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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > WH > WHITHER (49)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 277:
Dear shopkeepers, what profit to cheat yourselves? Poor rulers, what good is there in erecting prisons for yourselves? Cruel sages, have you no shame in violating your beliefs? And you children of the crowd, forget not that the star that gleams between the houses is not a lamp. You dive, you fly, and hear. But where is the pearl of your spirit? Whither are you going? You have lost your way and an unfriendly thorn has pierced your wings.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 300:
300. The mind grows, every day. Goodness wings its way to happiness. But between you and Us the bridge is spirit. By spirit one can raise mountains. But this bridge can be destroyed within a moment. And the remaining abyss not all the rocks of the created mountains could refill. Therefore, guard the flower of Adamant. It blooms not in ice. But if the Creator has granted you the power of this bridge to Us, proceed, and guard the flame. Say to the passers-by, "We know whither we are bound."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 328:
Is it easy to soar when you have wings? I shall say, it is easy for those who sense their wings. But those for whom the cup of worldliness is sweet, fly not. Chained to their idol, their delight, whither to fly? By experience will you learn the fruitlessness of earthly desires. It is simple, for all things are simple.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.8:
O ball of destiny! Where wilt thou fall and whither rebound? The Light has been revealed to thee. Succeed, thou ball, in reaching it in time! Restrain thy evil cunning whirl.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.4:
One may strive upwards toward light, seeking to render assistance; then there is no parting. If those who remain would consider the departed as having been sent to light and for enlightenment, then the communion would be more sound. The loftier the spirit, the more he beholds - it depends upon the development of the spirit. A lofty spirit feels whither to strive - it flies as an arrow. But a dark one hovers behind the stove. Therefore, precious is the bold desire to seek, because he who seeks finds. If the desires of the spirit are lofty it can discover lofty forms, and in creating them it can contribute to perfectionment.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.16:
To the usurping one say, "Evidently the time has arrived for me to receive new things. But verily it is better for thee not to touch my things. Blasphemy and usurpation will attract lightning upon thee. Thy knife will be blunted by the invisible armor, and thou wilt destroy thy strongest weapons. And whither wilt thou go, consumed from within and reduced to ashes?"

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.4:
I dislike all bigotry. Let the Ray illumine achievement. Whither shall I send the Ray, if there is wet muslin instead of a shield? Foremost are promptness and firmness of the hand in striking.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.3:
Only the blind do not notice whither the spiral of evolution has turned! And We, Who do exist, send help to the young in spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.11:
Be able to ignore derision directed at your courage, because you know whither you are going.

New Era Community (1926) - 16:
It is possible to ennoble the conquest by stripping it of all sporting significance and directing it to labor. Hurry to save the unfortunates, fly for the unifying of humanity! Then will these conquests enter into evolution, for people must bring into ordinary usage the supermundane strivings, not forgetting about responsibility. As yet these conquests remain in the stage of ugly centaurs. When people will comprehend whither and for what reason they must fly, then will it be possible to improve the flying apparatus tenfold.

New Era Community (1926) - 32:
Where then are the nearest worlds, whither we could direct our consciousness. Jupiter and Venus.

New Era Community (1926) - 41:
Swimmers, if you do everything possible within your strength, whither can the most destructive wave carry you? It can only bear you upwards. And thou, sower, when thou wilt distribute the seeds, thou mayst expect a harvest. And thou, shepherd, when thou dost recount thy sheep, thou wilt kindle a manifest light.

New Era Community (1926) - 154:
154. Someone decides " I will cross upon the fiery ladder." Do so, to each one the path is open. But remember, if fear comes the steps melt into liquid flame. Whither will you go, not having acquired the quality of labor? When We say it is better to sleep on cedar roots, the follower can carry out easily the advice. It is easy to sleep, and especially when so advised. But when one is told to take up constant watch, then the steps become burning hot. One thing must be repeated not easy is the ladder.

New Era Community (1926) - 239:
Let us speak to those who by night slink along and whisper and by day are silent. Tell them about fitting words; otherwise they will sink into the darkness of the night. Propose to them, without a command of the consciousness, to make progress in a new life. The new life is still badly shaped; the essence of evolution is still not expressed. But he who knows whither he is going passes around the mire of the path.

