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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AC > ACCUMULATES (11)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 508:
508. Intellect is not wisdom. Straight-knowledge is wisdom. Intellect is reason. Wisdom makes decisions that long ago had already germinated. Intellect is at the threshold of wisdom, and when sharpened it moves into the realm of synthesis. Reason and a mind trained to one specialty are only corners of the future house. Those with narrowly specialized minds can pave for themselves a brilliant future, but they must continue to incarnate until their minds lose their narrow specialization. Only when the intellect loses this can it become wise. Each specialty is meant for conditions of life on Earth, whereas the synthesis of spirit opens all spheres. Spiritual tension accumulates spatial psychic energy. Spiritual tension can lead into any sphere of the astral plane.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 524:
We could even now provide an apparatus that accumulates psychic energy, but who would be the conduit? And how many could appreciate the application of this energy in life?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 8:
8. The evolution of all that exists is not separate from the evolution of each spirit; it is as one spiral in eternal motion. The spiritual consciousness impelled to Our heights accumulates treasures and offers those gifts to Space. Through spiritual consciousness your planet is enriched. Materialism does not move evolution. Materialistic consciousness, pushing toward immobility, breeds the mosquitoes subsisting in the stagnant waters. The cause of the immobility of thought is terrifying. There is no endless rest. Therefore, do not tarry on one spot; either the shifting will swallow you or you will help the cosmic revolution. The basis of everything is the spiral, and you must understand the essence of the eternal Spatial Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 230:
230. In regard to evolution, humanity never has considered what its progress costs the Impeller of energy. It is customary to maintain that the energy expended in the progress of evolution establishes the ascent step by step. But the principle causal action should be pointed out. The Cosmic Magnet provides direction as well as destination. In the entire evolutionary process one must seek this destination, and the central point of evolution must be ascertained. Mere ascent is not the impelling force, as the center of evolution is the core of all cosmic activity. The chain of events accumulates upon the circumference of this core, and unless balance is established between the evolutionary and the devolutionary human striving, it will be impossible to establish a higher step. The center of evolution creates balance, and the center of human thought violates it. Therefore, during the epoch of unbalance between good and evil, prior to the epoch of Satya Yuga, humanity must show exactitude of direction. Therefore, the fiery summons gives the direction to humanity. The center of evolution, in its ceaseless flux, maintains the basis of the Origins.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 518a:
Words cannot formulate the consistence of the high quality of thinking. But each one, even he who labors, senses its required quality. This quality, as a Aeolian harp, resounds to the current of reality; and it accumulates beneath the center of the Chalice the subtlest soma of cognition and discernment, not only by means of co-measurement but also in accordance with immutability.

Hierarchy (1931) - 172:
172. One more misconception often, because of ignorance or self-justification, people think that their thought is insignificant and can reach nowhere, whereas the potentiality of thought is great, and for thought there exists neither space nor time. But those who think chaotically are, like those who wave their hands in the dark, unaware of the object they hit. Moreover, thought accumulates in space. One can conceive of a mighty choir of harmonious thoughts, but one can also imagine a flock of chattering black jackdaws. Such congregations also fill space and disturb the higher worlds. Dear thinkers, jackdaws, you are also responsible for the quality of your thoughts. Thus, even you create your future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 231:
231. Actually, Fire is a unifier. When the fire departs, decomposition immediately sets in. True, in fermentation decomposition accumulates new fire, but this is already a particular conjunction of particles. One should think similarly about each action. It will not be incorrect to say that the expulsion of Fire from thought generates decomposition. When I speak about unifying, I am also presupposing fiery welding. As the caster knows the proper quantity of metal for a group of figures, so does Fire act on the unifying of peoples. This unification can be represented as the creation of one gigantic figure, with all the power of a giant. And we must strive for the formation of these collectives of the spirit. Let us not regard them as artificial Golems. The monster, Golem, remained without the fire of the spirit and therefore destroyed itself. The spirit is a fire-bearing magnet, and it is possible to join to it a portion of the higher energies.

Brotherhood (1937) - 152:
152. The stratification of observations over the extent of many lives, laid in the depths of consciousness is called dormant wisdom. It would be possible to carry out remarkable experiments by studying when man is drawing from his storehouse of knowledge. It is possible to make a comparison with atavism, which is manifested through several generations. Thus are displayed hereditary racial traits. But throughout his spiritual journeys man accumulates his own load, which he guards within his consciousness. It is instructive to observe the acquisitions of knowledge and inclinations already manifested in childhood, which cannot be explained in any other way except as former accumulations. The more so is it necessary to observe such individual propensities; they may indicate endowments which may later be damaged by an ugly upbringing. Dormant wisdom was already noted in deep antiquity, when questions of spiritual incarnation were sensibly understood. Intellectual advance resulted in a loss and impeded the development of the hidden forces of man.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 169:
169. Urusvati knows that those who burn away chaos and those who create it coexist on Earth. Chaos accumulates here and it must be destroyed here, not in the supermundane spheres. It is people, not just demons, who are trying to increase chaos and bring it to the point of absolute darkness. Urusvati has experienced this absolute darkness, to which nothing can compare.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362:
362. Urusvati knows that intention equals action. More accurately, We can say that intention is more significant than action. Action discharges energy, whereas intention accumulates the energy that will be manifested as action. Therefore, when I advise being careful about intentions, I have in mind the maximum benefit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429:
Often the hand that is writing about a lofty subject radiates a light that can be seen against a white sheet of paper. The radiation then accumulates in the manuscript and imparts to it a special significance. These luminous emanations of light remain for many centuries.


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