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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AP > APPARENTLY (30)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.13:
2.3.13. As you felt loneliness before, so now you must feel the spirit-knowledge. There is bidding to each new step. Permit volition to the spirit. Exercise caution, in conformity with the spiritual consciousness. Ask yourself, "What does the spirit wish?" The step of the spirit-knowledge is important. Approaching it, it seems that the spirit is most remote. But this is only apparently so; on the contrary, the spirit knocks powerfully. It is important to act directly, to grasp the spirit-knowledge. As one wishes, so should one act. One had better apply it on details than risk using it in massive measure.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.5:
If it is said to you, "Apparently you are not averse to reading parchments," reply, "Go back to school, we will talk afterwards."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.7:
Gauging the requirements of the future city, be not misled by an apparently broad concept; a trifle is often more indicative.

New Era Community (1926) - 127:
127. If some very ignorant and unawakened person will say of the Teaching that it is apparently quite a different kind of communal teaching - know how to reply justly. Say that every community based on labor and the knowledge of reality does not harm the processes of perfectionment of humanity., Due to the motion of the Cosmos, it is impossible to remain immobile. There is either backward or forward movement. All who realize consciously the community move forward. And there cannot be communities opposed to each other; just as one cannot contrast different aspects of the sensation of hunger. Thus, against the community will speak only he who has begun to move backwards, entering into the formation of cosmic refuse.

New Era Community (1926) - 157:
Our messenger has but to proclaim any elementary truth to be suspected of some sort of machinations of the Community. He may pronounce, "Energy and light," apparently the simplest of concepts, but the city-dweller already senses some attempt against his comfort. The city-dweller is so accustomed to considering himself something dense and dark that he does not admit that he could prove to be a source of physical light. But even children are not astonished if an electric spark emanates from them.

New Era Community (1926) - 258:
When falsehood and self-conceit apparently rule, then indeed there has arrived a great turning point in evolution. The whisperer of the night departs into darkness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 301:
301. If in the circle of activity there appears a child who is apparently drawn to it with special reason, smile upon him and develop in him the awareness that these activities are a home to him. Children sometimes come to this activity in response to a special call. Give them what has been prepared for them by their own past. Heavy with juice is the fruit when the roots are strong.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 574:
All but one hired someone to listen to the Teaching for them, while they themselves went to the bazaar, regretting their wasted time. One had missed collecting his debts; one had missed his chance to marry; one had forgotten to convict an offender; one had failed to gather his profits; one had missed bargains; one had lost the favor of the rajah. In short, the Teaching had apparently caused losses to each one.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 143:
143. How can one not understand the manifestation of an eternally moving vital process, when all energies are not only being transmuted but are manifesting new blendings? Verily there is no lull in the Cosmos. All is permeated with ceaseless currents. The energies proceed in an undulatory motion wherein forces that are apparently annihilated rise as new energies. When new currents eject the old encumbrances, then verily a great interchange of energies takes place.

Hierarchy (1931) - 12:
The karmic tie apparently disappears when human thought pictures an Arhat. Everything takes on a new dimension. Everything becomes improbable. Everything becomes uncorrelated to reality. Let us say, in proceeding to the higher worlds, that an Arhat is limitless in all manifestations. In ascending, an Arhat elevates along with himself all the highest and most subtle energies.

Hierarchy (1931) - 364:
364. It is generally known that before the beginning of Satya Yuga the scroll of karma rolls up with especial rapidity. It may be asked why, then, many crimes and blasphemies remain seemingly unpunished? There are many reasons. The first, people prefer to judge by thunder rather than by lightning. The second, one may not notice how gradually the circle of events revolves. The third reason lies in the motive and in old karmic bonds. Thus, only a subtle consciousness can feel how, behind some undesirable action, there is concealed not a bad motive. But the reverse also happens when an action which is not apparently bad is the result of an inadmissible thought. When I speak of spatial justice, I have in mind the law of equilibrium. The Chalice will reflect each wavering of the spirit.