New Era Community (1926) - 263:
Whither then have dissolved privations and gloomy testings, when one electron of a substance can pour out an entire stream of blessing?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 56:
Whither may one direct one's consciousness? Truly, to the reality of Infinity. This means that it is time to pass from the coarse layers of matter to research into the subtler energies.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 317:
317. Upon the highest summit the Mother of the World stands effulgent. She came forth to defeat the darkness. Why are the enemies fallen? And whither do they turn their eyes in despair? She has cloaked Herself in a fiery veil and encircled Herself in a wall of fire. She is our citadel and our inspiration.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 319:
319. Whither to direct one's courage? Whither to direct the will? Whither to direct oneself? To the same spirit-fire. We shall find strength and not become exhausted, because on our path we gather the words of knowledge.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 375:
For them the yogi is the primary channel, the primary receiver of the energies of space, luminous as a beacon fire. He builds that which should be built. He lays together the intended stones. And his enemies may shudder, but still feel compelled to repeat his words. The yogi is not a preacher. He seldom speaks to the crowds. But the works entrusted to him grow with a special bloom. Others do not even acknowledge the flourishing of these works, whose intended purpose is not to capture them, but to ignite their hearts. Whither will fly the spark of fire? Do they not see all the lighted fires, and all the travelers warmed by the flame of an Agni Yogi? His fire burns the brighter because it burns not for itself.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 503:
503. Whither may one direct thought? Whither to project the will? Toward space, whence comes the life-giving energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 591:
Affirm that the refining of consciousness is the magnet that attracts all beneficial energies. The consciousness, an inexhaustible treasure, will lead to the summits, where victory is found. Is it worthy of man to let his consciousness be overgrown with weeds? It is essential to consider whither one wishes to propel oneself. The fire of consciousness will illumine the way.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 668:
668. Of all principles leading to the broadening of consciousness, the principle of Hierarchy is the most powerful. Each manifested change is based upon it. Whither can the spirit direct itself without the Guiding Hand? Where can the eye and the heart turn without Hierarchy, when the Giving Hand of the Hierarch affirms the flow of destiny, and when the Hand of the Hierarch directs one to the best manifested date, and one becomes familiar with even the highest energies? Therefore, the seed of the spirit becomes imbued with the Cosmic Ray of the Hierarch. Since the most powerful principle contains in itself the potentiality of fire, the pure Fire of the spirit of the Hierarch is affirmed as the highest principle. Thus shall we remember our spiritual Leaders. Thus shall we revere the Law of Hierarchy.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 22:
Spirit, glance back! Whither hast thy past knowledge led thee? Where dost thou perceive boundaries? Where is cessation? Where is permanency? And where dost thou see the manifestation of submissiveness? It is said, "I do not see all these declarations; verily, I see that endless Domain which has created our being!"

