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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > WI > WINGED (17)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 311:
311. You already know that neither kindness nor intellect alone can lead to Us. But spirituality is needed. This quality comes the moment the spirit is ready. Naught can hasten the affirmation of the path. Even calling to people is useless. Therefore, seek not for followers. But attentively welcome those who knock. It is shameful to miss in sleep the knocking of even one heart. Better to meet with failure than to ignore the winged desire.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.13:
I am thinking of wings. The works are verily winged. The steeds are speeding through the earthly spaces, and as whirlwinds the creative strivings are borne along. Onward to battle! battle! battle!

New Era Community (1926) - 191:
When the banner of the community is unfurled as a realization of necessity, then life will become winged in each day's action. As long as it is thought that the community is an experiment, so long will the community be found in the alchemist's jar. Only a firm realization of historic necessity will bring the community into life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 11:
Lord, grant me to cast into the flames the deceptive rags of the ordinary. I shall not err in realizing that winged daring has Thy blessing. In the sacred furnace will I forge the Wings of Alaya. I know nothing of complaints, cruelty, or aught that could weigh down my new wings. New will be my song!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 19:
19. Of all creative energies, thought remains supreme. What may be the crystal of this energy? Some believe that precise knowledge is the crown of thought; but it would be more correct to say that legend is the crown of thought. In legend is expressed the essence of creative energy. In a legend's short formula are defined both hope and achievement. It is a mistake to believe that legends are fantasies of antiquity. The impartial mind will discern the legend spun through all the days of the Universe. Each great achievement of a nation, each great leader, each important discovery, each cataclysm, each podvig is veiled in winged legend. Therefore, let us not disdain the legends of truth; let us discern keenly and cherish the words of reality. In legend is expressed the will of the people, and we cannot cite one legend that was false. The spiritual striving of the powerful collective spirit imprints an image of true meaning. And the outer form of a symbol is a sign for the world, a part of a world language, which is inevitable in evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 627:
In the Chalice lies a winged child; thus does ancient wisdom remind us of the origin of consciousness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 217:
217. One of the mighty qualities of spirit is steadfastness. How can one develop and expand one's consciousness when steadfastness is lacking? How else can one verify intentions and actions if there exists no such mighty impulse as steadfastness? For each one on the path there is but one immutable Might - Hierarchy. Upon this sacred Principle one may construct; from this sacred Summit one may contemplate the world; upon this Stronghold the spirit becomes winged; upon this Summit can be built a mighty evolution. Therefore, when the spirit tries to create an illusory world of selfhood, it is certainly difficult to advance. Thus, in limitless creativeness there is the beacon fire - Hierarchy. Thus, by steadfastness in Service one can broaden one's consciousness and encompass the law of Fiery Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 242:
242. Speaking of the kinds of love, let us note the love that holds back and the love that inspires. In essence the first love is earthly, and the second heavenly. But what a multitude of constructive efforts were destroyed by the first! And a similar multitude winged by the second! The first is aware of all the limitations of space and consciousness; but the second has no need of earthly measurements. It is without handicaps of space or considerations of death. The first knows the world as a planet; but the second is not impeded even by the destruction of the planet, because before it are all worlds. Verily, the second love embraces the physical world and the Subtle and Fiery Worlds as well. It kindles hearts for the highest joy and is thus indestructible. Thus, let us expand the heart - not for Earth but for Infinity.

