Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.15: Soon the study of photoplasm will give a new direction to methods of labor. One may see how the pollen of photoplasm effervesces, and how by tiny whirls it carries the received treasure into the pores of the skin. Agni Yoga (1929) - 22: Can one endure? The idea of Our Beacon is beginning to penetrate the minds, because gradually it is becoming clear that nothing else remains in the whirls of chaos. How painful to the sensitive spirit! How We watch the waves of unprecedented darkness! The heart can contain only a limited quantity of this elemental poison. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 5: 5. Have you thought about the spirit-creativeness on the future planets? Is it possible that all began with you and will end with you? Does any process cease? The chain of worlds is endless; where one planet crumbles another one is born. Truth wrestles with death, and when skeptics say, "It is the end," We say, "It is the beginning!" Understanding of the manifested evolution will reveal the triumph of Truth. Shall we not share in the triumph? Shall we seal our vessels still empty? Shall we reject the transmission of the power of consciousness? When I say utilize the manifested rays, when I say fill the chalice of knowledge, when I say design the best creations through straight-knowledge, when I say strength lies in the limitlessness of knowledge - it means lend an open ear to the cosmic whirls, it means search the radiance of Fohat, it means manifest understanding of the music of the spheres. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 14: Inseparable is the blending of the higher invisible spheres with the visible. Therefore, comprehend the indivisibility of our life. The Breath of Cosmos is immutable in everything. The manifestation of planetary periods depends on cosmic waves; therefore, those who deny the link between spirit and the cosmic whirls do not walk the path of knowledge. Is it admissible to perceive only one essential point in the All-existing? Is it admissible to separate one tiny grain from the Great Whole? Can one outline the boundaries narrowly without loss of one's development? Only madness sets limits for itself. Only those who are ignorant of the manifestation of Beauty will say, "We are content with the existing." Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 18: You did not realize the achievement of the difficult task; and you do not ascribe human obscurity to the prototype of your actions. There is no ground for blaming devastations upon the cosmic whirls; in this is not evil but necessity. Each manifestation of Cosmos has its application in Eternity. And, as is the devastation, so is the accumulation subject to the rhythm which is inseparable from the affirmed course of your earthly events. The difference is that Zeus, in creating a cosmic storm, fills space with ozone; whereas your earthly Zeus, creator of wrath, fills the sphere with suffocating smoke. In this, the lowest and the highest do not meet. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 182a: 182a. The currents are very heavy. The cosmic whirls conform to the human stratifications. The flashes of Spatial Fire and of human consciousnesses are in correlation, and the fiery spirit of the Agni Yogi survives all. I beg you to guard health. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 161: 161. The reorganization of the world stirs up multifold rushing vortices. Each reorganization evokes the strokes of the cosmic rhythms. The rhythm of The Wheel of Life is so powerful that resistance to it cannot be asserted. The cosmic whirl intensifies all oppositions but the power of Reason engulfs the forces generated by opposition. Thus, the obstacles are swept away by the rhythm of cosmic whirls. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 390: 390. The spiritual tensions are subject to the law of identity. The vortices take hold of all spiritual strivings. Hence, when the spirit is strained toward a shifting, nothing can stop it. The creators of whirls saturate the entire space and pull cosmic thoughts into their orbits. Hence, each thought of an Agni Yogi is a vortex; and the flame of the spirit is intensified by the striving Agni Yogi. Thus, each striving thought creates a new orbit, and all tensions are so sensed by the centers of a flaming spirit. Heart (1932) - 245: 245. Relativity and imperfection will be distinctive characteristics of each life; but precisely these open the doors to the future. People who set up obstacles for themselves by thinking that they are imperfect thus demonstrate their finiteness, in other words, their unfitness. Finiteness is impermissible in the process of motion. Only the process of perfectment amidst the fiery whirls affirms the true path. To this same process of perfecting lead various kinds of earthly martyrdoms, achievements and heroic actions, for during these tensions the greatest fire of the heart is created. Of course one should not understand martyrdom as only physical; the greatest martyrdom is always of the spirit. The heart may beat in its usual way, though the spiritual tension be unusual. Heart (1932) - 540: 540. It should not seem strange to you that the present indications about the heart conclude with