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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AC > ACCUMULATED (106)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 359:
359. We carry affirmation of the teachings of the prophets. With pure steps do We lead, and no one feels regret at drawing near to the new race. The first requirement of the race is to carry the spirit into life. And the fragments, accumulated through the ages, will fall into place. The ray of understanding of the wondrous life will flash out in its simplicity. In new flight will the spirit encircle the world. The time, though difficult, is unprecedented. Dark clouds surround you, but My Ray is with you.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.7:
Not with a royal domain, not out of the alchemist's cellar, not with conjurations of magic, but in the midst of life, do we go and come to You, our Elder Brothers and Sisters, to receive the treasures preserved by You, accumulated by us, because we go into the simple Temple of the Supreme Spirit. Thus we shall return to You, because thus do You wish to see us; and the load imposed by You we shall safeguard as the Chalice of Immortality.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17:
The subsequent as well as the early events pass utterly unnoticed. The throne, or the cell of a monastery, or the cobbler's nook have no importance; the previously accumulated aura accompanies this last path. Of course the aura expands, and, as it were, shields an unusual sensitiveness; but its quality no longer changes, and from early age one may distinguish these singular children, who carry their own world of manifestations of the spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17:
Only by special ways of communication can those in the train of achievement move on. And to await the timeliness of that which the spirit considers and knows becomes so painful that it is as if the time had stopped, and some sort of conflagration had destroyed the accumulated wealth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17:
Truly did Christ say: "You know neither the day nor the hour." He also revealed another truth in saying, "Why hast Thou forsaken me, O Lord?" This refers to the knowledge of the spirit. At the last moment, before the consummation of the earthly cycle, we sink into a seeming vacuum, in order that all the accumulated fires may flash out at once. By restraining the consciousness of the past the leap over the abyss is achieved.

New Era Community (1926) - 125:
125. My young friends, again you have been gathered in the name of the Teaching and again you have had an evening with guests. Whereas, it has been said and repeated that the hour of discourse about the Teaching must be devoid of ordinary gossip. Even though this hour may be more infrequent, yet its quality must be upheld. You approach by round - about ways, you surmount the fatigue of the working day, you bear a particle of the common good; but the accumulated objects of the familiar room break up your striving, and imperceptibly you become dusty boarders. Moreover, one of you, observing what is taking place, becomes a self-appointed overseer and sinks into the pettiest irritation. The fabric of the communion is torn and an unworthy mending is begun. We urge you, even if for only an hour, to be consciously responsible people. If an hour a week is difficult for you, then better meet only every fortnight. Learn how to exclude at that time all troublesome beastly habits - smoking, drinking, eating, shallow gossip, dealings in small affairs, censure, anger. Upon being assembled, remain seated several minutes in silence. If then one of you will not find the strength to enlighten his consciousness, let him silently go back into cold and darkness. We are enemies of all compulsive magic, but a natural control of consciousness must become the prerequisite of real construction. Surely for one hour one can dismiss personal ventures. If this be difficult, how then can you think about progress and growth of consciousness? An ox knows about chewing its cud but does not advance farther than digestion. Make an effort to give your discourses beauty, simplicity and purity.