Heart (1932) - 97:
97. After two weeks of apparently superficial striving, a man comes to the conclusion either that he is unfit or that the Higher World does not exist. Whereas the very same man will tell his servant after a year of service, "A year is too short. I cannot yet raise you." Even in common earthly affairs, people understand the significance of dates. But in considerations of a higher order, people do not wish to know the essentials of assimilation. It is difficult to speak to those who have not matured in heart or who have succeeded in extinguishing it. It would seem that the fires of the heart are very natural and simple in manifestation; but long periods are needed in order that this understanding which links the lowest with the Subtle World may become evident in the physical world. Of course, a great number of the fires demand adjustment to them, in order to bring a seeming casualness into the cadence of the rhythm. There are very few who strive to become citizens of the Universe. This title demands numerous cares, observation, vigilance, and, primarily, and indomitable striving.

Heart (1932) - 251:
251. Some deny everything invisible. Not only savages but many literate people do not wish even to think about the stars. The teachings hint about countless heavenly abodes but people apparently are undesirous of hastening their path. It is the same as in the theater where the spectators weep, yet a moment after are ready to resume their wrath and to crush each other.

Heart (1932) - 371:
371. I already have spoken of the significance of rays and currents that pierce space. Such considerations would not be difficult to verify scientifically, it would seem. Why not examine the atmosphere transpierced by every possible ray and forced saturation? It could be proved that a condition of oversaturation of the atmosphere is possible. Of course, this forced oversaturation of the atmosphere must produce abnormal results. Man cannot be subjected to constant strokes of lightning or a constant downpour of arsenic or any other poison. Aside from medical considerations, one should think of the crossing of waves. Even the simple rotation of an object produces strong disturbances. To what a degree, then, must the refraction of waves react upon the human heart! But apparently people do not think of anything beyond their own stature.

Heart (1932) - 426:
426. The development of observation will lead to fearlessness. We should not fear that which surrounds us. And thus we shall disclose new structures which only yesterday were imperceptible or invisible. Thus, one should become accustomed to the apparently most unusual. That which was forbidden yesterday through ignorance will tomorrow become the participant and inspiration of life.

Heart (1932) - 565:
565. Much more of the wondrous occurs than we are accustomed to think. One could cite some historic instances of how prominent persons disappeared without leaving traces. But those who, for certain reasons, could not hide, apparently died, asking that they be covered tightly and that afterward thick layers of flowers be strewn upon them. During the night unknown persons came, made an exchange, and departed with the apparently dead. One could point out more than one case in Asia, Egypt, Greece, when events demanded such a transformation. Of course history represents these events in an entirely distorted manner. Empty tombs and secret cremations could recall much that is unknown to the people. One should measure with large scales. One should not assume that things are limited. Materia Lucida is ample for all achievements. One can develop great responsibility precisely through great measures. There are many ways, and if now We insist upon the shortest, it means that the limit of events has approached. It is correct to observe the causes and the course of events. But only a few feel responsibility for what takes place. I can affirm that each indicated situation has its most immediate designation. Since ancient days it was customary to investigate the disciple's degree of observation. For this, a seemingly abstract formula was altered and it was observed whether the keen intelligence would be capable of retrospection in order to find application for the formula expressed. The Teaching can deepen the understanding through observation.

