacity of vegetable organisms and have senselessly cut clusters of heterogeneous plants, not caring about the meaning of what they were doing. A man with a bouquet is like a child with fire. Exterminators of the vegetation of the planet's crust are like state criminals.

New Era Community (1926) - 171:
Indeed, it is necessary to cleanse the chain of thinking. One should summon all solicitude for the successful progress of cooperation. True, in the communal consciousness there is no offense, but by untimely formulations of thought it is possible to inflame one's companion so as to bring harm to the work; therefore, We watch over the gradual growth of consciousness. It is not Our task simply to inflate the dimensions of consciousness. Only organic development and diversity of intake determines the actual capacity of the treasury.

New Era Community (1926) - 215:
When a traveler stands on a summit, does he not feel that his body is being raised as if he were a unifier of worlds? Indeed, not breaking away from the Earth, but containment of the capacity for unifying is what makes man a creator.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 218:
218. Universal correlation takes in all manifestations of the Cosmic Magnet. Creativeness is accompanied by a vast number of manifested driving energies attracted by the Cosmic Magnet. When the energies are attracted by the Cosmic Magnet acting as a force in correlation with the earthly crust, the manifestation of the energies is predicated upon the fact that the Magnet will manifest those forces which the crust of the planet can absorb. If this manifestation were to exceed the assimilative capacity of the planet, it could not assert itself as a constructive force. Explosions and devastations would then assail the planet. Hence, the fiery tension approaches only when the planet is in need of final transmutation. Thus, universal correlation exists between cosmic manifestations. Universal correlation brings confirmation to the action and attraction of energies. The assertion of the sum total of all energies confirms the formulae of the Cosmic Magnet.

Hierarchy (1931) - 280:
280. Let us turn back to the concept of love. In each book a considerable place must be allotted to that fundamental concept, especially because under the concept of love much of the opposite is understood. It is correctly pointed out that love is a guiding and creative principle. This means that love must be conscious, striving and self-denying. Creativeness requires these conditions. And if love is marked by self-enfeeblement, disintegration, and service to self, it will not be the highest concept of humanity, which extols the concept of achievement. The heart filled to the brim with love will be active, valiant, and will expand to its capacity. Such a heart can pray without words and can bathe in bliss. How greatly in need is humanity of the realization of the fire of love! A purple star of the highest tension will correspond to this fire.