New Era Community (1926) - 242:
Trace how the word Shambhala is uttered in the East. Try to penetrate, even in a small way, into the ideology of this concept. Try to understand the rhythm of structure of speech about Shambhala, and you will perceive a great reality which causes the harp-strings of humanity to vibrate. Let reason help you to ponder on the values accumulated by the best strivings. In the book "Community" the concept of Shambhala cannot be omitted.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 94:
94. Some may be unable to reconcile the idea of equality with that of Hierarchy. Equality lies in the potentiality of spirit that all possess. Hierarchy is based on the uniqueness of one's accumulated experience. Therefore it is just to say that a complex of knowledge will be the gate of Hierarchy. Mark the expression "complex," because narrow specialization cannot define the breadth of a Hierarch.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 98:
End with honor, because the end expresses the fire of one's accumulated achievement.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 144:
144. Vessels brimming with spirit! Thus do We call those people who, on the basis of the experience of past lives and their decision to attain, expand their consciousness and thereby enter into an understanding of the foundations of evolution. If this definition seems unscientific to some, say, "Can't one compare a great toiler in the spiritual realm to a Leyden jar?" Of course, for thus is the outer energy accumulated, and in due time a discharge follows. Hard is the strain when the potential is ready but the time has not yet arrived, because the sensitive apparatus has already absorbed especially dangerous particles related to Primary Matter.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 156:
When We speak of the need for honesty, We do not have in mind unworthy people. We point out the direct path of perfect truth, devoid of any personal element. This opportunity can be perceived through straight-knowledge. The experience accumulated in the center of the Chalice gives invincible knowledge. The center of the Chalice is close to the blood reservoir, for blood is the wherewithal for our passage on Earth.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 275:
275. Vedanta correctly states that the spirit remains inviolable. The fiery seed of the spirit maintains its elementary wholeness, because the essence of the elements is immutable. But the emanations of the seed change with the growth of consciousness. One should understand that the seed of the spirit is a fragment of the element of fire, and the energy accumulated around it is consciousness. This means that Vedanta concerned itself mainly with the seed, whereas Buddhism spoke of the perfectment of its enveloping bodies. Thus do the changeable and the unchanging coexist.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 304:
304. The Teaching of Wisdom is not a textbook with numbered pages. The Teaching is one of indications for life as applied to each necessity. Just as lightning flashes wherever a sufficient electrical charge has accumulated, so does the Indication speed to wherever possibilities have increased.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 361:
The combination of two dodecahedrons is useful for promoting the rhythm of fire. When enough energy has been accumulated, I shall demonstrate it, because this fleeting rhythm is necessary for the approach to Agni Yoga.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 369:
The symbol of fire reminds us about the most sacred substance, which is accumulated with such difficulty, but can be lost in an instant. How can we expect results when photographing our physical emanations if we are sinking into darkness?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 370:
370. Tell to Oriole, to the golden birdling: "When you fly to the High Tower, remember the past. Remember how you destroyed treasures and how afterward you strove toward the creations of the spirit, but by then could not find the way to them. Yet striving does not vanish; it is transmuted into life. You have accumulated the treasures of the spirit. How many others have their path so well defined? The one who has overcome all obstacles will more easily conquer space. Wings are given to birds only for flight." Thus, remember!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 420:
How to make a teraph? A place must be used where the maker's psychic energy has saturated the space and has accumulated upon the objects in it. In this place a chosen image is molded out of wax, clay, or plaster. When the image has been created, it is then covered with a silver, crystal, or glass dome, or a leather cover.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 447:
Certainly, the type of psychic energy most needed for evolution is that possessed by mediators. Possessing true sensitiveness, they always maintain synthesis with the Teaching. This quality of synthesis, accumulated by the experiences of ages, protects them from dark influences.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 480:
480. The salts of L. are useful not only in treatment of gout but also against all kinds of harmful deposits. By alkalizing the accumulated debris, they clear the way for psychic energy. These salts are utilized for this clearing power, and may be prescribed for inner consumption.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 509:
509. It is proper to ask how psychic energy can be accumulated. It is primarily through consciousness, self-sacrifice, and achievement. One cannot be deprived of psychic energy gained in these ways. Through the development of consciousness, it becomes refined; but, if accumulated in other ways, the energy can remain in a state of potentiality, awaiting the proper conditions for manifestation. In all manifestations of psychic energy it can be assumed that some good deed was performed instinctively in the past.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 517:
517. In studying the process of accumulating of psychic energy, one can observe that the energy acts similarly to the pulse of Cosmos - a gathering of power gather through ebb and flow. It is not wise to expect only an incoming tide, for no power could then be accumulated. Like a fine weaving, a web of cooperation of the centers is created by uniting them with a fiery thread. The fires of psychic energy glow, forming the complex radiance of the Universe. This energy can be called Atma. Uru and Agni are needed to bring about the Svati of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 522:
522. We saw that psychic energy is closely related to fire and is an inalienable, cumulative acquisition. This means that the energy can be accumulated in objects, which can then be used for concentration of the will. A considerable accumulation of energy can even make objects radiate, or transmit a suggested thought. This is a scientific explanation of the nature of sacred objects. One can find in them accumulations of psychic energy, unless improper transmissions have erased these accumulations.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 522:
People who have stored psychic energy should be considered as treasures of the nation. Not of its millions of citizens should a country be proud, but of its store of psychic energy. For the sake of even one individual with a store of energy, thousands of average ones must be spared. Like a magnet, each one with an intensified store of psychic energy attracts the embryonic energies buried deep within people. This means that each possessor of conscious energy is himself an embodiment of the General Good. Therefore, let us treat with care every accumulated store of energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 539:
For old spirits who have experienced many incarnations, the period after the seventh year is quite difficult, and the one after fourteen years even more so. After fourteen years the psychic energy has already come into action. The spirit has already torn itself away from its former existences, and the burden of the new unknown path overwhelms it. The accumulated possibilities cause a vague anxiety, and the core strives to return to conditions in which there were greater opportunities for the consciousness to act freely.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 542:
Under hypnosis, one's consciousness can direct the psychic energy to the site of one's ailment. This can be done, for example, in cases of herpes, tumors, or eczema. What is needed for this is that the store of psychic energy in one's somatic system be sufficient. Psychic energy is accumulated in the nerves, and its crystals activate the somatic system, which otherwise would remain dormant.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 554:
554. Many thousands of years ago it was said, "The time will come when people will open their hearts and offer their Chalices to the Supreme." The time has approached when humanity nears its sixth stage of perfectment, and the flame will soon begin to glow above the Chalice. How many images and prophecies have been accumulated in space! Truly, it is time to recall the image of the Chalice, when resin flamed within the chalices of the ancients, and the priestess, leaning on the sword of attainment, raised the Chalice to the Highest.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 575:
How can one succeed if, while the fire is burning, the eye insists on peering only into the darkness? The fire of Teros will illumine all accumulated treasures. It will also, like the inextinguishable Brahmavidya, be a protection against the seductions of Maya.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 627:
Upon expansion of consciousness, cooperation of the centers is realized. One may cognize what can be obtained from the channels of the brain and what can be drawn out of the depths of the Chalice. Untold treasures are accumulated in the Chalice. The Chalice is one, for all incarnations. The peculiarities of the brain are a matter of heredity, but the properties of the Chalice are the result of one's own actions.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 634:
634. Tell those who find the trials cruel that the goal-fitness of those trials is demonstrated by the fact that without them the spirit would not progress. The spirit's experience comes from the accumulations of former incarnations, but the spirit also wants food from the realities of its present life. Labor is available for all who desire to progress. But one should not think of the spirit as the sole producer of the experience of conscious achievement. A portion of the knowledge accumulated in the Chalice must also be applied.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 25:
The decline of a country that has already accumulated much from the treasure house is the result of its denial of the causality of cosmic actions. When human conceit drives the consciousness to the turning point and the Ego becomes an idol, then are the Gates closed. The personality becomes a reflection of the smile of cosmic action when it considers itself as an inseparable part of the existing, manifested Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 149:
149. Whither should man strive? Whither should the accumulated forces be directed? Whither will perfectment lead? Is it possible that the manifestation of a mighty existence can simply disappear? The spirit must acknowledge that through its strivings it lives not for one life-round but for a cycle vouchsafed by Infinity. It is too great a struggle for one life. The scope of the abilities of man is too great for them to be exemplified in one lifetime.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 215:
215. The creative power of Him who assembles the new race attracts all elements which are accumulated in the "lotus" of synthesis. The creative threads are directly connected with the striving of the Chalice. Therefore, the direction of attraction is so clear. Hence the affirmation of the attraction of the "lotus" and the spirits' response to it. The conditions are difficult where the course of striving is divided. The spirit possessing the Fire of the Cosmic Magnet can give impetus to all fiery currents. Thus, synthesis strengthens the predestination of the chain into Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 272:
272. A decrease of energies accompanies the departure of the currents of the Cosmic Magnet. When the tension is increased in one polarity, the influx of energy is increased. The psychic seeds are accumulated by the intensive pull of the Magnet. The will of man responds to the currents of psychic energy. It may be affirmed that when the psychic seeds are scattered over the entire cosmic horizon, only those spirits will resound who are aflame in their striving toward evolution. Those who lack the spark of the spirit certainly cannot sense the vibration which emanates from the psychic seeds. A function of the Fire which is diffused in the entire Cosmos is to transport, through the sparks of spiritual foundations, all psychic seeds. Thus do the subtle energies adhere to the cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 307:
Often people wonder why a man does not drown in his own engenderments. Our answer is "The fire of the spirit of your Brothers dissipates the suffocating forces accumulated by you."