Heart (1932) - 585:
585. Ponder! In no way can the aura and the properties of the secretions be falsified. Humanity is unable to grasp even so simple a consideration. Even among the tests of Arhats such questions have their place. To see naught, to hear naught - yet faith up to the highest degree of cognizance. This is a quality of an Arhat. The striving of the heart - this also is a quality of an Arhat. The ability to discriminate in great and small - is also a quality of an Arhat. Husbanding of the basic energy - is also a quality of an Arhat. Constant desire for Good - is also a quality of an Arhat. Courage and patience - are also qualities of an Arhat. It is absurd to regard the essence of an Arhat as something beyond Earth. He evolves on earth as a Leader of Hearts. He offers himself as the focus for new formations. His consciousness perceives everything, all apparently intolerable earthly situations, but His heart understands how to transmute these barriers. The small in spirit are constantly fearful of battle, or more correctly of that state which we call battle. But no other word will express that state of inner struggle and success as battle does. Thus one can also find a place for the adversary as a whetstone for sharpening one's sword. I deem that one can send to the Teacher fortified strivings in mutual battle.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 214:
214. In antiquity it was considered useful to place on the glands the roots of igniridaceae, but this is a very primitive way of healing, because the fiery property of these plants can be utilized far more advantageously. They can yield an extract useful for increasing the fiery activity. Apparently the ancients intended to apply the cure of like by like. Wormwood is good, and so is rose oil, which acts as a sedative, although not so quickly. Indeed the fiery property of plants has many uses, and can enter into the composition of tonic remedies.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 488:
488. Many are familiar with a vague inner tremor having apparently no visible cause. No one will consider that he may be touched by the current of some powerful thought. Perhaps his receiver is not attuned to this rhythm, but the energy itself shakes his solar plexus. Thus, many fiery sensations glide over people's bodies, as if asking to be noticed.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 527:
527. One apparently simple manifestation merits attention when ten men test their prowess separately they will find that the sum of their individual efforts is less than the total of their joint effort. This mysterious something is the crown of cooperation. Again we touch on the fiery domain. Only a combined rhythmic effort summons the fiery reserves. Is not such a calculable strengthening a proof of fiery energy? Let scientists collect even the most minute data about the manifestations of fiery energy. Let them observe this something not as a mystical but a real and growing concept.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 551:
551. In biographies it is highly instructive to trace the intervening circumstances which help to conclusively define a life task . It may be noted that many apparently accidental factors helped along in the predestined direction. As a matter of fact, not accident but many profound causes contributed to such achievement. In this can be seen the participation of the Subtle World. When the spirit chooses a definite task, it adapts itself to many assisting influences. Often there remain in the Subtle World allies and co-workers who control the contributory circumstances. Thus one can observe many scarcely perceptible impulses that lead to definite aims. One can only esteem such fireflies along with wayside guideposts!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 616:
616. Thought-creativeness cannot be definitely discerned on the earthly plane; herein lies its difference from the Fiery World. The Higher Beings perceive the effect of their thoughts immediately, whereas here we can know only their direction, and the ultimate result is disclosed only after a certain lapse of time. Thus, one can gradually form an idea of the differences between manifestations in various worlds. Likewise, one can gradually approach fiery consciousness, eradicating the barriers between worlds. One can imagine the state when death will be no more, and the transition will be a usual attainment. It is impossible to understand how such separation between worlds came about, since it is not necessary for evolution, unless people have created a prideful concept of Earth. It can be discovered that in remote antiquity there was greater understanding of the spherical form of the planet than after the post-glacial period. True, many ancient traditions have been confused, and only now people begin correctly to extend their estimate of the continuity of the life of our Earth. It is amazing how apparently learned people discuss the greatness of God, yet at the same time seek to disparage his creations. If scientists two hundred years ago had dared to hint at the great antiquity of the planet, or to suggest other inhabited worlds, their contemporaries would probably have resorted to the well-tried remedy of the stake. And one may be equally sure that even now some moderate theory, though based on experiments, will be assailed as a fraud. Thus, people regard the destiny of this planet as the alpha and omega of the entire Universe. Much persuasion will be required to remind humanity that in all the promulgated Covenants the Era of Fire was foretold.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 104:
104. Black lodges must be destroyed very carefully. The fact is that they do not exist as oasis only, but are infiltrated into apparently the most respectable circles. That is why it is difficult to eradicate evil. But people who consider themselves to be on the side of Light do not give sufficient aid, because they lack trust, not having developed it. One may name cases of direct betrayal which people regarded as trust, so confused are the concepts.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 242:
242. One should not be surprised when We pronounce a name and thereby fill space with information. We affirm Our decisions in space. He who has understood the bond with Hierarchy must also assimilate the fact that the decision of the World depends upon filling the space. Truly, not the earthly world alone decides, but all three worlds. Thus, even apparently most positive earthly rulings are destroyed, because they have not been accepted by the two Higher Worlds. Likewise the dark forces must be sometimes informed, and because of this their wails merely augment the sound of the announcement. Through all worlds is such a call resounded, and it stirs up new energies. Naturally, those to whom such a manifestation refers must be careful, for a vortex has been directed around them.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 187:
187. Resounding on the cosmic note can be transmitted spatially to the spirit which perceives the subtle currents. Among the subtle manifestations of such reverberations of the spirit must be especially noticed those which are audible to the fiery spirit. How vital it is to harken to that apparently inaudible tone which can transmit to the spirit spatial joy or anguish. The manifestation of inexplicable anguish can derive from the sounding of a spatial tone. The subtle organism of this bearer of Fires shudders from these notes of space. The physical ear cannot hear it, but the subtle hearing detects that which is inaudible to the ear and receives it in the heart. Therefore, the striving spirit is a creator in unison with the Cosmos, and knows the cosmic soundings which intensify space. In them is contained summons or call; in them is victory or battle; in them is sorrow or joy. Verily, he who knows these soundings and experiences the joy and anguish of communion with space, may be called a great fire-bearer. To this the fiery heart of the Mother of Agni Yoga bears witness. Thus let us remember the great unified Heart.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 357:
357. It is possible to trace how events are being crowded, how clouds are piling up, how all the centers of the planet reveal their sharpened trends. Even limited minds can see that the chart of the World is being altered. Verily, not much time remains before the great events. Reconstruction of the World is going on in all quarters, and apparently affirmed comfort is only a mirage, for each energy is found to be in a state of transmutation. It is not difficult to confirm the fact that the Cosmic Scales are oscillating. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us strive for saturation by the Cosmic Magnet.

