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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > WE > WEIGHS (2)

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 54:
54. Let Us explain how to understand tolerance. When we speak about a higher tolerance, We mean that Hierarchy can show leniency because the heart of the Hierarch is all-containing; it feels everything and knows all impulses and intentions, and weighs all the good and the bad. In His leniency the Higher Spirit descends into the sphere of the consciousness of the disciple, and by His indulgence and tolerance uplifts the disciple. But not thus must the co-worker accept the indications about tolerance. For the disciple who is intolerant toward his surroundings, the needed quality cannot be called leniency. When the development of this wonderful quality, tolerance, is indicated to him, it means that first of all he must exclude censure. The indication about tolerance does not mean to have always command over one's fellow-worker; it does not mean that the spirit is on such a level that it can condemn those who surround him. The indication about tolerance first of all must awaken in the disciple the understanding of the fact that the spirit must be freed from egoism, because selfhood carries the most frightful monstrosities. Hence, only the spirit of a disciple freed from selfhood can manifest leniency. On the path to the Fiery World one should understand the true significance of tolerance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 13:
13. Urusvati could reveal the names of members of the Brotherhood, but will not do so because she weighs the commensurability of such information. There are already seven Names upon the lips of the world, and where is the benefit? Deeds are needed, not names. Therefore, when We speak about the personal lives of the Brothers We describe deeds without mentioning names. People do not quarrel about deeds, but about names. When the name of one of Our Brothers who was in the world was revealed, it became necessary to declare Him dead in order to preserve His freedom of action. We have had to change Our names repeatedly in order not to arouse curiosity. We have been compelled to hastily hide Ourselves in order that a good work might not suffer harm. One of the first conditions of the Brotherhood is to put the essence of the action above all.


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