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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AU > AURORA (2)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 424:
424. The Lights of the Mother of the World resemble the pillars of the Aurora Borealis. Very rare is the phenomenon when the microcosm - man - can be compared to the Macrocosm. Ur. has seen such a manifestation. It responds to the pressure of world energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 509:
509. In the East people thought about a Northern Shambhala, which manifested as the aurora borealis. There also existed a legend that a banner would be set up at the point of the North Pole. Thus are traditions fulfilled; and one may glance into the distant future when, through a shifting of the terrestrial axis, new lands will be discovered which are now concealed. I have already spoken about the uncovering of the tundras. I commend those who look into the future.


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