Heart (1932) - 365:
365. If you encounter a bigot, know that he is not of the heart. If you meet one who is superstitious, know he is not of the heart. If you meet one affrighted, know he is not of the heart. Nevertheless, these uninvited guests will mention the word heart. It is high time to segregate all mountebanks of the heart, so that they should not play with human hearts. The heart should be studied when obscured by self-love and cruelty. Thus, through observation of the pulse, one can approach the treasures of the heart. One can similarly sense when the heart is silent and the calls do not reach it. A great deal of work has been done on the transmission of thought at a distance - the pulse is also useful for this. In its most sensitive capacity the pulse can detect a thought-sending, even before its realization. In this way one can again prove the extent to which the subtlest possibilities are contained in the organism, of which people have formed only an obtuse, physical image. This coarsening has already accumulated for many thousands of years, and the light of the body goes further from the Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 115:
115. Before human eyes many spiritual actions having physiological consequences take place, yet people are unwilling to notice them. The same can also be observed in visiting the Subtle World, where these manifestations are far more distinct. The decomposition of the astral body depends upon fiery contact. When a fiery being approaches certain strata of the Subtle World, a striking manifestation can be witnessed. The fiery substance is a touchstone, as it were. At its touch some subtle bodies are intensified in their fiery capacity, whereas others immediately disintegrate. This process takes place with great rapidity, as if from fire. Thus, one can compare a series of remarkable ascents and deserved departures. Fiery qualities can be manifested not only in the Fiery Sphere but even in fiery earthly incarnations. One should gradually become accustomed to the thought that even here on Earth there can be manifestations of the highest fiery qualities. One should admit this not only because it is immutable but also because of the diversity of nature's manifestations. Some may not admit that the projected subtle body can perform as purely physical an action as writing, but you know that this is possible, and there is no need for Me to convince you of it. Of course, fiery energy is necessary for such action.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 119:
119. All that has vital capacity should be welcomed. Each spark should be welcomed; from it grows Fire. Thus, be benevolent.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 126:
126. In place of the Diplodocus, kangaroos leap; in place of the Pterodactyl, bats fly; in place of the dragon, lizards. What is the meaning of this? Can it be degeneration? Actually, it is only adaptation. Similarly, the club of Hercules would be only a museum rarity nowadays. Thus, also in life, evolution should be understood, not as the growth of the fist, but as condensation of the spirit. From the swinging of the club let us turn to a new understanding of everyday life. The element of fire is majestic, yet even this must be learned in daily routine. It is not right to clothe heroes in a toga alone, depriving them of other forms of garment. Evolution should be accepted from life, amidst life, and for life. The beauty of evolution is not an abstraction, for each abstraction is a misconception. One should well remember this concept of evolution as a vital capacity; thus we shall approach the most complex formulas, where the symbol Aum will not be an inscription but the expression of the highest ingredient. Let us exercise our consciousness toward this.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 140:
140. Science has already established the existence of particular organisms that can hear distant radio stations without receiving instruments. Indeed, this manifestation of a fiery order discloses paths to realization of the possibility of receiving thought from a distance. If the law of sound waves be understood, it is possible to delve into the same principle. It is fortunate that even the timid contemporary science admits the obviousness of such natural possibilities. But it is deplorable that science does not take the trouble to investigate such individuals. One hears that "with the exception of this phenomenal ability the organism is perfectly normal." This is a most ignorant observation. It means that the physician examined such a phenomenal man as carelessly as he would a recruit before a march. We do not wish to offend the physician, because often there is no place for him to carry out the proper observation. Indeed, the conditions of life render difficult all work of a subtle nature. Try knocking at the door of experimental institutions, and you will be met with an absolutely hostile stream of requirements, which will be beyond the capacity of a seeker. It is necessary to change this situation, otherwise where will it be possible to investigate various evidences of a fiery basis? Try to find the means to investigate necessary manifestations, and you will see how hostile your listeners will be; they will remind you of the Inquisition. As if their task were not to assist that which is highly useful, but to destroy possibilities! Thus it has been, thus it is, and people desire that it should always be so. Otherwise, there would be no Armageddon. One should understand whole-heartedly how many of the subtlest conditions there are that can determine important changes in all of life. Yet how necessary it is to knock for admission, to persist, to submit to derision, in order to reveal that which, it would seem, is open to all. Golgotha is erected by lack of understanding and ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 175:
175. What is especially important is usually entirely neglected in thinking. The most real circumstances become elusive. People are unwilling to notice how the capacity for observing sensations beyond the physical is leaving them. Whereas, even during an ordinary cough, yawn, or sneeze, one can notice an instant of a special condition which is not a physical one. We shall not even enumerate other, more complicated tensions, but whoever has felt the above-mentioned sensation of being outside of the physical state, can already begin to gather manifestations of the other planes.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 81:
81. At the approach of great dates unprecedented tensions are unavoidable. The guiding and coordination of events are enormously difficult because of the poisoning of certain strata of the atmosphere. Some events ripen, as fruit under the scorching rays of the sun, but others grow mouldy, as stored things in damp weather. Remember that one cannot defer the dates. Such violation may cause cosmic cataclysms. Everyone must act according to his capacity, keeping in mind the Great Service.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 210:
210. The spark of immortality is justly located by certain people in various centers, each will be right in his own way. True, in each center there is such a spark, but according to the conditions of the epoch the centers can vary in significance. Only the heart remains unchanged and only the chalice follows the heart in significance; the remaining centers and glands may be subject to cosmic currents. Not only are people mistaken in their judgment about the centers, but everywhere they do not admit a flexible expediency. Yet not only according to the epoch is the significance of psychic energy altered, but also according to races, to nationalities, and even to generations. Seemingly, a thing re-occurs, but meanwhile man has come in contact with the Highest by means of new antennae. Thus, one can observe how multiped insects may lose certain legs without a lessening of their vital capacity. Certainly where there is the fiery consciousness such atrophy of the centers is not found. Hence, again we come to the affirmation of the usefulness of the fiery consciousness. It will be no exaggeration when we say that fire is advantageous for the earthly as well as for the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 269:
269. Indeed, the very loftiest consciousness strives toward the Fiery Principle, while the lower one creates the Higher Image in its own likeness. The capacity of the small consciousness will determine the created Image, hence so many obvious distortions! How is it possible to fill a small consciousness with an Universal Concept, when all-comprehensiveness leads the spirit into a frenzy. I say - distressing, grievous is human thinking! A spatial horizon is accessible only to him who knows the Universality of the Principle, for the kingly spirit can merge with the Higher Principle precisely as the microcosm merges with Macrocosm. Hence, a small spirit cannot merge with the Fiery Principle. Fiery power reveals the entire Furnace, manifested to him who senses the pulse of the Fiery World. This life-giving Principle builds life upon Fohat. Thus, let us remember that only a small consciousness denies, but the fiery spirit is all-comprehending. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the great Principle.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 306:
306. The consciousness which is impelled to the Higher Worlds, is able to draw from the treasury of the Cosmos. Those who affirm that man has a limited capacity for revelation shut out by this all possibilities. The fiery consciousness affirms measures which make for the evolution of the Cosmos. The attraction of energies from Space is the basis of creative power, for records and manifested energies can be mutually intensified through conscious attraction. Man is a source of knowledge and is the most powerful transformer of cosmic forces. The symbol of the transmuter must live in the heart. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for the attraction and transformation of spatial energies.

