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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ZE > ZEALOUSLY (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.2:
It is easy to transform many factories into focuses of magic. True, it is difficult to transmit in ordinary words the cooperation of the elements. Thus, the dynamo and the conjured circle both have a scientific basis. However, people at present work so zealously in the mines of evil that it is inadvisable to give them access to close possibilities.

New Era Community (1926) - 250:
250. The manifestation of atomic energy is connected with the investigation of psychic energy and with the study of the theory of magnets. Without these factors it is possible to appropriate only certain manifestations of primary energy. It is necessary to strive zealously toward simplicity in quests.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 421:
421. Vows of the most diverse nature have been sanctioned by various teachings. Each vow is quite useful from the standpoint of discipline. It is difficult for people to believe how necessary for future achievements are such exercises of discipline. A vow cuts short many paths of dissoluteness. Indiscriminating and irresponsible dissoluteness results in the most deplorable consequences in the Subtle World. It is like a child's playing with fire. One should keep constantly in mind the danger of dissoluteness. In the Subtle World it is difficult and painful to begin tardily ridding oneself of dissoluteness. It is better to test oneself here by various useful vows. People often find themselves in ridiculous situations when they take vows zealously only in time of danger. The ancients showed a better understanding of this in their vows in the Name of the Most High, thus strengthening their exalted and solemn state of mind. This was not superstition or bargaining with the Higher Forces, but the transport of a spirit which has attained a new freedom.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 84:
84. For better assimilation of the higher energies of the supermundane spheres it is necessary to spiritualize the centers. Departing from the earthly sphere, the spirit must be cleansed of lower emanations. Any superfluous husk which the spirit brings along into the Subtle World causes inexpressible pains. In a well-developed consciousness a purification takes place which frees the spirit from the husk. But the spirit which zealously retains its earthly habits experiences in the Subtle World all the infirmities which it was accustomed to undergo on the earthly plane. Going uphill, any superfluous load causes shortness of breath in the Subtle World. It is very distressing to carry things which were not previously overcome, and which in the Subtle World have become a burden. Most painful of all is the perception of one's own coarseness. Even in the lower, underground strata is felt the weight of one's own crudities. Often there are heard wails from the supermundane strata which are the appeals of the spirits not yet cleansed of this burden. It is reprehensible to litter the Subtle World with the same lightmindedness as the earthly one. And coarse accumulations form, as it were, unerasable layers which are always visible. Thus, spiritualization of the centers is the way of ascent into the Higher Spheres. This reflection is indispensable on the Fiery path.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 317:
The evil forces zealously keep their vigil, ready to harm every beneficial undertaking. It is a mistake to think that these attempts of evil are casual; on the contrary, evil has its well organized followers. The inexperienced think that evil can simply be ignored, but We advise caution, and an increase in one's defenses.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 425:
We would not be distorting the truth if We said that the human essence is formed in the Subtle World. All family and earthly influences are but external and supplementary, since the seed of one's nature has already been acquired during the subtle sojourn. Fortunately, a mother can sense this essence, sometimes even before birth, and begin to work zealously and sensitively to prepare the child for its earthly life.


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