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 20:
20. The consciousness which envelopes the seed of the spirit imbues it with the affirmation of the power of Cosmic Fire. The precise striving of the seed of the spirit determines the construction of the manifest fire. The element manifested in the potential of the seed of the spirit transmits the direction to the consciousness. The surrounding of the spirit with strata of striving fires gives it the power to penetrate different spheres. These fine strata afford to the potential of the spirit the possibility of manifesting its striving. The denser layers hold back the potentiality to a great extent. The properties of the accumulated layers indicate a slow or rapid advance toward evolution. The creativeness of the spirit is measured by its potential and by the strata of Fire. The fiery transmutation is saturated with the emanations of space; and the potential of the spirit, which is contained in each cosmic seed, attracts all energies. Each cosmic breath is limitlessly strained by the consciousness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 339:
339. Destiny is being fulfilled by the planet, and the cravings of humanity pierce the space. Therefore, in affirming the principles of Our Teaching many definite answers are accumulated for the development of humanity. By accepting the Teaching in the dead-letter sense the spirit does not ascend.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 476:
476. In the earthly spheres there are gases accumulated which help the discharge of cosmic whirlwinds and also the spiritual shiftings. The earthly spheres are greatly encumbered with various exertions. Space is the arena of the Great Battle! Verily, there is no spot which is not alive with fiery sparks!

Hierarchy (1931) - 1:
1. So much has been said about doctrines; yet humanity does not know how to accept the doctrine of the Brotherhood. How many distortions have been accumulated about the Truth! How many principles have been destroyed! They will ask, "On what is the Stronghold of the Brotherhood built?" Answer, "On the doctrine of the heart, the doctrine of labor, the doctrine of beauty, the doctrine of evolution, the doctrine of tension - the most vital doctrine."

Hierarchy (1931) - 67:
Beginning with such observations, one can arrive at valuable conclusions which, when accumulated, will bring great benefits to humanity. Because the time has now arrived for especially keen application of the psychic laws. It is time to gather into the chalice of patience all the designs and to remember that each fluctuation of climate and atmospheric pressures also exerts its deep influence upon the psychic laws. Let us apply the most precise scale for weighing our thoughts, and let us remember that each oxidization of metals exerts influence upon the character and quality of thoughts. Smoke, and also the odor of burning refuse or meat, is always harmful. Let us not forget that dust, like particles of decay, penetrates the pores of the body. Let us calmly discriminate in all the details of life, not for self-vindication, but for the investigation of our nature and acceptance of the measures of perfection.

Hierarchy (1931) - 202:
202. It is premised that around good deeds difficulties always arise. What does this prove? Does it prove the weakness of Light and the power of darkness? Let us remember, however, that with developed vision many things are perceived. Similarly, a refined spirit perceives much that is inaccessible to deadened senses. Besides, are we not in need of a counteracting force in order to become accustomed to withstanding the unmanifested elements? This benevolent force of resistance is apprehended only in action and is accumulated as an armor of the spirit. Can one complain about the development of resistance to evil? No, certainly not - this armor of the spirit is not only a defense it is also a magnet which attracts allies. Therefore, bless everything that develops counteraction and resistance to evil.

Hierarchy (1931) - 226:
226. The foci of life should be gathered. Thus is accumulated that quality which is called culture. Culture cannot be created instantaneously. Nor can the foci of life make their appearance like cannon balls. Thus, the manifestations of life demand tuning like the instruments of an orchestra. It would seem that I speak of various subjects, yet they are all nothing but Fire, Energy, Hierarchy!

Hierarchy (1931) - 298:
298. When humanity shall realize that space is saturated by the effects of human deeds, it will be possible to cure the planet. Like gases they poison Earth and densify the atmosphere. Therefore one should ponder upon affirmation of the obvious results. Humanity has forgotten that redemption must proceed by the karmic way. Therefore each accumulated step can be transmuted by striving toward the highest law of Hierarchy. The great Chain of Hierarchy gives life to the entire world, and the acceptance of this law can open a new access to energies. Thus one can build a better step.

Hierarchy (1931) - 363:
363. During cosmic perturbations purifying fires are accumulated, which intensify the atmosphere and propel the fires for the construction of the New World. Thus, upon the ruins of the old world there rises a new evolution and the Epoch of Fire which terminates Kali Yuga and saturates space with the fire of the New World. Thus, the all-encompassing Banner of the Lords summons to pure creativeness. Thus, the avowal of Hierarchy enters life. Thus, We welcome everything that is directed to Good. Thus, We welcome everything imbued with a pure striving to walk the higher path.

Hierarchy (1931) - 400:
400. Compared to the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom provides far more feasible experiments. If one understood Agni Yoga, one could feel to what an extent the influence of man exerts itself on animals. It can be seen to what an extent irritation or fear or assurance is transmitted to them. Certainly the law of Yogism extends from a "deadly eye" to resurrection. But through a multitude of intermediate steps one may observe various effects. Those who approach Agni Yoga should be warned of the possible consequences of thoughtless actions. How many unpleasantnesses might be avoided by simple self-discipline, to which one should accustom oneself. How many achievements accumulated through centuries are swept away by an unrestrained roaring. One must think of self-perfectment. One must arouse in oneself the superiority of the spirit, which will always be sustained by Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 9:
9. Heartlessness is nothing save an uncultured condition of the heart. Faint-heartedness is a limitation of thinking. Intolerance belongs to the same family of abominations which impoverish the sacred vessel of the heart. You know already that the subtle, intensified heart creates an impetus like a dynamo, thus proving that it is a vessel of universal energy. But the culture of the heart is not accumulated if it does not receive proportionate nourishment; likewise the best accumulator is inactive without protection and correct connection. The heart demands constant nourishment, otherwise, deprived of the highest link, it decays. Thus let us not forget how at the bottom of the chalice an infant was represented as the symbol of ascent.

Heart (1932) - 21:
21. Advise conversations about the spiritual. One may observe much that is useful in spiritual recollections. In addition, a spiritual conversation safeguards one from the mire and from irritation. The affirmation of spiritual manifestations will lessen the hatred of the Invisible World. Where spiritual conversations are often held, a special aura is accumulated. Those conversations, even though they be imperfect, proclaim themselves as touchstones to those present.

