Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 152: 152. Those records which fill space are not contained in a manifested structure. The mind of man has so far withdrawn itself from the higher records. Man is athirst with illusions and more and more draws away from reality. From all the great laws and principles, it is possible to point out distorted crumbs which have beclouded the consciousness. What, then, has remained of all the fiery Covenants? Reason did not subordinate the Universe, but did sink into the terror of its own engendered forms. Therefore, it is so difficult to unify the consciousness of the two Worlds. AUM (1936) - 458: 458. Many concepts need clarifying; among them, mysticism must be defined. If it denotes exact knowledge, then this conception may be retained. But if the aim is not knowledge but hazy structures, then the word mysticism should be withdrawn from circulation. AUM (1936) - 545: 545. One needs to be attentive to all manifestations which take place during cosmictension. Much is noted, but still more remains neglected. People have so withdrawn themselves from realization of the fundamental energy that they are unable to find words for the obvious manifestations and events. Indeed, it is impossible to separate events from psychic manifestations. Brotherhood (1937) - 194: 194. Let us examine in what way Brotherhoods have moved around. Along these paths it is possible to learn about the movement of evolution. It should not be thought that Brotherhoods have hastily withdrawn into impregnable recesses. They have merely concentrated their forces in one strong place, both geologically and spiritually. It may be recalled that there have been hearths of Brotherhood in several countries, but at the approach of certain dates such hearths have been gathered together into one Stronghold. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 353: You should not assume that the initiates were withdrawn from daily life. From the biographies of the great, it is clear that they did not avoid the most diverse manifestations of life. And now too, labor should not keep one from self-examination. The new life requires collaboration with the two realms.