New Era Community (1926) - 51: 51. When I repeat one word many times, this signifies a filling of space. With loss of rhythm there has been a degenerating into mumbling. The wash of waves breaks down rocky cliffs. Likewise, in a procession there must be the rhythm of sound. Rhythm of sound keeps a crowd from empty prattle. New Era Community (1926) - 168: 168. Express your wishes cautiously. Every one knows many parables and fairy tales which describe the ugly consequences of careless wishes. Remember about the rajah who wished to receive a beautiful palace, and did receive it, but who, on entering it, thought about an attacking tiger, which then appeared and tore him to pieces. Under the symbols of allegories there is much reality. If people would realize the power of the will, many manifestations would receive a practical explanation. Indeed, not a forcible tension of the will but the dynamic quality of concordance of the centers produces the effect of fulfillment. Hence, an oft-repeated desire, like a blunt blade, does not cleave space. Whereas, the ringing of unexpected concordance breaks the densest surface. New Era Community (1926) - 196: 196. Manifestations must be accepted in full reality. For materialists this condition is especially obligatory. But indeed, materialists more than others tint various manifestations with their own color, thus impeding the evolutionary process. Us, as experienced Builders - realists, can see the harm of intolerance, based on the coarsest ignorance. Where then is reality when thinking is constrained? Instead of a thousand formulas only five are known! Affirmation becomes distortion if beforehand a stereotype of conventionalities has been forged. The smile of knowledge breaks open the flood-gate of deliberate obstruction. The builder cannot have fantasies about the ground under the building. Such an attitude is criminal, since the material point of view gives unlimited lawful possibilities. Agni Yoga (1929) - 347: Also, avoid coercion of another's will. Like fires let your calls flame, filling space. But the path following these fires of the spirit must be built by each one for himself. The labor of saturating space is similar. An ignoramus considers the forces of space to be outside his regal personality. He expects that all he is will die with his body. Actually, the crystal of ignorance will remain indestructible until the knowledge gained by spirit breaks down its lifeless substance. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 120: 120. The Cosmic Magnet is reflected in everything existing. Gravitation collects those particles of the creation of Cosmos which in turn reflect the cosmic magnetism. The whirl forges the contacts wherever the psycho-dynamic force is affirmed. Wherever the attraction weakens, severance results. Like an explosion, these breaks disperse the parts which belong to one element. The cosmic magnetism gathers nations, gathers races, gathers parts of the world, gathers aspects of evolution, gathers arcs of consciousness, gathers manifestations of all attractions. At the root of all vital manifestations may be discovered cosmic magnetism, and even behind the karmic law stands the Cosmic Magnet. The very thirst for existence is conditioned by the Psycho-magnet of Cosmos. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 221: 221. When striving leads toward the Cosmic Magnet, the course of the spirit is imbued with Fire. The so-called errant strivings create so much destructive karma! When the spirit breaks its karma into parts directed to different spheres instead of utilizing the channel directed by the Magnet, this spirit must pass through many steps. When the direction is in line with the Cosmic Magnet, the striving proceeds by the steps of evolution. Thus, the nations which are in step with the Cosmic Magnet approach the higher striving. Heart (1932) - 184: 184. Previous human crusades are as nothing in comparison with the Procession of Maitreya. I affirm that the Great Battle is the renovation of Earth. The future must be understood not as a battle, but as an achievement. One can expect battles not only in their customary significance, but as a reconstruction of life. There may be various periods, but one can sense in them the strengthening of the tempo of life. You already sense this acceleration of rhythm. Each one can sense its impact according to his own nervous condition. But he will inevitably sense a new cosmic condensation. One can feel a direct, acute augmentation of the rays; one can feel alarm or striving into the distance. All these details will indicate the same new accelerated rhythm. One can understand how the intensification of energies builds a new step for the planet. It is not astonishing that Chaos breaks through, because vast is the Battlefield. Let us not forget to notice even the smallest manifestations. There is so much variety in the clashes of the fundamental forces of the world! Heart (1932) - 493: 493. Is it not a wondrous experience to apply the heart's energy at great distances and to help the great cause? One can verify the dates and witness absolute precision. Therefore it is so imperative to write down the most important manifestations and sensations. Thus one can counteract absurdities which assert that there are only accidents and coincidences everywhere. For those who do not consciously apply the most important energies the outcome is harmful, not only for themselves but also for others. There is nothing worse than chaotic thinking and the rending of the currents of energy. Everyone is annoyed when his torch is extinguished beneath his nose; but precisely the interception of the heart energy can be termed the extinction of the torch. Do not tire of repeating this. During strong outflows of energy it is very dangerous to intercept the rhythm by very earthly irritations. You never know for what your energy was required, therefore solemnity will be the safest guard against breaks and jagged edges. During Armageddon the usual methods must be especially eschewed. I affirm the great time to which only solemnity can correspond. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 5: 5. When we speak of the non-scorching fire, we must also not forget the consuming Fire. When the nun moans, "I burn, I burn!" no physician knows how to alleviate it. The physician may even apply cold water, forgetting that oil cannot be submerged in water. Fire can be allayed only by fire - in other words, by the energy of the heart, which flows during so-called magnetism. We treat inflammation with a current; such inflammations may flare up in various centers. But, actually, the chief danger lies close to the heart, the solar plexus and the larynx. These centers, being the most synthetic, may be exposed to the most unexpected attacks. Whoever has even once experienced the inner fire understands the danger of the conflagration of the centers. He knows what agony is experienced when the fire breaks through. In most cases man is not responsible for this, except perhaps because of irritation. Often the fire bursts out due to extraneous influences, and in the case of a refined state of the organism, from cosmic causes. Fatigue of the heart actually opens the gates to the enemy. Thus the creative Fire can be transformed into a destructive flame. This should be remembered, for the outbursts develop from small beginnings. It should also be remembered that the use of fiery energy requires care. Great is the evil of needlessly spending the fiery energy of another. An Arhat can never be a vampire - this is a fundamental law of life. Therefore, wise is the law of eternal giving. It may seem that there is nothing in common between sacrifice and Fire; however, flaming sacrifice is mentioned in all Covenants. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 23: 23. Approaching manifestations of Fire, we must bear in mind various gradations. The so-called passages through fire differ greatly. The lowest type of fakirs rub their bodies with ashes mixed with a mineral dust, and thus gain a certain resistance to fire. Of course, this external, purely physical effect cannot be of interest. Yogis pass through fire by inducing the heart's energy as a counteraction. In this process the inner fire breaks through the pores of the skin and, being more powerful than the earthly fire, forms a strong protective armor. Such Yogis can also lead through fire without harm those who wish to follow them. To effect this the Yogi extends his energy to those who follow him, provided they can completely transport their consciousness into the heart of the Yogi. This condition of a complete transference of one's consciousness to the heart of the Guide is characteristic of fiery actions in general. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 32: 32. It is difficult for a refined heart to exist in the lower strata. To a certain extent the heights are helpful, but still the intervening breaks between the heart and its fiery birthplace are too great. But these polluted strata should not have existed - people created them; hence they must strive to purify them. Artificial ozone helps but little. Prana is purified by the highest Fire, and only this quality makes it creative. Yet even in the planes, even in the city squares, before expressing a decision, try to inhale as deeply as possible. In this inhalation perhaps a particle of the prana of Benefaction will reach you through all barriers. Thus, let us nowhere despair, and let us everywhere make a final effort. One can observe how a sincere heartfelt sigh becomes like a long-drawn out trumpet-call. Thus, let us not forget that all the best manifestations of the human organism not only are powerful in their chemical reactions but penetrate many strata by their psychic force. Let us not in any way depreciate the sacred microcosm created by the will of the pure heart. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 262: 262. Recently one may have noted that people often catch radio waves without a receiver. Though this may be useful for scientific observations, on the other hand We are displeased with this mixture of currents. Let humanity become accustomed to transmitting and receiving thoughts. But it is not useful when the fiery substance is mixed with intruding coarser currents. True, such a manifestation indicates to what an extent the fiery element is already intensified in humanity, but it will not be of benefit if, unrecognized, it breaks into undesirable regions. Indeed, these outbreaks may reach such proportions that they can become destructive. I affirm that fiery epidemics can begin precisely from such disturbances. When I speak of equilibrium and goal-fitness, I wish to remind about the harmony of all life. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 626: 626. Giving is a fundamental principle of the fiery divinity of the spirit. The analogy with fire is striking in all stages of development. From the crudest forms of life up to the highest, giving is manifest. One should not protest if a savage, not cognizant of the value of spiritual gifts, offers his deity his household treasures. By such circuitous paths, humanity attains the highest giving. Being of lofty degree understand giving as a joyful duty. One should strive for this degree of fieriness, for then we enter into balance with the Fiery Principle, and giving becomes receiving. Then, already devoid of selfhood, one's being accepts the highest gifts. And in such accelerated exchange an inflow of energy takes place. This constant regeneration renews the consciousness and spares one the breaks in consciousness during the transition into the Subtle World. Thus one can remember the exchange of substances in both the lowest and the highest. The unceasing interchange erases the boundaries between the lowest and highest, in other words, it raises the general level. Such work will benefit one's near ones, because it draws them into the orbit of striving of consciousness. Reveal understanding of the interchange of substances. