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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AR > AROMATIC (2)

Heart (1932) - 153:
153. In hoary antiquity incense was used to determine the aura of objects. It was supposed that objects with good auras became imbued with incense, whereas bad emanations did not absorb the effusions of the plant. Afterwards, incense was used in the temples in order to strengthen the Subtle World and being it nearer. Verily, incense has the property of increasing the vitality of the Subtle World. When used at funerals, its purpose is to safeguard the one who has passed the borderline of consciousness and to liberate him from the state of slumber that is usual for those who are unprepared. Such details of the ancient knowledge are completely forgotten; similarly forgotten is the significance of various fragrances. The manufacturing of perfumes has lost its ancient meaning; not only has it lost this, but through ignorance the most harmful combinations are often used. The affirmed knowledge, based upon wide study, will afford an entire domain useful for application in life. The use of aromas in antiquity was connected with the study of cures. The priests indicated how to utilize aromas and in what cases to apply them. Thus, without witchcraft, one can trace an entire system of cures based on inhalation and the nourishing of the nervous system by rubbing aromatic essences into the skin. Thus, the ancients looked far deeper than the surface of the skin.

Heart (1932) - 331:
331. Refinement of the heart predicates the eschewal of a meat diet; furthermore an understanding of the Subtle World not only indicates the harm of assimilating decaying products but also reveals what neighbors decomposition attracts. Truly, it is difficult to decide where lies the greatest harm - from the assimilation of meat or from attraction by meat of undesirable guests. Even the dried and smoked meats, which are relatively less harmful, nevertheless, by their odor, attract hungry ones from the Subtle World, and if they are welcomed by abominable speech, the most harmful associations result. As you have heard, many partake of food in silence, or accompany it by worthy conversation. Of course, no decay is permissible, even vegetables must not be permitted to decompose. People need little - two fruits, some cereal, and milk. Thus one not only may be purified internally but also rid oneself of many neighbors. Is it not necessary for the physicians who study the means of fighting cancer and gallstones to pay attention to this elementary prophylaxis? People speak of burning incense and the use of perfumes. But certain poisons are aromatic and kill the consciousness! This study also should not be forgotten.


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