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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AP > APPROACHED (57)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 174:
174. Yesterday we approached the question of the aura. Each one perceives the astral world through the color of his own aura. The fuller the harmony of one's aura, the truer the astral image. He whose sense of duty is acute will see this before aught else. As those who are attracted by love will be borne to the Realm of Love, and transported, will comprehend the joy of Beauty. Only the gem that radiates all hues of Truth can reflect the full Splendor of the Future. Yet we must also appreciate the pure stone of one color.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 358:
The Days of Darkness have approached.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 360:
Brothers, in all thy beginnings, remember the time of silence. Then are you approached by the Messenger of the Teaching. And thus, understanding prayer and podvig, Glorified by beauty, strongly embracing power as sacrifice, You will reach the Temple.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 364:
364. Yes, yes, yes! I summon you. I proclaim you My own. And on your girdle rattle the keys to the doors of trust. How many have approached these doors, And even tried to turn the key, But did not know how to unlock the door. And an opportunity lost will not return.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.14:
I pronounce not a threat but a simple deduction. If a man has approached the cosmic whirl, then any deviation brings on the next wave, and to fall under it is as to fall under the heel of a giant.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.21:
Is there not ossification hidden in this poisonous effluvia? Slumbering is not Our sister. Those who have approached the Light will not pierce themselves with discontent, and will not turn to stone.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.3:
A scribe approached and asked: "Why dost thou sit in the passageway?"

New Era Community (1926) - 29:
Hearing any fragments of sound, do not reject them, for each fragment may increase the possibilities of humanity. Gradually unknown words may come through; one should not be surprised at this, remembering that when dates approached in times past the consciousness likewise became expanded.

New Era Community (1926) - 158:
You yourselves have performed the experiment with the hazel branch and have been amazed how this most ancient and primitive apparatus became tense, trembled, and went into motion, reacting to underground waters and minerals. Indeed, the source of this obvious reaction lies not in the branch but in the human apparatus. With what detail and fervor must one study, therefore, the reaction of each locality upon man and upon entire groups of people! Many regions are replete with popular rumors about the peculiarities of character of their inhabitants in some places people suffer from goitre; in some they lose their teeth; in some leprosy makes its nest; in some the spleen becomes blighted, or the heart becomes enlarged, or the character sluggish; in some places there is vigor and animation. A great number of such features catch the eye. It may be observed that these peculiarities are not a matter of racial or climatic conditions. The very structure of the ground underfoot may contain the principal causes of the differences in popular characteristics. There is a broad field for study if approached with keen eye and without prejudice.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 12:
12. Broadly has spread the praise of daring. The least of the disciples have turned to the path of searching and have approached Us, asking that We judge their striving. Each brought his dreams: "I will destroy all earthly temples, because Truth needs no walls. I will water all deserts. I will open all prisons. I will demolish all swords. I will blaze all trails. I will wipe away all tears. I will travel through all lands. I will inscribe the book of humanity."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 145:
145. At first you were both shown how the basic laws of matter work. You participated in levitation and in experiments with the materialization and teleportation of objects. These were performed not for amusement, but for the purpose of seeking serious knowledge. After that you were shown the astral world, but not for immersion in it. Expanding the consciousness, you received the ability to see auras and images of earlier incarnations. Having finished with the semi-material world, we then approached cosmic clairvoyance and clairaudience. Using the opened centers of Sister Urusvati, rays of different kinds and the structure of the most subtle substances could be shown. Thus we approached the realization of far-off worlds, which is close to the element of fire and therefore dangerous. That is why a period of treatment with cold was needed. The results were brilliant - because of having achieved the so-called prismatic sight, it became possible to perceive the granulation of Fohat without undue shock to the organism.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 151:
For example, in Asia the question of the use of fuels must be approached in a new way. Mineral fuels must be utilized properly, and nurseries must be established for the planting of trees.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 205:
Who can describe in words the entire succession of Teachers? There can be a realization of it as a serpent of knowledge; otherwise lacking this, there is only darkness, sleep, and obsession. There is no need to terrify, but one should tell all who have approached the Yoga, "Your support is the Teacher. Your shield is devotion to the Teacher. Your downfall is indifference and duplicity of thought."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 227:
The problem of possession should be approached scientifically. Two aspects of existence should be remembered. First - the continuity of life through different states. Second - the influence of the will of one upon another. Thus, beings existing in subtle bodies of different levels can direct thoughts to those on Earth. This unrealized energy can aid in the unifying of the worlds. However, uniting with the highest also opens the path to the lowest. You already know how much the lower spirits try to attach themselves to earthly emanations. Therefore, people should be warned about the need for steadfastness of the will, because possession is the most inadmissible condition. Only the intervention of a third will, firm and pure, can terminate this violation of the law, which affects people without regard for age or position.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 229:
229. By making use of the magnetism of the heights and the opened centers of Sister Urusvati, We were able to study in her the crystals of Fohat and Materia Lucida, the accumulations of imperil, and the emanations of psychic energy. Consider that if the emanations of psychic energy are visible to her naked eye, then they have real substance. And whatever is tangible can be concentrated to make possible the collecting of a new vital force. Thus it is precisely through the experimental methods of the laboratory that the mastery of new energies will be approached.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 303:
You will be told repeatedly about the awesome occult mysteries, but you will approach simply, confident in yourself. We regard knowledge of one's own situation as the first condition for battle. The unknown becomes familiar when it is approached. It is of no use to speak of it beforehand, when even its boundaries are unknown.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 361:
Of course, from the point of view of external reasoning, apparent lapses in the processes of mental synthesis can always be found. As rings of the spiral show to the observer the outer turns and conceal the inner turns, so mental logic proceeds according to the limits of the outer turns while the inner turns are still merged in the streams of collective thought in space. Hence, We take such care about the broadening of the consciousness, in order that union with spatial thought may be approached.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 403:
Few are the trusted builders who with self-denial accept the thoughts coming from space into the chalice of their hearts. They are not frightened of being scorched by the fires of the far-off worlds. They do not resent bearing the burden of anguish caused by surrounding imperfection. They are approached by the superradiant fires of space and exchange thought with the sparks of spatial consciousness, silently kindling thoughts and answering questions. Weighty is the protective canopy of blessing, but it alone provides entrance into the highest Abode.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 408:
408. Three mice approached a hermit, encouraged by his motionlessness. He addressed each one in turn:

Agni Yoga (1929) - 438:
The Teachers never had many disciples. One can remember the small number - sixteen, or twelve, or even fewer. This confirms with what difficulty the Fire of Space is approached and assimilated. But, for the saturation of space, Fire is a vital necessity. He who can think about psychic energy must know about the Fire of Space. It would be foolish to assume that the element of fire is somewhere outside of us and that its realization can be lazily postponed. No, fire rages around us! One can have it as one's friend or one's enemy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 520:
520. In the Mysteries of ancient Egypt there was a ritual called "The Sharpening of the Sword." The one to be tested was placed in deep darkness. He was approached by the Great Hierophant, who disclosed to him some of the Mysteries. Light illumined the Hierophant, then again everything sank into darkness. Afterward the priest designated as Tempter approached. Out of the darkness, the voice of the Tempter asked, "Brother, what hast thou seen and heard?" The tested one answered, "I was honored by the presence of the Great Hierophant."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 520:
Once again the Great Hierophant approached and, pointing out a chalice filled with a red liquid, said, "Receive and drink of thy chalice; empty it to see the mystery at the bottom."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 554:
554. Many thousands of years ago it was said, "The time will come when people will open their hearts and offer their Chalices to the Supreme." The time has approached when humanity nears its sixth stage of perfectment, and the flame will soon begin to glow above the Chalice. How many images and prophecies have been accumulated in space! Truly, it is time to recall the image of the Chalice, when resin flamed within the chalices of the ancients, and the priestess, leaning on the sword of attainment, raised the Chalice to the Highest.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 557:
But those who have realized psychic energy and have accepted the urgency of the Teaching will understand how closely the time of gathering of treasures has approached. The manifestation of surrounding chaos is for them like the crowd at a festival. Few are those with empty hands. To those who carry, one may say, "Do not break!"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 564:
564. You know how during the tension of some centers a contraction of the muscles can be observed, and inversely, a contraction of muscles can cause a strong sensation in the centers. If this idea is approached just by the intellect, it can lead to Hatha Yoga; but the noble straight-knowledge will always direct one upward.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 646:
646. Many words are spoken about the Teaching of Life, but few are put into action. There is little value in those who repeat the Teaching without applying it. We are not speaking about those who lack understanding, but those who have approached the Teaching are responsible for their thoughts and actions.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 195:
195. The divergence of points of view in regard to the Universe reveals an approach to varied spheres. What kind of vision has humanity? The eye of an earth dweller does not penetrate beyond the physical plane. Naturally, the search for material manifestations results in the aspiration for that which is visible only by crude sight, and the manifestation of higher spheres is thereby excluded. The world vision encompasses the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet, and man can penetrate into the higher planes. The truth predestined by Cosmos can be attained. When the world vision directs itself into Space, it is aware of all laws. But the world vision has its boundaries and goals pertaining to it; the periphery of its striving is within the closest sphere. Its quests reach into the spheres close to Earth. But the Spatial Fire can be encompassed by the vision of the Infinite. And to the spirit who has approached the Spatial Fire, the limitless vision is granted. The psycho-life of the Spatial Fire can encompass the spheres through the assimilation of psychic energy. The spirit who has embraced the Spatial Fire lives through the creative force of Materia Lucida.