Heart (1932) - 365:
365. If you encounter a bigot, know that he is not of the heart. If you meet one who is superstitious, know he is not of the heart. If you meet one affrighted, know he is not of the heart. Nevertheless, these uninvited guests will mention the word heart. It is high time to segregate all mountebanks of the heart, so that they should not play with human hearts. The heart should be studied when obscured by self-love and cruelty. Thus, through observation of the pulse, one can approach the treasures of the heart. One can similarly sense when the heart is silent and the calls do not reach it. A great deal of work has been done on the transmission of thought at a distance - the pulse is also useful for this. In its most sensitive capacity the pulse can detect a thought-sending, even before its realization. In this way one can again prove the extent to which the subtlest possibilities are contained in the organism, of which people have formed only an obtuse, physical image. This coarsening has already accumulated for many thousands of years, and the light of the body goes further from the Fire.

Heart (1932) - 367:
367. If one would collect in a single book all the deeds injurious to self-perfectment, it could be readily proved how simple it is to overcome them. It could be seen from what small actions this evil is accumulated. Is it difficult in life to refrain from trivial habits? Is it difficult to get rid of petty evils that poison the body? Is not the child ashamed of his first experience at lying? The child hardens his heart only through habit. Therefore, we call habits the callouses of the soul. Who is not aware of the warning of the heart before each unworthy act? These warnings of the heart provide the best calls, but often people force the heart to silence. This is a great crime - as great as severing the current that brings salvation to a near one.

Heart (1932) - 472:
472. Prejudice - whether negative or positive - is wrong. It is opposed to every Yoga; it cuts off the phenomenal aspect of ascent. One often confuses prejudice with straight-knowledge, yet these qualities are directly opposed to each other. Prejudice is an offspring of the mind, whereas the abode of straight-knowledge is in the heart. Thus, one cannot compare the offspring of the mind with those of the heart. The acceptance of such a thing is not only erroneous but also harmful, disparaging the activity of the heart. It can be observed how strata of prejudice are accumulated until the entire life is turned into a self-erected prison. But straight-knowledge concerns cosmic truth, hence, in itself it does not contain anything disparaging. The self-development of straight-knowledge induces solemnity of feeling. Thus, through different gates we approach the Abode of Solemnity.

Heart (1932) - 514:
514. If a simple motion evokes memory, then special conditions of the Subtle World are necessary for illumination. One may notice with astonishment that sudden illuminations do not depend upon rational conditions. Illumination descends in quite unexpected moments. One can even notice a series of the strangest motions, pressures, and thoughts, as if coming from the outside. Psychiatrists should investigate this condition. Valuable observations could be accumulated that will help us to approach the conditions of the Subtle World. Of course, a sensitive heart will perceive this state of illumination by the quality of the pulse. The sacred knowledge has nothing in common with somnambulism and spiritualism; the state of illumination is an absolutely natural one. These fires of the past and the future have only to be noted. In the Subtle World one must also refine the consciousness. Hence, each educating of the heart is a gate to the highest worlds. We fear that these undeferrable advices will give place to everyday conventionality. Someone will say he knew this long ago and will go to the bazaar. You may then ask in overtaking him, "Why, then, do you not ponder upon the heart and think about Fire?"

