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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > WE > WELD (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.4:
To build an arch between the ways of the full decline and the ascent is not easy. The carriers of spirit do not recognize each other. Harken to and record the voices of strange figures on your way. Afterwards you will weld together these informations, thus revealing the ladder of practical possibilities.

Heart (1932) - 254:
One must guard as a treasure this converse with the Teacher. The one who understands the sacred significance of this communion will not turn to darkness. But how the heart must be guarded lest it sever the silver cord! Nothing can weld it. One can bestow all compassion, but the cord is forged out of a multitude of qualities. As the ancient images were cast from many metals, so is the cord strong through many qualities. But the sweetest communion of the heart with the Teacher is that forge where the mighty fire radiates.


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