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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BR > BREAKING (38)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.11:
Contemporary wiseacres ridicule breaking the wall with one's forehead, but the ancient Egyptians made a beautiful symbol of the power of our essential nature. Hence, proceed along the line of the ray.

New Era Community (1926) - 103:
103. The schools must be a stronghold of learning in all fullness. Each school, from the very primary up to the highest institution, must be a living link among all schools. Study must be continued during one's entire life. Applied knowledge must be taught, without breaking away from historic and philosophic science. The art of thinking must be developed in each worker. Only then will he grasp the joy of perfectionment and know how to make use of his leisure.

New Era Community (1926) - 184:
184. Often community members ask whence come the assaults of anguish which they sometimes experience. One must know that without these spasms of anguish no progress is possible. After crossing over a precipice you feel a weakening of the leg muscles. During the expansion of consciousness you cross over many invisible precipices. Nodal growths of the consciousness result in leaps and psychic spasms contract the nerve centers. One should not be afraid of these spasms, a brief rest will right these contractions. Growth of the consciousness is more difficult to trace than the growth of a hair. The consciousness conquers and eradicates. The burning of crossed bridges does not reveal the progressive sign-posts, but it leaves open the one possibility of assault. It is valuable not only to strive forward but also to destroy the rubbish behind one. Just now you perceive how the majority of people could have advanced, but they cling to age-old rubbish. Guard both My signs - the sign of Service and the sign of Community. One is breaking away from the old, the other is evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 215:
When a traveler stands on a summit, does he not feel that his body is being raised as if he were a unifier of worlds? Indeed, not breaking away from the Earth, but containment of the capacity for unifying is what makes man a creator.

New Era Community (1926) - 238:
In legends giants crossed the seas, breaking off monolithic rocks. Let us resemble the giants and our thoughts the monoliths. Let us dispel any timid half-wayness, as otherwise it will take possession of us and deliver us to a shameful execution by beating with accounting books. We know monolithic thinking.

New Era Community (1926) - 264:
Now, how is it possible to broaden the consciousness if past experience is not applied? True, enlightenment is possible, but this occurrence is so rare that it is not mentioned. Yet even experienced knowledge must be brought out; otherwise it will wander about like flakes of unsettled reactions. Amid the monotony of conventionalities only a few sense the reality of Cosmos. Among these scrolls of births, sicknesses, sorrows and deaths few will find the scroll of the path without end and without beginning. How to tell the hungry one about eternity? Based upon present experience, he will imagine eternal hunger. Who then, and where, is he who first breaking bread will lead to eternity? Bread of the Earth and Knowledge are manifested only in cooperation.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 25:
25. In every chemical experiment there comes a favorable moment when the breaking down and transformation of the original substance begins - this is the moment of creative success. Hence, out of the downfall of Rome one should not deduce the ill fortune of Numa Pompilius. It is simply that the substance has been depleted of its electrons. And it will always be so with all evolutionary actions. People usually do not understand this moment of success. They think that structures should rise continuously, beyond all the laws of construction.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 78:
78. It was impossible for you to divert your attention from the breaking down of the granite cell. When it reached the stage in which it could be compared to the cell of an invertebrate, you saw that the pulsation was almost identical.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 380:
It is well-known that one can open a tightly closed vessel either by breaking it or by sounding a most delicate rhythm. Similarly, in all other realms of matter, one should become accustomed not to expect important manifestations to come with an elephantine tread, and to sense even the flight of a butterfly. This is not easy to learn, for life is full of hammer blows. Subtle energies are not accepted in everyday life. And the farther humanity goes, the more crudely does it abuse those lower forces that it conquers.

Hierarchy (1931) - 432:
432. How, then, does humanity hope to save its Karma and advance its evolution? Certainly not by denial of the great foundations, not through disparaging the highest principles, not by destruction of the affirmed and manifested Origins! Still, humanity continues to base its principles upon destruction, not realizing that breaking away from the great Hierarchy carries it to the abyss. Thus, self-destruction is the fate of all servitors of darkness. Thus, as long as humanity directs itself to the limitations established by darkness it will not find the path to the Highest Light and salvation.