Heart (1932) - 541:
541. I affirm that even the slightest action in the name of the future pierces the strata of tension of the atmosphere. The accumulated refuse of the past is cut asunder by the sword of the future. The shield of the future is the most reliable and salutary. One must not think of the inaccessibility of the future, for it is being created tirelessly - thus, the heart is the pledge of the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 20:
20. Every pilot will tell you not to turn the rudder too sharply. But one should speak even more emphatically about human consciousness; this crystal is formed slowly, yet each moment of cumulation is a spatial joy. Each one has a heartbeat, but one rarely observes the fiery substance. Therefore We do not always speak about Fire everywhere, except where Fire has already been accumulated.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 171:
171. The need for fiery knowledge will, like the imagination, lie in the domain of accumulated life experiences. Indeed, remembrance of the Fiery World is incomparably rarer than subtle impressions. Often people have no words to express fiery impressions. People usually do not think with their minds, but limit their thinking by the conventional words of others, thus introducing dead words into the vast domain of thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 244:
244. Creativeness in the Subtle World differs considerably from earthly conditions. One is obliged to become accustomed to so-called mental creativeness. True, thought in its convolutions can produce very dim, flickering outlines. Stable forms depend not only upon the force of the will but also upon former observations. As minerals through a fiery process produce well-formed crystals, so, too, fieriness is needed for creativeness. Like everything else, it is accumulated gradually and it belongs to ineradicable accumulations, therefore it is never tardy in coming.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 245:
245. You value sagacity in co-workers, it is exactly so throughout the Chain of Hierarchy. Knowledge alone will not give the fiery alertness of mind accumulated by many experiences. What is possible and what is impossible in all situations of life cannot be written down. Knowledge alone is a deadly peril, but its application is a fiery art. That is why we so esteem ready sagacity, that straight-knowledge which whispers when one should not turn the key in the lock. He who has accumulated such straight-knowledge will not be a traitor, either consciously or indirectly. To give away the key not according to the level of consciousness means to act as a traitor. Not to notice wiliness or falsification means not to be discriminating. Discrimination only on the morrow is not worth much. Such perception will not prevent one from falling over the precipice - but how sensitive must be the accumulation of sagacity! In each school the development of fast thinking must be taught; without it how can one pass through the flame?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 314:
314. The subterranean tension is not over. We succeed in breaking up the shocks into light tremors. In general, one should remember this strategy of splitting up evil. Often it is impossible to avoid the accumulated tension of malice. Then, there remains only to split up this tension of darkness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 407:
407. The Arhat possesses the ability to prevent his feelings from becoming blunted. This rare ability is acquired by Him only through fiery tension. This may be termed an adamant asceticism. It attracts the hearts of the people. He about whom you recently read knew these intense poignancies of feeling. Everyone who approached Him felt his unfailing freshness of heart. This continuous acuteness is attained not by a special technique, but by a simple opening of the heart. He never pitied himself, and this trait was not an intellectual one, but had become his second nature. Yet, because of the deadening influence of daily routine, how many priests have lost that which they had accumulated! Daily routine is the great testing stone. It opens the Gates of Eternity and affirms Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 436:
436. Whence come the waves of sudden joy or anguish? They are regarded as unfounded, whereas causes underlie everything. I advise you to record such waves, which otherwise might be forgotten. With each move every man produces a significant experiment, yet he lightly rejects these flashes of cognition. Joy and anguish are not without cause, and records of these moods will remind one when earthly communications bring confirmation of them. The fiery mail is confirmed by earthly messages. Of course, many causes, not only earthly but also from the Subtle World, may not reach us, but still one can perceive significant coordination between events and feelings. Thus, experiences are accumulated which constitute a convincing whole. Verily, man's greatest experiments were performed in the laboratories of life!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 17:
17. Rhythm is the progenitor of cooperation. From hoary antiquity people have understood the significance of rhythmic choirs, of musical movements; thus has the consciousness accumulated knowledge about the impelling force of collective labor. People knew long ago that rhythm kindled collective fires and helped in avoiding irritation and disunity. It affirmed identical aspirations, therefore music is the sign of unity before collective work. It is a pity that modern music is so often lacking in rhythm. Perhaps it serves as the beginning of many spiritual ulcers, but the question of harmony is unusually complicated. Lack of rhythm is disunity, but crude rhythm is stupor. Thus only a fiery consciousness will prompt the refinement of rhythm. One may ponder over many things, but we shall always return to the fiery understanding. The abode of Agni is opened not by reasoning but by the harmony of rhythm. Precisely as a vessel sometimes is opened not by force but by rhythm. Only the true rhythm carries us forward and preserves us from delay. Yet we know all the detrimental result of delay, as in movement, so also in spirit. It is inadmissible to have a broken rhythm, at times retarded and at other times accelerated. Thus an enormous and useless expenditure of energy takes place. He will not retreat who has begun to advance in fiery rhythm. Precisely this rhythm saves one from sorrowful ponderings and leads one forward in spirit; therefore let us not limit the effectiveness of the rhythm by external motion only, let us introduce it into spiritual life.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 61:
61. The art of thinking must be developed in schools. Every art is in need of exercise. Likewise thinking must be strengthened by practice. But such a deepening should not be burdensome nor tedious, therefore the instructor in such a subject must be truly enlightened. It may be seen that the most terrible calamities in the history of mankind have arisen from the inability to think. There may be found a multitude of examples wherein spasmodic thinking and unbridled feelings have let whole nations towards the abyss. On the other hand, laziness of thinking and slow-mindedness have destroyed accumulated possibilities. The Leader must provide in himself the example of a constant broadening of thinking in order to approach foresight. Of course, foresight results from Communion with Hierarchy. But Communion itself requires alertness in thinking and a clear striving. The art of thinking should not be understood as an occult concentration. There is nothing mysterious in the art of thinking and in the refinement of consciousness. Only a lofty quality of consciousness will affirm the path of the thinker. And no one will say that the thinker is a special genus. Every child can be directed towards thinking. Hence one must regard the art of thinking as the health of the nation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 127:
127. We speak here about the Highest Principle. But just now things of the lowest order are being created in the world. Thus one can see madness of whole nations. Right now six wars are going on, but people do not see them. Right now evil is being accumulated like an explosive substance. But people do not notice the volcano. Even the wisest rulers are not terrified by these manifestations, considering that somehow all will be well.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 449:
449. One should observe that during especially grave conjunctions of the constellations strong spirits appear. One may investigate in history how systematically powerful helpers are sent from the Fiery World, who take upon themselves the burdens of the World, and who plant magnets for the future. One must study the history of the planet from all angles, in various branches of knowledge. One should recognize the winding paths of humanity as a science connected with the basic laws of the Universe. The study of the chemism of the luminaries should be introduced without delay. Already much valuable material has been accumulated which once again confirms the bond between all the Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 14:
14. It is asked why We do not put a stop to the false sources. Why do We not expose those who distort the Sendings? If one were to stop by force the current in whose wake humanity is proceeding, fanaticism would turn into brutality. Thus, the evil free will flows like lava, engulfing also those who rise against the Good, as history reveals. Surely, violent manifestations of force cannot carve a righteous path for humanity. Hence, all the subtle energies can be accepted only by a fiery consciousness. Thus, tolerance is truly the lot of the fiery consciousness. Of course, one should purify wherever there are accumulations of filth, and the lot of the fiery consciousness is to purify the records of space. Among the accumulated pages of human writings there will have to be noted those pernicious records which have clouded the brains of even well-meaning people. Thus on the path to the Fiery World one should understand the great significance of receptivity of higher energies and of subtle sendings.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 132:
132. Often the spirit which bears the synthesis affirms its knowledge from within the "chalice," for the accumulated treasures of creativeness are actually tensed by creative vibrations. Often the spirit, as it were, finds its confirmation upon the basis of the unified consciousness. The manifestation of creative vibrations often evokes a thought which has dwelt in the depths of the heart. One must harken to those thoughts which, as if something familiar, live in the spirit. One can find many identical vibrations by subtly examining one's consciousness. The treasures of the "chalice" are not to be regarded as accidental. They constitute the potentiality of the spirit. These creative vibrations open many locks, for the hidden knowledge which lives in the spirit can be revealed. Often the aspiring spirit discovers that vibration which connects it with the Higher Forces. How can one imagine this sacred power which unites the depths of the heart with the Fiery World! The records of space are often available to it, for unity is strongly manifested as the bond between Worlds. On the path to the Fiery World it is needful to remember about the vibration which touches the depths of the heart of the bearer of synthesis.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 180:
180. The earthly firmament is infected, and is to be purified by humanity itself. Each vital manifestation leaves its precipitations on all space. All must be transmuted, all must be outlived. Thus, each stratum represents a sphere saturated with human lusts, survivals, and aspirations. The fluids of heart and spirit, which saturate space with pure fires, refine the spatial strata. Only in this way can equilibrium be established, because energies are hurtling through space, and mankind is surrounded, as it were, by explosive projectiles. These fluids are accumulated and exploded in all spheres. So, too, the chain of effects is being affirmed by the saturated actions of humanity. On the path to the Fiery World let us be reminded about the spatial projectiles.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 184:
184. Each epoch has its own distinctions. Each peculiarity of time is an imprint of consciousness. These manifestations of peculiarities can be magnified by the will of humanity. The peculiarities of the epoch, in the same way as evocations, have their roots in the consciousness. Those visions and conditions which filled life and thought several centuries past were engendered in the spirit of the servants of religion in response to popular demand. Long ago was it enjoined, "Seek and ye shall find." In this evolutionary and incessant turn of the spiral, man will find the Truth. The affirmation of Truth is purified of all distortions, because the rubbish and accumulated dust is transitory. But Truth is manifested in Infinity. And though human darkening be prolonged, yet from under the dark strata will be exhumed the affirmations of the Light. Thus, that which is ordained enters in awesome immensity.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 318:
318. The present condition of the World corresponds to the stratified sedimentations accumulated by humanity. The manifestation of the conformity can affirm those cycles which are ensuing; in them will be reflected all the expiations of Karma, and each cycle will introduce its new step. Speaking about cycles, let us keep in mind the transference of cosmic conformity. Truly, let us look upon expiation as fiery construction. These cycles will be instituted by three causes - the transmutation of old accumulations, purification of space, and the molding of a great future. The transmutation has begun. And as monsters rise from the bottom of the seas, so is all rubbish rising from the depths of the rabble. In the Furnace of the Cosmos much is being melted down for the useful construction. The efforts at transmutation will attract each Karmic action. The condition of the planet creates an inevitable Karma, woven by the engenderings of humanity. But on the path to the Fiery World it must be kept in mind that the purification of space will bring a great future.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 398:
398. So, too, the fire which menaced the Mother of Agni Yoga on the heights was a synthetic discharge of spatial fire. Besides fiery transmutation, this fire, as it were, transmuted all the surrounding atmosphere. This occult and physical fire, verily, expiated all the manifestations which had been accumulated in that space. The subtle organism has many functions. The functions of the fiery spirit are so diverse. The Agni Yogi unburdens space and absorbs all emanations. He is a mighty warrior, battling with darkness, and he is that power which the dark pack is endeavoring to destroy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 414:
414. The heart especially intensifies psychic energy, and each heart experience is reflected on the store of psychic energy. One may speak about the chemical death of a man when the supply of psychic energy is exhausted. One may speak about resurrection when psychic energy begins to be accumulated. By a subtle study of methods it would be possible to discover means of intensifying psychic energy, but for this one should know the condition of the spirit. But a fiery composition of psychic energy can be compressed only through a fiery stimulus. In combating illnesses it is possible to focus psychic energy as a powerful factor. Through purification of the consciousness it is possible to intensify forces of the spirit which are revealed as motive powers of space. In the heart can be found levers for the fiery resurrection of psychic energy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 415:
415. The spirit which realizes in life the power of tension of psychic energy can count upon the strength of psychic energy also during the crossing into the Subtle World. Our subtle body is fed by these saturations, and the fluids of psychic energy form the subtle body. Indeed, through transmutation of the centers psychic energy acts increasingly strongly, and the centers gather these powerful fluids for strengthening of the subtle body. When psychic energy is accumulated by exalted feelings, the transmutation of the subtle body is correspondingly saturated with fiery energies. Thus, it is important to intensify one's forces in a fixed understanding of the power of psychic energy. The action of fiery energy intensifies all the succeeding manifestations of life.