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 68:
When I say that the cosmic incessancy affirms also our karma, it means that I wish to free human consciousness from delusion and to instill in the human spirit the thread of understanding which leads to incessancy. I affirm that a clear understanding will point out the incessancy of all our actions. The Cosmic Fire is incessant and inexhaustible. One must understand that the Infinite is an aggregate of life processes. Cause and effect, thought and action, are the karmic predestinators of the life principle. Whither can the unbroken chain deviate? An unbroken path is open to the spirit; it reveals the symbol of the Mother of the World to him who has chosen the symbol of Light. But the erring one who seeks darkness will not touch the Fire of Space.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 98:
98. The spirit convinced of the existence of the far-off worlds creates a universal concept. Likewise is man convinced of the necessity of realizing the chain of existences. When everything has been absorbed from the planetary existence, then whither may one strive?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 122:
122. From times immemorial, cosmic magnetism has been affirmed as the primary source of life. In the cults in which humanity invoked the source of sun and stars, and also the elements, cosmic magnetism was expressed. In ancient times, man was searching for that which could bring him closer to the cosmic creativeness. Having discovered the expression of cosmic manifestations, the spirit knew whither to direct its aspirations.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 149:
149. Whither should man strive? Whither should the accumulated forces be directed? Whither will perfectment lead? Is it possible that the manifestation of a mighty existence can simply disappear? The spirit must acknowledge that through its strivings it lives not for one life-round but for a cycle vouchsafed by Infinity. It is too great a struggle for one life. The scope of the abilities of man is too great for them to be exemplified in one lifetime.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 202:
202. The spiral striving lives in the entire Cosmos. Whither a striving spirit propels itself, the circles of its lives are born. Thus, the spirit itself establishes the exact spiral of its ascent. A striving of the spirit toward crude manifestations describes a corresponding circle in the Cosmos. Striving of the spirit toward higher manifestations describes also a corresponding circle. This law applies to all manifestations. When We speak of the centers of the Cosmos, We are also speaking of the corresponding centers of the Agni Yogi. The powers of energies are distributed according to identity, and the power of the most subtle energies will be absorbed by the sensitive organism.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 302:
The Magnet of the Perfect Heart foresees the intercourse with the striving spirit. Whither will the light-imparting ray of the Perfect Heart be directed? Each conscious response is a vibration of identity. Therefore, in turn, the emanations of the centers also propel, evoking a conscious striving. The centers of creative Fire build the steps of humanity. The fires of an Agni Yogi are therefore impelled with such diversity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 344:
344. Adherence to the Cosmic Magnet can disclose to the spirit all paths to the General Good. Whither can the spirit strive that has not realized his direction? Wherewith can the spirit suffuse the mind? How can the spirit connect himself with the higher worlds? All cosmic forces can imbue the spirit with understanding of the path Only Cosmic Might will indicate to a man a conscious striving. When the spirit has cognized the course of the Cosmic Magnet, he can choose the path of his striving. Therefore, a sensitive receptivity guides the spirit immutably to the Cosmic Magnet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 660:
660. Discrimination is one of the most pronounced fiery qualities. It is not straight-knowledge, but a glimmer, as it were, of the language of the Fiery World.. Truly, the man with open centers does not judge by words; he understands all the inner meaning of speech. If all judges were at such a level of fiery discrimination, many offenses would appear in a different light. But such discrimination needs cultivation. It exists in the seed of the spirit, but one must evoke it from the storehouse of the Unmanifest. Therefore a sharpening of the consciousness must be urged. Let each approaching one manifest himself as an exemplary judge. Let one begin to judge according to the eyes; another by the intonation of voice; a third according to the bodily movements. It is immaterial where one begins, because the inner fire is reflected on all the nerve centers. And it is instructive to observe how words often fail to reflect the inner condition. With patience one can attain great results and disclose signs of fiery understanding. Certainly, this will be only a glimpse of the Fiery World, but each spark of such cognizance is already an achievement. Upon entering the Subtle World one should firmly bear in mind the resolution to go toward Light, to hasten to self-perfection, and for this each advice is extremely important. If here upon Earth we already approach discrimination, then upon crossing into the Subtle World this achievement will be a benefaction. The principal difficulty is that despair and perplexity hinder the assimilation of the new conditions. But if we remember firmly whither and wherefore we go, we will instantly find many helpers. Yet people are especially disconcerted by the absence of secrecy when the Ineffable Light penetrates all that exists. Blessed are those who do not have to be ashamed of their heart's accumulations. Love everything that can uplift the heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 5:
5. Let us remember the myth about the Origin of Mountains. When the Planetary Creator toiled over the formation of the earth, He gave attention to fertile plains which could provide people with a quiet agriculture. But the Mother of the World said, "Verily, people will find bread and trade in the plains, but when gold will pollute the plains whither shall go the pure in spirit to gather strength? Either let them have wings, or let them have mountains, in order to escape from gold." And the Creator answered, "It is too early to give wings to people, they would carry death and destruction. But let us give them mountains. Even if some be afraid of them, for others they will be salvation." Thus there are two kinds of people - people of the plains and people of the mountains

