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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CA > CAPACITIES (4)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 131:
The Highest Reason has greatly strained the forces of the planet, but the capacities of self-determination do not always harmonize with the ordinance of the higher spheres. True, in the records of the spheres there are many which express the affirmation of the Cosmic Reason; and so gigantic are the achievements of transmutation that verily Cosmos contains in the finest energies the seed of the planet. Thus, we advance.

Hierarchy (1931) - 362:
362. People are often more perturbed by thunder than by lightning. Likewise with events - people are more troubled by the reverberation than by the essence. One could say that there is no need to be terrified by thunder if the lightning has not struck! Only a novice fears the thunder of cannons and does not hear the flight of a bullet. Psychic energy reacts to the lightning. It can be seen how the natural capacities of the organism protect one from perilous conflagration. Thus psychic energy sometimes induces artificial swellings in order to divert a dangerous conflagration from an adjacent center. It is a very rare manifestation when, under one's eyes, the Yogi's extremities swell and the tissues as quickly contract to their former size. You witnessed such a manifestation when the center of the larynx was threatened by conflagration. In spite of the danger the psychic energy speedily mastered the fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 599:
599. You remember the remarkable case of the small boy who, while blindfolded, preformed amazing things. But the solution is simple - he was blind from birth. People did not appreciate his aptitude when his blindness was revealed to them. As if, in view of his condition, he really had no capacities. It can often be seen how people pay attention to the most non-essential circumstances, ignoring the principal one. Certain aptitudes of the blind are wonderful and worthy of observations. Such a state is sometimes called the fiery sight.

Brotherhood (1937) - 163:
163. Idiosyncrasies are inexplicable attractions or repulsions, and they appear as trustworthy evidences of reincarnation. No one can explain otherwise these irresistible feelings. It is vain to try to show them to be the effects of atavism, because it is possible to trace their independence of ancestral habits. The special force of such attraction shows that they are deeply implanted in a given individual. They are so firmly fixed in the consciousness that even hypnosis cannot overcome them. But if in individual cases the changes of lives were to be examined, then the attraction or repulsion would be found to be a natural effect of what has gone before. Thus, it is especially instructive to observe such inborn symptoms. They reveal both the capacities of the man and the kind of surroundings that are most favorable for him. Let us not forget that each plant needs its own soil; so, too, in the life of man, indispensable are the circumstances which are natural and peculiar to him.


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