AUM (1936) - 155:
155. Besides earthquakes, there can be atmospheric disturbances. There can be concussions, as it were, during which the earthly sphere is agitated. These are caused not only by the crossing of currents, but also by conditions in the Subtle World. During discoveries, frequently something inexplicable is felt. This may be a reminder of the invisible world, full of energy. I would suggest that writers collect such unknown facts; thus will be accumulated a book of new juxtapositions.

AUM (1936) - 271:
271. Perceptivity is a special quality of the consciousness. It does not depend upon the intellect; it does not depend upon surroundings; it does not depend upon the schooling - it is formed in the domain of the heart. The man who has accumulated this quality cannot be deprived of perception. By means of psychic energy he finds opportunity for observation even among the most adverse circumstances.

AUM (1936) - 324:
Many errors have been accumulated in the course of thousands of years. People began to measure good by a gold standard. Men, carrying gold and precious stones into the temple, assured themselves that these represented the world's best attainments. People filled themselves with false concepts about treasures; they remembered the legend about gold as the source of evil, but they hastened to transform it into a fairy tale. The history of mankind reveals repeated revolts against gold. Each great Teacher has manifested himself an insurgent against gold, and people have hastened to kill each daring rebel against their cherished idol. Indeed, I do not speak of a lump of gold itself but of the entire horror which surrounds it.

AUM (1936) - 409:
You already know how far radiations penetrate. The atmosphere of old houses with antique furniture must be gradually assimilated in order that the accumulated radiations be not harmful.

AUM (1936) - 411:
411. If you wish to make a present of a book, I advise you to send it after having read it through. In olden times a book which had been read by the giver was highly esteemed. It was understood that in the process of reading a particular force was accumulated upon the book. Thus, observe all the possibilities of interchange of energy.

AUM (1936) - 455:
Thus at different times people have accumulated considerable data, each one according to his own character. Put together similar observations and you obtain very significant exhibits. Besides, it may be seen that peoples of early times displayed considerable power of observation, possibly even greater than at present. It is necessary to investigate how the properties of great energy have been collected and recorded.

Brotherhood (1937) - 2:
2. People have attempted to seal the union of brotherhood with blood. They have given up their most precious substance for the purpose of attaining the status of Brotherhood. Harkening to all the songs about Brotherhood one perceives a wondrous poem of the dreams of humanity. If one assembles all the customs which have been accumulated around the concept of Brotherhood one arrives at an extraordinarily touching testimony about the aspirations of peoples. The manifestation of achievements in the name of Brotherhood reveals that self-renunciation has been always linked with these endeavors of the pure heart. Yet precisely the concept of Brotherhood is especially desecrated and debased.

Brotherhood (1937) - 251:
When man dreams about Brotherhood, let him first of all cleanse his eyes from the layer of accumulated dust.

Brotherhood (1937) - 277:
277. Each true worker sometimes experiences, as it were, the fall of all his work into an abyss, moreover an abyss which is unfathomable. Thus the spirit of the worker suffers a most dangerous predetermination. A weak one senses the abyss and falls into despondency, but a strong one recognizes the touch of Infinity. Many observations and experiments confront a man before he can encounter joyfully the face of Infinity. Gone will be regret for human creations which have been dissolved. They, even the most sublime ones, will be dispersed in Infinity. The earthly mind does not realize where its accumulated treasures can be made manifest. A man wishes to bring good to humanity, but instead of the fruits of his labor there lies before him an unfathomable abyss. A formidable mind may shudder at that, but the tempered, manifested warrior of labor sees before him, not a chasm but the radiance of Infinity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 308:
308. A physician can feel solemnity; even the sight of disease does not darken the heart that is aglow with help for a fellow-man. It is amazing to observe how good becomes curative. Compassion has its roots in the heart alone. Thus are brotherly qualities accumulated.

