Agni Yoga (1929) - 371: Only recently has the study of the somatic structure of the organism begun. Recently, also, the purple protective auric net has become known. Both phenomena are related to the domain of Fire. The first is a result of the work of phosphorus. The second represents the power of fire, which is attracted from space by the healthy emanations of the bodily organism. Thus, one should safeguard the fire of the body, so that its effect may be powerful. Our medicines are intended to strengthen these fires. It is not the muscles, but the fiery wave of nerves that requires attention. It must be restored and nurtured. Agni Yoga (1929) - 371: The plant brought by you from the mountains can be used in many useful experiments. The intensified energy of its sap nurtures the power of fire. But one should also study other uses for it. The warmth-producing essence of the leaves and the oil of the bark will be the best strengthening remedy for the protective auric net. Agni Yoga (1929) - 371: Between the two Origins - Light and Darkness - the protective auric net shines like armor. Truly it is the boundary between Light and Darkness! We shall thus approach the Buddha's Teaching of the Golden Mean from a different angle. A line divides the Origins. Like lightning, it emanates from the one principle of the Primary Source. As both a defense and a bridge, fire unites the opposites. People should value the power of this union! Whoever masters it is a conqueror of Darkness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 371: Physicians should study the significance of the somatic structure and of the defensive auric net. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 196: 196. The bodily movements of man must be intelligent. Children must be taught not only gymnastics and rhythm, but also the economy of movement. When people apprehend the Fiery World and radiations, they will not senselessly wave their arms and legs about, shake their heads, and be fidgety. If thy could picture to themselves their auric egg, they would not disturb it needlessly with disorderly agitations. If people could picture a sort of fiery ring which is in reality around them, they would not senselessly burn themselves. Especially unjustifiable are so-called nervous movements. They indicate an entirely undisciplined will. Each physician must observe such habits of his patients. It is possible to determine many diseases by a man's movements alone. It is possible to cure him of the most disgusting habits by observing these movements and pointing out the harm they do the subtle body. Thus, a physician can manifest a most useful activity without physical medicine.