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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > WE > WELL-BEING (16)

New Era Community (1926) - 131:
Indeed, as you well remember, the correlation of auras with the spatial substance gives quality to the result. Precisely, not the size but the color gives a particular approach to the action. The size of the aura will give tension to the action, but the path will be determined by the color. Thus, it is impossible to set any specific way of action under an alien color combination. A causal predetermination causes a mixture of rays and paralyzes the will. The infirmity of many workers is explained by the mixture of heterogeneous color groups. Here would be very useful a simple physical apparatus for the determination of basic radiations. Think, what an alleviation for the workers and what a deepening of intensity - true economy! Besides the increase in productivity, it is necessary to perceive how the correlation of colors will affect the well-being of the workers. A great deal of malice and misunderstanding will disappear, without threats and prohibitions.

New Era Community (1926) - 247:
247. When lightning singes the wings, when thunder alarms the ear, when the anchors of earthly well-being disappear, then will Our messenger knock. The smile of contentment does not open the door to him. The wooden beam of self-conceit closes the entrance to him. The obvious will become apparent to him who wishes to receive the guest. Although the path of evolution is unalterable, each one disposes for himself. The sword-blade is being forged, but the pile of dross-contentment grows. Signs of the extinction of light are appearing. In the forge the sword-blade has already been tempered. Affirmed are manifestations of a wonderful New World. There is still much rubbish, but the ashes of the dross is the cradle of the blade. One may know all the imperfection, but slander against the New World will be a stumbling block on the path. The Dragon is still alive. Every blade must be raised from the ashes. The spine of the Dragon has hidden the distant worlds. The enemy has concealed the entrance into the World of Light, but the stars will appear through the rifts in the spine. The pit of refuse does not bring despondency, but the golden spine of the Dragon raises as an allurement. Let us take up all swords directed at the Dragon and count them again attentively.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 406:
406. Think about the meaning of danger. So-called danger is nothing but fear for one's present condition. But if we know that every condition is created by the consciousness, which is inalienable, then there can be no fear for one's well-being. The dangers that one customarily fears are dispelled by a broadened consciousness. Therefore, the growth of consciousness is the essential foundation for progress. Then there will be no dangers, there will be only obstacles. Overcoming obstacles is a means for the developing of energy. If the mountain is perfectly smooth, one cannot ascend to the summit. Blessed are the stones that tear the sandals of those who ascend! Assure yourself, therefore, that dangers do not exist.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 411:
411. Each leaf safeguards the well-being of man. Each stone stands ready to ensure man's safety. Kindle the fires of unlimited knowledge. Find the wisdom to courageously strive.

Hierarchy (1931) - 391:
391. Again they will come to you in doubt about the law of karma. "Is it possible that the unfit ones can revel in comfort, whereas worthy ones suffer?" Answer, "Heavy is the karma of those who cannot forego earthly comfort, for it is said, 'Comfort is the cemetery of the spirit.'" Besides, as you have observed, earthly comfort shuts out spiritual hearing. But many, under the mask of well-being, hide the greatest misfortunes. Therefore none of those who know will apply the standards of earthly comfort. One should judge according to the summits, not thinking of subterranean torrents.

Hierarchy (1931) - 445:
445. The approach is endless; so, too, are defeats. Few will discern where is victory and where defeat. One must know the relation of spiritual growth to the victory over darkness. Darkness can display the Maya of well-being, whereas Light can attest to violent commotions. Each one strives along the shortest path, but who is capable of imagining the best achievements? Only the link with Hierarchy can reveal the uniqueness of the best path. Our decision is to consider achievement as the shortest path. The dark ones consider fearlessness as a bad sign. We have determined not to avoid the steep path. For them, each ascent is an unnecessary dissipation of strength. With Us, the Ray of Light is a bridge of granulations, but they dream of a void. We understand each daring leap; for them, it is but recklessness. Thus, between the daring of wisdom and the recklessness of treason stands only the heart. It will safeguard and open the Gates of Hierarchy. He will err less who follows the silver thread stretched from his heart to the heart of the Teacher.

Heart (1932) - 95:
95. Gratitude is one of the most real concepts, judging by the consequences. One can become accustomed to it even in small things. Later one should talk in the schools about gratitude as a pledge of well-being.

Heart (1932) - 467:
467. Hygiene of the heart is predicated upon good deeds, but in the broadest sense. Thus, good deeds do not include the encouragement of treason and malice, and the countenancing of false prophets, imposters, cowards, and all servants of darkness. Good deeds do not include heinous negligence and deliberate concealment. Good deeds aim at the well-being of humanity. Thus, the heart acquires solemnity which is like the harmony of the spheres. Verily, good deeds can actually be distinguished as beneficent achievements, not by obduracy, but by goal-fitness. Often good deeds are understood as the grimace of irresponsibility; it is easier not to think and permit an easy deviation.