Heart (1932) - 18:
18. Interruption of rhythm is due to many conditions, but the essential means of avoiding this perturbation is in unity to direct oneself to Us, where lies the decision of everything. For comparison - as a grain of dust arrests a tremendous wheel, so the breaking of rhythm interrupts the current. However, just now is a date of great tension. Thus the possibilities are so near, events already gather like a rolling ball, and terror will appear as salvation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 235:
235. Fiery affirmation takes place not in pleasant drowsiness but in storm and lightning. He who accustoms himself to feel tranquility amidst lightnings easily meditates about the Fiery World. It is necessary to think about the World of Light. Thoughts should be send into its heights. Thus is it possible to participate mentally not only in the earthly battle but also in the battle of the Subtle World. Indeed, earthly destructions are as nothing, compared to the destruction of the Subtle World. A great number of the best intentions are dissipated together with hideous accumulations. At the same time the inhabitants become involved, particularly those who display activity. There are many of these, both in the lower strata and in the higher. The fire breaking through is sensed by all who have not accustomed themselves to the fiery state. Therefore, when I speak about thinking of the Subtle World, I am advising something very useful, and when I speak about thinking of the fiery worlds, I am advising something indispensable. The affirmation of fiery thought is already an acquisition of invincibility. As the links of a coat of mail are gradually strung together, so, too, the fiery plumage grows invisibly.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 314:
314. The subterranean tension is not over. We succeed in breaking up the shocks into light tremors. In general, one should remember this strategy of splitting up evil. Often it is impossible to avoid the accumulated tension of malice. Then, there remains only to split up this tension of darkness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 482:
482. In Tibet horses are fed on leopard flesh in order to make them fierce. The Kshatniyas of Rajputana depend upon a meat diet to maintain their warlike spirit. These two examples alone show the significance of meat-eating. People do not slaughter a vast number of cattle from a sense of refinement. Like troglodytes, they are ready to devour bears. One must realize that the mass slaughter of animals is carried on in full consciousness. People know that vegetables or fruit give more vital energy than a cup of blood, yet they prefer being served with bloody meat, greatly relishing this coarseness. There is no other name for the frenzy of blood consumption. People are perfectly aware that a handful of wheat or barley is sufficient to sustain life, but their animal instinct tries to drag their minds back to a bestial state. Do not beasts try to tear each other's throats? Does not darkness impel people to the lowest actions? Let us not forget that mass killings, whether in war or in the slaughterhouse, equally pollute the atmosphere and violate the Subtle World. It must be realized that every conscious killing shakes the entire surrounding atmosphere. Moreover, these actions strengthen the forces of darkness and chaos, breaking the rhythm. One must avoid disturbing the Subtle World in any way. We can allow a diet of vegetables, farinaceous food, and milk, also eggs, the very freshest and in a liquid state. You know how repulsive the very sight of meat becomes to the organism accustomed to a vegetable diet. Thus, in practice one must accustom oneself to refinement and remember that even an elephant increases his strength through plants alone. One should not think that people eat meat because of poverty. With the least effort one can obtain a vegetable diet; besides, many nourishing herbs and roots are not utilized. One could learn much from certain animals, they know far more about natural foods than man, the meat-eater. Do not be concerned if the lover of blood scoffs at vegetable food; only remember him, because he is from darkness. Many are indifferent to meat and are compelled to it only by ugly home conditions. We do not mean them. We deplore the conscious vampires and necrophagi. Hence, be simpler and more refined in your diet.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 41:
41. Some children have a habit of breaking things in moments of leisure. Sometimes an ordinary plate may be broken, but sometimes with the same movement a precious cup may be destroyed. Therefore one must direct one's thought upon the most essential and refrain from all petty actions. The intent to inflict even a small harm is already criminal. At present, when we approach decisive events, there is no time to be occupied with trivial things. One must keep in mind that the most decisive time is at hand.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 166:
166. Upon pressing or rubbing of the eyes colors appear which act as crude reminders of the radiance of the centers. If a coarse contact can produce evident illumination, then contact of a higher energy can certainly bring beautiful colors of the spirit. From the gross to the very highest it is necessary to cognize the saturation with spatial Fire. One should become accustomed to conscious acceptance of spatial accessibility. However, one should adapt oneself to such a merging. Let us not forget that ancient revelations were given for the betterment of life, and for the refining of consciousness. Thus the bond with the Higher Worlds was maintained directly. But later, because of the breaking away, quests for mechanical methods began, for the purpose of preventing a complete severance of the communion. It should be born in mind that during Kali-Yuga such methods became ineffectual, and even a mixing with the