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 38: 38. Every message must not be only benevolent but also attractive. One may notice that many young people do not follow in the footsteps of their fathers and mothers. Aside from karmic reasons one can notice the unattractiveness of the actions of the elders. The same may be seen in regard to religions. Religion, as the link with the Higher World must first of all be attractive. Fear is not attractive, violence is repellent, but the very understanding of the Higher World must be attractive. One may rejoice at everything of the Highest. Even the weak-minded will not turn away from the Highest. In order to obscure the Highest one must commit a series of repulsive actions. No matter who these repellers may be, they are in any case blasphemers. If they besmirch the most Beautiful, they are servitors of darkness. The answer does not lie in dogmas nor in symbols - one may debase the most beautiful sign. How then to call those who seduce the little ones away from the Abode of God? Seducers and jailers are they who discredit the prayer to the Highest. Has it ever been said that one may speak with one's father and mother only in their own words? So also in the prayer to the Most High - who can force his heart to laud in alien terms. He who composes prayers, hymns, songs, sings with his own heart. The spirit cannot be prevented from soaring upon its own wings. Whither and how will fly the wingless? And will not he who breaks even the smallest feather be responsible? If a song is needed it is the song of the heart, and in this song all creation will resound. Every object will join in lauding the Most High. He who helps his neighbor to create a still more attractive praise will be a creator of good. No dogma can forbid conversing with the Highest. The more beautifully it is done, the nearer will be the approach. But if help is needed, it suffices to express oneself with - "Help." But even for such a simple word attractiveness is needed. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 100: 100. When you observe nagging thoughts, you may notice that usually they are of the most everyday nature. They may be called a product of the Earth, but in spite of their small significance, they attempt to contend with the greatest ideas. One should carefully cleanse the brain of these unbidden guests. Indeed, there is a time for everything. One may be making all progress, but it should be remembered that small worms may succeed in boring through a very strong tree. Particularly do they love to undermine the anchor of confidence. Beside mistrust, one may also admit obscuring thoughts. It is terrible to lose confidence - it is almost like the loss of communion. When suddenly, instead of communion, a mute emptiness breaks in, this is surely an abyss! Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 281: 281. Fear of the future is the horror of the World. It breaks in upon life under different concepts. It gradually decomposes the mind and deadens the heart. Such fear is false in its nature. People know that none of their situations are permanent, consequently it is sensible to prepare without delay something for the future. But formless and immobile factors of chaos attach the consciousness to illusory places. One must intensify one's realization of reality in order to recognize the falseness of Maya, and to understand that truth lies only in the future, when we draw near to the Abode of Fire. It is impossible to describe how people try to conceal their fear before the future. They attempt to prove that not the future, but the past must occupy their thinking. They shamefully avoid everything that reminds about the advancement into the future. They forget that this attitude constitutes a dangerous poisoning of space. Even in the purest places waves of such poison can be observed. People also poison each other. But the most health-giving and beautiful thought is about the future. It conforms with the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 20: 20. Verily, the higher the more effectual the coalescence into oneness. Likewise, as a man travelling on his way to a mountain top breaks away from attractions of the world below, so is the traveller in the manifested Fiery Right liberated from all burdensome memories which life had imposed. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 292: 292. Interactions between bodies should be investigated, because as the condition of the physical body acts on the condition of the astral body, likewise the astral body reacts on the physical. A sickly state of the organism is reflected on the astral, and a spiritual indisposition of the astral body is reflected on the physical. All spiritual experiences have their influence on the astral body as well as on the physical. But these manifestations must be analyzed with subtlety. Each experience on the astral plane does not leave its impression immediately on the coarsely healthy body. True, when the subtle body collects around itself all the poisonous fluids which infect the astral body, then an infection also breaks out in the healthy gross body. In the infected astral body there results the affirmation of interaction. The astral body easily absorbs all the fluids of the physical body; therefore, each violation of equilibrium is first reflected on the subtle body. Hence, it is so important for the physician to know the spiritual state of the patient. During illness and the fight against them, one should have in mind the concordance of the bodies and the indissoluble bond between them. Such sensitive relationship must be acquired on the path to the Fiery World. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 232: The Teacher imparts many wise truths, but finally He will say, "Now walk alone, without fear." A particular tension of consciousness is required toward the end of the path. Intellectual knowledge breaks up and vanishes, and the pilgrim remains alone on the cliffs of ascent. Only the flame of the heart can warm when the accumulated coverings have been rent by the storm. Voices are heard, but they do not resemble the Call of the Beloved. Be prepared beforehand to face the Light and to accept It without fear.