Heart (1932) - 503:
503. Illumination, in essence is the bliss of striving; hence it cannot be death-bringing. Life, however, evidences quite the opposite. From where does this perverse result issue? Naturally, not from the light-bearers themselves, but from the vicious contagion of the surrounding atmosphere. Thus, once again life indicates to what an extent humanly created conditions fail to coordinate with the beautiful possibilities. Hence, let us assiduously propel spatial calls, in order to regenerate the consciousnesses! Not few are the strivings sent by Us in order to attract the attention of people to the vicious madness which increases incalculably. They wish to scoff at the Law of the Universe, but first of all it is necessary to realize the possibilities missed, knowing that all is repairable. We dream of new races, but first let us consider why the new race is needed and how each one may help its realization - first of all, in mobility. It is necessary to teach children this winged mobility.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 560:
560. It must be remembered that Great Service brings one closer to cognition of the Great Goal. Comprehend it in its entire scope, to the best of your ability, in complete tension of the spirit. Beautiful is such tension when invisible co-workers gather around it. They strengthen the armor, protect from arrows, and illumine the path. Man can advance as if winged; he has gained numberless co-workers, and they are obedient to Hierarchy. Thus, above all physical considerations, let us at times lift our spirit toward the loftiest strongholds. This must be affirmed as the shield of the Great Service.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 409:
Traveler, do you understand what a beautiful attainment awaits you, when you approach winged, the Fiery Abode, and nothing is scorched by the Eternal Flame?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 91:
91. Daring is the achievement of Beauty which crowns Service. The crown is the revelation of Cosmic Communion. The basis of Cosmic rapprochement can be affirmed as a conjunction of Higher Forces. A great Crown is ordained for the brow which has been shaped by millenniums of achievements of self-sacrifice. The crown of achievement is molded by the heart, and the winged spirit creates its own ascending Karma. With difficulty do the sparks of creativeness seep through on the path of Karma; and still less is understood the Truth of Karmic action. Not from without comes the proper estimation of Karma. Karma is contained in each cell, and the spirit carries its own attainment and its own armor.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 94:
94. The abyss may be conquered by different paths. Courage in the face of the unfolding abyss is attained precisely when the spirit places everything at stake. It is correct that the spirit can be tempered only in life. The overcoming of life's difficulties will bring the spirit its spark. Spiritual conquests are so difficult. The physical body endures privations in self-satisfaction, but the spirit conquers difficulties. And the fiery spiritual strife can uplift to a great height. Thus, let us aspire to spiritual difficulties. The abyss can unfold itself before the heart. Thus it seems that the path of life proceeds inexorably; but the heart which realizes the abyss is also conscious of the Light. For, when a final boundary has been manifested it is possible to unroll a Fiery Infinity. Only in complete striving can the spirit unfold its wings. On the path to the Fiery World one must be imbued with fearlessness before the abyss. The winged spirit knows this joy of attainment.

AUM (1936) - 299:
299. Likewise, architects must be enriched with inspiration from the treasuries of universal cognition. The style of a period is molded out of life, winged by knowledge. How superb are the structures into which the thought of beauty has been impressed! One can seethe ascent of entire epochs through their constructive inspiration. The very quality of the structures is felt in the strength of their materials. The builder must also know the material which endures. Can he deny the Higher World?

AUM (1936) - 381:
No one can indicate where the power of man terminates. Besides. not a superman but just the most healthy man can be winged with successful attainment. In each everyday life psychic energy can be studied. No especially costly laboratories are needed in order to cultivate the consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 395:
395. One should study mental transmission upon the current of psychic energy. One may not perceive the sending in a verbal expression, but it may be reflected in the rhythm of psychic energy. This is not an interruption, as with a change of currents; nevertheless, the glyph of psychic energy is altered by it; perhaps an ellipse is evident instead of a circle, or the circle itself changes diameter, or oscillations may be evinced - thus one may observe the impacts of thought, if the thought be strong enough. The ancient observers had a name for this, such as "the touch of wings," because thought has always been represented as winged.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200:
"Beautiful symbols have been given to people but they treat them as superstition. They look at depictions of winged creatures and consider them to be fantasies. But does not each one of us soar? It does not matter whether the flights are made in the luminous or the dense body, they do take place, consciously or unconsciously. Sleep is a great gift of the gods, and opens the entrance into the Supermundane. Insomnia was always regarded as a punishment, because it deprived man of a natural communion. Friends, we must be grateful to the Higher Spirits, who allow us to have communion with Them.


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