lower strata of the Subtle World took place. But Satya-Yuga, by its very nature, requires communion with the Higher Worlds. Therefore, in preparing for Satya-Yuga one should turn again to direct communion with the Higher Worlds, by applying true Ethics. This is needed for destined discoveries which cannot be given to an animal consciousness. I will not weary of reiterating it, for each hearth of enlightenment of the spirit is important. Where, then, can be the paths to the Fiery World, if not through the decrees of Ethics? Surely Hatha-Yoga does not lead to the Fiery World. Enough of preparations - one should hurriedly strive toward the Higher Worlds. Let each of our cells contain millions of millions of currents. Not for somnolence have the subtlest apparatuses been given. Not for the sake of doubt are there being made calculations involving such huge figures. They surely remind one about Infinity and the saturation of all that exists. Thus let us be imbued with thoughts about Spatial Fire, about the possibilities of our being. Satya-Yuga cannot draw near without fiery signs.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 358:
358. Hiero-inspiration must fill all life. This does not mean any breaking away from earthly existence, but Hiero-inspiration should become the sole expression of life. When the Hierarch indicates the approach of a fiery consciousness, then each issued word and thought will conform to the higher solution. It must be observed in life how one's judgment becomes truer and the understanding is unmistakably and correspondingly strengthened.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 22:
22. Verily one should accept the symbol of the Summit as the goal in the ascent of the spirit. Each disciple should remember that avoiding of the Summit leads the traveller away from the path. Each excessive burden will hinder the traveller. The Summit is sharp-pointed, and each needless attachment to the earthly world brings the traveler to a halt. It is difficult to halt on the slope, so let us remember about the Summit when beginning the ascent. It is difficult to reach the Summit if the spirit does not grasp the fundamentals of Hierarchy. Thus, on the Fiery Path there is no loneliness nor emptiness; only a breaking away from the earthly world and an irresistible attraction toward the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 68:
68. Upon leaving the earthly sphere the spirit is intensified in the consciousness of the achievements which were dominant in that life. The life of a man has, as it were, its leit-motifs, and upon these songs, or laments, the spirit is intensified. The achievements of the spirit lead upward, and departure from the earthly sphere is always a joy for the spirit which has realized the luminous achievement of Service. Even during physical pains the spirit surmounts all earthly infirmities. In the breaking away from Earth the bond with the Higher Worlds, to which the spirit aspires, is affirmed. The ladder of ascent is built upon the devotion to Hierarchy. But the spirit which dwells within the confines of selfhood has no other path but grief. Breaking away then is frightful, and the spirit is for a long time attached to the earthly sphere. Many hearts which have accepted the power of Service aspire to the Higher Worlds. A ray of help is extended to the devoted disciple. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about parting from the earthly sphere with the joy of Service to Light.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 88:
88. Especially clearly felt on the steps of the Fiery consciousness is the cosmic solitude. When the spirit knows all the infinite joys of the Fiery World, yet dwells amidst earthly storms, it particularly feels the imperfection which clothes the earthly strata. Cosmic solitude is a feeling of the "Lion of the Desert." Breaking away from the Earth in spirit brings in display all the signs of cosmic solitude. Thus, when the Worlds are united in the Fiery consciousness it is difficult to bear all the acute manifestations of the earthly spheres. Rightly has it been said that the spirit can live without a body, because a deformed body can contain a luminous soul, but a body cannot, in spite of all external perfections, contain a spirit which does not conform to the accumulations of the past. It is correct that often illnesses are a blessing, for they unite the spirit with the Subtle World. Thus, each manifestation is based on two principles which respond to the measurements of the Subtle and earthly Worlds. Indeed, these measures often happen to be inversely proportional. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember that the measures of events are in need of subtle understanding.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 95:
95. At the threshold of passage into the Subtle World there occurs a separation of the mental body from the physical. The development of fiery receptivity assists the flight into the Higher Spheres. The separation of the mental body can be clearly realized by the spirit which senses the breaking away from the Earth and aspires into the Higher Spheres; thus takes place a unification of the two Worlds, which liberates the spirit from the physical body. The question of death greatly preoccupies humanity. Precisely it is the transition which frightens people so much. It may be pointed out how wonderfully the spirit which has understood the transitory existence on Earth is impelled into the Subtle World. One should consciously prepare the spirit for the breaking away from Earth. In this manner the affirmed threshold is disclosed to the one newly arrived, in all the Fiery Grandeur. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one should accustom oneself to the breaking away from Earth.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 102:
102. The distribution of people according to auras and to mutual attraction is a scientific truth, but for scientific investigations it is necessary to apply subtle discrimination. Where the cognition of the heart is aglow, there will be discrimination. Where the cognition of the heart is inactive, so also inactive will be the fiery energy. It is necessary to feel how there are gathered around the fiery heart those who have been drawn to it by the striving toward Fiery Service. The attraction of the magnet of the heart acts as a law; it must also be remembered that each life of the heart attracts those who reveal kinship of spirit. Life which is thus begun is extended in the supermundane spheres. Thus can be easily explained each Karmic manifestation. People do not reflect much on this law; and the World does not so much suffer from various calamities as it does from the breaking of this great law by the intrusion of human errors. Intrusion on the harmonious arrangement is always manifested in a derangement of Karmic effects. Many inexplicable misfortunes have been evoked by Karmic violations. In history one can trace how kings have been deprived of their most faithful servants, how generals have lost their troops, and spiritual guides their disciples, through some fearful intrusion into the connecting Karma. Let us deliberate, on the fiery path, about the invulnerability of Karma for the sake of advancement.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 103:
103. Transmutation of the centers intensifies the creative energies which are necessary for crossing into the Subtle World. Each spiritual striving produces its sediments, which assume the aspect of subtle energies during the passage into the Subtle World. Thus, it is important to aspire into the Higher Spheres. Ecstasy of spirit and joy of the heart yield those energies which nourish the subtle body. Indeed, only a feeling imbued with higher impulses provides the needed energies. It must be understood that imperil and gross earthly desires produce their ugly ulcers, which the spirit must heal in the subtle body. Ulcers of the spirit are carried over into the Subtle World if they are not gotten rid of on the Earth. Liberation from the physical vehicle does not mean deliverance from spiritual ulcers. When the spirit, faced with breaking away from the Earth, realizes how it has used its energies, then the consciousness can atone for a great deal; but the consciousness must be impelled toward the thought about the Higher Worlds. Even the most serious criminal can be directed toward the understanding of the burden of Karma, but for this it is necessary to change the social conditions. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one should become accustomed to the thought about transmutation of the centers, because liberation from the body is not deliverance from spiritual ulcers.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 220:
220. Therefore, when cosmic manifestations are intensified the solar plexus trembles. It is difficult for the fiery heart when in the center of the solar plexus waves are breaking, bringing all the spatial resonances. The manifestation of rays is affirmed as a manifestation of the protective net, and in fact each current resounds with its own fire. Thus is the solar plexus tensed by so many fiery rays! The appearance of fatigue on the part of the Mother of Agni Yoga is of cosmic significance. The dark forces cast on the scales all their stakes. We send rays which shatter their machinations. The center of the solar plexus feels these fluctuations of the scales. It is necessary to tense Cosmic power in the direction of the Light. Thus the fiery heart knows the affirmation of this Battle.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 296:
296. The liberated spirit always aspires into the higher spheres, but the spirit attached to Earth remains for a long time enchained in the lower strata of the Astral World. The bond between the physical body and the astral is not easily broken during earthly consciousness. The occurrence of a rupture between the bodies recoils painfully on those spirits which manifest earthly attractions. During ascent of the spirit, of course, the liberation is affirmed at the point of breaking away from the Earth. The cosmic law of attraction stands behind this attachment which is intensified by the energy of the consciousness. Let us imagine a sphere filled with the gases of base desires. Such spheres do engulf spirits which have not as yet been liberated from earthly burdens. The spirit impelled to the Fiery World manifests its own attraction by pressing itself upon all fiery energies. On the path to the Fiery World, saturation of the consciousness by the Higher World produces its spiral which draws the spirit away into the Higher Spheres.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 298:
298. At the threshold into the Subtle World striving plays the decisive role. Striving into the higher spheres gives the spirit the strength to break away from the Earth. The greatest task is to teach every living being to aspire. In the construction of life, the breaking away and the attraction to all vital manifestations must be equally cultivated in the heart, for such spiritual equilibrium will reveal many hidden aspirations. Surely, an open window into the Fiery World and a striving in the heart for the fulfillment of life's laws impel the spirit to broad constructiveness. Actually a conscious attitude of an earthly being toward the World being traversed by it, and a fiery realization of Infinity, disclose the World of higher existence. The liberated spirit knows the breaking away from Earth and all the joy of creativeness of Beauty. On the path to the Fiery World the fiery spirit strives for eternal construction.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 303:
303. Spirit and Matter are united in space. While being unified they begin their existence in their sphere of germination. In this unity forms of life are created, and they pass through their circles of perfectionment. Being unified with matter, the spirit can be liberated only by the path of perfectionment; for, from the moment of realization of the act of liberation, the breaking away is accomplished. In the Cosmic Laboratory these two principles - unification and liberation - are the fundamentals of creativeness. Only impetuousness of the spirit leads to deliverance, which reflects upon consciousness and heart. Striving of the spirit creates a most subtle vibration. Thus, the liberated spirit knows the cosmic fiery vibration. The manifestation of spirit and matter must be sought in each affirmation of life. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for the deliverance from matter.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 309:
309. Much has already been said about psychism, nevertheless this scourge of humanity is insufficiently understood. Psychism blunts each aspiration, and higher attainment remains inaccessible. The sphere of activity of a man engulfed by psychism is limited within a charmed circle in which all the energies which retard growth of the spirit find their fitting place. Psychism embraces the manifestation of the lowest energies, and the fires of the centers are extinguished by these precipitations. With psychism there is inevitably to be found disorder of the nervous system. In addition, the breaking away from vital functions closes the path to self-perfectionment. Creativeness is blunted, and there is established a passive state which makes a man an instrument for the influx of all kinds of forces. By reason of relaxation of the will, control is weakened, and by this the attraction of various lower entities is increased. He who wishes to approach the Fiery World must battle with these forces of evil.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 368:
368. When understanding of the Fundamentals of Being burns clearly in the spirit, then the abyss of life ceases to appear impassable. When the realization of achievement burns in the heart, then the day of the future appears near. The horizon, which takes in the World in all its structure, embraces all transitoriness and apparent Maya. Thus space is saturated with the creative power of Fire and with future construction. Knowledge of transitoriness results in a feeling of breaking away from the Earth and impels the spirit to those planes where man verily dwells in his fiery essence. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest aspiration towards the spatial energies which aid the spirit in passing over the abyss of incomprehension.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 438:
438. Clairvoyants cannot see at a command. The disciple understands that conditions of higher receptivity cannot be demanded in coarse language. A step of higher development is reached when the disciple begins to value each supermundane chord. But even while flying away into the Supermundane the disciple does not abandon the Earth. Such a concurrence is called a proper bonfire. Its flame arises without any curvature. But few can uplift such a weight. How can one fly without breaking away from the Earth? Does this not mean that one must lift with himself the whole Earth? But how to understand such an impossibility? When the fiery basis of all that exists is realized, then there is no such thing as gravity or weight. By augmenting one's thought about the Fiery World it becomes possible to lift great weights. But one must remember the law of co-measurement.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 539:
539. Reflect upon the confusion which encompasses the spirit of traitors. That most frightful, gloomy sinking into darkness, that most perilous breaking of the fiery bond. It is as if for traitors the sun and the moon were the same, and in their madness they would overthrow the sun. Indeed, the madness of traitors should be studied by psychiatrists. One may observe the paroxysms which are followed by terror. From the one side they appear to be ordinary people, but from the other they no longer belong to the planet, and the spirit knows what such a path is like!

Brotherhood (1937) - 269:
269. Chaos is jealous and raging. It overwhelms wherever the least vacillation is found. Chaos loses no opportunity of breaking through a weak barrier. It may be noticed that treacheries take place on the eve of especially useful actions. There has not been a case when treacheries were perpetrated aside from particular dates when paths of progress had been already molded. Actually, darkness and chaos cannot endure anything constructive. They watch over pathways and seek whoever is capable of helping them. Many examples can be named, but on the other hand there are many indicative actions when heart unity has overcome darkness. Therefore, it is so needful to guard the concept of Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 45:
Do not think that after millions of years of existence humanity has accepted the foundation of Be-ness. No indeed, it is now, with shelves breaking under the weight of masses of books, that greed and illusion ensnare humanity! We are concerned that people should understand the illusion of earthly conditions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363:
There are some who would consider that such communion is labor also, and they would be right, for the exploration of the higher spheres requires much energy. Absolute concentration is required and the apparatuses must be controlled with skill. Recently, Urusvati experienced a powerful shock when one of the levers broke in My hand. Such unpredicted complications often occur, but there is a great difference between the breaking of a lever during routine work and a complication in the apparatuses used for communication. Yet, despite inevitable complications, the labor of striving toward the higher spheres is a true festival.


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