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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > WO > WONDERING (3)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 192:
192. The Alexandrian philosophers used to say - Do not criticize the World, for it was created by great thought. The creation is not at fault, but our conception of it is. We can channel our thoughts either for good or for evil. We could transform the best animal into an evil creature. Cruelty on one side and fear on the other fills our consciousness by means of thought. We can send evil in our glance. We could turn a beneficial plant into a most poisonous and pernicious one. The thoughts of the ancient philosophers penetrated into religions. Clement of Alexandria knew how people themselves debase the great Creation. Even now people may observe how evil can transform the most harmless beings. Indeed, every animal tamer can tell how often precisely the element of good assists him in his work. But he also knows that besides good there must be measures for self-protection, varying according to the character of the animal. Such a science may be called goal-fitting. We cannot criticize the World without wondering why malice was allowed to enter. So too, protective measures will emanate not from evil but from good. Each leader may be advised not to forget the covenants of the ancient philosophers.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 489:
489. People are wondering of what use are such small conquests of the elements as levitation, passing through fire, sitting on the water, or being buried underground? Only a symbol of mastery is indicted in these exercises of discipline. But the Fiery World is not attained by a test of the heels or by breathing exercises. The World of Beauty is attainable only through the heart. Let us not censure all those who devote themselves to severe practices of discipline, but let us hasten by the path of heart exaltation and rapture.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
301. Urusvati knows how even the greatest heroic deeds can be misunderstood. Are there many people who can look at the actions of others without prejudice? Picture a stranger making his way with great difficulty in rain and hail, and mud up to his knees. People watch him from the windows and laugh, wondering why he didn't stay home in the storm.


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