Heart (1932) - 246:
246. Many errors have occurred because of a false understanding of the evolution of laws. When humanity approached the fundamental laws based upon ancient findings, it usually forgot to take into consideration all the stratifications of the ages, which are so important. Thus, if you describe a circle in the air with a stick, it will return to its primary position already altered and full of new sediments. The philosopher who maintains that the planet is regenerated with each rotation is correct. In any case, it alters with each rotation; so, too, does the law, which, remaining impregnable at the core, is constantly encircled with the spirals of evolution. These coats are very significant, hence it would be erroneous to adopt the law of millenniums ago in its complete scope. Hence, we insist upon constant study. One cannot be satisfied with a law that governed the planet during the glacial epoch. Similarly, one cannot compare the spiritual balance of a millennium ago with the present hour. Even chemically the strata around Earth have altered. Unapplied energies have been evoked, and thus chaos obtains new approaches.

Heart (1932) - 252:
252. The anguish of the heart over the far-off worlds creates a special type of anguish. Hearts that have been tested many times cannot be confined to a fixed earthly aura. And their experience indicates how the Teaching summons them to the expansion of understanding. But nothing will erase the memory of the far-off worlds in those who have approached them in the fiery body. As countless as the stars, as inexpressible in words, is the memory of the far-off worlds. So, too, the heart will not forget about the silver thread, which is like a ladder to Infinity. The earthly body cannot withstand many fiery revelations. But the same thread of the heart retains the consciousness of the far-off worlds.

Heart (1932) - 369:
369. I already spoke of the significance of harmonized work, through which even machines do not wear away. One can imagine the beneficent energy emitted by a united work. Astonishing observations can be made by gathering harmonized consciousness into groups. States should have considered such classifications of labor according to consciousness. Such subdividing could create the best page of political economy. Thus, instead of imitations of antiquated dogmas, the essence of action should be approached.

Heart (1932) - 556:
556. You will not be astonished at My confirmation that black magic is increasing greatly. Of course, this is one of the weapons used by the opponents of Light. They gather conscious and unconscious co-workers. Conjurations, incantations, and also all the accumulations of the dark ones, are broadly utilized. In addition to the dark centers previously indicated to you many small circles are arising, often based on the most primitive rituals. But general harm is great. Of course, white magic possesses the most powerful formula - but above all formulas stands the energy of the heart. All formulas and conjurations presuppose mechanical apparatuses, remaining within the confines of the lowest teachings. But now, when the forces of darkness are so aroused, the forces of the heart are set against them in opposition. It can be noticed how gradually the rituals of white magic were carried to the highest concepts of Fire and the heart. The dark ones do not possess these strongholds. Only the pure heart can act. Only the link with the Hierarchy of Light can kindle the inextinguishable fires. Thus, the opposition of the heart to all dark forces will be the sign of victory. I affirm the might of the heart and from your experience you know how close and powerful is this weapon of Light. The fiery sphere cannot be approached without the flame of the heart. Initiation by fire is only for the pure heart.

Heart (1932) - 565:
565. Much more of the wondrous occurs than we are accustomed to think. One could cite some historic instances of how prominent persons disappeared without leaving traces. But those who, for certain reasons, could not hide, apparently died, asking that they be covered tightly and that afterward thick layers of flowers be strewn upon them. During the night unknown persons came, made an exchange, and departed with the apparently dead. One could point out more than one case in Asia, Egypt, Greece, when events demanded such a transformation. Of course history represents these events in an entirely distorted manner. Empty tombs and secret cremations could recall much that is unknown to the people. One should measure with large scales. One should not assume that things are limited. Materia Lucida is ample for all achievements. One can develop great responsibility precisely through great measures. There are many ways, and if now We insist upon the shortest, it means that the limit of events has approached. It is correct to observe the causes and the course of events. But only a few feel responsibility for what takes place. I can affirm that each indicated situation has its most immediate designation. Since ancient days it was customary to investigate the disciple's degree of observation. For this, a seemingly abstract formula was altered and it was observed whether the keen intelligence would be capable of retrospection in order to find application for the formula expressed. The Teaching can deepen the understanding through observation.

