Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.3: Then, rising and pointing to Mount Moriah, whereon stood the Temple, He said: "My Grandfather created the Temple of stone, but He sits under the linen of the tent." Heart (1932) - 214: 214. The guaranty of the Forces of Light is the greatest basis of the New Life. I affirm that it will be dusky for the dark ones. I affirm the Light of the future, which through various voices will ignite the entire world. I affirm the Teaching as the revelation of the New World. I affirm the most precious concepts as the steps of life. I affirm that no darkness can conquer Our signs. I affirm usefulness from the turmoil. I affirm the striving of the forces of the Subtle World toward the earthly plane. I affirm the hour of difficulties as a trumpet call. I affirm the salvation of all those who follow Us. I affirm the reunion of many divided members. I affirm that path to the sunrise whereon the decision is one. I affirm the date of happiness which destines salvation for the world.