Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 19: 19. You already know about the significance of the thirtieth year for fiery manifestations, but one should especially guard the organism up to the seventh year. In children, even in the most highly developed, one should never force nature - Fire will not tolerate compulsion. One should know how to open the door, but each coercion may cause irreparable harm. On the other hand, one should not inordinately facilitate the child's striving, since excessive help creates weaklings. Therefore, the Golden Path is ordained. Thus, Fire demands cautious handling in all its manifestations. Clairvoyance and clairaudience are essentially fire-voyance and fire-audience. Fire is needed as the intermediary for all exalted actions. Six hundred times did We speak of the heart; so are We ready to speak six hundred and sixty-six times of the significance of Fire, if only to affirm the definition of Fire as a triumphal ladder. People cannot exist without turning to Fire; in the earthly world or in the Subtle World, they turn to the higher Mediation. But We do not speak of fire worship, for there will be ignoramuses and fanatics who will try to raise this absurd accusation. I speak of the highest attainment, which will bring our subtle body to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 277: 277. Everyone agrees that books should not contain too much preliminary material. But even average builders agree that the site of the construction must first be cleared and the necessary materials assembled. You yourselves know what it means just to clear the site - one must raze veritable jungles of envy, doubt, and all kinds of rubbish. One must apply all tolerance and magnanimity in order not to be bent under the load of weeds. Of course, all the forces of darkness and ignorance will revolt with especial vehemence against Fire. Therefore each book about the successive steps of life will not be brief. Let the last part of such a book appear separately, otherwise everyone will wish to read the end before the beginning. This habit is especially pleasing to the servants of darkness. Thus they create a quicksand for the weaklings.