Heart (1932) - 594:
594. He who has once approached the Fiery Teaching transforms his substance of yesterday.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 21:
21. The human eye does not see the most powerful electric vibrations. The same is true with regard to fiery gradations. Incidentally, this circumstance always hinders the Teaching of Fire. The smaller manifestations of fiery energies will be sensed, and thus admitted, but higher and more refined manifestations will become imperceptible to the modern apparatus, and to the consciousness which has not karmically approached the element of fire. But contemporaries do not readily admit the imperfection of the apparatus and especially their own inexperience. The lack of such acknowledgement becomes a great obstacle, and instead of moving forward valuable time must be spent in instilling an understanding of the nature of Fire. However, during these reiterations about the concept of Fire, a useful accumulation takes place, which will be indelibly inscribed upon the brain. Whatever is done, at least let those who cannot assimilate through the heart perceive through the brain. Our duty is to proffer the shortest paths, but patience will be found to follow the longest roads also. The chief requisite is steadfastness, when in your heart you yourself know that there is no other way; therefore The Subtle World is achieved only by means of Fire. Thus, knowledge of our essential nature is not only in knowing but also in sensing.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 28:
Once there existed a trial by fire. He who was tried approached the fire, and the fire, at contact with truth, rose upward, but a lie deflected the flame. With all its imperfections, this trial brings to mind the possibilities of the reaction of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 42:
42. Upon the sky you inscribe words in smoke. Perhaps you do not know that the Chaldeans up on their ziggurats wrote in space when the dates approached. Thus, cooperation was established with the luminaries, and chemical rays speedily fortified the earthly solutions. In their turn, scientists affixed in space their findings.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 123:
123. The state of illumination is called "fiery aid." This state of consciousness should be approached with all the senses refined. Indeed, it may be noticed that sometimes I speak about things that are almost the same, but in this "almost" is contained one complete turn of the spiral. If you compare all these "almosts," you can discern the stratifications of the consciousness. It is not very easy to assimilate the rhythm of these strata, which differ individually. Yet through many observations it is possible to understand what a most subtle substance our consciousness is. Precisely, I emphasize refinement of the stratifications of consciousness. People often imagine that Fire is something turbulent, unencompassable, almost terrifying, thus they themselves plant fiery thickets. "As you call, so shall the call be answered."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 351:
351. Many small circles are scattered throughout the planet. The black lodges know what to do. But the servants of Light, by their disorganization, often even harm each other. The black lodges are not approached by strangers, but the servants of Light, through good nature, or rather ignorance, often are ready to embrace the most dangerous traitor. One must eject indifference, which paralyzes the best forces. Truly one can become exhausted not so much by enemies as by the indifference of friends. How is it possible to understand fieriness when one is indolent and indifferent? The qualities of Fire are the antitheses of indifference. One must beware of the oppressiveness of such inert people, although occasionally one can put them to shame and at least rouse indignation in them. A deathlike withdrawal of the spirit is a departure from life.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 407:
407. The Arhat possesses the ability to prevent his feelings from becoming blunted. This rare ability is acquired by Him only through fiery tension. This may be termed an adamant asceticism. It attracts the hearts of the people. He about whom you recently read knew these intense poignancies of feeling. Everyone who approached Him felt his unfailing freshness of heart. This continuous acuteness is attained not by a special technique, but by a simple opening of the heart. He never pitied himself, and this trait was not an intellectual one, but had become his second nature. Yet, because of the deadening influence of daily routine, how many priests have lost that which they had accumulated! Daily routine is the great testing stone. It opens the Gates of Eternity and affirms Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 415:
415. Truly it is difficult to understand why persons serving the same goal disparage each other. Straight-knowledge, even in a small degree, should be developed. But mutual disparagement is one of the most shameful sins. I know of no better definition of it than sin, so destructive is the work of mutual annihilation. This can be explained as a certain aspect of obsession, but shame to those who, after having approached the knowledge of the fundamental principles, stoop to such a base state. Let the belittling and the destroying ones ponder upon their own consciousness. They are far from the fires of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 420:
420. Sparks and other manifestations of light produce much of the connective tissue with the Subtle World. One can even notice streams of sparks issuing from the mouth and eyes when the fiery tension is strong. It can be asked whether these are electrical phenomena. In answer one must say they are rather phenomena of Fohat, which are related to the energy of the Fiery World. Thus, those who have eyes and ears not clogged with the dross of ignorance can observe much not only of the Subtle but also of the Fiery World. One must not, in self-depreciation, think that for us on Earth the Fiery World is inaccessible. The Covenants relate that certain persons of no especial learning instantaneously and directly approached the most Fiery Summits. Every religion speaks of such assertions.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 513:
513. A neophyte asked a Rishi who spoke to him about Agni, "If I constantly repeat the word Agni, will I have any benefit from it?" The Rishi answered, "Of course, You have been so far removed from this concept that even through sound your nature will cling to the great foundation of Existence." In the same way We repeat about the various qualities and analogies of the great Agni. May the people accept this sound in the Chalice! Let them be so saturated with its reverberations that they accept it as inalienable to them. If, during the transition between existences, they even pronounce "Agni," it will be of help to them, because they will not be hostile toward Fire. The Subtle World will help to sensitize the understanding of the higher principles, but they cannot be approached with hostility and denial. The aim of the first book about the Fiery World is to affirm and accustom people to an understanding of Agni. Let them see how diversely Fire has been understood, from ancient times up to the present contemporary understanding. May the sparks of these fires of the heart recall to mind many mysterious manifestations and the recounting of legends by the old people. One must absorb into one's consciousness an attractive constructive image. One should admit it as one's own possession which will lead to the heights. Therefore, even the repetition of sound, Agni, is useful.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 258:
258. You may have heard that wise people, in an hour of danger, have sometimes exclaimed - joy, joy! This exclamation could not have signified mere self-delusion. They knew about the treasure of joy and, as it were, wished to draw therefrom a kindling of feelings necessary for achievement. Ghosts are not needed there where exists a sacred link with Hierarchy. One can borrow out of the Treasury inexhaustible forces, but they should be evoked flamingly. No one can oppose the joy of achievement. One should not submit to violence, but joy is a consummation. Thus, let us cultivate it as one would most precious blossoms, but let us not belittle it with the suspicion that it is an illusion. No, we know how joy resounds through the channel of Kundalini. We cannot often explain in words whence arises this joy, as a forerunner, but it comes to visit us on a light-winged ray of Hierarchy. Who knows from what Infinite Source sounds the call to joy? How many know that already the time of manifestation of joy has approached? But the law is immutable, and therefore joy is a special wisdom. How long ago this was said! But in spiral evolvement it gradually becomes real and comprehensible. Likewise grows the heart, and the consciousness, and fiery wisdom. We do not see how the grass grows, but we perceive the evidence of the growth. So too with the joy of achievement.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 81:
81. Let us observe how the current of those who have just entered upon the path of Service acts. At first they are impelled toward an invisible, unknown Light, all their expectations are intensified, all quests are stimulated, and the spirit strives aflame. Then the current is affirmed as a personal quest; then follows a swarm of doubts and hopes. But when the spirit is able to overcome all the invasions of the dark ones, then the pledge of aspiration and ascent may become affirmed. Thus must the leaders of spirit remember. Sometimes the obvious enemies are not so dangerous as the aspirants who have approached the Light, because when the terrors of doubt are unconquered, then also is the path of Light unrealized. Indeed, one must be conscious of the full Light, in order to distinguish the voices of the Light from the whisperings of darkness. Each one chooses his way to fight against the enemies; some manifest self-defense, some foresee danger, some carry the fight to the enemy. But the path of those newly approaching Light must be verily directed and watched over, for when the doubts are not fully outlived one must direct the spirit on the path of Light. Verily, as Ur. has said, one should place everything at stake. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 87:
87. Verily, the Invisible World explains everything visible - from the Unmanifested to the manifested, from manifested to the Subtle. Thus, all energies are saturated by the One Fire. Thus, the transmutation of that which is manifested through Fire is the eternal process of evolution of Worlds. Actions invisible upon the Earth are just as vital as earthly processes, and they can affirm the bond between the Worlds. Often those who have approached the Light are perplexed as to why difficult trials do not cease. One may answer that each process invokes in the Invisible World a tension, manifested by the Forces of Light and by the hordes of darkness. Humanity is then made manifest as a useful conductor when the force of the spirit can attract the Power of Light. But it is not easy for a wavering spirit to overcome the hordes of darkness. Thus, let us remember on the Fiery Path that the spirit summons Forces from the Subtle World and from the different spheres.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 618:
618. A therapeutic-psychic treatment must be applied not only after much consideration but resolutely to the very end. Half-way measures, as in everything are dangerous. It is possible to open up the centers, but to impose upon them any influence so that, instead of a cure, irritation and new infection set in, is impermissible. The employment of increased suggestion requires also the consent of the patient himself. Every counteraction is dangerous for it could in the end overstrain his forces. It can also be seen that the unconscious condition is also undesirable, as the patient's strong desire and cooperation through will is required. Not only during medical treatments, but in all the manifestations of life, the same conditions are needed. Without them how can one think about the Fiery World? The Subtle World can be reached even in semi-conscious state, but the Fiery World can be approached only in clear and full consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 18:
In place of mistrust and denials, let the chords of the distant worlds resound. Each perception of voices at a distance is already a conquest of space. Some know the music of the spheres and the song of space. Few have approached this step, nevertheless these transfigurers of life do exist. Let us guard such heralds of the far-off worlds.