AUM (1936) - 476:
But what capacity there must be in the consciousness of man for him not to restrict the dimensions of the power entrusted to him!

AUM (1936) - 481:
481. The tension of psychic energy multiplies the vital capacity. One may be assured that in periods of psychic tension people live longer. This cannot be attributed to diet or to sanitary conditions, for in periods of confusion the conditions of life are very difficult, and the sole cause is contained in the heightened activity of psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 526:
526. A certain ruler came to an anchorite and asked him to explain the fundamentals of life. The hermit began to speak, and during his discourse he gradually poured water into a chalice. The ruler finally noticed the overflowing water and pointed it out to the hermit. In reply the hermit said, "True, therefore the next time provide a chalice of greater capacity." By such tales people have tried to impress on the consciousness the fact that beyond the capacity of reception wisdom is poured out to no purpose. But the same story has also its encouraging suggestion - each time it is possible to provide a larger chalice.

AUM (1936) - 552:
552. The mother can lay the first foundations for the investigation of psychic energy; even up to birth of the child, the mother will take note of the whole routine of life and of feeding. The character of the future man is already defined in the mother's womb. Certain peculiarities that predetermine character can already be observed in the desires expressed by the mother herself. However, in this case it is necessary to make honest observations. But the capacity of observation itself needs to be cultivated.

Brotherhood (1937) - 108:
108. Is it possible to name a man who would be satisfied at receiving only half a garment instead of the whole one expected by him? And so it is in cooperation. If instead of a full brotherly collaboration half of what is offered is suspicion and doubt, then what kind of success can be achieved? It is needful to cultivate one's capacity for cooperation, beginning with the most routine tasks. It is a mistake to assume that cooperation is manifest in great deeds if it has not been present even in everyday ones. One should look deeply into the depths of one's consciousness and ask oneself whether the spirit is prepared for cooperation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 318:
318. Capacity for work must be cultivated, otherwise it will remain in a somnolent state. Also, capacity for work in the Subtle World must be developed. But the way to this must conform to the conditions of the Subtle World. There are many earthly means for approach to and realization of the Subtle World, but no forcible conventionality can create the best combinations with the Subtle World. As in all existence, natural realization of cooperation is needed. It may be fully realized or less realized, but straight-knowledge should be infused with it. Man should continually feel himself to be in the two worlds. I am not speaking about the expectancy of death, for death does not exist; I am speaking about labor, both earthly and subtle. Such assiduousness in subtle work should not tear one away from earthly labor, on the contrary, it will but improve its quality. Wrongfully, people do not think about the Subtle World; both asleep and awake they can take part mentally in the most uplifting tasks.

Brotherhood (1937) - 329:
329. We have spoken here about capacity for labor in the earthly world as well as in the Subtle. But capacity for labor alone is only a possibility for improvement. It is also required that one grow to love with one's whole heart the striving for subtle labor. It can be manifested each instant, and for it all other reflections should be set aside.

