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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > WI > WINDOWS (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 183:
183. You must use your imagination. For the imagination opens windows that reveal new vistas. Who desires - receives. All things have their significance.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 275:
Within a small room, upon a small rug, you have shed your former skin. What cannot be laved in the snows of the mountains and in the warmth of the sun? The wisdom thus released will inhabit its new skin. We rejoice at your observation of man's ways, unmasked, denuded. As though the curtains of the windows were drawn aside and the innermost recesses revealed. And it is easy to offer counsel when reading from an open book. You evolve under My Eyes. Yes, yes, yes! Your steadfastness strengthens Us. It is easy to walk along a precipice when you know of the flying carpet. Observe everything.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.2:
The Teaching flies upon the wings of events. Say: "I may wait today, because, though tomorrow shall follow even without me, meanwhile I can strengthen myself." How can one advise and what rubbish should be sold on the market? We shall not display ourselves when we put on new garments. Let them believe there is nothing to put on. Even the keys of the trunks must not rattle. We shall draw the curtains of the windows.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.18:
Of course, one is the path from the One Source. As do the loftiest spirits, thus also the sensitive earthly apparati know this unity. The vortical gulf of rotation of the planets attracts particles of the spirit, and the World of Higher Reality flashes into the windows.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 194:
The exit of the astral body is also helped by magnetic waves. Therefore a yogi must be sensitive to all the unseen processes of nature. For this the yogi needs, first of all, contact with prana. Windows should not be closed, except perhaps when the humidity is overly dense. Long, warm baths without abrupt movements are useful. Generally, abrupt movements disturb the motion of the aura and We avoid them. A speedy rhythm does not disrupt one's link with the atmosphere, but convulsive movements wound the aura, like needles.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
301. Urusvati knows how even the greatest heroic deeds can be misunderstood. Are there many people who can look at the actions of others without prejudice? Picture a stranger making his way with great difficulty in rain and hail, and mud up to his knees. People watch him from the windows and laugh, wondering why he didn't stay home in the storm.


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