Heart (1932) - 572:
572. A certain stage of the human consciousness can be observed when, to the question as to what is needed, the following answer is given Money. So long as this mercenary limitation is not outlived, no spiritual help can be provided. One's consciousness must be advanced toward more significant values, then help will come even materially. The law of the highest values is affirmed in the whole of Existence. Thus, our own consciousness determines the well-being that is deserved.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 161:
161. You are right in observing that precisely a lack of inner well-being is especially ruinous. One may win all lawsuits, one may meet new friends, but inner dissolution can drive away the very best friend. When pepper dust is in the air, all begin to sneeze. Thus can imperil be spread. You have seen more than once how new circumstances have appeared, but they have to be met. Thus, it is necessary once and for all to understand about the infection of imperil! It is inadmissible to refer light-mindedly to decomposition! This process is transmitted like leprosy. There can be either an increase of strength or disintegration, there can be no third condition. One should not advise strengthening by force. It is impossible to save anyone from leprosy by coercion. It is impossible to keep anyone from imperil by violence. Friendliness is not violence. Growth of the heart comes not from a whip, and a beautiful garden can be grown only by beautiful actions. Offense to Hierarchy is irreparable.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 609:
609. What crime is the most destructive to the monad of the criminal? Certainly treason. This crime abruptly alters the current already established, and a terrific counterblow results. A traitor cannot live long in the world of matter, and when he crosses into the Subtle World, being entirely without life-giving energy he is sucked into chaos and is doomed to disintegration. Treason is never impulsive. It is always premeditated, and thus its fate is aggravated. It must be understood that the return to chaos is, first of all inexpressibly painful. In addition, the feeling of the primary seed remains, and facing the futility of hoping for a speedy transformation demands indescribable courage. But the traitor is devoid of courage. He is above all filled with conceit. Thus, people should be warned that even from a physical standpoint treason is intolerable. The traitor not only condemns himself but infects vast strata around him, generating storms of fire. One should not think that an unnatural human action will not react on the surroundings. It reacts first of all on children under seven, before the spirit has taken possession of the entire organism. During this early period the fiery tempests are especially dangerous; they impose a special nervousness upon the heart action of those who already carry the weight of heavy atavism. Thus the traitor not only betrays an individual, but at the same time outrages a whole generation and even affects the well-being of an entire country. Let each one who has pondered upon the Fiery World beware of treason even in thought. No treason is small - it is great in evil and is hostile to the Universe. Such evil is in itself a barrier to ascent.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 37:
37. The achievement of the spirit consists in that amidst earthly difficulties and struggles the spirit develops the higher striving. The spirit cannot become affirmed amidst conditions of well-being or abundance. Therefore the co-workers can prove the strength of their spirit and striving amidst daily labors and difficulties. How could one attain the highest state, attain refinement of consciousness, without spiritual labor? So many blessed cares are on the path of purification of consciousness! Each action which rends the spirit from earthly desires is a higher affirmation. The path to the Fiery World leads through the labors of spirit, through earthly privations; and highest achievements come through departure from earthly manifestations in quest of the higher ones. Thus, when it is said, "the achievement of spirit will be with those who have known the struggle and search for knowledge," it means this will be a fiery attainment. Thus let us remember upon the path to the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 261:
Much should be written about the significance of the basic energy; otherwise, vague and unenlightened thinking will again obscure the source of well-being. One history has not yet been written, namely the history of forgetfulness. Such a chronicle of involution would be useful. Indeed, the study of ancient periods has been made very difficult, for many discoveries await disclosure; yet there exists certain data which is already sufficient to enable humanity to observe many waves of forgetfulness.

AUM (1936) - 597:
597. Much is said about trials. It terrifies people that even the worlds are on trial. There is much self-pity about difficult tests. People are even suspicious as to the justice of the very concept of a test. It might help those who fail to understand, to replace the word test with the word verification. Before a bridge every man invariably assures himself of its stability - and by his own movements. For his own sake man tests all his surroundings. He does not like the concept of a test, because it is sent from somewhere else, but his own verification for the sake of his well-being is not repugnant to him. Let him realize that all tests are for his own good. One should repeat that the concept of the coordination of the worlds is a great test.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339:
339. Urusvati knows that man's true nature is revealed at times of calamity - such is the way on Earth. We do not call this a law, because the conditions for each misfortune are different. It would seem that exaltation and happiness should have more effect than misery, but even the illusion of well-being renders people numb. How lamentable it is that most people can refine their feelings only through suffering!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396:
It can be claimed that such groans do not exist. The inhabitants of the lower strata of the Subtle World are so attached to the familiar conditions there that they cannot perceive the higher manifestations. Let them remain in their imagined well-being. On Earth, too, some dance amid fratricidal wars, and their insensitivity extends into strata of the Subtle World, making self-perfectment impossible.


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