AUM (1936) - 137:
People cannot approach them in the earthly state, yet in the subtle body the best spirits have already approached such planets and brought back remembrances about their surface structure, coloration and inhabitants. Such experiences are rare, still they occur. They can reinforce the consciousness about infinite reality. In addition to the three invisible worlds it is necessary to recognize inhabited worlds. It is necessary to understand these oceans of thought which generate the music of the spheres. Thus let us diligently direct our thought to the distant friends and co-workers and Protectors. The thought that distant worlds are populated is not a supernatural fantasy. Man will firmly tread the earthly path when knowing about the surrounding magnitude.

AUM (1936) - 238:
238. The most complicated matter can be approached by the simplest path; the principle requisite is attentiveness. Even very experienced observers lose it amid commonplaceness. But the Higher World requires love and gratitude. How otherwise is it possible to scan the subtle signs under incarnate conditions?

Brotherhood (1937) - 256:
It has been said that the web of the Most High consists of sparks; consequently, if one discerns even a single spark it will already be a big attainment. But in such experiments it is possible to achieve success only through mutual trust. Valuable information can be brought even by children, country folk, and various workers in whom even a single spark with which they have come in contact has caught hold. Very often people actually preserve some memories but are ashamed to talk about them. Such hiding places must be approached solicitously. They will not be revealed to an arrogant interrogator or to a hurrying passer-by. Moreover, earthly law prohibits touching upon what is professed to be sacred. Physicians frequently call such confessions madness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 20:
Imagine Our Abode in which every sound disrupts the harmony of the vibrations. We have sufficiently insulated Our laboratories against sound, but psychic energy cannot be stopped. Our co-workers, near and far, must understand what state of mind is of help to Us. Great Service is always co-service. Each person who has approached Us even once has already accepted the responsibility not to impede Our labors.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200:
"Friends, We fly and easily assimilate the radiance of the far-off realms. Some will oppose this statement, and will argue in their ignorance that these realms do not exist, that they are only mirages, but We who have approached them know their essence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227:
You can see that this truth must be repeated. You have witnessed how people approached you motivated by self-interest, yet dared to pronounce the word "Brotherhood." Witnessing such behavior, one may rightly conclude that the life of the Brotherhood should be described only with reverence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 359:
It is interesting to observe how slowly people acquire this ability. Often the perceived images tremble, the features become distorted, parts disappear, or the images may become stretched out of proportion or change their expression. Even the most kindly face can acquire a look of malice. Due to these distortions people imagine that they have been approached by an evil spirit, but the cause lies in their own inability to develop subtle vision.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 433:
And in this quest We help. We direct people's attention to new books. We inspire useful turning-points in discussion. We send thoughts about new discoveries. We send warnings about harmful errors. It is joyous to render this help unnoticed. We value those fighters who bravely repel the assaults of darkness. People should recall how they were instructed in the Subtle World, how the Luminous Beings approached them, and how the growth of their consciousness permitted these Instructors to come close. The same thing takes place in the earthly life.


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