Brotherhood (1937) - 550:
550. Do you wish to glorify labor? Then show your capacity for it. Do not censure him who labors daily. Do not enfeeble yourself with disproportionate work; convulsion of the muscles is not strength. Thus, disclose to what an extent labor has become a vital necessity. Only then will your praise of labor be worthy of Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 30:
People must become used to the possibility of such manifestations. Even now some people can discern auras, while others rub their eyes, thinking that something has happened to their sight. Often, such luminosity at midday seems like a kind of mist. The perceptions of this luminosity are diverse. Among Us this capacity is so intensified that We can read in Our own light.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 34:
We labor constantly, and must determine Our responsibility and where help is most urgently needed. Our Sister from time immemorial has had the ability to strive constantly to the most needed labor. Such a capacity cannot be acquired quickly, but must be affirmed in many situations in order to become a source of joy. This source will provide freedom from irritation, for thought about infinite labor will produce striving without expectation of results. There will be no thought about the past, and in the flight forward the effects of the past will be erased. Thus, the interplanetary whirl will stimulate vigilance and will not disturb the joy of the broadened consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91:
In Our Community We use special apparatuses to broaden the capacity of the heart. We would be happy to share this knowledge freely, but human hands would only cause heartache. These apparatuses should not be used without having control of one's thoughts, otherwise the heart would be overburdened. In addition, the surrounding conditions should be suitable. You know how easy it is to contact Us when the fires of the heart are kindled, and the spirit rejoices in exaltation. Beware of irritation and fear, those petty obstructions that not only separate you from Us, but also burden Us. Seek nearby, seek in the small things, seek in everyday life. We are talking about the ways that lead to the far-off worlds. Petty obstructions are out of place in such preparations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 105:
People dislike the idea that their overblown earthly concepts are colorless compared with the mental creativeness of the higher realms. This earthly egoism makes cooperation impossible. Yet, without cooperation, how can one hope to learn about the higher spheres? It is essential to recognize the higher realms, and to begin thinking about them, so as to revive the memory of the entrusted grains of Goodness. One should recall that in the early dawn of mankind it was ordained that subtle and beautiful ideas be brought to Earth. Indeed, everyone who is ready to incarnate is instructed to fulfill a task for the Common Good according to his individual capacity. Each one may reject these instructions in the whirlpool of free will, but someday will have to return to pick up the scattered grains.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 118:
Each of Us, in the course of many and varied lives, has appeared in the subtle body and witnessed many events. Is it conceivable that when I appeared from the Subtle World in the capacity of a physician, My healing visitations could have been attributed to mere delusion? We can point out volumes of such phenomena witnessed by people on Earth. It is important that such earthly witnesses be given the opportunity to testify to their experiences, no matter how unusual they might seem. One cannot assume that all people, of all beliefs, are liars!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 170:
In His thoughts the Teacher could separate the strands of prejudice and ignorance, and He chose words to correspond to the consciousness of His listeners. Thus, when they pressed him with questions such as whether Earth is flat, for some He would answer that it is flat, and for others the answer would be adjusted according to the level of their consciousness. In everything the Great Pilgrim always answered according to the listener's capacity, and one can learn from the simplicity of His answers. The Brotherhood stresses the importance of speaking according to the listener's consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 198:
The Thinker said, "We must be careful with characterless people, who sometimes should simply be left to their errors. Most people do not understand how fleeting earthly possessions are, and it is impossible to convey to them the true meaning of life. But after experiencing many incarnations they will gradually be liberated from the enchantment of objects. They will learn to admire creativity without attachment to the created things. But we should not force upon people what is beyond their capacity. They should be told about Truth, but one cannot force it upon them. Compulsion will provoke rebellion so strong that there will be retreat instead of progress.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 206:
Thus man can truly build his destiny. He can develop his thinking capacity to any degree and can expand his generosity to the point of self-sacrifice. His power of thought will grow as it circulates in a spiral, and the more he gives, the more he receives. This truth should be taught in schools.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296:
People improve their telescopes, but the results are insignificant compared with the astronomical scale. Only by combining telescopic observations with clairvoyance will it be possible to focus upon planetary movements that are beyond the capacity of the telescope.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 323:
One should think of consciousness as a vessel that can contain all the human potential. When an ordinary cup is filled to the brim there is no room for more, but fortunately the vessel of consciousness can be stretched infinitely to accommodate the life-giving fluid. Thus, even the most wretched individual will not be deprived of wisdom if he can realize that the capacity of his consciousness is without limit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 370:
370. Urusvati knows that self-betterment must begin with the eradication of small, but harmful, habits. We particularly stress the importance of daily habits. People believe they must overcome the main obstacles at once, only to find that such drastic measures are beyond their capacity. One may also often observe instances when people imagine that they have rid themselves of their major sins, yet remain burdened with little ugly habits. A tree bent by the weight of ugly fruit, developed over ages, is a sad sight indeed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 424:
We frequently perform exercises for clarity of thought, for thinking requires practice. Even the loftiest thinker will not deny that he too must exercise this capacity, just as a musician must practice constantly for clarity of sound. Let fools insist that they need no such exercises. Composure, too, is acquired through the exercise of thought.


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