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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AR > ARBITRARY (14)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 4:
4. Human consciousness can be directed toward the disciplining of unbridled and unconscious thoughts. But to impart too much is difficult when so many minds are creating chaos. The development of straight-knowledge will help humanity. When straight-knowledge will dictate where is chaos and where Infinity, when straight-knowledge will distinguish a cosmic manifestation from an arbitrary one, then humanity will become the possessor of the key of knowledge. We appreciate that science produced the telescope, but the telescope of straight-knowledge penetrates into Infinity. Your telescope demands expenditures and exertion, but when one possesses the sensitiveness of Our apparatus one penetrates everywhere.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 189:
189. How little has humanity understood the world of effects! There is no arbitrariness in Cosmos. He who takes casuality as his foundation, adheres but feebly to the chain of life's energy. The energy which summons to life provides the decision for the direction of striving. Therefore, an arbitrary thought will bring an indefinite decision. An arbitrary thought provides soil for destruction, but striving permits a chaotic expression to clothe itself in form. Among the forms manifested on Earth are so many victims of arbitrariness. As an action sets the spheres atremble, so also arbitrariness shakes the world of effects. The law is so immutable that it may be said that with the development of subtlety of thought it will be possible consciously to change the form.

Heart (1932) - 134:
134. In comparing good and evil I beg you to refrain from arbitrary division, because the boundaries are so winding that one cannot appraise them by earthly measures. The main difficulty is that the Subtle World is approaching swiftly and manifests a constant influence; but the lowest spheres, being chaotic destroy each consciously creative group. Of course, the greatest manifestations are especially polluted by refuse.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 218:
218. Actually, the red light does not betoken calm. One must perceive how tense is space. If only the heads of governments would understand that cosmic conditions have a certain significance! But, unfortunately, even the few astrological efforts are surrounded by absurd explanations. One should, as in everything, return to the simplest and most precise. All Teachings are infiltrated with arbitrary commentaries. The past must be understood as interpreted by an honest historian.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 73:
73. People usually make the mistake of assuming, due to limitation of consciousness, that an object can exist in only one aspect. Therefore they cannot conceive that in ancient times people could avail themselves of various energies but applied them quite differently. People also forget that they themselves, when moving from their dwelling places, destroy many objects. So, too, the wise Teachers took measures for a timely concealment of that which was not to be revealed before its appointed time. Can new discoveries be given out before the appointed date? The very foundations could be shattered by such arbitrary attempts. Does not the Hierarchy participate in all discoveries? Do you not know that many discoveries have been destroyed as harmful because of their untimeliness? The Guiding Hand untiringly watches the current of possibilities for the Good.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 336:
336. Good thought is the primary basis of good action. Thought dawns before action, therefore let us calculate the nature of good according to the fires of thought. Faith without works is dead, but such a faith will be a blind reliance, and not thought of good. Thought of darkness also has radiation. Already you know the black spots with red radiation, and how the heat-lightnings of light battle with the dark radiations. Darkness of thought leads to the most monstrous actions. A certain king ordered a sacred Image decorated with horns of diamonds, in order to demonstrate the power of his arbitrary free-will. A certain madman adorned his boots with a sacred image, and to all appearances nothing happened, for he could not see the ensuing destruction in the Subtle World. He himself was convinced in his madness. It is impossible to measure the Imponderable by earthly standards.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 51:
51. What has been spoken about the masses and about their lack of understanding of statesmanship was correct. One must add to this the fact of the absence of national leaders. It is necessary to develop in the nation a sense of responsibility, in order that the voice of the people be truly the voice of a community. The development of the sense of leadership has degenerated! The soul of a nation is hidden, and he who represents the state must possess the whole synthesis of the nation. It will be impossible to admit in the future such manifestations as the appearance of those arbitrary leaders who have overrun the planet. The right of leadership belongs to a spirit linked with the Forces of Light. Therefore, according to the Higher Law, there can be no accidental leaders. When the consciousness has become expanded, then will become possible the affirmation of the great law of Leadership. In each field there should be applied a subtle understanding of the law of Leadership. Thus, statesmanship must be manifest in the entire structure of life. The act of violation of the national feeling by the pronouncements of the leader results in grave consequences. Hence, it is fitting to honor the great Leadership which is bestowed by the special right of the state spirit of the nation. On the path to the Fiery World let us honor the Leader.

AUM (1936) - 116:
116. Great Service has all humanity in view. Neither nationality nor any other divisions should place limits on Service for the Good. It is not easy to avoid the various stratifications created through millennia. Only the realization of the Higher World can help to conquer all the survivals of superstition and atavism. Moreover one should not be arbitrary in feelings regarding karmic prejudices. Justice, even under unfavorable conditions, nevertheless indicates a just discernment. The individual as a responsible unit will be the object of judgment. It is difficult to evaluate an individual over and above all conventionalities, but devotion to Service will open one's eyes and enable one to perceive very clearly the seed of the spirit.

AUM (1936) - 241:
241. It may be explained to you that the three letters Aum signify - past, present, and future. And such a meaning has a foundation. The Basis is the past, the Light is the present, and the approach to the Sacred is the future. Indeed, the sowers of various interpretations are mindful of the best explanations; but such explanations often are due to earthly understanding. Thought has no restriction as to the past, present, and future; it is as eternal as Infinity. To discuss Infinity, one must revise all measures; hence, the concepts of finite and infinite will expand. In the infinite there are no arbitrary interpretations, because in Infinity all is contained.

Brotherhood (1937) - 242:
242. One should not draw arbitrary conclusions about the causes of the speeding up or slowing down of events. One must be able to take into consideration many conditions, of which the most important usually remain neglected. I instruct you to intensify your attention in order not to increase the complexity of the situation. People do not like to acknowledge, voluntarily or otherwise, how often a grain of dissension ruins the best combinations. Man can be likened to a magnet, yet even a magnet may become demagnetized if it be put in disadvantageous surroundings. Thus, one should accustom oneself to watching over the small grains. Unity cannot flourish if grit has been spilled on each wheel.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 59:
It can be asked why We did not speak earlier about the concept of superhuman action. One should not speak too openly about these missions, for many people might feel self-important, and might justify their arbitrary actions with some claim of mission. On the whole, many will not understand this classifying of action into four kinds. But if straight-knowledge does not indicate the distinctions, the intellect will not define them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358:
People are impatient in everything. To explain each phenomenon they hasten to create their own rules, and through such arbitrary, willful interference, they interrupt the most valuable manifestations. This is why it is so important that you be reminded about the variety of Our communications. One should bear in mind that if Our force can be affected by cosmic currents, it is even more difficult for the efforts of beginners.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 443:
Undoubtedly this energy is One, but its manifestations vary greatly, and the human mind attempts to assign a specific name to each of its variations. One can imagine how many false perceptions arise from such arbitrary classifications of the One Energy. It is true that particular qualities of this energy seem to manifest by chance, but this perception is relative, for in Cosmos nothing happens by chance.


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