Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 72: 72. The Spirit of Christ breathes across the desert of life. Like a spring It wears Its way through the solid rocks. In the milky firmament It radiates in lights beyond counting, and rises upward in the stem of every flower. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 274: 274. Stretch your arm across the abyss. Above the abyss there is no fear. More abhorrent to the spirit are the confines of room and rug. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 319: Each season affords new ways. The spirit leaps across the abyss. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 328: 328. Across the deserts, seas, and mountains, You transport yourselves in one breath. And there, face to face, we meet. There is no space. Time exists not. The power of knowledge is manifested. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 358: I charge you: Guard the shield and display trust, For I have already shown to you My Sign. Happiness has come to you; do not deal with it roughly. And wings are bearing across the world the happiness of the unfolding of Our Plan. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.17: We do not see those to whom the plan of the New Country is not beneficial, and therefore we walk with sharpsightedness even in the darkness. If the teacher says: "Rush across a current!" - it means that the footing is foreseen, but let the foot not miss the stone. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.20: 2.6.20. The flights of the subtle body can be of two kinds; either it flows out of the feet and aimlessly wanders, or it passes through the upper nerve centers and flies upon spiritual missions. It is instantaneously transported across oceans, it teaches people, it imbues auras. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.16: Only through consciousness of utter urgency will you swim across. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.21: He who performs the most wearisome labor most joyously will be the resolute victor, for he overcomes the burden of boredom. Of course every path, even the path to Our Community, has difficult crossings. The scope of consciousness is measured not through the flowers but across the abyss. New Era Community (1926) - 150: A moment approaches when the eyes of the listener darken and across the physical radiation there run sparks of unrelated color - this color pertains to the radiation of the sender. Indeed, light has succeeded in flashing out most rapidly, affecting the light of the listener's consciousness. It means that the field has been occupied and is prepared for further reception. Agni Yoga (1929) - 37: 37. Answer only when you see that your answer can be understood. Often a questioner is not able to grasp your answer. Then it is necessary to find a consonant chord before sending your thought in a new direction. It is an error to believe that a current that cuts across the thought is less dangerous than a knife severing an artery. You must not intercept the questioner's thought, but must infuse new blood of life by nourishing his nervous system. Each answering word must be given not as a nail in a coffin, but as a physician's ray. A deferred reply may be given in the form of advice. Agni Yoga (1929) - 48: The daring of the unshackled man is not an abstraction. The courage of the bird that flies across the sea provides an example for humanity, although no one thinks to consider the swallow a hero. Agni Yoga (1929) - 237: 237. To reach the Teacher there is but one way - to walk without glancing back. Any thought of failure is already a defeat. The one who knows the direction of his flight is like an eagle soaring across an abyss. You know about the magnetizing of circumstances. Agni Yoga (1929) - 257: The future is constructed by lightning-bolts of realization. The power of these great sparks depends upon the strength of the counterforce. Clearly then, success will not come from embarking on a voyage in a tub across a stagnant pool. Agni Yoga (1929) - 393: But to you who have found the fire, I say, "All is permitted! You know how to leap across the abyss. Dangers are joys to you. In the words of the Teaching, fiery signs, embodying the inexpressible, flash out for you. Fire is not an abstraction, but is perceptible to the eye. This is a great treasure. Fire is the measure of the all-permissible. Fire is the sign of all-embracing trust." Agni Yoga (1929) - 424: 424. The measure of success is the degree of necessity. You may be sure that one would not leap across an abyss without absolute necessity. The more unavoidable the necessity, the nearer is the step of victory. Let the most dire necessity arise! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 142: 142. Upon the cosmic scales there are manifested two main causes, which uphold the cosmic organization. Each cause predicates the reorganization of the world. The effects of the cosmic causes are strained according to the substance. Thus, upon the cosmic scales rests the evolution of the world and its dark opposition. When the world is being reorganized, the dark side creates impediments. Let us see how the forces for the accomplishment of world tasks are affirmed across the span of millennia. When the Carriers of Light affirmed the manifestations of the Covenant, the potentiality of their striving was infused into the spirit of humanity. When the striving of despotic conquerors was asserted under the law of egotism, man sank into a sphere of restrictions, and darkness propelled him toward self-destruction. Hence, the self-renunciation of the Lords flamingly leads humanity. It is the principle of self-destruction that brings on a new step of evolution. Thus is the path of the world cleared. Over and above all consequences radiates achievement, and the path of self-destruction leads to the lower spheres. Thus, even darkness affirms the step of Light. Hierarchy (1931) - 145: 145. Unfortunately, the present time fully corresponds to the last period of Atlantis. The very same pseudo-prophets and a pseudo-savior; the same wars, the same treasons and spiritual barbarism. We take pride in the crumbs of civilization; the Atlanteans likewise knew how to