medical advice. For long the heart was neglected, hence, in addition to the spiritual influences one must also prepare earthly means. But in any case, during tensions of the heart the trend of thoughts must be changed. Like a mountain stream, thoughts alter the surrounding rhythm. It is unwise to speak of complete rest during tension of the heart, because primarily there is no rest; on the contrary, the tension of the heart senses the cosmic whirls all the more, and may be shaken by vibrations. But the change of thoughts can act like musk, affirming the flow of the nerve substance. You know already how the rhythms of the currents change, and how during atmospheric tension the vibrations of the currents are immoderate and even become prickly. Thus the old proverb about the healing of like with like assumes significance. But of course I do not advise placing a patient with his head down. A straight position is useful. Being able to acquaint him with a position of ease conforms with a goal-fitting change of thoughts. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 554: 554. He who says that heroes are not needed expels himself from evolution. Observe that on the border of mediocrity, lack of faith, and egoism, lies self-annihilation. Decades may pass before the process of self-devouring becomes evident, but it grows from the very hour that Hierarchy is denied. It is impossible to imagine the affirmation of a progressive action without Hierarchy. One must repeat this most simple Teaching, because people are headed toward the abyss. The rays from the shoulders are causing pain not because of the convulsions of the planet but because of the raging of humanity. As waterspouts divide water into columns, so disunited humanity whirls about. It is a very significant year of the revolt of the human spirit. Fire can be held back only up to a certain point. Inevitably it will break through all manifested obstructions. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 10: 10. Pay attention to the so-called transitory states of the organism. The state between sleep and wakefulness provides a very significant field for observations. One may notice how amidst earthly thinking fragments of thought of a different order intrude, objects seem to vibrate and the earthly perception is altered. Few admit the thought that this different kind of perception is the thinking of the Subtle, and even Fiery World. As the manifested world disappears, one awakens to the voice of the Subtle World. Amidst various transitory states one can notice the lightnings of the Higher Worlds. Thus, one should attentively observe the special resoundings. Amidst earthly conditions one should not merge into these manifestations, because equilibrium is of first importance, but the receptacle of an expanded consciousness must find a place for manifestation of all three worlds. Only thus shall we become accustomed to the understanding of the fiery thought. Fire, as a visible element, often impedes the realization of the fiery thought, but the manifestation of Agni is not a match. Yet every fiery manifestation first of all reflects upon the thinking process. Meanwhile pay attention to the origination of the visible Fire - the bright energy whirls in spirals, so that even in a small flame one may see the process of intervention of an outside energy. The moment of blending of the inner Fire with the outer one can be called resonant in beauty. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 88: 88. The science of atmospheric influences must undergo considerable changes. One may notice in contemporary apparatus unexplainable tremors which seemingly do not conform to other indications. Such traces of astral whirls bring to the Earth very significant effects. Besides, in this way are affirmed the relations with the Subtle World. Indeed, among the tensions of the Subtle World there may be such pressures that their reverberation even agitates manifested matter. First of all such waves are reflected upon the fiery centers. You yourself could observe how, despite the cool weather, the centers gave indication of great pressure. One must compare this with the reaction to the distant events, which also call forth vibrations of strong tensions. But the astral whirls are observed even less than telepathy. Scientists are unwilling to admit that in their physical considerations a factor of the world beyond can have any significance. But the effect of such whirls sometimes is almost equal to that of a bolt of lightning. I will not conceal the fact that strong cooling currents have had to be applied in order to counteract the reaction to such whirls. We stand on guard and are ready to send rays, but the pressure of the currents of the Subtle World is unprecedented. They are fighting with the forces of darkness and one must have imagination in order to picture to oneself the magnitude of this battle. AUM (1936) - 524: The consciousness of the young should be educated to the fact that around them whirls a continuous vortex; it brings no terror but manifests the power of the subtle energies. An educated man should know enough about the eternal motion and about the non-recurrence of the manifestations. Likewise, he will easily understand the changeability of the currents which fill space.