AUM (1936) - 287:
287. Psychology is the science of mind. The study of thought cannot be confined to one people or to a single stratum of a people. The comparison of consciousness of different nations will yield surprising deductions. One can observe how independent of external civilization is the potential of thought. Likewise one may convince oneself that wealth will not go hand in hand with thought. Apparently the most onerous conditions contribute to a deepening of thought. Lack of means favors refinement of consciousness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 378:
378. Thought does not die away in space. Horizontally and vertically thought traverses space. There is no limit to its expansion. But nothing can remain in the same state. We know about the inviolability of thought, but apparently transmutation of it is taking place, and one needs to know into what the thought is being transmuted. It flows into pure fire. A beautiful circle results. From the fire arises energy - a creative thought - and through the earthly furnace this thought is again united with fire. The circle is closed, and renewed energy ascends regenerated for new labor. Such consummated cycles can be observed throughout the Universe. But the evolution of thought will be especially sublime. Therefore, does not this realization of the value of thought impel man to intensify his thought-energy? Let each one apprehend what kind of thought will be especially creative. Let man weigh in his heart which thought is fitting for him. Thus a selection of values takes place.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 100:
100. Urusvati remembers that the events in Spain were predicted ten years earlier, and that the dates of other great events were also given. Some may wonder why certain events were predicted far in advance, whereas others, apparently far more significant, were not pointed out at all. From an earthly point of view, this question is quite reasonable, but on what basis should some events be considered more important than others? Let us remember that beyond worldly understanding there is a supermundane one. Some events may greatly influence human affairs yet leave no trace upon the pages of history. On the other hand, events may occur that seem to be only local, but in reality are most significant and become turning points in the history of the world. Such seeming contradictions between earthly and supermundane evaluations can create confusion in people's minds.


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