fly across the planet in order to speedily cheat each other. The temples likewise became defiled, and science became a subject of speculation and dissension. The same occurred in construction, as if they did not dare to build solidly! Likewise, they rebelled against Hierarchy and were stifled with their own egoism. Likewise, they disturbed the equilibrium of the subterranean forces, and by mutual efforts a cataclysm was created. Heart (1932) - 54: 54. With justice they ask, "What distinguishes the significance of thought in the New Age? If thought is affirmed so persistently does it mean that a special designation is given to it in the regeneration of life?" This is entirely correct. If during the Black Age thought was centered around man and magnetism was spread across small distances, in the New Age thought is Space! Therefore, one must not think personally but spatially. Heart (1932) - 336: 336. Reasoning is a kind of antithesis to the attainment of the heart. Reasoning is a kind of magic, but magic is the antithesis of Beneficence. We must fully comprehend magic as well as reasoning, because they are so closely related to personality, to self, to egoism. Reasoning issues from self, magic sets itself against the Highest. But the achievement of the heart, and also of Beneficence, in essence has no feeling of self, in other words, of the most limiting inception. The porcupine flings its quills from itself, and it is difficult to get at him from above. Each one who is argumentative deprives himself of the great communion with the Above. Do not let us confuse reason and conditioned reasonings. Reason leads to wisdom, in other words, to the heart. But a worm argues, even though he crawls with difficulty across the path of men. Therefore, let us persist in the achievement of the heart. Because in it is the coffer of ecstasy, which cannot be acquired with gold. Heart (1932) - 339: 339. Surya-Vidya - thus was the Teaching of the Heart sometimes called. In this definition was indicated the fieriness, the sunlike quality, the centrality of the heart. Verily, anyone who wishes to cognize the heart cannot approach it as only a part of the organism. First of all, one should recognize the centrifugal aspect of the heart and study outward from it, not inward toward it. The solar plexus is the antechamber of the temple of the heart. The Kundalini is the laboratory of the heart. The brain and all the centers are the estates of the heart, because nothing can exist without the heart. Even the brain can be supplemented to a certain degree. Even the Kundalini can be somewhat nourished by a manifestation of electricity, and the solar plexus can be strengthened by blue light. But the heart stands as the temple of humanity. One cannot conceive of the unity of humanity by way of the brain or the Kundalini, but the radiance of the heart can bring together the most seemingly varied organisms, even across remote distances. This experiment, of the unification of hearts across distance, awaits its workers. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 28: 28. All achievements and heroic deeds are essentially fiery actions. The higher energy transports people across the precipice. It may be asked, "Does not the fiery energy participate in the rise of crime?" Certainly, this same energy can raise a bloody knife; therefore We advise not to turn the Fire of Benefaction into the flame of destruction. Besides personal harm, the flame of destruction contaminates the surrounding space. Moreover, a flame of evil is aroused by the decomposing vortices of the lower strata. It has long been said that sinners themselves feed the fires of hell. People are themselves responsible for the extent of evil. As it is, a vast amount of evil is not realized, and people refuse to recognize whence come these hideous burns. In various countries you saw different concepts of hell. If such forms are embodied on Earth, likewise they exist in the Subtle World. How carefully must one avoid all ugliness on Earth! The Fire of Benefaction creates the most beautiful transmutations. Let us then be toiling and blessed smiths. Beneficent Fires are borne high up by the vortexes of the far-off worlds. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 340: 340. Follow Me. Strive to Me. Only thus can you understand the future. What could be preferred to the Forces of Light? One's faith can be renewed as an immutable force. Faith that does not guide one's entire life is worthless. I indicate the countries that have lost their path; the machine is still in motion, but without a regeneration of the consciousness there is nothing on which to exist. New consciousness can come only from the spirit. The new force can be strengthened only through knowledge of the higher worlds. The accumulation of such knowledge will strengthen life. One may reject the most essential if one fails to consider the future! One must accept all transitions as improvements. A single flight of thought can transport us across the abyss. Even that which seems most inevitable depends upon the quality of thought. The affirmation of thought can even alter the return to Earth. The Subtle World is regarded generally as a passive state, but it need not be merely passive; it can be active as well. If it has been said, "As in heaven, so on earth," this means that there, also, conditions exist for the higher achievements. We should not judge only by average measures. If the average period between incarnations is approximately seven hundred years, there can also be spans of seven or even three years. Karmic conditions themselves must yield to the hammer of the will. Thought itself is the best fiery guardian. Thought is unconsumable! Even on Earth, a man suffused with faith and thought loses weight. Thought also leads to the higher worlds. When thrown off balance, a man requests a moment's respite. This respite affords an accumulation of will. Without will there is no faith. Thus We arm people with weapons of Light. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 518: 518. Healing through the currents of space is especially effective for the nerve centers. Therefore I advise that the organism be guarded from organic injury. The nerve centers, like fiery vessels, will readily accept the transmissions of Agni. But one should not obstruct such reactions, especially by irritation; like a shield of death it blocks all channels. You already know how I have warned of the fatal danger of irritation in life. Such embittered outcries are borne across the ocean, and he who is more magnanimous must realize this responsibility. Precisely, magnanimity will protect from irritation. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 82: 82. The Guiding Star is Karma, affirmed by actions of many lives. Each traveller knows how difficult it is to swim across an ocean and to leap over an abyss. The Guiding Star will be that skiff which conveys one to the other shore amid the raging elements. One can investigate how the Guiding Star leads, and where is that shore which will receive the wayfarer. Apparent comfort is not the boat; amid the whirlwinds of life comfort cannot endure, for the affirmation of the Guiding Star takes in all the bases of Karma. The Karmic foundations of life will be affirmed on impregnable principles, and all creative accumulations will manifest their saturated currents. The Guiding Star is kindled by each radiation which is manifested by life. The Guiding Star contains within itself the radiations of the seed of the spirit. The Guiding Star is alive every instant; in it, as it were, is the reflection of all vital energies. The spirit of man reflects in itself its own Guiding Star. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the path manifested by the Forces of Light. Thus let us remember the Guiding Star. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 100: 100. The co-participants of Cosmic structure may be called true Regents. Each epoch has its Regents. The Lord, the Man-God, and the Regent of the Forces of Light constitute the great Power. The Hierarchic principle appears as the basis of all constructions, and for a deepening of understanding of Cosmic structure one should become affirmed by the recognition of the manifested law of Hierarchy. The Forces of Hierarchy are joined across two Worlds - the Guiding Principle, and the principle of fulfilling the Great Will are one Source. Worlds are built upon the two Principles. The Supermundane World is manifested by means of the earthly one. The earthly world aspires into the Fiery World. Eternal life is affirmed in this fiery unity, and the power of life is intensified in fiery structure. For a subtle understanding of the Hierarchic Principle one should delve into the structure of Existence. The Higher Will has bestowed its Covenants. Manifestation of the Fiery World has been assumed by Fiery Spirits; in this manner an exchange unifying the Worlds has taken place. All religions have been affirmed by an exchange of Fiery Forces. This fiery cooperation is the Cosmic structure. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of Cosmic structure. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 203: 203. Bridges of the spirit thrown across all difficulties, over all abysses, built on the path of striving, will manifest those constructive energies in the Cosmos. Verily, the spirit can unify the different centers. Humanity is straining toward a visible construction, and is not inspired by higher strivings for cosmic construction. Each bridge of the spirit, indeed, affirms conscious construction which manifests the cosmic connection between structures. Thus, in the Fiery Epoch it is especially needful to devote oneself to subtle, conscious activity of the spirit. Only the bridge of the spirit can close that abyss which yawns before humanity. The bridge of the Spirit is a bridge of Beauty. With these concepts of achievement of the spirit will we ascend the great Summit which unifies the Worlds. AUM (1936) - 168: 168. Community of spirit is possible where there exists a living magnet, then it is possible across all earthly boundaries to closely join each community. When a community lives in the sole service of Truth there exist no obstacles, and a special mutual help will be a natural expression. AUM (1936) - 447: 447. You yourselves know how much easier it is to guide striving people. You know that arrows do not strike a person in motion, and that their rotation returns them against the enemy. Many times you have perceived how wings have grown and carried one across space. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 164: Thus, the Teacher knew that the events had been inevitable, and began to teach from the Subtle World. These Teachings also remained unrecorded, and thus arose one more example of injustice. In the manuscripts that have come down to us one comes across brief hints about His visitations from the Subtle World, but even the disciples failed to take the opportunity to reveal to others that His greatest Revelations were given when He was in His subtle body. Yet this information would have been of great value to the whole world. The Teacher did not insist, for He knew that space would guard His Teachings in a far better way. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 225: Do not be surprised that there can be such a thing as "dead spirituality." Truly there is such a condition. We often come across people who have all the qualifications of spirituality, yet in life are cold and inert. What benefit is there in spirituality earned once upon a time? Like soured milk, many products can be made from it, but it is impossible to return it to its original state. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301: Compare those who sneer and laugh with those few who sympathize and wonder what the traveler's goal might be. Perhaps he is on his way to save a neighbor, or is a physician hastening to give help, or even a messenger bringing salvation to an entire nation. Those who serve Good will look for the good in others, but one rarely comes across such people! Most people usually look for the bad in others, and thus suspect every stranger to be a vagrant or a thief, not realizing that to accuse the innocent is an indelible crime. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 319: The Thinker used to say, "I will stand guard to prevent the viper from crawling across the threshold."