Brotherhood (1937) - 317:
317. An electrical apparatus produces discharges when energy is accumulated in it. There is no intention to shock certain people, but the discharge reaches those nearby. Likewise, a counterblow of psychic energy smites those who contact it with evil intent. The bearer of it does not wish to strike anyone, nevertheless the primary energy sends off discharges when a hostile force opposes it. Thus, the counterblow is not sent, but is evoked by the hostile force. Of course, where the primary energy is more powerful, the blow will be more crushing. It would be an inexcusable mistake to blame the bearer of the powerful energy for destroying someone. Not so, the assailant shatters himself.

Brotherhood (1937) - 489:
489. Many have heard about the Kumaras, but few have rightly understood about them. This manifestation is something superearthly - thus do people say, but they forget with what labor the attainment is built. Scholars are already beginning to understand how a human personality enters into the pantheon of heroes. By the same path also are the qualities of the Leaders of humanity accumulated. If they do not pass through earthly sufferings, they cannot respond to people's sufferings. If they do not experience the sweat of toil, they cannot guide people in their labor. Self-abnegation, mercy, compassion, courage are forged in life. Nothing abstract can mold the strength of the spirit. Thus let people understand the Kumaras as the true Leaders.

Brotherhood (1937) - 538:
538. It is right to commend Ayurvedic medicine. It should be understood that many thousands of years left cumulations of experience and wisdom. But let us not, after the fashion of the ignorant, make a deadly separation between homeopathy and allopathy. Let us not forget the accumulated knowledge of China and Tibet. Each nation had to face particularly threatening dangers and took special measures to oppose them. Thus, he who collects the best blossoms will be a victorious physician.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 2:
We long ago accepted the principle that each apparatus can be made more powerful by man himself. One can achieve a transformation of one's entire life simply by the realization of the Primary Energy. Over the centuries We have become accustomed to the idea that a concentration of energy can be directed to any domain. Energy, like lightning, unites accumulated forces in its discharge. So-called magical phenomena are based on the same principle. In reality, the term "magical" can only mislead. Any electrical apparatus can be called magical. When Urusvati performed levitation or the moving of objects, it was done not through magic but simply by not impeding the energy. The manifested energy was accepted and then projected. It was united with the cosmic energy, and thus could act.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 3:
3. Urusvati has seen some of Our repositories. Objects of art are collected according to eras, but the collections do not constitute a museum as it is usually understood. These objects serve as a reservoir of accumulated auras, and the creative emanations of their former owners remain in them much longer than one might suppose. If one could gather a collection of objects created at the same time and with the same striving, one would truly see the radiations of their eras. We can study in this way the true meaning of a particular era. Such a possibility is exceedingly important for the psychic sciences. Some of Our Brothers are the former owners of objects in Our repository. Sometimes an object is sent into the world to carry out a certain task. For example, it may be buried in some place as a magnet.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 20:
Our Towers are many-storied, and research is constantly taking place. Who then will be so light-minded as to dare to obscure the accumulated energies? The rebounding blow may be terrible, and no one can avert it once the fundamental energies are set into action. Therefore, We solicitously warn against provoking unpleasant shocks.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 30:
30. Urusvati is familiar with the varied ways in which light is manifested. Seeing flashes of light is an indication of a spiritual keenness of eye. In themselves these lights do not mean anything special, but they are like banners on the way to Us. The Northern lights, in their lowest degree, are not noticed by people. Similarly, the earliest flashes of the spirit are not evident to many. One can observe that small bright sparks will burst into flame and produce a rainbow-like illumination. Thus a beautiful aura is kindled around people. Note that these lights are especially visible in Our Abode. From ancient times they have been accumulated, and, if desired, can be made to blaze radiantly. In legends people are mentioned who could evoke around themselves a dazzling light. Thus, if one wishes one can be surrounded by a fiery force.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37:
37. Urusvati carries fearlessness in her heart. We affirm that this quality is accumulated through faith and lengthy experience. Upasika was an example of complete fearlessness in life. She was courageous in all circumstances, and no fear could intrude. The life of Upasika was filled with occasions for fear. It was sad to see how many persecutions came together, how her name was slandered. She had no means, and accusers threatened her from all sides. Verily, she was a touchstone of fearlessness! One can cite many such examples throughout the ages. Every one of Us has frequently had occasion to show such fearlessness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 63:
63. Urusvati knows how to appreciate the value of all that exists, for every manifestation is the result of active thought. Even if a manifestation is undergoing involution, somewhere in it is concealed a spark of the highest energy. People will usually reject something completely even if only one part is not understood by them. An unwise or inexperienced person will act in this way, but with accumulated knowledge he will learn to appreciate each creative force, even when it is in an unfit envelope. Even jinn can build temples. They may not understand the purpose of building, but because of their power they make good masons. Every legend contains a particle of truth. For instance, the subterranean people of Agartha are often mentioned, although they do not exist. But the legend itself originated not far from Our Abode, where We do have extensive underground passages, but they are not on the grand scale described in the legend. Other legends tell about "White Waters" and "The Heavenly Jerusalem." Both of these tales relate to Our Abode. It would be unwise to reject legends without pondering over their meaning. Each of them preserves precise indications, often deliberately concealed. Frequently We Ourselves shroud the meaning of a legend, so that the local people will not disclose too much. Sometimes We must sternly forbid the crossing of particular boundaries. In everything one should evaluate situations carefully.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 70:
70. Urusvati is right to be indignant at all the falsehoods that are written about Us. Truly, if all the idle stories were gathered into one book, an unusual collection of falsehoods would result. Symbolic expressions, created over centuries, have been transformed into unbelievable fairy tales about treasures that are guarded by the Lords of Shambhala. In the elaborate Tibetan narratives it is hard to understand how the more fanciful exaggerations have accumulated. Through these exaggerations the Tibetan nation wished to enhance its position as a world focus. For example, it is written that the warriors of Shambhala are innumerable and invincible, and their leader defeats all evil and affirms the Kingdom of Good. Such is the belief in the East, which cherishes in its heart the legend about the victory of Light. For the East, each veiled word written for the glory of Light is justified, but the West thinks the opposite and wishes to unveil everything, even to the point of belittlement.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 130:
There is a great difference between the unconscious and the consciously determined heroes. In the first there may be a spontaneous exaltation. But although temporary reactions may occur and cause the determined ones to pull back, they will never give up, and will continue on their path, applying the cosmic knowledge accumulated through centuries. They know how to transmute knowledge into feeling and how to fill their hearts with it. Where the heart is full there is a soaring into the future. An austere knowledge of danger inspires the hero.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134:
We have a number of teraphim which facilitate the sending of help to Our dear ones. It is important to understand that such accumulated energy can be a healing power by helping in the transmission of certain vibrations. All beneficial measures should be taken into consideration.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 153:
In Our Treasuries there are many objects connected with the life of the Great Pilgrim, and it is amazing how well His emanations have been preserved during these many centuries. They are significant proof of the potency of accumulated psychic energy, which is deposited not only when the hand or breath intentionally sends forth the power, but even when unintended touches leave imperishable traces of the energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 155:
155. Urusvati knows that animals long remember the emanations of their master. If this is true for the ordinary person, then how much more powerful must be the accumulated emanations of the Great Teacher! For this reason the Teachers must sometimes destroy personal possessions that have been imbued with their magnetic aura, in order to avoid the possibility of their intense emanations falling into the hands of the ignorant.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 191:
The Thinker said about the chain of lives, "Not only does it exist, but it is of manifold nature. There are complete incarnations, but also partial ones. A strong spirit can give part of his energy. This can be called a sending of the ray or a sending of energy. It provides an intensification of power that broadens the consciousness. It does not depress, but deepens straight-knowledge. In some people a natural keenness can be sensed. They themselves might have accumulated it in their former lives, but it also could have been sent to them as Grace."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 232:
The Teacher imparts many wise truths, but finally He will say, "Now walk alone, without fear." A particular tension of consciousness is required toward the end of the path. Intellectual knowledge breaks up and vanishes, and the pilgrim remains alone on the cliffs of ascent. Only the flame of the heart can warm when the accumulated coverings have been rent by the storm. Voices are heard, but they do not resemble the Call of the Beloved. Be prepared beforehand to face the Light and to accept It without fear.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 262:
262. Urusvati knows how difficult it is to find room for great tasks in the midst of earthly life. There is a saying, "To find a place for good is as difficult as packing a trunk." This saying alludes to the problem one faces, when packing a trunk, of finding room for the many small objects that have accumulated. Similarly, in earthly life the human consciousness is so full of petty concerns that there is no room for great tasks. This situation is not perceived by those who do not carefully observe their own lives. Their trunks are often so full that there is no space left for even the smallest object, and the most harmful details go unnoticed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 325:
The Dragon of the Threshold symbolizes the sentinel of human consciousness. These dragons are not mere abstract symbols, for they touch closely the daily life of every human being. Man's desires can never be satisfied, and his discontent is nourishment for the dragons. I certainly do not speak about man's thirst for knowledge, which is a worthy quest, but about his ordinary dissatisfactions. These are rooted in the base passions, where the accumulated discontent becomes food for the dragon, who wins the battle and rejoices in the feast.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 336:
336. Urusvati knows how We grieve at every distortion of truth. We say that false prophets are less dangerous than "unfeeling, living corpses;" however, this comparison is relative, and you can be sure that We do not justify false prophets. Everyone knows that they work only for their own gain, and that their activity has nothing to do with the Teaching about the New Life. If one should ask those trumpeters of falsehood how much silver they have accumulated, they would remain silent, knowing that the Teaching is for each of them as a milk cow.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 355:
People think that psychic powers are gifts from above, little realizing that these gifts are earned by the individual himself amidst all kinds of burdensome experiences. Usually, one does not recognize the presence of these seeds, which are ready to blossom at the first favorable opportunity. Furthermore, no one points out to the toiler the possibilities earned by him. A vessel filled to the brim is easily spilled. In the same way, accumulated psychic powers can be suddenly manifested at the least prompting.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 357:
It is characteristic for certain entities to be attracted to particular places. In these cases, the energy that evokes the materialization has been accumulated in various locations, most often as precipitations on the walls of old buildings. Subtle entities strengthen their manifestations by use of certain layers of this matter. Such buildings could humorously be compared to old, worn-out garments infested with micro-organisms that make them "come to life," as it were.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 369:
369. Urusvati knows that there are certain individuals who can foresee the direction of evolution. Such co-workers of Ours can be found in different countries and ages. We use them as channels through which We transmit the varying degrees of aspiration that correspond to the needs of evolution. But it should be understood that such striving individuals are rare, and will feel out of place in any generation. It would be correct to think of them not as dwellers of Earth, but rather as guests, filled with memories of better worlds. Indeed, earthly life is not easy for them. They are filled with the spirit of service to humanity, but this concept is little understood on Earth. These toilers cannot find a common language with coarser earthly people. It is to be lamented that time so distorts their ideas, although eventually their words find some degree of recognition. All that I have said here is also true about Our own work, but through the centuries We have become sufficiently aware of the turning of the Wheel of Life. We understand that in motion much is consumed; even huge meteors are burned away, yet some of them succeed in carrying their diamonds to Earth. Only a calm understanding of earthly processes can reveal the whole range of accumulated knowledge. We call such observations a clarification of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 383:
We most definitely do not want to lose useful people. We frequently advise caution and the avoidance of unnecessary dangers. The experienced and devoted aspirant understands how best to apply the accumulated energy. Imagine a scientist who, while absorbed in an especially important experiment, abruptly leaves his work to rush and give aid to victims of an accident in the street. Some people will criticize the abandonment of important work that could have been of benefit to humanity, but a refined consciousness can perceive the boundaries of heroic action. We know how imperceptible this boundary can be. So many factors are placed on the scales that balance is achieved with difficulty.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 433:
433. Urusvati knows that even the Great Ones have manifested different qualities in each incarnation. Observing a whole series of incarnations, one can see clearly the necklace of accumulations. In this regard it is particularly instructive to note the great variations, succeeding one after the other. It should not be thought that qualities are accumulated by any earthly way or that each incarnation is a continuation of the preceding one - the law of evolution is far more vast in its outlines. From the supermundane heights it is easier to see just how the spirit must perfect itself. There is no contradiction in the fact that the spirit develops in accordance with supermundane processes.


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