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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AR > ARC (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.5:
Between the squares He drew the semblance of a pillar surmounted by an arc. He said: "O how Aum shall penetrate into the human consciousness! Here I have drawn a pistil and above it an arc, and have set the foundation in four directions. When by human feet and human hands the Temple will be built wherein will blossom the pistil laid by Me, then let the Builders pass by My Way., Why should We await the way, when it is before Us?"

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 62:
62. The world of form is unlimited, and a developed receptivity and imagination can add multifold manifestations to Be-ness. If we accept the concept of a whole arc of ascent through all directions of Space, we will be able to attain understanding of the far-off worlds. Why not enrich life by admitting into the consciousness the fact that beyond its earthly dwelling the spirit has treasures toward which to aspire? Those who deny the life on the far-off worlds deprive themselves of their own obvious wealth. Why not accept the thought that the worlds cleave to a chain which leads from conception to unending evolution? Creation, which expands in an ascending arc, proceeds just as the Cosmic Fire. Why should one limit the Cosmos to Earth alone, in the belief that Cosmos provided only the one refuge to man? Let us rise upon the ascending arc in cooperation with the far-off worlds. The spirit knows that creativeness, for the fruits of the next step, must be intensified.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 88:
Having entered the tide of the cosmic stream, is it not more goal-fitting to realize that these limitless chastisements have their antitheses in the Infinite? I say that Infinity will accept those streams of cosmic torrent which have consciously outrun human consciousness. It rests with man whether his arc of consciousness keeps pace with the cosmic stream or remains behind. Infinity provides a ladder of ascent for everyone.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 367:
367. The power that unites those who are spiritually aspiring is determined by the Cosmic Magnet. In the cosmic law there exists the manifestation of creativeness which has an established arc of ascent upon which the spirit strives. The law of attraction acts upon the entire cosmic affirmation; therefore, in the higher tension of the fire of spirit, one may act only in ascent. Beautiful is the law!

Hierarchy (1931) - 21:
21. We say "the arc of consciousness," because We term the consciousness of an Arhat a complete circle. But there is a still higher step of cognition; We call it "full affirmation." The Cosmic Magnet is Our Sacred Power. Boundless is the immensity of this Power. If only the spirit would manifest understanding, fearlessness would suffuse all hearts, and the spheres would resound with rejoicing.

Heart (1932) - 21:
Different peoples bring their understanding of the principles of spirituality. By this one can judge the fitness of hearts. Moreover, avoid arguments about that which is undeniable. Recently I wondered at the dissension between the followers of Joan of Arc, Sergius, and Moses. Each proclaimed that his Protector did not agree with the other. Whereas, knowing the truth it was sad to hear these inventions, composed for discord. Even if there is no unity, at least let there be no butting of foreheads, because horns will grow!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 222:
A book should be written about the causes of the persecution of great individuals. By comparing the causes is it possible to trace the evil will. I advise you to write such a book. Let someone do it! Through research it will be possible to discover the inner similarities between the persecutions of Confucius and Seneca. Our Brothers and Sisters suffered persecution, and Our memory preserves many such events. Joan of Arc, Aspasia, and a whole list of gloriously heroic women of various centuries can be named. We do not regret experiencing such trials, but there is a need for reflecting on them, because each persecution retards an urgent plan. However, even this We turn to Good.


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