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 38:
38. Every message must not be only benevolent but also attractive. One may notice that many young people do not follow in the footsteps of their fathers and mothers. Aside from karmic reasons one can notice the unattractiveness of the actions of the elders. The same may be seen in regard to religions. Religion, as the link with the Higher World must first of all be attractive. Fear is not attractive, violence is repellent, but the very understanding of the Higher World must be attractive. One may rejoice at everything of the Highest. Even the weak-minded will not turn away from the Highest. In order to obscure the Highest one must commit a series of repulsive actions. No matter who these repellers may be, they are in any case blasphemers. If they besmirch the most Beautiful, they are servitors of darkness. The answer does not lie in dogmas nor in symbols - one may debase the most beautiful sign. How then to call those who seduce the little ones away from the Abode of God? Seducers and jailers are they who discredit the prayer to the Highest. Has it ever been said that one may speak with one's father and mother only in their own words? So also in the prayer to the Most High - who can force his heart to laud in alien terms. He who composes prayers, hymns, songs, sings with his own heart. The spirit cannot be prevented from soaring upon its own wings. Whither and how will fly the wingless? And will not he who breaks even the smallest feather be responsible? If a song is needed it is the song of the heart, and in this song all creation will resound. Every object will join in lauding the Most High. He who helps his neighbor to create a still more attractive praise will be a creator of good. No dogma can forbid conversing with the Highest. The more beautifully it is done, the nearer will be the approach. But if help is needed, it suffices to express oneself with - "Help." But even for such a simple word attractiveness is needed.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 414:
414. An infected man does not sense his infection for a long time. Since this is true of physical disease, the more readily understandable is such a process of incubation in diseases of the spirit. One may be amazed at the fact that physicians do not attempt to observe the origin of a malady of the spirit; hence, it is more difficult for them to observe all the fiery processes. But if physicians deny such fundamental conditions, then whither may people be directed in order to learn the causes of their unprecedented sensation? Likewise, scholars and schoolteachers are of no assistance - thus people are left without advice about the most important inceptions of disturbances of body and spirit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 341:
341. Even a little foresight should whisper to man how much the World is atremble, how tense are all spheres, in preparation for spatial and earthly battles. Even a small consciousness can be imbued with thought about the reconstruction for which the whole World is getting ready. Even those who are unwilling to understand whither human engenderings are leading, must realize that inevitable Karma which leads on all paths to a great Reconstruction. One can only be amazed at the extent to which humanity dwells in a state of mirages. Clear understanding must be striven for on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 364:
364. If we but ponder upon just what suppresses the higher concepts, we inevitably arrive at a consciousness which compares everything with the lower manifestations. Bringing everything down to compare with the lowest is a labor of the dark ones, and humanity is indeed subject to these tendencies. Every one instinctively has recourse to this destructive action. Therefore the condition of the consciousness is the best indicator of all epochs and all human directions. Whither leads such error as the losing of connection with the Fiery World? Purification of consciousness will indeed give access to the higher energies. On the path to the Fiery World one must contend with the dark consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 407:
407. It is not always possible to know immediately whither a current of psychic energy has been directed. It is impossible to decide immediately, when the currents are going in different directions and reveal an identical reaction, for the expenditure of psychic energy in creative actions emanates from one source. The current of psychic energy is reflected on the heart and on the whole organism, therefore it is difficult at any one moment to determine the direction in which psychic energy is creating its saturations. Heart anguish can be the result of many causes, but one should not attribute it only to the weight of the burdensome manifestations of life, for the cause may be the opposite. When a current of psychic energy is directed into space, a sensation of heartache is inevitable. One must carefully discriminate in these wonder-working manifestations and not confuse them with forebodings.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 474:
474. Let us say to all traitors - you have convicted yourselves. The fate of traitors is indeed self-imposed. Unendurable is the yoke of a traitor. Whither then so many unfortunate ones? They are disguised as beggars, thieves, murderers. Usually in their pouch are to be found old debts. The traitors do not understand what debts they are paying. But manifestly they bear the weight of payment.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 605:
605. Rock crystals are formed from one fire, yet all are different. One should ponder over such fiery formations. To have them about will be a good reminder of the world of Light whither each one is permitted to aspire.

AUM (1936) - 374:
When people are desirous of making objections, they are prepared not to admit the simplest truth. Whither is it possible to direct energy, if will and thought have been directed to evil? Naturally, the power will flow along the dark channel. Whoever wishes the lowest will receive it. Unalterable are the words about obsession, because it represents a danger to the perfecting of life. Furthermore, intermediaries must not be of a low order. Ignorance and malice can attract only conformable responses. Each one must strive only toward the best.

AUM (1936) - 462:
462. Observe how psychic energy must be allowed a free moment before action. It is necessary to slacken the earthly reins, as it were, in order to permit it to unite with the Primary Source. It is a mistake to suddenly force the energy with earthly sendings. One should give it a path, through consolidation of the bond with the Higher World. It is impossible to exercise command over such a bond. It is impossible to bid a carrier pigeon fly, one can only release it; it knows whither to fly. Likewise, it is necessary to release psychic energy from the carnate cage; a magnetic bond is immediately established.

Brotherhood (1937) - 205:
205. Some messengers proceed with a mission, already knowing whence, whither and why - and how they will return. Others know but inwardly the Indication, and they complete the earthly path as ordinary citizens. Let us not weigh which of them accomplishes an achievement with the greater selflessness. Let people recognize that there exists a great number of degrees among the Spiritual Toilers. Chiefly there must be understood the result and the motive. It is not for us to judge which good deed is the higher. Each act is surrounded by many causes which the human eye cannot discern.

Brotherhood (1937) - 304:
304. People hope that that which is most difficult will pass, but beyond it will begin blissful Amrita. What will they think if they are told that after the difficult comes the still more difficult? Perhaps people will attempt to leap away from the human path? But whither can they depart? Only he who is not terrified by the most difficult will feel the bliss of Amrita.

Brotherhood (1937) - 340:
340. "Furious persecutors, whither are you driving us? Without being aware of it, you bring us nearer to the Refuge of Light." This ancient song can be repeated in all ages. In all tongues is it possible to confirm this truth, therefore it is better to be the pursued than the pursuer.


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